Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1957 Incomplete Knight (3)

The Prince of Wales changed completely after marrying Maria, or he became the same as Napoleon Bonaparte who had just crossed the Alps, showing off with his new wife's portrait. As an intermediary, or forced to be an intermediary, the Duchess of Devonshire must listen to his endless courtship and show off in the theater, while people in other noble boxes "watch" with binoculars and long-handled glasses.

He drew his Eve in a locket with only her eye in it. He also gave Maria a locket, which also contained one of his eyes.

At this time, Europe had a tradition of using miniature portraits as dress buttons, and this exaggerated jewelry was imported from France.

Georgiana also had a bracelet with a lock of Bonaparte's hair in it, just as he had a lock of hers on his hand.

Fortunately, she wore the bracelet on this departure, so she put it on her right hand.

It was just troublesome to sign while wearing it, and after signing a letter transferring 50,000 francs from the account of the Sevres ceramic factory, she took it off and wore it on the other hand.

Then she gave Matilda the letter, along with a shopping list.

"Give this letter to the Recamier Bank, draw the money from him, and pay for the items on the list, and the rest will be yours," Georgiana said to her.

"Thank you, ma'am," Matilda said with bright eyes.

"Be restrained, and be careful to keep a low profile." She instructed softly, "I don't want you to be like running gargoyles, you have to look like a court lady."

Matilda obviously couldn't understand the wizard proverb, but Georgiana didn't want to explain too much and let her go down.

In the past, her expenses were small and she didn't need an accountant, but now she urgently needs one.

After all, Matilda and the other maids are not real nurses, they are young girls, and their salary of 12 francs a month is really too low.

If they can haggle over the money for buying things this time, there will be a lot left over. If they don't, then the money will be earned by others.

She couldn't imitate Bonaparte's extravagance, but she still admitted that she should be simple at home and respectable outside. It takes a lot of money to build a home, and Lana was arranged to go to Antwerp because he spent too much money on decoration and lost the salary of the Guards.

She spent all her working capital—living expenses—on jewelry and clothes, and now she can only overdraft from Sevre's account, but the money still has to be returned.

After Matilda left happily, she looked out of the window, and after spending the night without incident, she began to suspect that the strange bird she saw might not be directed at her.

Harpies, like Veela, only have females, so if they want to reproduce, they will look for human males like Veela, maybe they are just looking for food or companions.

Industrialists will be very happy to reduce tariffs, but the treasury will be very unhappy. They have already quarreled over the exemption of steel tariffs, and if they reduce taxes on those textiles, I am afraid that Godin will also go on strike.

Now that the barriers have been built, it is necessary to make good use of them. She "remembers" that Roosevelt's New Deal used to expand domestic demand, that is, to increase the income and rest time of the people at the bottom, so that they will have money and time to improve their quality of life. Buy a bargain or save money to not spend. They will look for a balance between quality and price, so that Rouen's textiles will be more competitive than "cheap and good" British goods.

There is a place called "Vallon Suisse" (Vallon Suisse) on the outskirts of Rouen. The people living in it are basically cheap labor from Germany and Switzerland. They speak German. Anyway, it was in Corneille's time already exists.

Asking factory owners to raise wages is worse than opening up pastures, farms, apple groves, and wineries. These wines, meat, and grains can increase taxes. In addition, workers in those shipyards must also arrange ways for them. Shipping is like this now, and their wages are also high. Enough, anyway, it’s right to find a way to open source.

They only stayed in Rouen for three days, and they were leaving for another city tomorrow, and she couldn't figure it out, and besides, she had other places to go today.

"They won't come anymore." Figel also looked out the window and said, "Maybe they are really passing by."

She didn't say much, and left the suite with Figel and Ferrier.

This time they went a little further, on the hill of Mont-saint-aignan, where the University of Rouen is located.

The University of Paris was built in the bustling Latin Quarter, while the University of Rouen was built far away from the urban area, mainly to avoid students being distracted and concentrate on their studies.

When she came to the carriage downstairs, Henry Becker and Jean Jacques Luck were already waiting for her there.

"You come with us." Georgiana said to them, and then got into the carriage, followed by Ferrier and Marguerite, and Figel rode on a white horse, together with the guards sent by the Rouen garrison Around the carriage.

"This is the information I translated last night." After the carriage started, Philier said.

"You read it to me." She had nothing to say, and lay down on the sofa.

Legend has it that King Arthur is the son of the former king Uther and the wife of the Duke of Cornwall, Iglein. With the help of Merlin, Uther became the Duke of Cornwall and spent a good night with Iglein.

It was hard to see that Merlin had done such a thing.

In short, after the death of the Duke of Cornwall, Iglein married Uther and gave birth to King Arthur.

The close connection between Cornwall and Brittany is not only because of population migration, but also a similar language. In the 6th century AD, Cornwall also had a Dumnonian dynasty, which was deeply influenced by Rome, at least It still existed during the later period of Roman rule.

The territory of this dynasty includes what is now Cornwall, England, east of the Tamar River, and northern Brittany. The Broserian Forest, where Merlin is said to be buried, is within the scope of this kingdom.

The knight system in France appeared around the 8th century. Around 511, a man named Konomorus appeared in northern Brittany. He killed the original ruler Jonathan and usurped his throne until Jonathan's son Idwar kills him to take back the throne.

In Greek mythology, there is Oedipus who killed his father and married his mother. It is very common for ancient victors to marry the wife of the previous king. King Arthur has a half-sister Morgana. If she is the daughter of the Duke of Cornwall, then she It is also inherited.

Tintagel Castle was built in the 13th century to strengthen the connection with King Arthur, and Tintagel Castle is located on the coast of Cornwall.

If it is an heir of noble birth, he is usually raised in the court. Only illegitimate children will be raised by Merlin like King Arthur. It is precisely because of this that King Arthur needs to pull out the sword in the stone to prove the legitimacy of his King of England.

King Arthur did conquer France himself, but he defeated Roman Emperor Lucius. Assuming that King Arthur was indeed born in England, he was the illegitimate son of the Dumnonian dynasty. When he grew up, he led troops to attack Europe and took back Dumnoni The lands of the sub dynasty in northern Brittany.

But unexpectedly, the "Knight of the Lake" Lancelot betrayed King Arthur, which also led to the collapse of the Knights of the Round Table.

He stayed behind and didn't know what he should do. He actually had feelings for the queen, and then King Arthur found out. He led the Knights of the Round Table to sneak back and caught the two of them. Lancelot fought to the death and broke out. And the queen was caught.

Although King Arthur wanted to forgive him, the people around him did not allow it. In the end, King Arthur sentenced the queen to death. The escaped Lancelot took the queen away, and the two fled to France by sea.

In order to conquer Lancelot, King Arthur left Mordred behind, and Mordred took the opportunity to rebel. Later, in the Battle of Camlan, both sides were bloody, King Arthur killed Mordred, and he suffered a fatal blow .

It is said that the dying King Arthur was carried by fairies to Avalon, which is the holy land in Celtic mythology, a place similar to the kingdom of heaven. It is also said that he asked Bedivere, the last knight of the round table beside him, to break the steel sword He threw it back into the lake, but he didn't make up his mind twice, and it was not until the third time that he threw the King's Sword into the lake, which was taken back by the lake fairy.

Whether it is the queen who was caught cheating, the knight who betrayed the king, the brother who lost the fight for the crown, and of course the mistress who fell out of favor, the final destination of everyone is the monastery. Mrs. Montespan was also arrested after being involved in the poisoning incident. Louis XIV sent to the monastery.

The current University of Rouen used to be a monastery. In this era, women had few opportunities to study, let alone mixed schools.

Severus said that Dumbledore managed the wizarding school like a monastery. She didn't feel it before, but now she feels it.

Albus lived soberly all his life that he suffered so much and longed for it to end.

She opened her eyes and looked at the bracelet on her left hand. She was used to holding a wand in her right hand. If the bracelet hiding the wand was also worn on her left hand, then there would be two bracelets on this hand.

She closed her eyes again, recalling the joy of last night, but she didn't think about how she dressed up glamorously, and how she looked in front of others.

Bonaparte put her on that stage, a bit like he put a star on it, but she was neither an actress nor Cinderella.

What he said about the process of the Prince of Wales pursuing Maria is a court secret, and the common people will not know it. If they know that the future king is such a person who will not care about life and death for love, they don't know how they will react.

Do you feel understanding and admiration, or do you find it funny and want to change to a crown prince or king?

So only a few people know about this matter, and this is what makes her happy.

She could say whatever she wanted at that time, why did she only want a bracelet?

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