Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1945 Horn of Prosperity (Part 2)

Compared with the big and round sailor Georgiana had just seen, Napoleoni was a poor "little guy", and the sailor only needed one hand to lift him up.

Printing often determines the success or failure of a product. Women choose fabrics to make clothes not entirely by price, but also by color and pattern. Rouen has a botanical garden because of this. Because of the sanctions imposed by France on the United States, the price of woad for making indigo has become extremely high, and the local woad in France cannot meet the market demand, so some people try to dye it with pea flower.

It is a tropical plant and is not suitable for cultivation in France. Whether it is Santo Domingo or India, ocean shipping is needed. The director of the Bank of France, Barry Rong, almost went bankrupt because of his investment in shipping, so he brought his wife to Rouen this time.

If they are British merchants, they will find ways to open up business routes by themselves, while the French are more dependent and obedient.

Halloween was originally a pagan festival, except that children had to dress up as ghosts and come out to ask for candy, and there was also a mass ceremony on that day, but yesterday the Archbishop of Rouen had already held a ceremony for Napoleon and the soldiers who came to participate in the military parade. Priest of Rouen Cathedral.

Even Halloween is a holiday, and the church can celebrate Mithra's festival as Christmas, and they can also celebrate Halloween as a festival celebrating all saints. However, folks have their own way of living. A shelf has been set up in the old market square, which is not used for performances, but for setting off bonfires at night. The jack-o-lantern is named Jack. It is said that there is a liar named Jack. He even deceived Satan. He held a hollow turnip in his hand, and there were embers of coal in it. After the Irish immigrated to the United States, they found that there were a lot of pumpkins, and pumpkins were easier to carve than carrots, so they switched to pumpkins to make jack-o-lanterns.

So many "little wizards" carrying pumpkins to ask for sugar everywhere during the day are not just for safety reasons. There are also other activities at night. The big shots go to the art gallery to hold a masquerade ball, and the common people light bonfires. Ancient Gaul regarded this day as a grand festival to celebrate autumn, and the Romans also regarded this day as a sacrifice to Pomona, the goddess of fruit trees. They would roast apples and apples in front of a roaring bonfire. When the festivals of ancient Rome and the Druids were merged, it became a grand party, and everyone could eat, drink, dance and have fun in the square.

Who is in the mood to work during the holidays? Except for restaurants, hotels, pubs and other places, everyone has to get off work early. A cabaret show also began in the square, with a group of women in white Celtic robes dancing around the rack. They sang and danced, but Georgiana had no interest in admiring them, her eyes were fixed on the gargoyle on the eaves.

Shape-shifting ghouls can disguise themselves as stone sculptures, but they can't fly. The strange birds she saw just now have eagle-like sharp claws, and they obviously don't eat nuts.

"Who is Dagda?" Leon asked casually while watching the song and dance.

"What?" she asked.

"Who's Dagda?" he asked again patiently.

"You heard them sing," she said, pointing to the priestesses. "Dagda, ruler of life and death, god of the earth, master of magic and war."

"Is he the god of that civilization?" he asked again.

"The Celts." Georgiana looked at the sky, and this time he put his arms around her waist directly, and she couldn't help but exclaimed.

"What are you doing!" she said sternly, knocking off the hand on her waist.

"Concentrate, I'm talking to you." He looked superior.

"In broad daylight, there are still so many people..." She muttered dissatisfied.

"Do I need to notify the whole city to be on alert?" he asked again.

She didn't answer right away.

In the seventh century, a wind dragon once inhabited the Seine River and threatened the safety of Rouen. Later, like all legends, it became part of the legend of the dragon warrior.

The size of a magical creature is not necessarily proportional to its magic power. The sea snake is ten times bigger than the basilisk, but it is very docile. She couldn't explain why, but felt that the bird was full of hostility towards her, maybe it wasn't coming for this city.

"You keep the guards on guard." She finally said, "It's also possible that I'm worrying too much, it's just passing by."

He stared at her, a little annoyed.

"It's a magical creature," she explained in vain.

"You think I'm not its opponent?" He really said that.

"This is my job." She said seriously.

He seemed to have heard some joke, and his attitude made people feel bored.

"Remember we passed the Ivry battlefield on the way here? The locals thought there were hellhounds there. What seems ridiculous to you may not be so to others. The city was much more chaotic than the countryside during the Great Revolution. But when it comes to witch hunts, the backcountry and the countryside are much messier than the cities."

"You don't believe me." He said coldly, "Why?"

Because you're a Muggle!

It would hurt his self-esteem if she couldn't get it out of her mouth.

She had expected him to walk away angrily, but he remained silent, continuing to look at the dancing priestesses.

"Dagda represents light, and he is the lover of Morrigan, the goddess of all evil and terror in the supernatural, who takes great pleasure in drawing mankind into war, and often turns herself into a terrifying Imagery, usually in the form of crows hovering over the battlefield."

"I know." He said calmly, "I've seen a lot."

She didn't know what he meant, but continued on.

"Mainlanders think crows are an ominous omen, but in England it is an animal worthy of protection. There are a few in the Tower of London. If they leave, they will suffer bad luck. The Romans called them cras, which means tomorrow. Even though the ravens were proclaiming the imminent death, people still felt it was a blessing."

"Why?" he asked.

"They think it's a transformation, like the Germanic people think that after death, they will be taken away by the Valkyrie and go to Valhalla to enjoy themselves."

He didn't know what she said was funny, but he actually laughed.

"I don't think they are ravens, but they are also dangerous omens, just like the hellhounds that the villagers thought they saw. The wizard thinks they are grins, an ominous omen representing death."

"Aren't you afraid?" he asked with a smile.

"Isn't it Halloween?" she sneered. "It's fun to scare people."

"You can try to scare me." He said provocatively.

Georgiana looked at him, and he wasn't frightened when she showed him her true form last time, but the bullet that hit his hat gave him lingering fear.

The card of the fool is like this, because he does not know, so he is not afraid, but he has much more action power than those who know a lot and are timid.

When she was about to face the wizarding world, she unknowingly put Muggles in a position to be protected.

Lisette de Lapin, a tailor in Paris, escaped in the nick of time in 1422 when she cast a cutting spell with a wand, but Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington in 1492 was less so. As luck would have it, he was executed after being stripped of his wand.

This jazz is the resident ghost of Gryffindor, Nearly Headless Nick. When he died, the Hundred Years War and the War of the Roses were over, and Britain entered the Tudor dynasty.

She had been terrified just now that if Figl had lied to her and grasped the hand where she hid her wand by someone who was malicious to her, then she might have done the same with Nick.

Wandless magic is very advanced, and Severus is younger than her, but he can already use wandless to confuse spells.

Is this the difference between men and women, or between humans and magical beings?

At this moment, Ferril suddenly grabbed Margaret's arm, and the two ran to the priestesses and began to learn their dance steps.

This kind of dance looked easy, much simpler than the kind of dance Philil usually danced, but Margaret looked very clumsy, not daring to let go of her hands and feet at all, as if she was still sticking to court etiquette.

"Elegance may be the direct path to sorrow," Georgiana said with emotion. "This fatal habit turns elegant people into characters in Greek tragedy."

"How about you dance too?" He said suddenly.

"Me? No!" She shook her head immediately, but she was pushed out of the circle of the audience when her words dared to fall.

The dancing priestesses waved at her as if inviting her to join in the dance, and Georgiana tried to go back, but Leon blocked her way.

"Don't you dare?" he asked.

She was about to die of anger!

Veela are also said to dance in circles, which bring bad luck.

At this time, the circle had turned to Ferrier, and she dragged Georgiana to join them.

The dance was uncomplicated and easy to learn, and the audience cheered.

Napoleoni watched her from the crowd.

Sometimes we think that we are safe in the crowd and unconsciously reveal our true colors.

Did he look like this when he was watching with other people outside the Tuileries?

In addition to the little corporal, others also gave him a nickname, the Corsican monster.

The sense of oppression brought by the real monster is not as strong as he is giving her at the moment.

At this moment, she suddenly felt that the big sailor with the tattoo on his arm was not so scary.

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