Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1944 Horn of Prosperity (Part 1)

Although Rouen is not a seaport, there are many sailors gathered. On the other side of the old market square, there is a hotel called "la corne d'abondance" (la corne d'abondance), from which joyful singing comes.

There once was a ship that put to sea,

And the name of that ship was the Billy o' Tea, the name of that ship was Billy o' Tea,

The winds blew up, her bow dipped down,

Blow my bully boys blow(Huh!)

Soon may the Wellerman come, not long after, the "teapot" is coming,

To bring us sugar and tea and rum, bring us sugar and tea and rum,

One day when the tonguin' is done, when the caught whale is done,

We'll take our leave and go,

She had not been two weeks from shore, she had not been two weeks from shore,

When down on her a right whale bore,

The captain called all hands and swore,

He'd take that whale in tow(Huh!),

Soon may the Wellerman come, not long after, the "teapot" is coming,

To bring us sugar and tea and rum, bring us sugar and tea and rum,

One day when the tonguin' is done, when the caught whale is done,

We'll take our leave and go,

Before that boat had hit the water,

The whale's tail came up and caught her,

All hands to the side, harpooned and fought her,

When she dived down below(Huh!),

Soon may the Wellerman come, not long after, the "teapot" is coming,

To bring us sugar and tea and rum, bring us sugar and tea and rum,

One day when the tonguin' is done, when the caught whale is done,

We'll take our leave and go,

No line was cut, no whale was freed, no line was cut, no whale was freed,

The Captain's mind was not on greed, the captain's mind was not on greed,

But he belonged to the whaleman's creed,

She took that ship in tow(Huh!),

Soon may the Wellerman come, not long after, the "teapot" is coming,

To bring us sugar and tea and rum, bring us sugar and tea and rum,

One day when the tonguin' is done, when the caught whale is done,

We'll take our leave and go,

For forty days, or even more,

The line went slack, then tight once more,

All boats were lost, there were only four,

But still that whale did go,

Soon may the Wellerman come, not long after, the "teapot" is coming,

To bring us sugar and tea and rum, bring us sugar and tea and rum,

One day when the tonguin' is done, when the caught whale is done,

We'll take our leave and go,

As far as I've heard, the fight's still on,

The line's not cut and the whale's not gone,

The Wellerman makes his a regular call, "The Teapot" keeps sounding,

To encourage the Captain, crew and all,

Soon may the Wellerman come, not long after, the "teapot" is coming,

To bring us sugar and tea and rum, bring us sugar and tea and rum,

One day when the tonguin' is done, when the caught whale is done,

We'll take our leave and go,

Soon may the Wellerman come, not long after, the "teapot" is coming,

To bring us sugar and tea and rum, bring us sugar and tea and rum,

One day when the tonguin' is done, when the caught whale is done,

We'll take our leave and go

The place covered by the singing is the place where the sailors are active. She saw someone tattooing, not small tattoos like butterflies and stars, but the whole arm.

If you're inland, a tattooed person isn't usually considered a conformist, but with sailors everywhere, no one should be surprised.

As if by magic, Georgiana lost the ability to think, and was surrounded by the crowd into a store in a daze. This store had the fabric she needed-a tulle that was so transparent that it didn't exist.

She couldn't accept this kind of cloth to wear on the body and go out, but it was good to use as a veil.

There are many colors of window screens. She asked the boss to cut one piece, and then found gold foil, cut the gold foil into a suitable shape, and pasted it on the veil with hot stamping.

Then she chose a golden tassel, sewed it on a night-like dark blue veil, and put it on her face.

"How?" she asked the others.

For a moment, it seemed that everyone lost the ability to think, and they all stared at her blankly.

"It looks good." A female boss said in a daze.

"One for each of us." Georgiana said to the women. "Put it on and you don't need to wear a mask at night."

"Go and call the tailor." The female bosses ordered, and soon these professionals came. Their craftsmanship was much better than Georgiana's. When cutting the gold leaf, the female customers even suggested their favorite patterns.

This kind of veil is still too light and has no sense of drape. Georgiana found some small crystals from the crystal shop next door and stuck them on the veil. Now the "handkerchief" is even more luxurious.

The women exclaimed, discussing how to make it look better, or to make it more satisfying.

Facts have proved that women all over the world are similar, and they all like to chat while doing handicrafts, whether it is these rich female bosses in Rouen, or the girls in the countryside sitting on a bench outside while basking in the sun while knitting.

Three women could start a Trojan War, so many women talking together that the tailor looked crazy and didn't know who to listen to.

She looked at her "masterpiece" proudly, and soon after, Figel called her.

"Ma'am, someone is looking for you."


Figel didn't answer, and led her out. A carriage was parked on the street.

The streets of Rouen are probably a thousand years old, and the ruts have left clear marks on the floor tiles, and the carriage stopped on the ruts.

She looked at the ordinary carriage and was sure that she didn't recognize it, and was about to ask Figel what was going on, when the door opened, and a hand stretched out, grabbing her onto the carriage.

He happened to grab the hand where she hid her wand, and she regretted not putting on the "bread knife".

Soon she smelled the cologne, so she gave up struggling, and a kiss was printed on her lips.

He hugged her tightly, and it took a while to let go, and the sound of their panting echoed in the carriage.

"Why don't you answer my letter?" he whispered in her ear.

"Don't you blame me for not replying to you?" She said helplessly.

Wasn't he afraid of death to appear in the street where so many English sailors appeared?

He started kissing her neck, and the wetness reminded her of a dog's wet nose.

"You shouldn't be distracted."

He completely ignored what she said, and concentrated on creating a storm on her body.

She leaned back in a trance, and her sight changed from the street to the roof of the car, and then to the sky outside the car window, and the roofs of the medieval houses on both sides of the street.

She didn't react at first, but then she noticed something unusual.

The church in Rouen is Gothic, just like Notre Dame de Paris, it is not surprising that there are gargoyles.

There are many gorgeous buildings in the old part of the city, and it is not surprising that there are gargoyles.

But how can there be gargoyles in this ordinary wooden dwelling?

Perhaps sensing her gaze, the "gargoyle" that was parked on the eaves actually flew away.

She pushed the dick off her body desperately.

He was annoyed, with the menacing look any man would have when interrupted, but Georgiana ignored him.

She just tidied up briefly, then opened the car door and got out of the car, looking up at the direction in which the "gargoyle" was going away. It flew so far, not only beyond the range of her magical attack, but almost beyond the range of her vision, that it looked like a crow flying away.

"What did you find?" Figel also looked at the sky with her.

"Do you have binoculars?" She reached out to the people in the car.

He handed her his binoculars.

Georgiana looked with the telescope, and she was sure that it was definitely not a crow, but it also flew into the clouds, and it was impossible to see what it was.

"What is it?" The man in the carriage recovered his decent appearance and said in a low voice.

"Some kind of monster." Georgiana put down the binoculars and sighed. "Hope it's just passing by."

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