Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1946 Horn of Prosperity (Part 2)

The New Year in the French Republic begins with the month of grapes, which happens to be the season when grapes are ripe.

People look forward to a good harvest more than the Julian calendar. Before the invention of the Julian calendar, the Romans used a monthly calendar. In such a calendar system, there are 355 days in a year and 377 days in a leap year. On average, there are 366 days and a quarter of the year. sky.

Originally, this calendar was designed to conform to the laws of the sun's movement, but because the addition of the leap month was decided by the Roman priests, it would be impossible to declare a year as a leap year for a long time when wars or other religious activities were abandoned. In this way, the calendar will greatly deviate from the law of the sun's movement. At the same time, due to the underdeveloped information at that time, residents living far away from the city-state sometimes could not even understand the leap year announcements issued by the priests, which often caused many people to know nothing about the date.

This situation became quite serious during Caesar's reign, so Caesar decided to carry out calendar reforms to combine the calendar with the laws of the sun's movement and not be affected by war, religion or other human factors.

November 1st is still late autumn, although it feels like the depths of winter, it seems that the underworld should be like this.

Napoleoni knew Diss by accident. Later, when he mentioned Gallic Wars and Caesar, she understood.

Halloween is supposed to be so chaotic and crazy, so people set up fires, find a little light in the darkness, and use the light to dispel the chaos and terror brought by the darkness. It was also because of this that when she heard the singing of the choir in the church, she was not disgusted.

The library in Rouen is next to the art museum, to be precise, it is close to the art museum. There is a square in front of the library. There are two almost symmetrical churches on both sides of the square. The singing of the choir comes from the church in the north. After coming out, the church in the south was empty, there was no one there, and it looked like it was abandoned.

She didn't linger long enough to say anything more about the historical record of the "Dark Middle Ages" than the Church?

Compared with the French National Library, the Rouen Library is much smaller, and its exquisiteness is not as good as the San Marco Library in Venice. Georgiana once thought of going to the library of the University of Rouen to have a look.

However, universities generally don't keep such things as county chronicles. Brittany is the main place where the Vikings and the Hundred Years War between Britain and France took place. She doesn't believe that there are no dark wizards or magical animals taking advantage of the chaos.

"Aren't you going back to dress up?" Napoleoni said angrily.


He ignored her.

Georgiana looked at the sky and asked Matilda to bring the clothes and jewelry for the evening to the library, and then she and Ferrier flipped through the books.

Bonaparte didn't understand Latin and Greek, Georgiana didn't understand Greek, and Philier, a Greek who was proficient in many languages, came in handy.

These "ancient books" are at least hundreds of years old. Even if they are carefully maintained, many of them have become moldy and deteriorated due to the humid weather, and some pages are stuck together, which greatly affects the efficiency.

Now how she wished to have a Ravenclaw as knowledgeable as "Cinderella".

She originally thought that Bonaparte would have nothing to do, but he seemed to have found a bookshelf that he could read, so she ignored him even more.

"Damn bird." She cursed lowly, staring at the books spread out on the table in a daze.

After the Battle of Agincourt, Henry V controlled most of Normandy, and King Charles of France was forced to agree to the Treaty of Troyes, officially recognizing Henry as heir to the French throne.

However, Henry V died not long after he was happy, and Charles died at the same time, and the peace treaty was ruined. Henry's successor, Henry VI, and Charles' son both claimed to inherit the throne.

The signing of the "Amiens Peace Treaty" was not smooth. The Pope's original intention may be to promote peace between the two countries and establish his own authority. However, none of them thought that someone would kidnap the Pope's special envoy Caprara.

Their aim is to hope that the church will continue to fund and support them, but at that point it becomes someone deliberately sabotaging the peace of Europe.

At that time, the ambassadors of Germany, Portugal, Spain and other countries all participated in the "Pheasant Banquet", and it was a declaration of war to put the charge on anyone's head, so the United States, which was the farthest offshore, was out of luck.

The cooperation between the United States and France is the best. France needs rice, tobacco, potash, fur and wood for manufacturing ships. The United States needs brandy, oil and various other industrial products, especially tobacco. The French like Virginia's flue-cured tobacco very much.

You can drink tea without sugar, and it is difficult for habitual smokers to quit smoking. Napoleon imposed tariffs on some American goods, and Jefferson also imposed tariffs on tobacco. This is actually a lose-lose situation. The French have no cigarettes, and the tobacco workers in the United States are also facing unemployment. Virginia is the hometown of Washington, and not all the tobacco growers here are slaves.

Originally, the British could earn money at both ends, as they did in 1785, by accepting French coins and lowering prices from American planters. However, Napoleon did not prohibit the American fleet from entering French ports.

It was convenient to have the blank charter of the Spaniards, and the captain took two bills, one for shipment from the United States to any neutral country, and another bill from the neutral country, stating that the goods were shipped from the neutral country to France, Even if the goods are sent from the United States intact and shipped in by American ships, they can only pay normal taxes and do not have to pay the ridiculously high tariffs.

This "neutral country" often refers to Spain. Spanish warships sail on the inland rivers of the United States. They do nothing but check whether the passing ships have a charter. What about ships without a charter? It's very simple. When you pay customs duties at the US Customs, the owner of the ship can also issue a certificate, saying that his goods are shipped to the UK. Do congressmen have time to pay attention to them?

The small farmers were in constant panic over the low price of grain from the United States, worried that they would lose protection and compete with foreign countries, and started the "Bread and Blood" movement. Over there, they were debating whether to pass the "Corn Law". Meat is what the British most want to eat, but even if the livestock industry in the UK is more developed than that in France, not everyone can afford meat.

Indigenous small farmers are not like colonial agriculture. Using slaves can solve the cost problem. French small farmers use family labor, that is to say, the family cultivates the land together. However, the French do not particularly value the labor generated by male members of the family, because Most of the rural women are farmers, and the men have to go out to find work.

Thanks to Gabriel Ufral's 2 million quintals of food, it not only fed the hungry French, but also saved Barryon, who invested in shipping bankers, from bankruptcy. Spain is also carrying out reforms, but instead of free marketization of grain prices, it is abandoning traditional agricultural management methods.

Since the Middle Ages, the kings who obeyed the church paid more attention to animal husbandry. In 1273, King Alfonso X established the Mesta Honor Society. Cultivated fields and forks.

Farmers with small plots of land don’t have the money to raise so many livestock. They rent livestock from mestas. By abolishing this system, landowners can grow crops in enclosures instead of grazing them. The aristocrats gave way, and now the French are surveying the land where the railway can be laid, and they also choose those lands that are not fertile. The porous and fertile land is not only valuable, but also affects farming.

Although there was little response to the prohibition of the aristocracy and the church from annexing land and real estate transfers, mus were still available in Spain, and small landowners and tenant farmers also sold surplus harvests and livestock.

Wheat is also divided into hard wheat and soft wheat. Hard wheat is ground into high-gluten flour, and soft wheat is ground into low-gluten flour. High-gluten flour is suitable for making bread and noodles, and low-gluten flour is suitable for making biscuits and cakes. The seeds of the durum wheat plant, native to Spain, were brought from the Middle East by the Romans in the 13th century. It is resistant to cold and drought, and does not have high requirements on the soil. The irrigation system in Spain is not well developed. Some areas are in a semi-arid state. There are many people in the southeast and lack of water. Use irrigation systems left over from the Roman period, such as those magnificent Roman aqueducts.

At present, Spain has not encountered natural disasters. What they lack is money and coins, so that they have to rely on selling teaching property to survive. The Spanish sold the religious property through the consent of the Pope, but as long as they did not regain their maritime hegemony, they would still be in this state of "lost contact" with the colonies. Obviously, Mexico had plenty of silver coins.

At the beginning of the peace treaty, the condition proposed by the United Kingdom was to cede Ceylon, the former Dutch Demorara, Essequibo and Berbice became free ports, abandon Martinique, and retain Spanish Trinidad and French Doba Brother, this choice means that France must choose between sacrificing the Netherlands and Spain.

In the end, Napoleon chose France and its allies to keep all the colonies except Ceylon and Trinidad, and this is the reason why the Duke of Orange asked for compensation.

Talleyrand went to Berlin to negotiate and actually didn't talk about anything, it was just a question of how much money to give.

Last night he talked about her speech at the reception, Georgiana wanted to bring peace, justice and order, Bonaparte went to "peace".

Reducing tariffs is beneficial to business development. However, he exempts steel from tariffs, but does not exempt the textile industry. This is artificially creating inequality. If the steel industry wants to obtain more resources, it must take away part of the already formed textile industry. Incentives, such as the percentage of cotton and iron ore shipped from the United States.

There is no franchise right for iron ore in the UK, and whoever owns the mine will open the mine, basically smelting on the spot. In addition to tea, the franchise of the East India Company also has saltpeter, and French saltpeter miners also have privileges. After the Great Revolution, there are human rights. The police and gendarmerie can’t go to the citizens’ homes to arrest people, especially at night, but the miners can break into the houses with the words “I suspect that you have mines in your home”, so as to prevent some people who are in urgent need of saltpetre in the country from falling into the excrement When withdrawing, "the money is not leaked".

If it was the 21st century, Pomona's abilities would be useless, and there would be men and women who were dieting and losing weight everywhere, unlike her now.

She looked at those ancient classics and smiled wryly.

The first time Severus saw Bonaparte, he said he was useless. Aren't soldiers useless in peaceful times?

They are just a dream of two useless people who have been abandoned by the times.

Then the choir next door changed to a different song, not a hymn or a hymn:

Vent frais, breeze,

Vent du matin, the morning wind,

Vent qui souffle aux sommets des grands pins, the wind blowing to the great pines on the summit,

Joie du vent qui souffle, joy in the wind,

Allons dans le grand vent, let's chase the wind,

Vent frais, breeze,

Vent du matin, the morning wind,

Vent qui souffle aux sommets des grands pins, the wind blowing to the great pines on the summit,

Joie du vent qui souffle, feel the joy in the wind,

Allons dans le grand vent, let's play in the wind,

Vent frais, breeze,

Vent du matin, the morning wind,

Vent qui souffle aux sommets des grands pins, the wind blowing to the great pines on the summit,

Joie du vent qui souffle, free in the wind,

Allons dans le grand vent, let's go with the wind,

Vent frais, breeze,

Vent du matin, the morning wind,

Vent qui souffle aux sommets des grands pins, the wind blowing to the great pines on the summit,

Joie du vent qui souffle, happiness soars in the wind,

Allons dans le grand vent, let's chase our dreams,

Vent frais, breeze,

Vent du matin, the morning wind,

Vent qui souffle aux sommets des grands pins, the wind blowing to the great pines on the summit,

Joie du vent qui souffle, enjoy the fragrance in the wind,

Allons dans le grand vent, let us sleep with him,

Vent frais, breeze,

Vent du matin, the morning wind,

Vent qui souffle aux sommets des grands pins, the wind blowing to the great pines,

Joie du vent qui souffle, feel the sweetness in the wind,

Allons dans le grand vent, let us go to the kingdom of the gods,

Georgiana looked out the window. If Jack deceived the devil, then she also deceived a wind god named "Kur". Which civilization god is it? Or has it fallen into the devil?

If she can't go to hell, and she can't go to heaven, then where is she going? Do you want to wander the world with a hollow carrot like Jack?

No wonder she read that poem to him.

All my life I long to be well collected, properly placed, and carefully preserved. Don't be surprised, don't suffer, don't wander around, don't have branches to cling to.

She touched the empty neck subconsciously.

"Ma'am!" Philil suddenly shouted.

She was taken aback.

"The book you want." Ferrier put a large stack of books on the table.

"Ahem, take it easy, these books are several centuries old." Georgiana waved her hand to drive away the dust that had accumulated for an unknown number of years.

"Where do we start?" Phillip asked.

"Wind." Georgiana sighed. "I have a hunch that we are facing those crows again."

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