Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1939 Egret Feather (2)

Compared with the Rouen City Hall converted from a monastery, Rouen's court is much more gorgeous, but who would want to go to the court to have a dance?

After getting off the carriage, facing the cold wind of the misty moon, she got off the carriage. She looked up at the so-called Pharmacist College in front of her. It is the place to study herbal medicine and medicine.

The female relatives of the Rouen Chamber of Commerce were already waiting for her here, and there were also a small number of men, mostly dressed in robes. She paid special attention to those who were dressed as priests.

The Archbishop of Rouen is Etienne-Hubert Cambacérez, younger brother of the "poor" Second Consul Cambacérès, who is not yet a cardinal, and was led by him at Rouen Cathedral yesterday before the military parade. Responsible for presiding at Mass.

The first consul was furious. According to the custom, after receiving the communion, the king wanted to kiss the golden plate on which the communion was placed, but the archbishop of Cambacérez refused to kiss him. He was worried about this all morning.

The highest-ranking member of the entourage was Minister of the Interior Shaputal. After chatting with the archbishop for a while, he figured out the reason. 6 hours of meeting.

Restoring the church and maintaining order in the west were Napoleon's main achievements. Many refugees were arrested and imprisoned in workhouses to wait for their release.

Wandering outside will basically cause illness, and the herbs in the nursery are used by them, but now that "nobles" come, they are all cleared to other places, leaving only some women and children for appearances.

Charity galas have never been about people in need, fame is something everyone wants and they want to have fun at the same time, and then you know what that kind of occasion really looks like.

The waifs and women who had been cleaned up stood far away like a backdrop, and the one who greeted Georgiana was still a dignified woman.

She put on a polite and thoughtful smile and greeted the women. Not all of these female relatives are proprietresses, and there are also female bosses. Rouen, like Lyon, implements an external manufacturing industry, which means that some raw materials will be sent to rural areas for textile processing.

The soil conditions in Brittany are like that, and doing this can subsidize the family, which is different from the centralized mass production in the UK.

An industry often has related supporting industries, just like a car factory will have many suppliers, they not only provide raw materials, but also provide spare parts required for production equipment. There is also a Michelin company in Nantes, but unlike the Michelin company that sold tires later, it provided parts for those textile machines. The slave trade also had an impact on the cities of Rouen and Nantes. These companies also obtained loan funds through the slave trade and formed them through shares.

There are also major shareholders and small shareholders in joint-stock companies, and small shareholders are often bullied, so joint-stock companies are currently illegal. After all, the Duke of Orleans has changed his name to Philip Equality.

If you want a bank loan, you must need collateral. If Georgiana is like those female bosses, she can only find a way to get money if she wants to get a loan, instead of reaching out to find a husband or boyfriend.

Scarlett was not polite to Rhett asking for money, because she didn't treat Rhett as an outsider. Georgiana’s starting point is already much higher than most people’s. Most companies will undergo asset restructuring, mortgage the Gebu factory, and then use the loan to open a perfume shop. She believes that Faron will not lose any of her savings. No, he provides technology, and she finds a way to find a market, which is already much easier than those stores that climbed up from the bottom.

Napoleon described Britain's free trade as "ladder-drawn". In the early 18th century, Britain's textile industry tariff was 100%. In order to prevent the impact of cheap fabric imports from India, their products had an absolute advantage after Britain's efficiency was upgraded. After that, the barriers were removed and "free competition" began.

Georgiana would soon "fall out of favor" if she had slandered Bonaparte for the lowering of French tariff barriers. However, if slavery is abolished, these small companies like Michelin will not be able to use the slave trade to obtain loans, and it is very risky to use their real estate as collateral. If they lose money, where will the family live?

If you want to take care of your own food, clothing, housing, and transportation, the monthly salary of 12 francs is definitely not enough, and the rent is more than that, but it is much better than a dead man with two children, who cannot find a formal job and can only work as a temporary worker. .

She can understand that others may not necessarily, desires are like running horses, and it will be very uncomfortable to keep them reined in. It was inconvenient for her to show up on such an occasion, and it didn't matter if the maids went out shopping. Rouen mainly wore cotton cloth, while court women wore silk.

Georgiana was surrounded and walked into the nearby monastery. After entering the room, it was indeed much warmer. The windows in the room were all stained glass.

There are not many flowers and plants growing in the outdoor courtyard now, but there are many potted plants indoors, which may have been moved out of the greenhouse, and many of them are plants and flowers from Southeast Asia.

Siam usually refers to Thailand, and Siam is Sanskrit. When it comes to Siam cloth, the first thing she thinks of is the monks in bright cassocks in Thai temples and the floating market full of flowers.

Of course it was a dream, she had been to the real vegetable market, it was dirty and messy, and the smell of fish was everywhere. But Siam cloth is indeed colorful, and it looks good to use them to decorate the wall in winter.

Not long after their arrival, they were treated to tea, which was Indian almond tea. After the almonds are fried with butter, they are boiled in milk and then used to brew tea. This makes the surface of the milk tea float with a layer of oil. Drinking a cup of such steaming tea in winter is very comfortable.

Matilda carried her tea-box with her, and she poured the milk tea into Sèvres china.

Rouen also produces porcelain, but the porcelain produced here is mainly used by civilians, and its exquisiteness is far less than that of Sevres. Besides, Matilda is a noble lady, and her every move is in line with noble etiquette. Many enthusiastic factory owners' wives use She looked at Matilda enviously.

Of course, some people disdain Georgiana's "style". They don't see how cumbersome and restrictive court etiquette is. People like Georgiana are already considered barbaric.

After the milk tea was brewed, she took a sip and found that the tea leaves did not seem to be traditional black tea.

"This is oolong tea." A female family member of a factory owner said, "What do you think, madam?"

Georgiana smiled without saying a word of praise.

She could remember how much trouble Marie Antoinette got herself into with an offhand compliment.

The female family member may feel that she has been left out in the cold, and looks a little embarrassed.

"I heard from missionaries that Orientals use tea instead of wine, which can not only protect health and prevent diseases, but also avoid the harm of drinking alcohol." A priest said at this time, "Aside from almonds, what else can be added to tea?"

"Then let's see what's here," Georgiana said immediately.

"Then please," said the priest, standing up.

"Wait a minute." Georgiana said, drinking all the milk tea left in the cup. "Who is the supplier of this oolong tea?"

"I... I." A woman stammered.

Georgiana pointed to Matilda, "Go with her and make some more, we will use it for experiments later."

"Come with me, ma'am," Matilda said softly to the woman, and they left together.

Georgiana and the priest came together.

"Are you the Archbishop of Cambaceres?" asked Georgiana.

"Yes ma'am." The priest, who didn't look very much like the second consul, said with a smile, "I heard that Mr. Bernio, the senior official, had a big quarrel with the first consul yesterday over the issue of tariffs. He asked you gone?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," said Georgiana foolishly.

The archbishop laughed, looking calm and polite, and asked Georgiana to go ahead in a polite and thoughtful manner.

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