Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1938 Egret Feather (1)

Rouen was once the second largest city in France in the Middle Ages, and its prosperity and splendor were not lost to Paris at all.

Georgiana sat in the carriage and looked out the window. Because Halloween was approaching, the streets were full of "wizards", and there might be real wizards mixed in.

At this moment, I can no longer feel the tragedy of when Joan of Arc was executed, only the sweet and greasy smell, which is the taste of desserts and French pancakes.

Under the colorful medieval wooden beam buildings are all kinds of shops, where goods from all over the world gather.

The slight tremor of the wheels on the cobblestones reminded her of Marie Antoinette, whom David had painted her final portrait in the prison wagon that transported her.

One evening, Armand-Louis de Gont, Duke of Lauzun, was attending a social function wearing a hat decorated with egret feathers. Marie Antoinette praised the feather on the duke's hat, and a lady immediately asked The duke conveyed the queen's approval, and the feather was placed on Marie Antoinette's table the next day.

Embarrassed, but worried about embarrassing the Duke, Mary took the feather, but only wore it once, and then she never wore it again. But this little incident became a rumor, and rumors spread throughout Paris that Marie Antoinette had received a gift from her lover.

So "egret feather" became a satirical term, and it appeared in poetry grandiosely, and the Duke of Lauzan followed Lafayette to the United States.

After the War of Independence he returned to France and participated in the revolution. He was regarded as the sworn enemy of Marie Antoinette, and did not join Lafayette's constitutional monarchy. He later got involved in partisan struggles and ended up on the guillotine.

The maid sometimes caused trouble, and Georgiana looked at the girls sitting opposite her, but looked happily at the girls in the streets of Rouen.

They are still young, and it is natural to feel novelty about these things, but receiving gifts is not casual.

It would be offensive to lecture people at this time, although they would certainly not talk back to her like the Hogwarts students.

She was very upset and took out the "Times", which published Malthus's population theory. She was in such a good mood, and she didn't want to be spoiled by the news. Then she flipped through the back and found the verbal battle between the Liverpool Canal and the railway.

Although the steam locomotive has not yet appeared, rumors have already begun to appear, saying that riding a steam train will make men sterile, pregnant women abort, cows go crazy, hens do not lay eggs, air pollution, and houses burn down. Although there may be something besides air pollution, the common people believe this rumor. They organized to attack the railway survey team continuously. In order to make the work go smoothly, they had to hire boxers to protect themselves. Such an advert for a boxer.

Liverpool is considered a port city, and it is much more open than the inland farmers of France. Those textile factory owners thought that the large population of France meant a large market, and many rural people actually lived in a state of self-sufficiency. They don’t buy things from outside, they weave their own cloth and wear it by themselves. Or to put it another way, their way of life is still in the middle ages. There are about 300 people in a village. This is what she heard from the aunt who worked in the Gebu factory.

The girls who knit sweaters in the country have no concept of money. In the country where Georgiana stayed before, they thought that the workers in the city only had 2 sous a month.

Farmers are like this. The money they earn through a year of hard work is not as much as working in the city. Younger and ambitious people all go to the city. Girls are not only working as female workers in factories, they can also be servants, laundry girls, and the "most promising" profession - nurse. At that time, noble women were keen on work and salons. Of course, they are also now. They will feed newborns The job was handed over to the nanny.

A country nurse's salary was twelve francs a month, and Georgiana paid her maids according to this amount. But all their food, clothing, housing and transportation were covered by her. The last time the Americans sent furs over, she didn't let the girls choose them by themselves.

After buying those jewels, they need to save some money, but their salaries cannot be deducted, so as to save them from trying to make money like Jeanna.

When it came to money, she thought that next year a new currency would be issued, replacing the gold louis with "Golden Napoleon".

The Soho factory in Birmingham is the only manufacturer in the UK that can export steam engines. In 1779, the Perry brothers purchased the steam engine from the Soho factory. It was installed on the banks of the Seine and used for the water supply network in Paris. The Bolton that Wedgwood was looking for had his head on the pound sterling, Matthew Bolton and James Watt set up Soho in Birmingham, Watt in charge of technology, Bolton in charge of sales.

The steam engine is as common in England as the windmill is in Holland. It can be used to grind flour, pump water for coal mines, and blast furnaces. Later, Matthew Bolton invented the steam stamping machine, and each stamping machine only needed one worker to take care of it.

The goods were also ordered in the early days of the French Revolution, but when it was time for delivery, the party of the buyer had already collapsed. After a delay of several years, they brought them over at the Industrial Fair, which was also an exhibit.

The present steam engine cannot be used in large-scale industry, but it has provided power for large-scale industry. The decree promulgated in 1755 stipulated that only Soho Company was the manufacturing center for the manufacture and sale of steam engines. The steam engine assembly and improvement engineer William Murdoch, who the French wanted to recruit, was prohibited from engaging in this industry. Although he also liked it, he Only gas lighting companies that have nothing to do with steam engines can be run.

People like him were forbidden to leave the country, and later changed to a German who also engaged in lighting projects. Generally speaking, gas lamps can still be installed in the exhibition hall of the new industrial expo. The tent at the last industrial expo has not been dismantled, and gas lighting is used inside. Parisians love nightlife, and those who paid for the science experiment regarded the scientific experiment as magic, not to mention that the tent was indeed reminiscent of a circus, so she came up with the idea of ​​building a "Crystal Palace".

Only one variety of potatoes was grown in Ireland before it was devastated by late blight. If there were multiple varieties of potatoes or other crops, the famine would not be so severe.

This is her initial thought. In fact, what did Wedgwood and Bolton lobby the congressmen?

Rather than buying a steam engine, she hopes to have the ability to make her own steam engine. What can French industrial products have?

Soap and silk are one of the few industries that have not been destroyed after the Great Revolution. The French will never appear to be poor outside.

Georgiana is relatively economical in buying clothes. She bought a truckload of clothes because she was going out to socialize. Basically, she can guarantee that she will not repeat the same clothes during her stay in a city, but if she wears two or three sets a day, it will not be enough.

If she received a gift from someone else, she had to return the gift. Anyway, she was going to Belgium, and buying clothes from Rouen to wear there was considered an advertisement for them, provided that someone bought it.

She has a group of beautiful girls here, although they are not as good as the supermodels of the 20th century, they are still beautiful. After comparison, she realized that Sophie is really a great beauty. No wonder Godan, who loves to write scripts, didn't blink his eyes when he looked at her.

Where would she get money for shopping?

"Has Farron come?" Georgiana asked suddenly.

Ferril, who was looking at the street scene enthusiastically, looked at her together with Margaret.

"Call him here." Georgiana said seriously, then shook the newspaper and continued to read "News".

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