Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1940 Egret Feather (3)

Georgiana really didn't know that so many things happened yesterday.

Some men seek mistresses purely for the purpose of talking to them. Nine out of ten corrupt officials investigated have mistresses. The old system was overthrown largely due to official corruption, especially the "mistress politics" of Mrs. Pompidou and Mrs. Dubarry. If anyone wants to get something done, it's not through the official channels, but through the king's mistress.

Napoleon was one of those people who didn't bring the outside world home, and of course Georgiana wasn't his "home."

But yesterday he made it very clear that importing steel without tariffs is his bottom line, but this is related to the construction industry. What does it have to do with the textile industry?

Bonaparte's angry look was terrible, and the senior officials in Rouen dared to argue with him, tsk tsk.

Merchants hoped to revive the 1789 Franco-British trade treaty, which provided for a gradual reduction in tariffs between the two countries.

Lower tariffs will allow Rouen merchants to go to England to buy yarn more unscrupulously. Slavery reduces the cost of raw materials, and the use of child labor also reduces production costs. The British soil has become very suitable for the textile industry, which means that the local The backward textile industry that is developing towards the countryside will be eliminated because of the loss of orders, and the factory owners can make a lot of money. What about so many unemployed workers?

Customs are for the king, and the question of taxes was brought up yesterday by Henry Petty.

If this bottom line cannot be kept, war will start. He said twice that peace will not last long, and he probably has been very patient with his temper. There were also many soldiers attending the welcome meeting at the city hall yesterday. General Suchet, the commander of the Rouen army, also attended. He is obviously on the side of Napoleon. As long as the first governor gives an order, he dares to imitate Henry IV. Land in Normandy then land in England. What trade treaties were signed during the war? At that time, good captains and sailors were needed to avoid the capture of the British Royal Navy who changed jobs from pirates.

Because of Louis XIV's amnesty, it was not abolished until the Anti-Cotton Act in 1759, and even in 1789 the cotton textile industry was still insignificant in the entire textile industry. There are many poor people in France, so Gebu sells so well, and only rich people can wear brightly colored cloth. The Great Revolution divided the assets of some rich people and the church, and made the people in the past richer than before. They no longer needed to wear Gebu. Georgiana had to transform Gebu, from ordinary clothes to bandages and women. sanitary products.

It is no longer pure kudzu, it is mixed with cotton, so that it can absorb water enough. However, those who were supposed to sell pure cotton yarn mixed hemp into the cotton. This was mainly related to the price of cotton. But only a quarter is cotton, and some varieties are less than a quarter.

To be precise in France, Rouen's cotton cloth is much thicker than Manchester's, which is the key to victory for Rouen merchants.

Fabrics with good craftsmanship are thin and strong, but ordinary people still feel that they are thicker and warmer. Ordinary consumers who are not engaged in the textile industry cannot tell whether those brightly colored fabrics are pure cotton or blended.

What about producing pure white cotton cloth in Asia and then dyeing it in Europe?

Didn’t the East India Company destroy India’s textile industry, and the Atlantic triangle slave trade was also related to the European textile industry, and many blended fabrics were sold to Africa.

The closed circle is like this. Maybe Georgiana is not as familiar with the textile industry as those bosses, but she also knows some news about the bosses, and it is a state secret, and she cannot tell these factory owners.

The liberal nobles of Lafayette sacrificed their own interests. Of course, they don't care about their own factory. It is very dangerous to go down the mine without a steam engine to pump water. Otherwise, how could Leon Cour become the mayor of Paris? .

The nobles wanted to go back, it was obvious, not only their own wealth, but also their status...

She thought too much and didn't want to think about it anymore. The last time the wizard nobles mixed in with the exiles tried to assassinate Napoleon, they were annihilated by the wizards who obeyed Napoleon. There was a piece of land on Saint-Germain-des-Prés that was cursed by black witchcraft , the nobles are not willing to go there to build a house to live. I heard that holiness can drive away evil, so a monastery can be built on the top, and the French Ministry of Magic can be built on the bottom.

A street needs to be opened up to become a commercial street for wizards like Diagon Alley in England. Wizards are concentrated like those British people living in converted barracks, and others can do whatever they want.

Just now Archbishop Cambaceres made a very good proposal, replacing wine with tea, she can just hold a "milk tea cocktail party". Let him pick some, squeeze it into juice and mix it in milk tea.

Marie Antoinette didn't want to offend anyone, but in the end she offended the Duke of Lauzan and became a sworn enemy.

Versailles is a place where good people are bullied. Even the princess of Austria, Marie Antoinette, was bullied by Madame Dubarry.

Josephine was a Creole, and she had no musical education in her hometown, which was unacceptable in the social circle of the aristocrats. The young Marie Antoinette also didn't know how to play a musical instrument. Madame du Barry made a fool of her in public at a women's tea party, so Marie went off to learn to play the piano.

It was a bit late in her teens to start piano lessons. The harp is a little simpler and looks elegant, and Josephine only learned it under the tutelage of her ex-husband.

As for Madame du Barry, she would not have been able to make fun of the Austrian princess if she had not had the king at her back.

The experience or lessons of the predecessors are for the vigilance of future generations. Maybe the women in Rouen think she is arrogant, but isn't she just an arrogant and rough Englishman?

The monastery is very large, and half of it is allocated to medical and pharmacy schools. In the Middle Ages, doctors and barbers were not separated. Now surgeons have moved to the University of Rouen, and the vacated dormitories have become shelters.

The other half is allocated to the Maritime Department of Rouen, and the two are connected in the middle, separated by the Church of St. Maddalena, who is the woman who washed the feet of Jesus in the Bible.

For more than a thousand years, she has been suppressed, and Pope Gregory I once said in a sermon that she was the anonymous sinner who washed the feet of Jesus.

"You don't know who I am." She looked at the church spire in the distance and said softly in English.

"Why do you say that?" asked the Archbishop in French.

She looked at the archbishop.

"I know a monk whose biggest regret in life is not becoming a cardinal. But I don't think he would be as happy as he is now if he put on a red coat."

"I heard that you were once called the woman in red." The archbishop said softly, "Do you think the church across the sea will accept priestesses in red?"

"You're talking in your sleep again." Georgiana laughed and said, "Lion was still complaining yesterday that you didn't give Caesar what should be given to Caesar."

Bishop Cambaceres thought for a moment, and then laughed.

"Come on, it's not our business who will sign that unlucky trade treaty, let's have some fun." Georgiana smelled the tea and knew it was "wine" coming "You priests are putting the cart before the horse, if people feel uncomfortable starting a family Who wants to have a family when there is only pain and responsibility when it comes to happiness?"

The archbishop opened his mouth, but he didn't bother to make excuses, and went to "play" with Georgiana.

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