Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 193 The Place of Belonging

Pure blood that can't even keep their bloodlines is not as good as a half-blood family. Although the Platinum Malfoy family is not as good at cursing and fighting as the Black family, they have a pair of peculiar eyes. They can see through the wizard's Animagus just like cats. And invisibility, invisibility cloak. When Draco was in fifth year, young Malfoy recognized Sirius Black's Animagus on Platform Nine and Three Quarters, but neither of them said anything about it. What good would it do them? At that time, both Voldemort and the White Wizard were recruiting allies everywhere, giants, werewolves, and dementors. Anyone who was willing to join their camp had various benefits. Malfoy Manor also became the headquarters of the Death Eaters during this period. Draco didn't go home during the winter vacation that year. Draco's dance partner in the previous year's Triwizard Tournament was Pansy Parkinson. In the fifth grade, the two of them were promoted to male and female prefects, and they were both Umri A member of Qi's investigation team, she didn't go home during the winter vacation and concentrated on investigating clues about DA. It was probably during that time that the two of them established a relationship.

Draco was just in sixth grade when he saw through the Hogwarts Express that Harry was wearing an invisibility cloak and was hiding on the shelf to eavesdrop, but that wasn’t because he saw through Harry’s invisibility cloak. Knitted from wool, Harry's invisibility cloak is no ordinary invisibility cloak. Draco was annoyed when he was turned into a slug by DA members on the Hogwarts Express in fifth grade, not to mention his The look was seen by his mother, and he hung out with the Death Eaters all summer, and they taught him a lot, especially those feats of Voldemort's heyday, and he started worshiping that snake face like Regulus worshiped Voldemort Weird, and thought it was an honor to serve him, meanwhile Severus took Wormtail and moved back to Spinner's End during the summer vacation and began a painful "cohabitation" life, where Narcissa Malfoy lived with him Signed an unbreakable oath.

"It wasn't intentional that I took Bella to find him, she insisted on following me, and I didn't dare to go to such a messy place alone, the Muggles living in that street are very violent, and they are more violent than ordinary Muggles. melons are worse." Narcissa and Pomona were chatting in Lucius's study, the fire in the fireplace was burning brightly, and it felt very warm "When I found his home, it turned out that his house was full of books, Several walls are walls of books."

"He's a bookworm." Pomona pouted. "The Prince family has more books than Ravenclaws. He later recovered a lot of those scattered books."

Narcissa Malfoy said after drinking her lipstick tea, "But I think even such a person would want a mate, at least not Wormtail."

Pomona remembered Severus' own description, that was the darkest period of his life, he lived with Wormtail, the Dark Lord threw things he didn't want to deal with, and Wormtail tried to revive the Dark Lord Sacrificing one of his own hands, but the Dark Lord felt disgusted looking at him, and Severus and Wormtail went back together to the slum dump that everyone was eager to get rid of.

"At that time, the Dark Lord asked Draco to test the Twin Cabinet. My sister and I thought he didn't tell Severus about the plan. He was not trusted at all until he killed Albus Dumbledore. The Dark Lord just started to trust him again. I really can't imagine how he returned to the Order of the Phoenix and continued to be a double agent. He killed the leader of the Order of the Phoenix. The people of the Order of the Phoenix not only did not kill him, but also told him the news. The Dark Lord himself doesn't believe the information he said."

"He's an excellent liar." Pomona looked at the fire in the fireplace, but recalled that wonderful Christmas Eve in her mind. As soon as you get close, it burns violently.

"He's a great actor and has fooled a lot of people, but when I look him in the eye, I know he can be trusted, and he's doing his best to help Draco, my stupid and cowardly son, He even poisoned Dumbledore." Narcissa smiled wryly and shook her head, "And I heard about this idea from that Muggleborn Hermione Granger."

"He was just a kid, Sissy," Pomona said sadly. "He was only 17."

"I know, he's just a child." Narcissa looked at the void in a daze, "If I could, I really want to bear all that on his behalf, that girl, Pansy Parkinson, has been with him for seven years, and everyone thought they were Will eventually get married, but after the war because of the crimes of Draco and Lucius, they were almost imprisoned in Azkaban by Aurors, and many Hogwarts students were bitten by werewolves who came in with Death Eaters , Lucius lost a lot of money and went out, and we were almost broke, Pomona, I just terrified at the thought of losing the Malfoys' ancestral home and moving into a place like Spinner's End, she was in our most difficult time Draco was abandoned at that time, which I can understand, because I also thought about leaving Lucius at that time, but how could she come out to make trouble after we managed to live a little better, she almost ruined us and Green The Glass marriage."

Pomona held Narcissa in her arms, and she immediately burst into tears.

"How did you survive that time?" Pomona asked after she calmed down a bit, stroking her hair.

"The Death Eaters killed many pure-blood families, and they took away a lot of valuables from those families, jewels, jewelry, and weapons made by goblins. They hid them in a place, and Lucius took them away. A place where the treasure was hidden was dug out, and the contents were taken to Bojinbok to sell." Narcissa sighed and said, "I just found out yesterday, and when I blamed him, he actually did it for me and Draco. That much."

"Not everyone can experience everything you have experienced. Your family relationship has withstood the most severe test."

"What did you do back then? You know, when Draco was in sixth grade." Narcissa stopped her tears and sat upright.

"Do you really want to hear it?" Pomona said deadpan.


"Kiss." Pomona said desperately.

"Oh, that must be beautiful." Narcissa said sweetly, clutching her chest like crazy, "Did you comfort him?"

Now that Pomona thinks about it, she realizes that he really looked very fragile at that time, and he didn't speak to her in that kind of sarcasm, and he didn't laugh at her, just like when he was the most helpless when he was a teenager.

"That's the only thing I can do for him." Holding the black tea cup, she felt that she was useless.

"My sister said that you are his will to live." Narcissa whispered, "Without you, he would die together."

Pomona recalled, "You cleaned up the house in Spinner's End, right?"

"How do you know?" Narcissa asked.

"That house looks like a soft brick prison." Pomona thought of the house that was dimly lit even in the daytime. She had been trying to rectify it so that the sun could shine in, but he said he was used to the darkness. , because he lived in the cellar for many years.

"I didn't touch his books, just enlarged those windows." Narcissa smiled and shook her head. "Bookworm, it's really appropriate."

"You are so bold. I didn't dare to touch the furnishings of his house." Pomona said with admiration.

"Have you been there?" Narcissa asked curiously.

"When Irene was about to pass away, I stayed with him for a while. He was very busy at that time and couldn't take care of both school and home. I sent Robbie to take care of Irene. He was the first one who dared to stand. Come out, a house-elf who left the Hogwarts kitchens to work in another household."

"Oh, it went looking for freedom like Dobby?" Narcissa said with a smile.

"Severus said it was made for me." Pomona looked at Narcissa and said "Do you remember Kritch? I think house-elves have loyalty just like people do, and house-elves have complicated things." The social structure, Klitsch is not happy in the Hogwarts kitchen, since it is loyal to Regulus and the Black family, let it go back, this is its will, ignore its wishes and force it to stay in Hogwarts It's not fair to it."

What is freedom?

Anyway, when Pomona announced that Klitsch could leave the lively Hogwarts kitchen and return to the deserted old house of the Blacks, he was smiling, and he even hugged her.

"My sister said that the Dark Lord used to entrust her with all his most precious things for safekeeping, but my husband later persuaded the Dark Lord to entrust some important things to him for safekeeping, and that diary is one of them." Narcissa sighed, "He is stupid sometimes, thinking that throwing it into Ginny's bucket will get rid of the magic items related to the Dark Lord, but it is precisely because he keeps some valuable things that we Not on the streets."

"Lucius didn't screw everything up, at least he's pretty good at using his wealth to his advantage."

"Has Severus ever cried in front of you?" Narcissa asked mysteriously.

"Of course I cried." Pomona squinted at Narcissa, and cried many times. He would never get rid of the nickname of snot in this life.

"Lucius also cried in front of me, do you think Severus taught him?"

"Did you sleep with him? With Lucius?" Pomona asked coldly.

"Sly snake." Narcissa had a weird smile on her face, and the answer was self-evident.

"Who told us to marry Slytherin." Pomona took a big sip of black tea, "No, I want revenge, otherwise I won't be able to swallow this breath."

"Why are you so angry?" Narcissa asked with a smile.

"He's emptying my coffers," said Pomona angrily. "God knows how much he paid for that bird-snake egg."

"Did you like that gift?"


"Honey, a woman should pamper herself once in a while, anyway, he spends money on you." Narcissa patted Pomona's hand, "You can do whatever you want."

"Even that's wrong, right?" Pomona asked Narcissa back, and Narcissa Malfoy froze.

"I won't criticize you for using those bloody money to keep your current status, Sissy, I'm actually quite happy that you did this, and it's useless to continue hiding those things, but I really think it's not a good thing to be willful and reckless, I It's very contradictory now, he makes me happy, but his purpose is to control me." Pomona roared like crazy, she couldn't find words to describe her mood at this moment.

"You love and hate him, don't you, dear?" Narcissa said prophetically.

"That's right!"

"Who made you foolish enough to provoke him." Narcissa pointed her finger at Pomona's head. "Being with this kind of man will make you lose yourself. Learn to resist his temptation, idiot."

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