Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 194: Praise of Love

In the Battle of the Ministry of Magic, Harry lost Sirius, Draco Malfoy almost lost his father, Lucius Malfoy was imprisoned in Azkaban, and Malfoy Manor was stolen by Arthur Weasley.

Harry had never seen a scene of ransacking his home, and the sense of humiliation made the proud little dragon cry heart-rendingly. He hated himself for not being able to protect his home and the dignity of his family. Some nobles would rather die in battle than lose. honorable. In the past, Malfoy used to ridicule Arthur's family for having no money. Arthur held back his tone, so he searched Malfoy's house very cruelly. He not only took away a lot of things, but also left a lot of chaos on the ground, waiting for them Voldemort appeared after he left, and he promised Draco to save his father from Azkaban on the condition that he would work for him. Voldemort bought the dementors and rescued Lucius from Azkaban. But the price was that the Death Eaters occupied Malfoy Manor, including werewolves. Although Black and others were there, Narcissa didn't think about them at all. She only believed in Severus Snape, a man with a mouthful A double agent of lies.

"Is it true that he told me that when he had just left the Death Eaters to join Dumbledore's teaching staff, he made up a regrettable lie to the White Wizard and then welcomed him with open arms? ?” Narcissa asked.

"We went to XZ, you know, Karkaroff..."

"I know." Narcissa sighed, "The first two years after the war were a nightmare, thanks to our help to Harry Potter, Lucius and Draco were not imprisoned in Azkaban because of his protection , so as not to become food for dementors like my sister."

Pomona thought of Sirius. He stayed in Azkaban for twelve years, longer than Bella. He was obviously innocent.

"You are that kind of woman. Money and power will come after you, not to mention you are so beautiful. It is normal for him to want to hide you. Thanks to you, Professor Pomona Sprout, we can With the support of Hufflepuff's pure-blood family, do you know why Dumbledore gave Damocles Bellepi of Ravenclaw the achievement of improving the wolfsbane potion? Because he knew you would Support him, and Gryffindor will support him, as long as Ravenclaw is bought, Dumbledore can return to the Wizengamot under the absolute advantage of the number, this is the so-called democracy, who is more powerful Who wins." Narcissa sneered.

"I'm sorry, Sissy." Pomona covered her head, "I actually asked Draco to learn from Hermione."

"You don't need to be sorry, I let you be Draco's godmother, and I should trust you if I can't educate him instead of me, Lucius said I should be honest with you, so that you can teach him better, Mal The power of the Fuka family is the same as that of a humanoid cat, I heard that you went to the Ministry of Magic to apply for a cat, you are worried that someone will sneak in and eavesdrop on the information, right?"

Pomona looked at Narcissa Malfoy in surprise.

"My sister killed everything she saw because she was worried that the Aurors had changed. The day we Apparated to Spider's End, she killed a fox. At that time, I thought she was making a fuss. I used to think that the Malfoy family This ability is really useless. Now I know how wrong I am. The ability to distinguish right from wrong is more useful than practicing spells. If Draco had learned it earlier, at least he would not have left that mark on his hand like his father , I spoiled him, and I was the one who was wrong." Narcissa covered her mouth and cried, "He can't even summon the Patronus, if he joins DA like Hermione, he can at least learn this, I will Don't worry about him encountering dementors over there."

"Draco is a doctor, he doesn't need to be on the front line." Pomona immediately hugged Narcissa tightly, "He will hide behind safely, away from those monsters."

"I feel so cold." Narcissa said with a sob

"Cold?" Pomona looked at the burning fireplace, and she even felt a little hot, almost sweating.

Narcissa didn't answer Pomona's question, she was busy crying. Narcissa is not a lady at this moment, she is just an old mother who is worried about her child, but Pomona herself, she is not worried about Sif at all. She didn't care about Les's safety, but she was worried that he had killed too many werewolves, and the grudges between them were too deep, resulting in an irreparable situation.

It doesn't feel good to stay in the safe back, Pomona thought about it, and decided to have some music to change the dull atmosphere, so she took out the record from the record store from the flannelette pocket, and Narcissa Give her the gramophone.

"You have to hold on, old mother." After Pomona put the needle on the vinyl record, soothing music began to sound:

Wise men say, only fools rush in

But I can't help, falling in love with you, but I can't help it.

Shall I stay, would it be a sin If it's a sin, should I stop there?

If I can't help, falling in love with you

Like a river flows, surely to the sea, how natural it is.

Darling so it goes, some things are meant to be

"I love Draco." Narcissa calmed down a lot. "I really hope he never grows up."

Pomona thought of the always smooth-haired Master Malfoy, that little villain who always led the two bodyguards, Goyle and Crabbe, in the corridors of the school arrogantly.

"Remember when he was scratched by a hippogriff in third grade, Sissy." Pomona patted Narcissa on the back "Draco often deliberately told Pansy Parkinson that he was injured very much." pain."

Narcissa stiffened.

"You know better than me why a boy pretends to be hurt when he doesn't hurt a girl. He is his father's son." The cunning Slytherin snake took advantage of it by pretending to be pitiful, and Pomona said confidently, "Don't worry, he will Came back safely."

"Are you paying attention to him?" Narcissa asked in disbelief.

"He's the godson of Severus, do you know how surprised I was when I heard he was godfather?" Pomona sighed, "He's a child himself, how could he bring up a child."

"In your eyes, he will never grow up?" Narcissa said with eyes red from crying.

"That's right, I'll always remember Severus when he was a kid, he learned how to bounce back quickly, but he couldn't dodge, just like all nerds, he's not good at sports, you know how hard it is to learn how to counterattack ?” Pomona couldn’t bear to look back on that period of time, “It’s like moving a stake, and that period was too painful for me.”

"But now everyone says his footwork is erratic." Narcissa calmed down, but she looked dazed, as if she had been hit by a sap.

"I can only introduce him to the beginning. He has his current achievements and his own hard work. You can only help Draco with his own efforts. If he wants to grow, he still has to rely on himself, honey!"

"Yes, mistress." Honey appeared covered in icing.

"Give us some ice cream." Pomona rubbed her arms vigorously, warming her cold body again.

"I thought you called me honey." Narcissa said with a smile.

"Fear is hard to overcome, but as long as you overcome it." Pomona grabbed Narcissa's hand and blew warm air on her palm. "You will feel better with some dessert."

Narcissa seemed to have thought of something, and took out a gold Galleon from her coat pocket.

"He gave it to me before he left." Narcissa said, "This is the secret contact information he learned from Dumbledore's Army. When he was doing this in the sixth grade, he could only contact him from Hogwarts to three Take the broom, it should be farther away now."

"Go to Lucius, Sissy, he knows how to contact Severus and let him help you make sure Draco is safe."

"For such a small matter..."

"You forgot to say in the unbreakable oath that he will take care of Draco and protect him from harm. If he doesn't keep the promise, I may be cursed by your sister." Pomona wrapped the emerald bracelet Hold it in front of Narcissa "It's hot right now!"

The silver ivy was red as if it was going to burn, but Pomona didn't feel that it was going to hurt, but she always felt that this was a bad thing.

"Okay." Narcissa regained her firmness, turned and left the study.

After she left, Pomona put the needle away from the record, and without Elvis Presley's singing, the room became silent again, and even the sound of falling snowflakes could be heard.

"The Dark Lord once said, Don't just live, you can eat oatmeal and live forever, but that's not a real Slytherin, if the price of surrender is mediocrity, then die with honor like a nobleman, I thought I could do it, but when Dumbledore raised his wand I begged for mercy." That day in the hospital, as he bathed her, he said to himself, "I want to live so much, but It's not the way it used to be in Spider's End, I want to be like Lucius, with a beautiful wife, and people who are educated to sit at the table and eat. My mother never used a wand when cooking at home, because I Dad didn't like it, and they fought a lot, as if food couldn't shut them up."

"Hide them, hide them all, I beg you..." The young Death Eater was so devoutly begging the White Wizard, if he was faking that, what else couldn't be?

Memories of the past weighed down like a mountain, and Pomona felt it was difficult to breathe, and eventually she couldn't stand anymore, collapsed on the sofa, and gradually lost consciousness.

When she heard Narcissa say that he didn't really like Lily, she was secretly happy for a moment, thinking that she had replaced Lily's position, but what Narcissa said next made her heart shudder.

Pomona Sprout is useful. Voldemort courted Hepzibah Smith in order to win the Hufflepuff Gold Cup when he was young. the same.

"You're an idiot." She seemed to hear a hoarse voice say, followed by Bella's wild laughter. She was really tired, and she wanted to sleep.

Then she fell into darkness and lost consciousness.

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