Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 192 Solicitation

Christmas is the saddest time of year for Severus.

Sirius was eager to get out of that social party full of hypocrisy and hang out with James, and Severus wanted to go to any party, as long as he wasn't so lonely. During the winter vacation, the teacher's management of the students was not strict. Under everyone's negligence, he started to get together with those lunatics.

Slughorn admired him very much. He could have followed the path of a master of potions, but he chose to pursue black magic. Families such as the Lestrange family look down on even half-bloods. If they can go back to Pomona Wanting to go back to that time and take him away from those extreme people, even if it is hypocritical, it is much better than staying with them.

Lucius Malfoy was one of the few men at the dinner table, and the platinum nobleman sat in the master's seat and was so bored listening to the women chatting, he was not interested in what they were talking about at all. Pomona is also in a bad mood, but she still answers with a smirk when someone strikes up a conversation. Men's rules of the game are different from women's. Also attending a noble party, Pomona is suitable for laughing with women and children, while Severus talks about dull topics with men, even Hufflepuff's Dean, a woman will still be excluded if she enters their world. The phenomenon of patriarchy is very serious in pure-blood families. The family tree of the Lestrange family even only records men and not women. replace. Even though old Gryffindor didn't like Severus at the beginning, he had to reuse him later, because the information he collected was more accurate than Pomona's indirect information, and more importantly, they were all men , the way of thinking about the problem is the same. During the Triwizard Tournament, both Pomona and Minerva objected to letting Harry Potter continue to participate in the competition, but the two of them thought that it should be left alone, even if Harry knew that he was being used as a bait It is estimated that they will continue to play this game like Dumbledore and the others.

She used to be jealous of Severus and felt that he took her place, but now she doesn't think so, the old bat and the old fool have protected her from those dirty things, let her You can concentrate on raising your children, and the education of the next generation will save a lot of problems. Who would have thought that Draco Malfoy would be useful on the battlefield one day.

"I remember that a corridor on the third floor was named after Gunhilda to commemorate her contribution to treating dragon pox. Since Principal Dumbledore is the most outstanding principal at Hogwarts, shouldn't there be a corridor as well? Named after him?" During the meal, the woman of the Foley family said, Pomona looked at Narcissa's face, her father-in-law Abraxas died of dragon pox, this disease is caused by the Peruvian Vipertooth Yes, the original patients were wizards who were often in contact with the Peruvian Vipertooth, but it eventually became a widespread wizarding disease, and the epidemic claimed the lives of many wizards, not just Abraxas, even Harry's grandparents He also died of dragon pox.

"He was buried on the small island in the middle of the lake in Hogwarts, and he is the only headmaster in history who was buried in the school. I think this honor is enough." Pomona replied with a smile.

"And what about Headmaster Snape? Shouldn't there be a hallway named after him?" the Foley woman continued, which attracted the attention of everyone at the table, and even Malfoy's eyes were fixed on Pomona's. body.

At this time, Pomona was sitting in the guest seat second only to the hostess, and those who could be invited to the party at this time were core members, and they knew that Severus Snape was still alive. But Pomona didn't know how much they knew about her identity.

"I think Slytherin should spend more energy in St. Mungo's than Hogwarts." Pomona looked at the woman in the Foley family and said, "St. Mungo's been calling for donations, and we happen to be very rich. Why not choose a simpler path? After graduating from Hogwarts, many people will continue to receive therapist training at St. Mungo's. What Hogwarts learns is only the basics. St. Mungo's can also become a medical school. , I remember that dragon pox has not been completely eradicated."

"So you don't think Severus should be given the right to name a hallway, after all he's done?" Old Malfoy smirked.

"He's always complaining that the savior's reputation is too great, and the last thing he needs is reputation." Pomona pouted and said, "He values ​​practical interests more."

"Like what?" said the woman of the Black family. The Black family and the Goyle family are the best friends of the Malfoy family. It is not surprising that they appear here.

"I don't know, maybe Mr. Malfoy knows something?" Pomona turned her gaze to Old Malfoy, "What are you going to do next?"

"I'm going to visit Hogwarts. After all, I'm the director of Hogwarts." Malfoy picked up the goblet and watched Pomona take a sip of eggnog. "Barty Crouch and I used to He is the most generous sponsor, but now that the Crouch family is extinct, everything in the Barty Crouch family has been divided up. If there is no heir, no one will inherit everything we fought for, but it will be cheaper for outsiders. What do you think Am I right?"

The Crouch family is very rich, and old Barty Crouch has devoted all his energy to the cause of the Ministry of Magic. He is a very successful politician and almost became the Minister of Magic. Not only did he lose his career due to educational dereliction of duty, but he even broke up his family. It is the responsibility of the pure-blood family women to have multiple heirs.

Malfoy's family motto, friends are the only ones, and the rest are all partners of interest. It is well known in the social circle that Lucius Malfoy and Head Slytherin are friends. Pomona doesn't know what topics men will talk about when they are together. But now she felt that she definitely didn't want to know.

"Astonia, when do you and Draco plan to hold the engagement ceremony?" Pomona turned the topic to the direction of purity, what could be more pure than the engagement of young men and women.

"You don't need to worry about this problem, my dear." Narcissa Malfoy maintained and said, "I heard that the Hogwarts kitchen has become a shelter for house elves, and elves who have lost their employers will gather there. It just so happens that St. Mungo needs manpower, can we apply for a house-elf for St. Mungo in our own name?"

"You should ask Headmaster McGonagall..."

"She asked me to ask someone else." Narcissa said with a half-smile, "She's already busy with a lot of things, and she doesn't have time to deal with house elves."

As we all know, the Hogwarts kitchen is next door to Hufflepuff, and managing the house-elves is also the responsibility of Hufflepuff, the current head of Hogwarts Gryffindor and Hufflepuff There is a vacancy, and a wealthy school trustee is also forced to stop funding support. How busy Professor Minerva McGonagall is.

"Can non-pure-blood families also apply for house elves?" The women present asked anxiously. As we all know, house elves are slaves of ancient and wealthy wizard families. They undertake all housework and are bound by their masters. Disobeying the master's orders sounds so much like a woman ruled by a man.

Severus Snape is half-blood like Tom Marvolo Riddle, but he didn't hide his half-blood identity like Voldemort. Umbridge's half-blood wizard registration committee prepared a long-term report for him. The long list can win him over, and what could be more satisfying to a woman than not having to do housework?

Happy wife, happy life.

Pomona took a swig of eggnog to hide her expression.

She is very unhappy now because she hates her husband now.

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