Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1924 Under the Lion's Claw (6)

Going big in Belgium is a bad idea.

Sun Tzu's art of war has a saying, all the methods of using troops will be ordered by the emperor, unite the army and gather the crowd, destroy the ground without giving up, cross the ground to intersect, and desperate ground without leaving, encircle the ground to plan, and kill the ground to fight.

It means that you should make friends with your neighbors on the traffic arteries that extend in all directions, and don't stay in areas where it is difficult to survive, but pass through them as soon as possible. Although Belgium is considered a thoroughfare, it is also considered a Jedi that is not suitable for survival. In the second anti-French alliance in 1799, Britain hoped to restore the original borders, Russia intended to completely destroy the French Republic, and Austria tried to recover the land lost by Italy. Make up for the loss of Belgium and the right bank of the Rhine.

Just as the Russians and the French were fighting in Zurich, England once again secretly took Malta as before, which angered Tsar Paul, so in 1800 he withdrew all Russian troops and left Austria alone France countered and forged an armed neutral alliance of Denmark, Sweden, and Prussia to disrupt Britain's Baltic trade and naval supplies.

In 1800, a Cossack cavalry was formed with the intention of sending them to British India, but it was later abandoned because Paul was assassinated.

Belgian independence can solve the problem of European countries setting up barriers on the northeastern border of France after 1815. Some people say that offense is the best defense, while others say that defense is an offense. The Macedonian phalanx was created by Alexander the Great. Before Homer, the infantry fought like a swarm of bees and looked disorganized. Soldiers of noble origin engaged in individual combat. With the gradual transition from leather armor to bronze, the protection of the soldiers was improved. Enhanced, but the movement becomes slow, even with a bronze shield in hand, it can protect the right side but not the left side.

In order to overcome the above shortcomings, Alexander innovatively changed the main force of the army from military aristocrats to property citizens who were born as non-professional soldiers, allowing them to cover each other's lack of protection on the right side of the body to fight effectively. It is a pity that after Alexander's death, even though the Macedonian phalanx was still the strongest infantry battle formation, many tactics in the later period did not continue to develop, but stagnated. The infantry equipment became heavier and heavier, and the mobility further degraded. The Macedonian kingdom and their phalanx were defeated by Rome and their legions.

When Napoleon arrived in Egypt, he landed in Alexandria, mainly infantry. At that time, it was generally believed that cavalry should deal with cavalry. Infantry encountered cavalry, and basically they were slaughtered. The units are arranged in a square formation, and artillery is arranged at the four corners.

Mamluk cavalry often wear gold and silver when they go into battle, which looks like they are participating in a celebration, so that even if they are captured, the gold and silver can be used as ransom.

They still retain the tactics of Genghis Khan's period, and their individual strength is very strong, but they are not as good as the French when they cooperate. In the end, the Battle of the Pyramids became a glorious page in Napoleon's military career.

If you become a winner, you can ask for loot and military expenses. This is a manifestation of France's "fraternity". .

In order to protect Bey's property, his first wife exchanged a precious ring with Napoleon, and the concubines in Bey's harem came out to receive guests. You can almost see the skin of their thighs.

But Napoleon didn't pay much attention to them at all, at least he was loyal to Josephine until the scandal reached his ears.

The power of the square formation comes from military discipline, and military discipline can also be maintained in Cairo. While the other officers were busy with Bey's concubines who had left the harem, Napoleon reformed Egypt with the scholars he brought, but he had no clue about the ring.

Albus Dumbledore participated in the International Alchemy Conference held in Cairo when he was a student and won the pioneering contribution award. There is a big difference between the alchemy of Horus and the alchemy of Hermes developed from the jade record, although the earliest author of the jade record is said to be the god Thoth in Egyptian mythology.

It is said that the jade record was found in a secret room under a pyramid. It was once displayed in the corridor of the Alexandria library. When Caesar came to Egypt, the Alexandria library was burned down, and the jade board was also missing. Fortunately, there are various Copies of the language survive.

1. Truth is not false, never lie, it will inevitably bring truth.

2. The bottom is the same as the top, and the top is the same as the bottom, so as to fulfill the miracle of Taiyi.

3. All things are originally the One, and are created from the One by differentiation.

Horus alchemy is to imagine the human spine as a column of Jiede, with two snakes representing light and darkness intertwined. This Severus is not very familiar with it. In short, the alchemy of the Middle Ages was developed by Jade Record, and People at that time were trying to refine the Philosopher's Stone, which is the Philosopher's Stone made by Nick Flamel.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau once wrote in Emile: Everything is intact when it leaves the hands of the creator, but it degenerates when it comes to human hands.

Nick Flamel’s Philosopher’s Stone looks very much like an uncut ruby, and the fire opal on the Pomona ring also keeps its natural shape as much as possible. The ring that was brought back from Egypt as a spoil of war, representing the battle of the pyramids, is most likely a magic ring.

Severus believed that she was "immune" to 99% of gems, but she had no resistance to this kind of jewelry, even though opal was not a valuable gem in jewelry.

The blue diamond produced in Sri Lanka, India is known as the royal blue of the British royal family. The yellow diamond of the Conqueror of Charles the Bold, the Grand Duke of Burgundy, disappeared after the Habsburg family lost the throne. The Archduke Dinant carried it, and the vampire Giovanni was once a friend of the fairy-tale king Ludwig II.

The golden ear of wheat on her wrist looks more and more like the conqueror's yellow diamond cut into small pieces and inlaid on it, just like the regent diamond on Napoleon's coronation sword.

If this is the case, then this ear of wheat does not represent a good meaning. Severus still believes that the yellow diamond of the conqueror is still a whole piece, and the curse it brings is much more powerful than "hope".

Albus let her drink polyjuice potion, she looks fat and short, there is a reason for hiding in Hogwarts, which is deep in the mountains and forests, and inaccessible, it is the safest place in the world, it is equivalent to a large safe, see How much trouble he had caused by bringing her out.

Men of the same kind know what they think in their hearts, and they all want to take beautiful girls out. Haven't you seen how crazy the male students at Hogwarts are for Furong?

If Belgium can’t hold it, it’s a quagmire, a desert, a Jedi unsuitable for survival, and if it can hold it, it’s a crossroads. Belgium is also eager to get rid of the rule of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Besides, the Netherlands has always hoped that France can withdraw its troops, as stated in the peace treaty.

William said how could there be such a person.

It is estimated that like most men, he didn't think that much. Even if he is the emperor, he is just a Muggle.

The papers written by Napoleon and some miscellaneous notes were auctioned together with the will. It was a telephone auction at that time, and the auction house did not know who bought it. They only knew that the buyer was a Swiss, but they left photos, including a page Describes a dream, or something strange like this.

He saw a girl wearing an Ionian white dress with golden roses on it, which was the workmanship of Marie Antoinette's royal tailor Rose Bertin (Rose Bertin), as early as Versailles When she was working, she collaborated with Jean-Louis Farron, the Queen's perfumer, and they collaborated to create some floral patterns made of fragrant tulle, gloves and fragrant beads on dresses, creating the famous An olfactory illusion known as sillage.

The leather in the past was very smelly, even if it was saturated with animal spices such as musk and ambergris, it still had a smell, but when the glove material changed to linen, wool, cotton, silk and cotton cloth, people no longer needed such a heavy smell The spices are gone, replaced by flowers.

Queen Mary's favorite is orange blossom. In addition, she will take a bath with a small sachet, which contains orange blossom and juice of bergamot or other fruits.

When the girl in the golden rose dress walked towards him, everyone stared at them with undisguised eyes, some of them were amazed, some envied, some hated, some were angry, but they were overshadowed by the candle flame In the splendidly illuminated hall, no one could move until they finished the opening dance.

She had soft, dewy eyes, and she smelled of rosewater, which didn't suit her.

As Farron said, she is more suitable for the smell of fruit.

Music began to play, and they waltzed, a dance popular in the Austrian court, which was actually more suitable for the small drawing room.

She wears a necklace of colorful pearls and diamonds around her neck, and a butterfly hair ornament on her head. The butterfly's wings tremble when the wind blows.


The person I love is graceful and luxurious,

It is not something that can be expressed in singing or expressed in language.

I asked myself how lucky I am to have such a blessing in my life,

She will throw herself into my arms, rubbing hands with me, and the two are in love with each other.

I want to hide this warmth in my heart,

Enjoy and savor.

Let boundless happiness fill my chest, and let my face be filled with a smile of joy.

Severus left his seat without listening to the person opposite finish reading, and went to the street outside Flora Cafe.

He gasped heavily, as if he needed fresh air.

Susanna didn't bother him in the past, she changed to another place and continued to communicate with the person on the other end of the phone.

He looked up at the night sky in Paris. The light pollution of big cities made the night sky here not look like Hogwarts, where you could see many stars, and it didn't look like the centaur's classroom, where the ceiling was full of constellations.

The Rosetta Stone was also buried in the ground, and was excavated because the French were repairing fortifications, but it was not taken away when it was finally withdrawn, and now it is placed in the British Museum, and the French only took it away Replica of the Rosetta Stone.

There is a great deal of foreign dust in the corners of many battle-fields, and in the north of France no country has more dust than England.

Whether it is war or peace, their destinies are always intertwined.


He heard Lucius' voice and took out the communication crystal.

"What's up?"

"I think I guessed the purpose of the Americans." Lucius said seriously. "Remember when I asked Gore to go to Texas to deal with the oil plant?"

"I remember."

"Those equipment exploded because of disrepair. Alstom maintains equipment for nuclear power plants. That is to say, if the Americans buy this company but do not provide equipment maintenance for French nuclear power plants, those power plants may become a nuclear power plant at any time." Nobel. I heard from MI6 friends that the Americans refused to provide replacement parts to the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier in 2003, which almost caused it to cease operation.”

"No wonder it's going so slowly," Severus said with a good-humoured grin.

"You think it's funny?" Lucius said in disbelief.

"Remember what Grindelwald said? He wants to stop the Muggles from destroying the world." Severus sighed. "What's his fault?"

Some content is the original American Trap

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