Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1923 Under the Lion's Claw (5)

Pomona once likened herself to the breeders, including Severus, who was at a local festival in the Côtes de Nuits in Burgundy.

Later, they took a hot air balloon nearby and overlooked the scenery of Night Hill. They accidentally discovered an abandoned Quidditch pitch. The last match was scheduled for 1831.

At that time, it was Zirco Rosier (zirco rosier) who served as the French Minister of Magic. Like Lestrange, the Rozier family also had a branch in England.

Pure-blood family members are married to each other, and there is an intricate network of relationships, and the abandonment of this Quidditch stadium is still related to Britain at that time.

In 1831, the British Minister of Magic was Ottaline Gamble. She innovatively used the Hogwarts Express to solve the problem of students going to school. This bold plan not only caused controversy, but also aroused the vigilance of pure-blood families. .

Counting from 1801, Ottalion's former Minister of Magic is considered "harmless", Artemisia Lufkin and Grogan Stump are Hufflepuff College graduates, And Josephine Flint is a member of the pure-blood family. She dislikes Muggle technology very much and thinks that the telegraph will affect the normal function of the wand.

Both Hufflepuff's ministers of magic used Quidditch to promote cooperation with other ministries of magic. At that time, French Quidditch flourished, but it stopped abruptly in 1831 because of policy changes.

It’s just a lack of competition for children, but not for adults. In the same year, when the July Column was being built in Bastille, some Egyptian mummies were discovered. People at the time had no doubt that it must be Napoleon. buried.

Later, there was a war between Egypt and Turkey. The fuse of the war was that the Ottoman Empire broke its promise to Egypt and did not cede Syria. At that time, France had already intervened in the "Eastern Question". Napoleon's illegitimate son, Alexander Valewski, served as a diplomat during the Second Empire, but he fled to London when he was 14 because he refused to join the Russian army. He ran to Paris in 1830 , Duke of Orleans Louis-Philippe sent him to Poland.

At that time, Belgium was fighting for independence, and the rebellion in Russian Poland diverted the attention of the three countries. Monroe died, workers went on strike in Lyon, the Austrian army began to march into Italy, and it wasn't a peaceful year.

After the vigilance was raised, some problems that were not noticed at ordinary times began to emerge. It happened that in 1836, a wizard performer named Xavier Lastrick disappeared out of thin air under the watchful eyes of 300 spectators, and his whereabouts have been unknown since then. .

He was later believed to be because of a time travel experiment in 1899 that caused 25 people who should have existed to become "never born". According to the logic, people in 1835 should not know what happened more than 60 years later, but he succeeded Ota Radolphus Lestrange of Ryan Gamble tried to shut down the Department of Mysteries, and if he had been successful, there would have been no time travel experiments.

Only silent people know when the time experiment started. There is also the Minister of Magic. Some experiments need to be authorized by him. Maybe Minister Gamble is not only interested in Muggle technology, but also infected by their "spirit of exploration" and "curiosity". Hortensia Milifat, who succeeded Radolphus Lestrange, enacted numerous laws, including hundreds of them concerning time travel.

Time-related magic is unstable, and gross violations of the time code can have disastrous consequences, including, but not limited to, wizards and witches who mistakenly kill past or future selves, or completely change the trajectory of one's life.

Xavier Rastrick's first name "xavier" is the same as the surname of the Portuguese missionary Francis Xavier, who once preached in Asia and was as incorruptible as the nun Bernadette , from the extension of the Saint-Louis Church of the Invalides, where Napoleon's coffin is parked, there is such a church dedicated to him as the patron saint.

Every country had its own secret experiments, and Severus seemed to have touched upon it, even if it wasn't his own will.

The mysterious disappearance on the London Underground sounds like a sensational urban legend, but the missing person is a 9/11 survivor and disappeared near King's Cross station.

If the world of the dead in France extended to the UK, then that New Yorker should have died in 9/11, but escaped for some reason, and was later made up for this "mistake", a "correction" caused by time travel Way.

Underneath Saint-Germain-des-Prés lies the disused Gringotts vault, which has been laid out in a labyrinth of such incredible complexity that it might be comparable to the British Department of Mysteries. There should be staff inside, but with the weakening of the French Ministry of Magic, these staff did not go to work, creating the illusion that there is no one inside.

The entrance to the French Ministry of Magic is also located in Saint-Germain-des-Prés. It is an elevator composed of elegant vines, which is different from the red telephone box of the British Ministry of Magic, and it is also different from the toilet entrance that flushes down the drain.

Haji is no secret keeper, but he knows where the snow mountain hut is. The vampire Giovanni and his blood supplier also knew where the Malfoy Winery was. Giovanni had also been to the Quidditch pitch. He was seriously injured at the time. They took him in and brought him back Malfoy Manor, which he later left on his own.

Maybe he was caught by a vampire hunter, or maybe it was something else, anyway, Severus had a feeling that the manor was no longer safe and moved Pomona. The people who rushed to the sky razed the manor to the ground in a rage, maybe they used magic, maybe they used missiles, anyway, what Lucius and Severus saw was a ruin shrouded in flames.

They have fortune tellers and they get news by asking ghosts and crystal balls, but they get inaccurate information until they capture Conseil.

He knows a lot of inside information, but to France, Severus Snape is still a foreigner, and he may be a saboteur. Even if Severus was robbed of his wife, but in the face of greater interests , Conseil chose to confess.

He was not a traitor to the French, so why should Suzanne hate him?

In other people's home games, the visiting team often suffers. If Severus uses the "wealth" left by Albus, he can stop Goncey's brother from leading the members of the French Ministry to encircle him, but in this way he will get involved with the gang of "saints", and he will into more trouble.

There are often many secrets hidden in the manuscript. People who have not read the manuscript of the Declaration of Independence will not know what changes the founding fathers made.

He only memorized the boring formula of universal gravitation, and didn't know that Newton's intention was to make nature and God in harmony instead of confrontation, so he wouldn't know how the founding fathers replaced God's authority with nature.

In Carlsler's memory, Pomona not only wears a quivering wheat ear watch, but also a fire opal ring.

It's supposed to have some kind of magic, it's surrounded by golden light, it looks like flames.

Sometimes Muggles get magical items, such as cursed necklaces, and the rings themselves have different meanings.

It can be an oath, or it can be regarded as the successor of St. Peter like the pope's fisherman's ring, and every pope must shatter it under the witness of the cardinals after his death.

After the smashing, the new fisherman's ring had to be cast again, because the new Pope had to decide on his pastoral emblem. If the Minister of Magic didn't need to decide on the emblem, the ring could be regarded as a token of inheritance.

Severus couldn't tell why he thought of this, maybe because he saw Susannah's lotus cubi.

"Is that ring in his will?" Severus asked instinctively.

"What?" Susannah asked inexplicably.

"A fire opal ring, have you ever seen it?"

"He left a lot of things..."

"You can ask your friends, aren't you a member of the Napoleon Foundation?" Severus reminded.

"Why did you suddenly think of it?" Susannah asked.

"It reminds me of another ring, the one with the Peverell crest," Severus said.

"What's so special about that?" Susannah asked.

"Just do it." Severus took a sip from his coffee cup.

Suzanne was a little confused, but she still took out her mobile phone, found a number in the address book, and pressed the answer button.

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