Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1925 Under the Lion's Claw (7)

The Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier was originally intended to be named after Cardinal Richelieu to inherit the battleship Richelieu in World War II, but was renamed Charles de Gaulle by the then Premier of Gaullistism when it was actually built.

The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier does not have to worry about the problem of insufficient fuel, but since its service began, the transmission system has continued to fail. In 2002, it simply returned to the home port of Toulon to rest.

Reminiscent of its high cost, many people feel that repairing this ship is not worth it. It was originally planned to enter service in 1996, but it was actually delayed until 2001. The reason for the delay was the financial problems of France.

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of the United States is specifically looking for people who accept bribes, but as long as criminals do not go to the United States, they will not be tried and detained by American courts.

However, since the Marshall Plan, European intellectuals have regarded the United States as Byzantium, a place where freedom and knowledge are stored.

Both Hermione and Harry came from the Muggle world, and their cognition is sometimes completely different from that of Ron, a child who grew up in the wizarding world. The sympathetic Hermione would say that goblins have reason to hate humans because They had been cruelly treated, and Ron would say goblins were not fluffy rabbits.

There is a kind of deterrence, it doesn't have to be bloody, but you can still feel the horror.

In peacetime, no one will press that button, but nuclear power plants are different. They are first and foremost profitable. The oil production plant in Texas is because of aging equipment, and the oil company refuses to pay for maintenance or replacement. The workers are afraid every day, thinking that every day may be the last day of their lives.

Even so it continued to function and finally exploded.

It costs a lot of money to maintain equipment once. If EDF thinks the cost is too high, Alstom, which is controlled by the United States, may not provide maintenance services, which means two situations. Either the power plant is out of service and does not export electricity to the outside world, and equipment that has lost power, including electric lights, will not be able to be used. France has repaired so many power plants and will return to the dark middle ages. Or just barely operate, even if the nuclear explosion has nothing to do with the United States, anyway, they are separated from Europe by the Atlantic Ocean, even if radioactive materials cover one-third of the earth, they will not be blown there. On the contrary, the United Kingdom and Germany may follow bad luck.

According to the Protestant ethics, being God's chosen people can go to heaven, how to prove that one is God's chosen people? Calvin considered "luck" and fortune to be a sign, and it was impossible to tell from another's behavior whether that person was chosen or cursed.

For example, if one person curses another person, your behavior will go to hell sooner or later. He can completely ignore it. This attitude is unacceptable to the general public, but he himself feels that he has been blessed by heaven.

St. Louis, the perfect monarch of the Middle Ages, suffered a disastrous defeat in Egypt and was captured. He was imprisoned in Egypt for many years, and he was released after negotiating and paying a large amount of ransom.

This is the case with being blackmailed. Even if the Mamluk was wearing gold and silver, he was threatened with more ransom after being stripped by the captives.

Not everyone can accept the rule of the French. Although the Cairo riots were instigated by someone, the fact that so many people responded shows that there is a basis for it. What's more, Napoleon was not interested in Egypt after all. After all, he had been here before. The focus is on the wealthy Santo Domingo.

That place is now a veritable quagmire. Americans first issued a declaration of independence, and then formulated a constitution after winning the war of independence. They came in the opposite way, first proclaiming the constitution, and then issuing the declaration of independence.

The Declaration of Independence was issued, and if the War of Independence was not won, then it can be treated as if it did not exist. The enactment of the constitution means that even if the war is won and the constitution is not revoked, the war will continue until Santo Domingo revokes the constitution or the French army withdraws.

Napoleon will certainly not spare money to win like Louis XVI. The development of Belgium also has this purpose, replacing the sucrose in Santo Domingo with beets. But brewing beer is for drinking, and sugar making is for the French. When people work for themselves, they are full of energy, but when they work for others, they lose their strength and complain a lot.

Of course, you can also change your thinking and stop eating sugar. Whether it is selling equipment or selling Groot, the main purpose is to plunder the money in the hands of the Belgians, so that it can also be kept.

But taking that piece of land not only expanded the strategic depth, but also arranged the exiles in those places. They are literate, literate, and can be municipal officials or other jobs, provided they don't think about going back to Versailles, and don't think about Louis XVIII or other "Princes of Bourbon."

It is difficult to make a clean break with the past, and others can help.

Severus could never forget his first love. Others still think about it when they are married. He is like Heathcliff, who always remembers Catherine and forgets his wife Elizabeth.

Elizabeth can take the child and leave him, let him go crazy in Wuthering Heights alone, and she will meet other men in the outside world to start again, there is no need to go to hell with him.

Muggles have many excellent ones, this must be admitted, but no matter how smart people are, there are times when they get confused.

Everyone dies, including Nick Flamel, who created the Philosopher's Stone, who died shortly after he stopped taking his medication after destroying the stone.

Death always wins and makes a person immortal, Pomona can never win Lily while she's alive.

She didn't go to the dance held at the school at Christmas that year, but before that, she went to the dance nominated for the Wolfsbane Potion held at Malfoy Manor. Dance with him in full view.

He just needs to remember these things, but he wonders if it can be compared with the date of two young men and women by the river and by the willow tree.

It was the only clean place in that heavily polluted city, with green grass, blooming flowers, and a girl with red hair and green eyes.

But those eyes were not looking at him with love, she was looking forward to the magical world he dictated.

Another girl with a pair of water-blue eyes, she tried to understand his thoughts, as if analyzing some formula that could be applied later, but she couldn't analyze it.

She lacks the wisdom of Ravenclaw, and even Rowena's daughter sometimes needs to borrow her mother's crown to find wisdom and solve problems.

It's just that she was so focused on solving the problem that she forgot that she still had a fiancé. She fled Hogwarts wearing a crown, and came to Albania to find some peace, but was chased by him.

He killed her, then stabbed himself in the chest with the knife with her blood on it, and the two ghosts returned to Hogwarts together, wandering for thousands of years.

That world only has two colors, black and white, not as colorful as the world of the undead, but it is very simple.

In fact, when she was in that shaft that day, she already wanted to die, and it was he who meddled in his own business to save her.

Instead of giving her the antidote, he should drink the poison himself so they can go back to school "clean".

"Where are you going?" Susannah asked.

"None of your business." Severus staggered out.

"Why did you come to me?" Susannah asked.

Severus was silent.

"Do you need my help?" Susannah asked again.

Still no answer.

"Don't worry, I will help you. The world of the undead is not the real world. No matter how cold and bossy Napoleon I was, he would not be so immoral. He would not do such things. Many people who have seen that world said The people there are very different from me.”

Still no one spoke to her.

"I heard you found a grease," Susannah said.

"Right." Severus replied.

"Did you light it?" Susannah asked.

Severus turned to look at her.

"This is the way I heard to get to that world." Susannah said, "But you must come back before the cock crows."

"I've heard of it," Severus said.


"Scavengers, guarantors of the harvest," Severus said.

"They showed up again?" Susannah asked.

"It could be that they created that world, and Bonaparte's soul is trapped in it because he destroyed them."

"What!" Susannah exclaimed.

"The judges of the Inquisition classified them as wizards. During the French Revolution, they encouraged the people to kill those priests." Severus said slowly, "Later, the purgers in France disappeared, and we I don't think they just disappear, maybe Napoleon got rid of them, and then they imprisoned his soul in that world in revenge."

Susanna paced anxiously, and said after a while, "I'll go back and investigate this matter. In short, you tell me first, how do you want me to help you?"

"I need to be in that world," he whispered. "Like the man in 1870."

Susannah stared at him, seeming to discern his true thoughts.

"Let me tell you one thing." Severus slowly told Susanna what Lucius told him, "You will go through the Great Patriotic War again, but this time it will not be open guns, but A hidden war."

"So, every time this door opens it means misfortune?" Susannah asked.

"How do you know it's unfortunate?" Severus said with a smile. "If the world in the future is covered in radioactive fallout, at least that world will have uncontaminated flowers."

"Don't you wonder why I helped you?" Susannah asked.

Severus thought for a moment and said, "I think, I understand a little bit."

"What is it?"

"For a desperate and helpless person, he will accept help even with ulterior motives." Severus adjusted the white rose on his chest, "You said you didn't believe your ancestors did such a thing, but I I believe that what we are fighting for is limited resources, and one day when it is difficult to drink clean water, you will find how luxurious it is to take a bath.”

"That's why they bought Danone." Suzanne whispered in horror.

"Clean bottled water." Severus smiled, "Things that are usually not important at all will become extremely precious at that time, and people will spend a lot of money to buy them, just like they are not scarce at all now Food was extremely important in the 18th century, and there is also love, which some people think is not unusual at all, but only when it is in short supply do they realize its importance."

Susannah smiled. "You sound like a lover."

"Why don't you say I look like Prince Paris?" Severus asked.

"Will you give the golden apple to Venus?" Susannah asked.

"That's right." Severus replied firmly, "Why would a man of power and wisdom trade golden apples for what he already has?"

"Maybe it's because of greed." Susannah crossed her arms and raised her chin arrogantly.

"If this is the case, why did the goddesses let Paris decide the ownership of the golden apple?"

Susannah opened her mouth.

"Take my hand." Severus curled his arms.

Susanna shook her head, "I kind of regret agreeing to help you."


"You don't look like a loser at all right now."

"Because I looked like a failure just now, you agreed to help me?" Severus asked.

"Otherwise what do you think?" Susannah smiled contemptuously, walked to Severus's side, and took his arm. "I don't want that bloody ring."

"Where's your cubit?" Severus asked.

"I heard that you copied the sword of Gryffindor. You can make the same one for me." Susannah looked at the cubit and said happily, "It is like the Nile River and can bring prosperity to Egypt."

"Yes." Severus bowed, and Disapparated with Suzanne.

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