Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1916: The Emperor's New Clothes (Part 2)

Severus dodged the green light, but it wasn't a killing spell.

After hitting the cast-iron pillar, a bolt of lightning spread to the next-door pillar, and the next-door pillar was connected to the adjacent pillar, eventually forming a grid like a Tesla arc.

"It connects to the Muggle electricity grid," said the player. "You know how powerful that is, don't you?"

"You just said you wouldn't do it in church."

The man wiggled the wand in his hand like a baton in a military band, "Anyway, you'll do it if I don't."

"You're a wizard and you serve Muggles?" Severus asked.

"What's so strange about that?" the piano player said with a smile, "I didn't hurt them."

Severus sneered.

"It's you instead, you're a dark wizard."

"Again, you're from the Anti-Dark Arts League?" Severus asked impatiently.

"What good will it do me to join them?" asked the pianist.

"I don't know, fame and fortune?"

"Do you think I'm Rohart?" asked the pianist.

"Do you think you're smarter than him?" Severus asked.

"Otherwise?" asked the harpist.

"You actually believe that Corsican."

"What do you want to say?" the piano player asked boredly.

"He won't deal with these trivial matters, that's his character, he would rather run away when encountering difficult things." Severus said with a smile, "For example, Cairo, and Russia."

"It's not your turn to judge him yet." The piano player said with a cold face.

"If he didn't intend to take my wife's soul, I wouldn't bother to comment." Severus also turned cold. "Do you know what that contract sounds like? It's like the devil tempting a good lamb, I have the responsibility Protect and stop them."

"I thought your public wife was Mrs. Potter." The piano player sneered. "You can't even bring her into public."

"That's our business..." Severus said patiently.

"You know Josephine, she always has unrealistic illusions, she thinks that the king will be brought back, and the emperor will still be alive." The piano player stared at Severus, "The princess knows better than her, Louis XVIII is back In the end, His Majesty will inevitably be removed, and it is a good ending to fall into the hands of the British and become a prisoner."

"Then he should continue to enjoy the ending," Severus said with a sneer.

"Didn't you hear that? She was recognized."

"That's your hallucination..."

"Don't resist!"

"I remember how you were right Joan of Arc." Severus said sonorously, "You won't thank her."

The piano player gritted his teeth, and the electric light crackled like sparks.

"What else do you have to say?" Severus asked.

"The Revolution and Grindelwald cost us a lot of lives, we don't want a total war." The piano player said "Last chance, Snape, let's go."

"I knew I shouldn't split up that day." Severus smiled wryly, "I shouldn't threaten her with my life, tell her to leave your affairs alone, I can't live without her, he's dead, why not let her he rest in peace?"

"I can't do this, Snape, you can only blame fate." The piano player softened his tone, and said in a pitiful tone, "Where is her body?"

"You're not going to trade?" Severus asked.

"We gave you a chance and you turned it down."

"Then he'll never get what he wants," Severus said angrily.

"If it wasn't for that phoenix that day... Do you remember where you found her? There is a basement under his cemetery. Some spies once listened in there. They don't know why there is an empty sarcophagus there. Just put it in the Louvre."

"He can take others to hell," Severus said, and with a wave of his wand, a basilisk appeared in the church.

The player immediately closed his eyes.

"You will be punished for this!" roared the piano player.

"I don't care." Severus said softly, "You took away my most important thing, and I will take yours too."

"What do you want to do?"

"I told you that the people who raised hell are not wizards this time, and I will do my best to stop those who try to stop the riots from happening, as you just said, you can only blame fate, I believe they have changed some , will no longer send the king to the guillotine like in the Great Revolution.”

A bolt of lightning struck Severus, and the buckler blocked it.

"Look, she's still willing to protect me." Severus said with a smile. "She still loves me."

"You're crazy to release something like this in a downtown area," said the piano player.

After saying that, Severus began to speak in a basilisk, and the basilisk was ordered to crawl towards the player.

That's when the messenger from just now appeared, blocking Severus' path.

"Workplace," the man said with a smile, and raised his wand, and the arcs came alive at Severus.

"Clear water is like a spring." After fending off two lightning strikes, Severus drew water under the messenger's feet, and he dodged immediately.

At this moment, the messenger seemed to be stabbed by an invisible knife, with several bloody wounds on his body.

"Let me tell you one thing." Severus said in a low voice, "When a person has nothing, it is not a condition for begging for mercy and giving love, but a driving force for progress. He is a person who has experienced the Great Revolution and should understand this , a person who truly has nothing, dares to do anything."

When the blood of the messenger dropped into the water, a wonderful thing happened.

It appeared the same illusion as in the previous Louvre and Luxembourg pools.

This time it was two windmills, and two people stood under the windmills and looked at each other from a distance.

One of them was easily recognizable as Napoleon in his gray frock coat, the other in red British uniform.

"Waterloo!" exclaimed the messenger.

Severus' eyes widened.

He didn't expect Napoleon and Wellington to stand so close before the decisive battle, as if they could see each other's faces.

It is not surprising that Belgium has a windmill. It is also a wetland country and was once occupied by the Netherlands.

In June, there is a solar term called mangzhong. At this time, the winter wheat is mature and can be replanted after harvesting. It can be harvested again in September.

The rye grew tall, taller than in England, after all, this was a fertile land, and skirmishers hid in it, and the cavalry could not tell how far the infantry was from them, nor did the infantry know when the cavalry would speed up.

The Battle of Agincourt took place in October. French farmers would plow their fields during this season. The soft soil was also not suitable for heavy cavalry. They fell into the quagmire and were killed and injured by the British longbowmen as targets. They were all just watching, because they had an agreement with the king.

The battlefield of Waterloo has also just rained. This time the land is not as soft as the Battle of Agincourt. It is very suitable for cavalry to run. The rustling sound of sabers and spears cutting blood vessels is almost the same as the sound of wind blowing through wheat fields. If the cavalry at this time If they return, then they will achieve brilliant results, but they seem to have taken away the military flag and sent too many people out.

The second lieutenant holding the flag desperately protected the flag, even if he died, he would press it under his body, and then the British and French troops fought around the flag. A French Lancer tore part of the flag, but Immediately died under the bullets, the British soldiers formed a tight circular array around the flag, and tilted their firepower towards the failed French cavalry in a harvesting manner.

They never knew that they were involved in a great battle that would determine the world for the next two hundred years, just like Severus himself.

"She changed him." The messenger said, "Many people only remember the emperor's martial arts, but forget his martial arts."

"He's dead, stop dreaming!" Severus growled.

"We are reminded that the FCPA will do us serious harm, but there is nothing we can do about it. Although our administration is 18th century, our organizational structure is militarized. The problem is electricity. It should not be run by private companies. At that time, His Majesty did not expect electricity and the second industrial revolution.” The sender said, “We have to face competition, and the cost of electricity must be reduced to reduce the cost of industrial production, so private companies are used. It’s too hard to separate public and private.”

"You're so naive, Frenchmen, that you can't keep everything simple and consistent," Severus said.

"You deliberately don't make unified norms and don't classify them into mergers. What you are careful to guard against is exactly what we are trying to prevent-separation and independence." The messenger said, "You have brought about the current ending. "

"Looks like we have nothing to talk about," Severus said.

"I have a question for you. Why did you come to the appointment alone? Didn't you bring anyone else?" the messenger asked.

"I once saw a man take an army against a castle, and they left him alone."

"You don't want to be left behind like him?"

"No." Severus motioned to the basilisk behind him, "I'm afraid I might hurt them."

As he spoke, he raised his wand, this time the messenger dodged, and Shenfeng invisible did not hit the messenger.

The wooden pews in the church were crumbled under the weight of the basilisk, and the stained glass windows began to crumble, like a colorful dream crumbled to pieces.

If Pomona saw it, she'd be reminded of her teenage dreams about unicorns, some jerk ruined it.

What an incomprehensible guy.

Although no one will read it, let me mention it. The title of the book is French Administrative Law, an authentic tome. France has not undergone an administrative revolution since the Republic 8 years ago, and it has not been overthrown and restarted like it was in 1789. At most, it has only been revised. , perfection, administrative stability and political instability are in stark contrast, and thanks to administrative stability, political turmoil has only limited consequences, but unfortunately this system has been impacted by long-arm jurisdiction and must be changed. People are selfish and selfish. ah.

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