Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1917: The Emperor's New Clothes (Part 2)

Before it was built as a church, the land originally belonged to the hotel Memus-plaisirs, which means the menu of joy. In 1792, it was a free school for the National Guard. In 1793, it became the National Academy of Music. In 1795, it was the National Academy of Music and Drama. After the restoration of the dynasty in 1822, it was renamed the National Conservatory of Music.

The Paris Opera House was burned down in 1763. It was not until 1860 that the French Ministry of Arts decided to build a new Paris Opera House. During this period, the land was vacant for nearly 100 years.

When you're sitting in a restaurant with a menu in your hand, there are so many choices, which one would you like tonight?

It is equally difficult to choose between few choices and many. Among the 171 submissions, the work of 35-year-old architect Charles Garnier stood out. He chose eclecticism, but then he didn't get everyone. recognition.

The current Paris Opera House is called the "Jewelry Box", which is magnificent and beautiful. In fact, eclecticism, also known as compatibilityism, had already sprouted in the era of Napoleon I. It was mentioned in Napoleon's diary.

There are many things like this, which are difficult to accept at first, but it doesn't matter when you get used to it.

The first World's Fair was held in Hyde Park in 1851. The venue was the Crystal Palace. It looked like a greenhouse, but inside it displayed steam tractors, high-speed steam turbines, cranes, kitchen supplies, and harvesters from the United States.

In fact, earlier, Napoleon had already held an industrial exposition in Paris. The first one was held in the Louvre, while the second one was held in the Veterans Square, where a temporary tent was set up.

That exhibition exhibited a thresher designed by a Scottish engineer. Washington did not choose something, but the French chose it. During the Great Revolution, because of conscription, many rural laborers were taken away. Even if the wheat harvest was bumper, no one could thresh it. into flour.

It has contributed to the rise in food prices from another aspect. According to French law, anyone who has reached the age of 21, registered in the civil register, and lived in a French region for more than one year can become a French citizen.

An engineer who was about to starve to death in Scotland was originally forgotten by the world, but one day someone came to his door and said that his invention had been favored. When he arrived in France, he found that he was really treated favorably, and his invention was promoted to the whole country, and he had to participate in the industrial fair. The so-called daydream was nothing more than that.

This is also a kind of joy, but it is different from the joy brought by dance, food, opera, etc. It makes people linger and forget to return. Why go back to Scotland?

Belgians who love to drink beer don’t actually have much chance to drink. Their modernization has not yet started, and everything is still in the period of handcraft workshops. With industrialization, the steam engine replaced manpower, water power and horsepower, making large-scale winemaking possible.

A large gem cut would theoretically depreciate in value, but that would depend on the circumstances. The Regent diamond was cut to be set in the ceremonial sword he wore at his coronation, which would not be sold at the auction house.

The jeweler who made this sword for him was named Chaumet, Napoleon’s royal jeweler and watchmaker. The wheat ear bracelet on Pomona’s hand that looked like a trembling flower ornament was actually a watch. It not only has the function of decoration, but also has certain practical functions.

Former finance minister Jacques Necker used state loans in lieu of high taxes and used the money to finance France's costs in the American Revolutionary War.

This point was adopted by the executive government, but the loans given to farmers were not usury, that is to say, financial supervision was replaced by tax supervision, which became a fixed income.

It took a full year from the beginning of the proposal to the initial implementation. The executive government took back the right to build roads to the central government, and the localities no longer needed to build roads. Although the burden on the localities was reduced from a certain point of view, there was no need to repair roads. What toll tax is required?

The administrative reform in 1982 left road construction and student transportation to local governments. Wizards took the Hogwarts Express to school, and Muggle students took yellow school buses to school. This is also a part of public utilities, and it is non-profit. Children’s safety is Number one, don't allow cars with safety issues to drive children to and from school.

If the wild lion is to fight alone, he must have no patience to clean up the annoying housework, and it will be different if someone fights.

With the money, he can build canals and other projects, so that the farmers' irrigation and transportation problems are also solved.

There is labor without conscripts and wars. It took so many years for the Canal Saint-Martin to be repaired. It has nothing to do with the Napoleonic Wars.

Peaceful construction without war. Bankers are also confident in investing in public utilities. For people in the 18th century, being able to engage in public utilities is a symbol of social status. To participate in decision-making, it is often necessary to associate with nobles, and sometimes be called Invited to court, wealthy, industrious, ambitious factory owners played an increasingly important role in the economic life of the country, and they were recognized as more than their own fortune.

Fraternity was very popular at that time, and the benevolence and pride of this kind of fraternity were often inseparable, but this kind of benevolence was the benevolence of the great nobles towards their retainers. The number of people who dominate is about the same.

One response, one response, all expectations, isn't that what men want?

Many people think that being loved requires chastity, amiability, generosity, and generosity.

Louis XVI was a good man, but he was a bad king. Someone took advantage of people's sympathy to instigate rebellion everywhere, and even organized Xueyue murder. At that time, the assassin was lurking on Napoleon's only way to the Opera House.

If Josephine hadn't insisted on going to the opera, perhaps it would have been all right.

The Paris Opera House also has a door, which was specially prepared for Napoleon III to prevent him from being assassinated like his uncle, but he didn't use it for a day, because he was no longer the emperor when the Opera House was built.

In 1896, when the Paris Opera House was performing "Thetis and Pere", the crystal lamp hanging in the auditorium suddenly fell down, and a woman died unfortunately. This incident was later adapted into "The Phantom of the Opera". famous scene. When the crystal chandelier falls, does it reflect colorful lights like the broken stained glass in the Church of St. Eugene-Saint-Cécile at this moment?

Thetis is the daughter of Nereus, the sea god, and Achilles, who conquered Troy, is her son. In order to make her son live forever, she carried him upside down and immersed him in the water of the River Styx, because only the ankle she grasped Not soaked, so there became Achilles' mortal wound.

One day, at the wedding of the human heroes Paleus and Thetis, all the gods attended the wedding, only the goddess of discord, Eris, was not invited. Eris held a grudge and gave a golden apple to the guests at the wedding. , which reads "For the most beautiful goddess".

Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite let Prince Paris of Troy judge the golden apple. They respectively promised that Hera would give him supreme power, Athena would give her wisdom and strength, and Aphrodite would give her wisdom and strength. Lodite gave him love and made the most beautiful woman in the world fall in love with her.

After thinking about it, Paris felt that power and dominion could inherit his father's throne, and he had the ability to go on the road of a hero, but love is not something that can be encountered every day, so he gave the golden apple to Aphrodite , and Aphrodite gave him the married woman Helen.

In order to prevent Helen from causing war, the old Spartan king made the suitors swear that they would never harm her husband.

Whether it is to gain profits in the war, or to uphold justice for the king of Sparta, the "heroes" boarded the ship and headed for Troy, but there was no favorable wind on the sea, and the commander Agamemnon almost died in the army. Sacrifice his daughter.

When the Trojan War ended, Helen heard the news that she was going to see her husband, and the elders advised her to wear a veil.

Thus she found her husband among the many helmeted soldiers, and undid the helmet from his face for him.

How did she do it?

Maybe it was a legend, maybe it was a feeling, when she heard that Menelaus was coming, she was not afraid, she still loved him from the bottom of her heart.

As for the relationship between her and Paris, it may be like a love potion, which does not create true love, but a strong sense of obsession.

The Louvre not only has a statue of Venus, but also the Dendera constellation board, which was enshrined in the temple of Hathor, the Egyptian god of love.

Hathor is the god of love and also the god of death. When the "Eye of Ra God" is opened, the earth will be stained with blood. In order to stop her, the god Ra pours the wine made of pomegranates on the earth and makes her drunk. The god of death has become the beautiful god of love, music, and dance. In addition to pomegranate, beer is also her sacrifice. If she is drunk, she will not "trick or treat".

Venus, it was you who made me sick like this,

From now on, I will become sick from lovesickness, dying,

The debt is still unpaid, but he is about to die.

Machiavelli said that even if the prince cannot be loved, he must avoid hatred, because being feared and not hated can be combined very well, as long as he does not touch the property of his citizens and subjects, and does not touch the property of his citizens and subjects. Mess with their wives and daughters, he can always do that, and fear is more followed and obeyed than love, but hate can't do that.

Is it worthwhile to make such a big mistake just for a moment of pleasure?

Generally speaking, electricity and magic cannot coexist, unless the current is very strong, the decorative lights on the Eiffel Tower go out, it becomes one with the black night sky, as if invisible, or the time goes back to before the 1889 World Expo .

On the island of Elba, there is a small town called "Metropolis". Can it be as bright as Paris?

In this little-known church, a phantom is dancing ghostly steps.

He is not like someone who, although dead, lives in people's hearts, and he has been buried for love.

His love for Lily is the only reason people forgive him for killing Albus Dumbledore, even if the old fool couldn't resist the temptation of the resurrection stone and put on the cursed ring, he was close to death Far.

Albus can really do it, he can even take advantage of his own death, what else can't he take advantage of?

He is the ruthless man, even the dark wizard is more human than him.

Take the cat away from the homeless man, and play a video of the cat living a happy life, as if he has done something good, but what about the homeless man?

In fact, most Parisians are spectators, just like Napoleon before the hairline, he also watched the scene of the great revolution with all living beings.

It's just that he didn't expect that he stood on the stage and under the spotlight like an audience invited by a magician to assist in the performance, and became an object watched by others.

Who could have imagined that he was an ordinary man, and begging for mercy and love?

Others are bound to say that anyone who thinks that way must be crazy, whether it's a grown man or a child saying that.

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