Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1915: The Emperor's New Clothes (Part 1)

If Severus Snape was "one of his own", when he was cold-blooded and even slightly proud of how he betrayed Sirius Black and Emily Wanlin and indirectly caused their death , Narcissa Malfoy would not be as angry as before.

No one wants to be betrayed, especially by someone they trust. Although few people knew that Severus liked Lily Evans, and Dumbledore kept it a secret for him, Snape was still arguing at the door of the Gryffindor lounge that day. Breaking up is just that scene, or even worse. For pure-blood nobles, you can throw a glove duel gracefully, but you can't roll in the mud. Given Snape's background, even if the scene is ugly, no one mentions it.

Later, with the support of Dumbledore, he became the youngest dean of Slytherin, but in the eyes of the senior Death Eaters and seniors at the same table, he was still that poor junior.

Aura is a very metaphysical thing, everyone can feel it, but it is difficult to define. After being pampered and pampered at Hogwarts for so many years, and being the dean for so many years, Snape's social status certainly cannot be compared with those escaped from Azkaban, let alone in his own home at that time , is it strange that he won't let Bellatrix move his things?

This is the problem. Sisters Black condescended to come to that crappy house, but he didn't entertain them with sincerity. What kind of attitude is this?

If Severus really loved Lily, then he wouldn't share a room with Wormtail, even if he treated Wormtail like a servant.

That relationship is over, and now Snape is his own, and they both serve the Dark Lord, the slight difference is that Lucius was punished for doing stupid things, but not himself, but theirs The only son, Draco Malfoy, was forced by Voldemort to perform a task that was impossible for a child his age.

It would be fine if the story continued like this, but Harry Potter "reversed" the plot. After "resurrecting", he said in front of everyone: Snape is not one of yours, he never was, because he Loving my mom.

This is quite convincing, so this is a trap arranged by Dumbledore to catch his opponents in one go.

Viaduct Court was able to Apparate at that time, and the Death Eaters started to flee, after all, not everyone went to Azkaban for an attitude like Bellatrix. What's more, they didn't want the Dark Lord to win that much, because he was too terrifying, and if he accidentally said a word wrong, he might invite death.

Love is irrational, it is the magic weapon that defeated Voldemort and let people overcome fear.

From the Dark Lord's understanding, he felt that Severus could just find another pure-blooded woman to replace Lily, he wanted her, that's all. The Dark Lord arranged a lot of marriages, including Lucius's marriage to Narcissa. The Black family, who believed in "forever pure", had already begun inbreeding. A pure-blooded family like Malfoy who was not pure enough could not reach their family.

Toujours pur is written in French, and France not only has desserts and romance, but also Yusuf Karma and the Lestrange family's grievances.

Neither Muggles nor Squibs have magic powers to cast the Imperius Curse, the Unforgivable Curse, but they can buy love potions to make love happen when it shouldn't.

Merope gave birth to Voldemort, and the poison incident not only caused unjust imprisonment, but also caused Prince Eugen to leave and become the general of Austria. His mother was Louis XIV's first love. If Mrs. Montespan fell, she would become the chief mistress. Bishop Mazarin's niece did have a motive, but she really did it?

Witchcraft and faith have always coexisted. Some people think this is crazy. There is no such thing as a love potion in the world.

Generally speaking, women will not use love potions to deal with such people. Men rarely use love potions. They prefer to use money and power to attract women. Louis XIV, who exiled Mrs. Montespan, finally invested in the pious Mante The arms of Mrs. Farmer.

But he was not at peace, and the repeal of the Edict of Nantes had once again had a huge impact, and Protestants left France in droves.

Not all cities are like London, and Birmingham used to be an unplanned, dirty city. It is not a spinning mill like Manchester and Derbyshire, but mainly smelting. The history of Cokeworth is much shorter than it, and the urban layout is relatively neat. The enclosure movement needed to drive farmers away to raise sheep, and the iron and steel industry directly transformed local farmers into factory workers. There were no such intense conflicts, but it developed relatively slowly at the same time, and could not enjoy the benefits of the birth and development of new industries. , the factories were set up far from the old city center, and the self-built houses of farmers were in disarray. Birmingham in the late 18th and early 19th centuries was not beautiful, and the small brick houses gathered on a piece of rough land were particularly ugly. However, the city There was the sound of clanging irons.

Pythagoras discovered the golden ratio through the sound of iron striking, and the factory owners in Birmingham could judge whether there was a problem in the process by the sound of workers striking iron.

Managing a factory is not only exercising dominion, but also like conducting a symphony. Workers must work correctly under the supervision of the foreman. Any redundant movement or mechanical failure will lead to rhythm confusion. That's when the factory owner is about to come out of his office to inspect.

Sometimes the factory owner will be so harsh that the unique talent of industrialists lies in the organization of the enterprise. First, sufficient capital must be raised, and then the problem of equipment. After all these problems are solved, it is the turn of the labor force. Maintaining this order is ultimately a matter of sales.

Population is a kind of wealth. Anyway, in the wizarding world, it is impossible to develop a commercial civilization of the same scale as the Muggle world. Compared with the spinning mill, the market of the metallurgical industry is more difficult to develop, and it is also more difficult to form a scale. What else can it be used for nail clippers, firearms, agricultural tools, and machinery?

Severus was invited to a church called Eglise Saint-Eugène-Sainte-Cecile in the 9th arrondissement of Paris, which was built during the Second French Empire. There are few scenic spots, it is a place where locals like to meet, and the slender metal two living quarters serve as supports, outline the Gothic interior, and have more stained glass windows than traditional stone Gothic churches.

Its dome is golden yellow, colorful paints decorate the beams and columns magnificently, the interior of the whole church is rich in color, exquisite chandeliers, exquisitely carved solid wood stairs and pulpit, and naturally there is also a pipe organ. At this time, a person is playing .

He played Bach, not the average key played by their neighbors downstairs in South Kensington, and the organ featured a complex, multi-layered keyboard that a piano with only one row of keys could match.

It can produce a rich and brilliant sound unmatched by other instruments, solemn and solemn, and awe-inspiring.

Severus didn't stop him.

Anyway, he wasn't the one disturbing the people, and he wasn't afraid of calling the police if he played the organ at such a late hour.

At a certain point, the player stopped playing, but the reverberation still echoed in the cast-iron church.

"You're a surprise, Mr. Snape," said the pianist in French-sounding English, with his back turned to him.

"Where is Count Leroy?" Severus asked.

"We sent him home after he told all he knew," said the pianist. "How do you know?"

"He hasn't been in touch with me." Severus said calmly, "Did his brother convince him?"

"No." Turning around, the fiddler was a middle-aged man with a square jaw and black hair. "He wants to grab you."

"What about you? You don't want to catch me?" Severus asked.

"I hope you can let go, so we can save each other a little trouble."

Severus laughed "Why would I do that?"

"Since the eighth year of the Republic, our administrative organization has not undergone major changes, which means that we still use the framework established during the ruling government period."

"Surprising." Severus teased. "Why don't you change it?"

"Genius is used to illuminate the times, and we need him." The pianist looked at Severus. "For the greater good."

"You're crazy." Severus shook his head, ready to leave.

"There are still many women in this world, you are still very young..."

"This sentence is also applicable to him. He is the emperor. I will not let her wait until he has no feelings for her and can only be abandoned. You may want to get help, but help is only given to those who are worthy of help."

"He won't abandon her," said the harpist.

Severus smiled contemptuously.

"She refused to take off the necklace around her neck. Later, she told the emperor that she was actually very old and ugly. She maintained her beauty entirely by the magic power of the necklace. As long as she took it off, she would show her original shape, but he still gave the necklace to the emperor. I took it off." The piano player said calmly, "They have a contract, when I have nothing, when I am not young and beautiful, will they still love me? They signed it, what do you have?"

"Of course." Severus took out the swan necklace around his neck "Either die together or live together. You know what the last guy who wanted to destroy Paris thought? He wanted to stop Muggles from ruining the world , which means that he meddles too much, and I don't want to meddle in yours!"

"You want to destroy Paris?" asked the pianist.

"I'm not that crazy yet." Severus said nonchalantly, "I'm not the one who raised hell this time."

No one spoke for a long time.

"You used the Anti-Apparition Charm?" Severus asked.

"The church is a sacred place, and we are not going to do anything in it," said the harpist. "This church is named after two saints, St. Cecil, a blind musician, and St. Eugene, who respects secular power." , we always thought that these two referred to Prince Eugene and Hortans. Cecilia, this is another name for Cecil, do you know who she is?"

Severus drew his wand.

"Do you know how long it took for this church to be built? 20 months, similarly, it will take almost that much time for us to build a 'Crystal Palace'. It will be used to open an industrial expo, which is good for us." The piano player stands "And together we can take on a bigger enemy."

"I've been told to bring back that law against Muggle-wizard marriages, but I think there's only one Dorcas in the world..."

"She also told him a lot about the wizarding world." The piano player took out a very thin stick with human heads on both ends. "You think she is stupid?"

Severus' eyes gleamed.

"Don't worry, it's not England's, it's Saint-Germain's." The harpist smiled bloodthirsty "She needs his advice, don't be naive, Snape, the world of wizards and Muggles was, is, and will be Never really separated."

After speaking, a green light shot at Severus.

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