Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1900 father's watch (eight)

"I killed Sirius Black, I killed Sirius Black, hahahaha..."

Bellatrix sang again while chasing the black dog.

Severus turned to look at Lucius, who didn't seem to notice.

If a man goes mad, he first sees or hears something...

Severus gritted his teeth, pretended not to hear the voice, and continued to chase through the forest.

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Few people can not tremble in front of Louis XIV, and few people can behave calmly in front of the "little corporal leader". Even Pierre, who "has studied at university", changed after the interview. Because of her previous attitude towards the First Consul, the townspeople simply did not believe that the legendary Mrs. Sevres dared to slap the First Consul in the face.

Someone saw the pinching of the nose. Although it was terrible, it could be understood as an expression of intimacy. The mistress of the king was always pampered, and Xiao Feng Tang still wore the clothes of Louis XIV.

She and Miss Lavalliere have many similarities. They both came from poor country families and are both top-notch riders. She often hunts with the king's hounds, and the king never leaves her for half a step.

Once her hat got scraped off by a tree branch, so she tied a ribbon into her curls, a hairstyle that remained popular for a while.

What really makes people feel unbearable about her is that she actually wears the same clothes as Louis XIV's to attend the mass. It is understandable to wear men's clothing for hunting and horseback riding. Why does the mass wear it like this?

This annoyed Mrs. Montespan, but Mrs. Montespan didn't show it immediately, and she even dressed up Xiaofengtang before the banquet.

Madame de Montespin's behavior annoyed Madame Maintenon, and once they met on the Queen's stairs, Madame Montespan wanted to go down, and Madame Maintenon wanted to go up, and Madame Maintenon said dryly "Would you like to go down, ma'am, I'm going up."

Only then did Mrs. Montespan come down from upstairs, and after she had passed, Mrs. Mantel went upstairs.

Generally speaking, Georgiana will take the initiative to avoid meeting Josephine. When Josephine is in St. Luke's Palace, she will live in the small villa left by the nobles before, or go directly to Paris, and the palace people will pick her up. Nicknamed "Lucky Cook", she didn't live in the master's room when Rambouillet held the "Pheasant Feast", but lived with the servants, near the kitchen. Her excuse was convenience Work.

Anyway, she gave Josephine enough face, and Josephine was very ungrateful at first, who would have a good face to a woman who robbed her husband?

Later, she met Grassini, and then she understood what a "normal" mistress is like. Even Cleopatra, who was brought back from Egypt, was very rude to take things from Bonaparte's warehouse.

Mrs. Sevre established a rule in the palace that no one except Josephine, including herself, could spend the night in the bed of the First Consul. This prevented anyone from introducing women to the First Consul.

As long as a woman with a bit of dignity can't accept it, who doesn't want to sleep until dawn with someone they have had an intimate relationship with?

As for those female stars, they never spent the night in the Tuileries Palace, and they were picked up before dawn. The ladies must not accept that they are equal to them. In this way, only those women whose status is not high enough, they No threat to Josephine at all.

This trick is very vicious, just like she threatened the maids to ruin their appearance by bluffing with her name like Jeanne. She really has a way. There are many women in Paris who have been vaccinated by military doctors forcibly. They are going crazy with fear, for fear that smallpox will grow on their faces.

Josephine considers herself a good person, leaving all the bad things to Mrs. Sevres. She is not an empty queen either. After returning from Belgium, Napoleon lived in St. Luke's Palace and took Josephine over from Malmaison. She may have the intention of compensating her and always be with her and the children. .

The lack of a police chief in Paris has nothing to do with Malmaison and St. Luke. He has the ruling guard and General Soult by his side. It is not so easy to assassinate him.

In addition to poison, Louis XIV liked to keep hounds in the palace very much. He would give them what he ate, and only ate it after seeing that they were fine.

Napoleon bought three Mamluk slaves, and one of them died after being tested with poison. Some people said that this was inhumane, but this method was stopped later, so the kitchen became an important place.

Farmers also find it new that if bees collect pollen from poisonous plants, the honey they brew will also be poisonous, and many ornamental plants in the garden are poisonous. The nectar of oleander is poisonous, and the pollen of rhododendron is also poisonous. If the bee's legs are stained with pollen and brought back to the hive, the honey cannot be eaten.

Irises were also planted in Bagatelle's garden, and another iris garden was also cleared for being "poisonous" and replaced with some non-toxic and harmless plants.

Even foxglove is actually poisonous. It is also called the dead man's bell. It can be used as a medicine when taken in a small amount, but it can cause sudden death in large doses. The poison poisoned by Mrs. Sevres is the kind that can be seen everywhere in the garden. flowers.

No one thought that Mrs. Sevre would be the target of assassination. She was as harmless and sweet as a chestnut. But just as people think that Mrs. Montespan's death is related to Xiao Fengtang's fever, people's first thought is that Josephine poisoned her to kill her.

If a normal person knows that he has been murdered, the first thing he thinks of is to find the murderer. In addition to selling love potions, Lavazan sometimes sells "inheritance powder", which can quickly and effectively solve complex inheritance problems.

Sometimes wives also dipped their husbands' clothes in a substance that produced symptoms of syphilis so that doctors wouldn't scrutinize them during autopsies.

It was not only Lavoisin who was doing this business in Paris at that time, but Madame Bosch and Madame Villecourt, both notorious figures.

There was a young lawyer who, for some unknown reason, was at a dinner party with Madame Villecourt, and Madame Bosch was there, and she was drunk, and she didn't know what was wrong with her, and suddenly said, "It's a good business, What a generous customer, duchesses and princes, I only need to sell poison three more times and I can retire!"

This sounded like a joke, but Madame Villecourt turned pale with fright, and the lawyer took this amusing story to La Reni, the prefect of the police in Paris.

This thing is like a ghost. Many people say they saw it but there is no evidence to prove it. Moreover, many of the customers of these witches are high-status customers. How dare a Paris police chief touch them.

But if poisoning was so common, it must be rectified, no matter what the cost to the nobles, so La Reni told the Minister of Justice, Loufwa, and the two went to the king together.

It was as if the floor tiles had been lifted to reveal the gutter below, and the scene was simply horrible. The high society is very small, and a very small number of people have no connection with the Paris High Court. In other words, everyone has a relationship. This matter cannot be handed over to the Paris Supreme Court.

On April 10, 1679, the officials of the Torch Court got together and started their "work". At this time, a new flower grew in Wangdi's "nursery", namely Xiaofengtang hot. She always Imagine yourself as the heroine of a romantic story, with the king as her knight and destined lover.

At that time, Mrs. Montespan's figure was completely out of shape due to multiple births. Even two or three hours of massage a day could not restore it. Before that, she went to Ghent with the king and queen to watch the army siege .

Fading and love are not suitable for Mrs. Montespan, other women Louis XIV can completely ignore their feelings, in order to take care of Mrs. Montespan's feelings, he tricked her into gambling, and the loss is his.

When Mrs. Montespan heard that Lavazan had been arrested, she didn't think about saving Lavazan at first, but went to other places to stockpile the powder she needed, because after this incident, she might be in for a long time. Can't buy it anymore.

This is actually not surprising. For people living in Versailles, they are either holding a banquet every day, or on the way to the banquet. Members of the royal family can take a carriage, and they have to use their own legs to cross such a large palace.

The Hall of Mirrors is 'the main thoroughfare' for people to sprint through during the day, and another world at night, when thousands of candles glow in chandeliers and candelabrums, lighting up the gilded palace like Aladdin Palaces where nobles dressed in satin or lace gossiped and hooked up, where, as Racine wrote, those seeking pleasure, love, games, laughter, gratitude, intercourse could have their every wish fulfilled.

If a person struggles with trivial matters every day, it is as difficult as crossing no man's land, and they will not be interested in any new things.

As the court of the torch began, big names were brought to trial, but Mrs. Montespan was not included.

Looking at these people every day, coupled with his age, Louis XIV began to "convert" and fell into the arms of the devout Madame Maintenon.

There is a flower called Manjusawa, which is a kind of Lycoris and is a close relative of Manjusri, but it is only slightly poisonous, and only in the roots, not as poisonous as the whole plant of Manjusri. Why do Buddhists compare them with Datura, these Poisonous flowers are regarded as auspicious flowers, and they are named after Bodhisattvas?

If Xiao Fengtang had a dream about kings and knights, there was not someone here who was having unrealistic dreams.

Others can do whatever they want in their dreams, why is she so unfree in her dreams?

Wake up, idiot! You are almost late for class!

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