Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1901 father's watch (9)

The Paris Metro began operating in 1900, nearly 40 years later than the London Metro. It is said that it was because of the problem of planning routes. It was designed to prevent people from the city from flowing to the suburbs.

All in all, the underground in Paris in 1870 was not as complicated as it is now, and some "signs" that were also used in 1870 could not be used in 2005, and the target can only be determined by "feeling".

From BC to the 20th century, this land was constantly under construction, both on the ground and underground. Perhaps only an "old man" like Nick LeMay would be familiar with the underground situation in Paris, and only he could prevent the destruction of Grindelwald. to Paris.

Unlike other cities, the pattern may not have changed for hundreds of years. For example, Bern, the capital of Switzerland, Severus and Pomona once went to the local bear park to watch bears together.

Because it was winter, not only the bears were hibernating, but the rose garden was not in bloom, but they were still very happy.

The black dog took him like a hunting dog to see a bear.

To be precise, it was a dead bear. The gunshot just now seemed to be caused by someone hitting it, but the bullet missed the vital point. It ran for a while before falling to the ground and dying.

The bear reminded him of Pomona, the same way she had been on her side when he went back that day.

She was still alive, her chest rose and fell slightly, and her eyes were closed, unlike Lily's eyes which were wide open.

"Godfather!" Draco yelled.

Severus froze for a moment, took out the communication crystal, Draco's face was on the other side.

"We're safe," Draco said.

"Well done, Draco." Severus said calmly "If there is still danger..."

"Don't go back to Malfoy Manor," Lucius said at this moment, "Go to the beach house we took you to when you were a child."

Draco didn't speak, he heard the obvious resistance in Lucius' voice.

"Listen to your father," Severus said. "Don't screw up like James Potter."

"Yes, Godfather," Draco said sullenly, his face disappearing from the crystal.

"I told the others that he's gone abroad." Lucius said, looking at Severus.

"Where's the beach house?" Severus asked.

Lucius smirked, "It's a family secret, I'm sorry I can't tell you, even though you are my child's godfather."

"What do you think he brought us here for?" Severus said.

"Him?" Lucius asked strangely, "Isn't it a dog we're chasing?"

Severus looked at him incredulously.

At this moment, footsteps were heard in the distance, and a group of French soldiers with flintlock guns was walking towards this side. Behind them was a young man in a hunting suit, who had just met once. Intelligence agent William.

"Let's go." Severus said, looking at William.

"Just a few Muggles..."

"Go!" Severus yelled at Lucius.

"Okay, sir." Lucius said reluctantly.

That's when Severus pulled out his dagger, drew a mark on the tree trunk next to the bear, and left.

It is easy to recognize, a divider plus a curved ruler, together it is a rule, anyone who knows it knows what it represents, as for those who don’t know it, it will be regarded as a prank graffiti, he believes that William knows it, and even more What's more, the dog was still waiting for them in the distance, as if he was going to take them to another place.

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In the court of Versailles, there is a little-known little man, his name is Mr. Lacantini, who built the king's vegetable garden by himself.

At first he worked as a lawyer in Poitiers, but his only interest was fruit trees and vegetables. His "Orchard and Vegetable Garden Guidebook" is the best gardening secretary ever written. Mrs. Sevres intends to follow his guidance Plan the land vacated after clearing the iris garden - planting pear trees. In 1709, Paris ushered in an unprecedented cold winter, and many plants were frozen to death, including vines and winter wheat buried in the ground, but Mr. Lacantini’s pears still grew vigorously, and they also bore fruitful fruits in the coming year .

Mr. Lacantini will not only give the pears to the king and nobles, but also distribute them to the townspeople of Versailles for free. The king liked Lacantini very much. He not only promoted him to a higher rank, but also rewarded him with a house in the king's vegetable garden, and often went to him when he took a walk every day.

Mrs. Montespan died in the convent in 1707, you think, Xiao Fengtang fever has been given emetic by the doctor, which is usually an antidote, how can Mrs. Montespan be on the side of Xiao Fengtang fever What about the one who was poisoned while being induced to vomit?

The judges of the torch court believed the accusation that the village girls didn't believe. Do you think it's funny?

France has the Court of Flame, and Britain also has the Court of Thrones, which often hear trials that are difficult to resolve or that are not easy to open to the public. What those nobles did made La Reni, a well-informed Paris police chief, feel horrified, and even lost confidence in humanity.

With the confession of the three witches and their dog legs, one after another appalling human relations cases began to be exposed. The Marquise d'Aruil poisoned her father-in-law, and the Duchess of Bouillon murdered a entourage who learned of her affair.

The Duchess of Bouillon is lively and lovely, with a ruddy complexion and always a sweet smile on her face, surrounded by a group of admirers.

What's even more exaggerated is that her husband is also a "good brother" with her lover, the Duke of Vendome. For the Duke of Vendome, she not only plans to poison the entourage, but also plans to poison her husband to death. As for the Duke of Bouillon, he admired his wife very much, and never thought that she would want to poison him to death.

The Countess of Soissons who murdered her husband was the first love of Louis XIV and the mother of Prince Eugene. Her calculating uncle found her a good marriage, but unfortunately her husband was unlucky, and the title of Bourbon-Condé was inherited by a woman. She and the Marquise d'Aruil had fled to Brussels before the arrest warrant was issued.

The majestic-looking Marshal of Luxembourg was also involved, not accused of poisoning, but of using spells as a way to get out of the guardianship of the widow he wanted to marry, which caused the death of his wife, whom he wanted to marry. He married his brother's widow, Princess Dangri, who wanted more land.

The King said nothing about the trial, and sent the Marshal of Luxembourg abroad, ordering him to win more land for France, or he would not come back.

It was later discovered that Princess Dangri, one of the queen's attendants, had strangled her own child.

In order to distance himself from the relationship, Lavazan claimed to be a prophet of harmlessness, and the police should focus on real criminals like Mrs. Boss. When the two women confronted each other, Mrs. Boss said that Lavoisin poisoned her husband and planned to poison the husbands of Mrs. Dele and Mrs. Le Ferron. .

After further investigation, it turned out that the Marquis Richelieu was actually involved. He was not accused of poisoning, but Madame Deleux, who had a crush on him, planned to poison his whole family, from his wife to his lover, even his cat. , so that the Marquis Richelieu will be madly obsessed with her, and she poisoned her husband in order to regain her freedom.

Every day the interrogations brought up more and more interesting names, and there was an air of dread throughout the country.

People who were caught in prison were eager to get out, as long as they got others in, they could get out. It was impossible for ordinary civilians to live in the Bastille. They were all detained in Vincennes Prison.

For a while, the citizens flocked to Notre Dame to warn that the king at that time was regarded as an almighty leader. He worshiped God in the church, while the palace people worshiped him, worshiping him as God, father, and lover.

The police chief he appointed, La Reni, is not a corrupt person. His position allows him to have a good time in the upper class of France, and the people at the bottom are also under his control. During his 30 years in office, he has created many miracles, whether it is On the surface or in fact, after the cancellation of the Nantes Pardon, he also protected many persecuted Protestants. He tried not to hurt people as much as possible, and he was not hated like most police officers, but was respected.

But even they seem helpless in the face of this situation.

The administration of the old system was not so much established by people as it was a product of time. Therefore, the administrative system was extremely complicated and chaotic. Some geographical divisions were based on purpose and some were based on history. The courts are constantly interfering in the activities of members of the royal family.

Montesquieu proposed the separation of the three powers. At the Constitutional Convention in 1790, the judicial power was separated from the executive power, and it will be separated forever. The judges shall not interfere with the activities of the administrative agencies by exceeding their powers in any way, nor may they be used by administrative officials in any way in the performance of their duties. "Exceeding authority" interferes with administrative agencies, and administrative officials cannot be summoned to court for reasons in performing their duties.

This is the theory, and the magistrate-judge system was also established, but French administrative law is the same case as common law. Napoleon and his team of lawyers did not touch this when they produced the code, but Bentham worked hard to put the British Constitution into writing.

Then there is the Senate. In addition to legislation, they also have important legal advisers to the administrative agencies. Any objections raised by the governed will go to the Senate for advice. Usually, the opinions of the Senate can always be followed in real life.

However, the poor will definitely not accept the charging of public toilets. If there is a fee for going to the toilet, should they be charged differently for going to university or elementary school? He doesn't need money for urinating in the street, so why should he go to the toilet to pay taxes?

It is easy to be within the control of Bonaparte. This is the benefit of the monarchy. In the past, Versailles also built the Atier Aqueduct, which was built for Madame Maintenon. The purpose was to introduce water into the palace and increase the water body in the palace. , but this water conservancy system was interrupted due to financial problems. The Francine family, the earliest canal and chief designer of the Versailles fountain system, went to the United States. Their reason is similar to that of the DuPont family.

Even if all the Versailles fountains are not allowed to respray, clean water sources must be brought in for use by the military camps stationed in Versailles.

Manpower is easy to come by. There are plenty of people in the Versailles barracks. The key is engineers and blueprints. Should we rebuild them all or continue digging on the basis of the existing canals?

Father Lachaise also died in 1709. He was frozen to death. Napoleon was very afraid of the cold, so he raised the fire very early every year. Later, he emptied the former king's greenhouse next to the Grand Trianon Palace and converted it into his office, so that the elderly ministers, such as Povitali, would not have to worry about being punished like Father Lachaise when they held meetings in it. so cold.

In fact, the newly renovated Paris lobby did not do any major work, but added a glass and cast iron ceiling to the vegetable market, so that if the rain does not fall, it will not form water in the vegetable market.

However, the road that has not been changed since the Middle Ages has caused headaches for traders.

Mr. Lacantini wrote in the book that the transplanted plant does not absorb nutrients from its original tap root, but from the tiny roots attached to the tap root. When they live, the transplanted plant will also live.

A little trickle of details can slowly change something, and the collective strength of everyone can also form a huge force.

It is said that a lantern show was held in Haval. The lattice-shaped garden was filled with geometric patterns such as fire rings and torches.

Whether it is in the sky, on the ground or in the water, there are fire trees and silver flowers, which look gorgeous and dazzling.

That scene was not real at all. People who have participated in it said it was like a dream. At that time, most people were looking at the fireworks in the sky.

Few noticed that the First Consul took the opportunity to kiss Madame Sevres.

That scene was even more unreal, even more illusory than a girl's daydream, and those who saw it would act as if they hadn't seen it.

It's just that the imagery is too strong, and people often recall it in people's minds, and even imagine that it would be nice if they were there at that time.

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