Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1899 father's watch (seven)

This is roughly what the King's day at Versailles looked like.

He got up at 8 or 9 o'clock in the morning, and the blood-related princes and designated officials were waiting beside him, and then held a wake-up ceremony. After washing and dressing up, he went straight to the room next to the bedroom to work with the ministers.

There were very few of them, no more than three or four at the most. In order to prevent news from leaking, even blood relatives were excluded. The younger brother was only allowed to attend the less important meetings held every other week, and the crown prince was excluded. At 12:30 the king and queen and the whole court go to mass in a makeshift chapel, which usually takes an hour. He would visit Athenais when it was over, and he would stay with her until dinner at two o'clock in the afternoon. He had lunch with the queen. There were four different flavors of soup on the table, a whole pheasant, and a partridge and duck, depending on the current game or poultry, stuffed with mushrooms, a large pile of salad, There was also some mutton, ham, and a plate of puff pastry, and some fresh fruit, preserves, and jams.

On the day of hunting, the king would listen to mass early and then go out, or go hunting after lunch until sunset. If there is a suite event, it usually starts at 7 o'clock. This means that if they stay to play with the king, the participants will not be able to go home.

Those with more money will buy villas or apartments in the town of Versailles, and the richer will build their own residences, while the poorer among the nobles are often ruined by life in Versailles, where everything is expensive and the ostentation has to be In other words, the cost is also staggering.

Women are the bond of relationships in the palace. If you can't squeeze into the shuttle bus of the king's mistress, you can try other important ministers. This palace is so big that no one will notice even if someone lives in it and dies. On the contrary, as long as you can squeeze into the king's In front of him, leaving a deep impression on him will cause earth-shaking changes.

Perhaps because of the trouble Mrs. Montespan caused to the king, the wife of the younger brother wanted such a maid. She must be a single duchess, either a widow or abandoned by her husband. It seems that there is no such a thing. A grieving duchess fits the bill.

Until someone remembered Madame Blanca, who after being separated from the cruel, uncharitable and extravagant Duke was arranged to live in the noble house, which was crowded with unwelcome families, and their rooms were divided into small units. There are not even windows, but the quarters in the palace, no matter how dirty and cramped, are better than the outside. When people found Mrs. Blanca, she almost starved to death. After becoming the maid of Mrs. Wangdi, she lived a happy life.

Georgiana was also picked up by Bonaparte on a bench in the Luxembourg Gardens, like picking up a stray cat. She looks a bit pitiful, she is very afraid of people, and she doesn't have the confidence of a beautiful girl, but she dares to pinch the nose of the First Consul.

Someone asked her why she was not afraid of Napoleon. She said that the First Consul was not the kind of brutal and bloodthirsty person who took pleasure in killing.

People doubted this, and they also felt that Napoleon would not let his nose be pinched casually. This is also the reason why people suspected that she gave the First Consul an ecstasy. If he hadn't taken the wrong medicine, how could he have made her so presumptuous and rude?

Her attitude towards Bonaparte makes one think he is really "lovely," and if the well-dressed Madame de Montespin dazzles her ministers with court ornaments, Madame Sevres makes one feel that her own world view has been compromised. When it came to the bombardment, when people felt that Bonaparte was not so scary, the First Consul looked at them with that horrible look again.

She is crazy.

This is the only answer that people get after discussing it, and the "King" is also crazy. Louis XIV was troubled by his conscience because of his entanglements with married women, especially when he no longer loved her, and his conscience doubled down on himself.

When Xiao Fengtang attracted the interest of Louis XIV because of her youth and beauty, Atenais once asserted that she would not persist for a long time. It is not enough to rely on physical desire to catch the heart of a man who only likes intelligence. .

However, things developed faster than she expected. Xiaofengtang died of heat. People said that she was poisoned, but it was also possible that she was put to death by a doctor. Feed an emetic. Healthy people would hang their lives by such a toss, let alone a woman who had just experienced childbirth. Xiaofengtang fever became weak, sentimental, and cried all day long. Louis XIV could not stand the patient, so he sent her to a monastery Go, this is usually the final destination of the king's mistresses.

This is different from the sudden death caused by poisoning. The maids around Georgiana went back and forth, and finally Matilda de Mauriac was left. As a small local aristocrat, their family lived in the same kind of cubicle in Versailles that could not enter the marble courtyard, but they would never say that their residence was uncomfortable.

Because of his daughter, the Earl of Mauriac became the courtyard officer of St. Luke's Palace. His job was nothing more than managing the gardeners and gardeners in the courtyard, and coordinating with the master sculptor from Italy to shape the courtyard. Still within Josephine's sphere of influence.

No one mentioned Georgiana's poisoning in St. Luke's, and no one investigated it. It seemed that it just passed, and there was no investigation like Mrs. Montespan's. At that time, the flame court was used.

There are too many people watching the excitement, and there is no end to the chaos, and false accusations and slander are not uncommon. Georgiana didn't make a fuss, and when she recovered she just let Matilda carry a suitcase containing her usual tea supplies. The rose honey syrup is provided from the Bagatelle Garden. People in the farm association also drink the honey produced in this place. Georgiana probably meant that the people who worked here also drank the honey water. If anyone enters it If you are poisoned, you will die together, so the beehives will be guarded even if no one reminds them.

In the winter of the previous year, Martha of the Leroy family died. She was only 20 years old. As if she was not pitiful enough, her body was stolen. At that time, she was buried outside the town of Sevres, near the time of the Great Revolution. In the cemetery next to the king's army barracks, which later became the residence of the British.

In the past, everyone was used to it. The cemetery was usually guarded by a priest. Then... In short, the theft of Martha's body was also related to everyone's negligence. The British also wanted to reconcile. In the end, everyone persuaded Leroy The widow of the family accepted the compensation.

Mrs. Sevre also hired women from the town to do chores for her, and someone planted a purple rose called René Violet for her. The letter sent with this rose almost became her keepsake, And Martha's cousin Pierre, who was also set up and even met the First Consul.

He wanted to be a judge, but he forgot about it when he came back from seeing the First Consul. Generally speaking, the townspeople were quite satisfied with the result of this treatment, at least compared to when they were so emotional that they went to the barracks with farm tools to search much better.

It was the Guards, not the National Guard, who came to maintain order, and there is no doubt that they would shoot.

In fact, if the people guarding the bridge of Sevres were the king's people, those who went from Paris to Versailles to protest would not be so easy to arrive. Many people gathered at the palace, and the mayor ordered everyone to set up roadblocks, but in the end Versailles was breached, Marie Antoinette was frightened, and the king was "escorted" back to Paris.

One night, when Louis XIV was still a child, Anna of Austria got up suddenly, took her two children and fled the palace, and ran to Saint-Germain-en-Laye. Before I could take it, I ran away, only to find out later that it was a false alarm.

Georgiana also left her residence suddenly one night. The church said she was going to practice with them, but she was soon arranged to live in the mansion in Burgundy.

She had suites almost everywhere except the Tuileries, more than Josephine.

But she didn't have a suite in the Tuileries, but she had a suite in the Louvre, and it wasn't these country women who worked there. Many of the exiles have been to Italy, and there are also guests from Italy. People like them who only know how to plaster don't join in the fun.

Sevres temporarily adopted Paulina's son Delmid. She seemed to intend to let this "little prince" get in touch with the children of the common people, and found children from Sevres Town to play with him.

Needless to say, everyone knows it, and they must explain to their children.

When Louis XIV planned to make friends with the Netherlands and marry his illegitimate daughter to William of Orange, he was severely rejected.

Even if it was born to the second queen of France, it was an illegitimate child. Louis XIV was very sensitive to the topic of illegitimate children. His queen gave him six children, five of which were about to die, and only one survived to her death. The children born to other mistresses were all healthy, so Louis XIV never forgave William throughout his life.

Although he was not born by himself, Dermide was born out of wedlock, and his mother was Napoleon's favorite sister, a trick that any village woman could see.

She often brings Dermide to the farmers' association to attend, just like taking children to class. What is her three-year-old doing?

She also knows how dirty the vegetable market is. She often goes in to buy vegetables, and later there is the Paris lobby, which is supervised by Sebastian. This is the only way to clean the gutter, although Paris The lobby is not clean, at least there is no stagnant water, you have to step on the soaked wood to buy things.

Some people think that the executive government is still a butcher's knife, and some people think that after paying taxes, they have finally done something. As for Napoleon going to Notre Dame de Paris to hold the Easter ceremony in April last year, there were many celebrities there. Not everyone is eligible to get off at the square in front of Notre Dame. It depends on the status of each person, depending on the distance. Get off at the drop-off point.

The reason mentioned at the time was to ease the flow of people, but people who often come and go in Versailles know that, except for members of the royal family who have sedan chairs, everyone else, whether they are dukes or viscounts, have to walk.

Although there are horse-drawn carriages, most people don’t use them for transportation. A horse-drawn carriage that runs on the rails can pull a dozen people. It’s a bit crowded, but the key is that it’s cheap, and you don’t need to step on the muddy ground. It is on the street, and people with middle and high income among ordinary people will ride it.

Some people feel unbalanced when they look clean and decent while others are clean and decent, but the freshness dilutes that feeling. It is much better to face a new life at any time than to stay the same. Life without fun and freshness is like a pool of stagnant water, without vitality.

Even though "The silence of the people is a lesson for the king" was posted on the door, many people waved and cheered Napoleon when he traveled. He was often seen driving on the boulevard under the escort of Mamluks, in an open carriage, wearing a red parade uniform inside and a black cloak outside.

He only took Giorgina for a ride in the streets once, when the woman he brought back from Italy eloped with a violinist and caused quite a scandal. Not to the Italian woman, but to Madame Sevres.

The ordinary people have nothing to comment on whether this is true or not. The only thing they are sure of is that women in the opera house cannot marry back home as wives.

There was Grassini in the front, and Miss Georgina in the back. The little girl was not of legal age, but her figure was mature in all aspects. At the beginning, Josephine lived in the Tuileries Palace for a while, but she didn’t go back after saying nothing, and then the little corporal leader “learned bad”.

Other women can consciously wait for the summons, but Georgina went on a rampage and directly "played" with the first ruler. This did not improve after Georgiana appeared.

If Mrs. Montespan poisoned Xiao Fengtang out of jealousy, would Georgiana kill Georgina?

It is said that Madame Sevres nearly killed herself by imprisoning herself in a pottery kiln in order to keep Siers.

Bonaparte also used the same reason to keep Grassini. At that time, it was Josephine who gave the order, and Georgiana was responsible for executing it, because Grassini stole Josephine's limelight at a diplomatic banquet.

This is a rumor without evidence, but it spreads everywhere as if it has grown feet. In addition, there is a child born to Hortans, and people also say that Louis is not the biological father of the child.

Despite Madame Montespan's distaste, Louis XIV liked her very much, and it was impossible to get her to stand trial, but whether or not she stood trial, the brand of black wizard and murderer was permanently stamped on Montes Mrs. Pan's body.

Louis XIV ordered the prohibition of religious trials, but did not prohibit the court of fire. Before and after the court was closed in 1682, 36 people were burned at the stake after being tortured to extract confessions, and 36 people were deported.

The poisoning took place in 1679, and Prince Eugen's mother, Olympia, was expelled in 1680 on the grounds of a sudden fall from favor.

If the "Second Lady" is removed, as Olympia's first love, it is indeed easy to become the new chief mistress, after all, it is the first love.

However, Louis XIV expelled her from the country, married the pious Mrs. Maintenon, and refused Prince Eugen to join the French army.

In 1683, when the Ottoman Empire invaded Vienna, many aristocratic children joined the army. Louis XIV, who wanted to remain neutral, immediately issued a decree forbidding the aristocratic children to seek refuge in Austria. Austria used its military talents, and then there was a reversal of the War of the Spanish Crown.

The war in 1683 not only maintained the hegemony of the Habsburg family in Central Europe, but also the Polish hussars also shined on the battlefield. Their first charge defeated the three ace detachments of the Cossack cavalry.

One day when the maids were packing Georgiana's clothes, they found a red dress. She wore it to invite the First Consul to dance. She said that the dress was bought by a Venetian tailor when she passed by Vienna on her honeymoon. .

Then she hugged the skirt and cried silently.

It can't be said that she was crying, but the tears were swirling in her eyes and did not fall, which made her eyes more moist.

There is a happiness in the full development of one's talents, which is desired by both men and women, but sometimes it comes at a heavy price.

Someone chose to keep a pure soul, not to interfere in these matters, and hid in the deep mountains and old forests.

There was a woman who was as clean as a lily, exuding a charming fragrance, and died protecting her child like a great mother. Others made a sculpture to commemorate her.

A man's obsession with her allowed people to give them approval. Even if they were not united in life, death made them an inseparable partner, which seemed redundant to the man she was buried with.

Because of love and death, people allow a married woman to have an affair with a bachelor, but it is unacceptable for a woman who seems to have married twice but never married once.

All my life I long to be well collected, properly placed, and carefully preserved. Don't be surprised, don't suffer, don't wander around, don't have branches to cling to.

But that man, I know, I've always known, will never come.

What kind of wild cat is it? It's clearly a lonely ghost. It would be nice if it doesn't turn into an ugly banshee.

Fortunately, she is beautiful, otherwise no one would pick it up, and she would have nowhere to go on the streets with a big belly like Merope, and finally sold the ancestral locket.

Only 10 Galleons are sold, how long can this amount of money last? If only the ancestors of the Gaunt family hadn't been so profligate. In their ancestors' generation, 10 Galleons should be a small amount of money.

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