Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1898 father's watch (6)


Severus heard a gunshot.

He looked up at the sky, and before he knew it, it had turned red, and there was a cloud that looked like a phoenix.

"Now that you're talking about the Order of the Phoenix, you still claim you can't reveal where their headquarters are, do you?" asked Bellatrix from the house in Spinner's End.

"I'm not a secret keeper, so I can't name that place. I think you understand how that magic works, don't you?" Severus said slightly smugly. Satisfied, as you probably guessed, my information led to the recent arrest and murder of Emmeline Vance, and undoubtedly helped in the settlement of Sirius Black, but in the end, the credit for his life is none other than yours .”

He tilted his head and toasted Bellatrix, her expression not softening in the slightest.

"The shell missed, and we hit a mound." Severus said to one of the "sailors" of the "Captain of the Land" as they drank. "He and Edward Jenner are in a luxurious carriage. , John set an ambush on the road in anticipation that Napoleon would pick her up in person... But I have to say, that mound popped out of nowhere, and I saw it with my own eyes."

Severus thought again of the news he had read in the Muggle newspapers: a woman's body was found near Downing Street, and gangsters tried their hand at the Prime Minister's backyard.

In the few contacts between the wizarding world and the Muggle world, protecting politicians is also one of Auror's jobs. This job is mainly to prevent the Muggle prime minister from being attacked by dark wizards.

Emmeline Vance was a female agent, but Pomona was not, and the little Frenchman was not worthy of an Englishwoman's protection.

Severus thought of Lily who had died because of his information, and it seemed that it had become a curse that a woman died every time he returned to being a spy.

He had never been to see Emmeline Vance's husband, a man who had lost his wife, and of course he hadn't had time to, and why should he?

'You should give up. '

He seemed to hear Bellatrix whispering behind his ear.

‘She is dead and you are dreaming now. '

"No." Severus said, covering his face, which caught Lucius' attention.

"Are you okay?" Lucius asked.

Severus didn't answer him.

"Wow woof."

A barking sound caught Malfoy's attention.

"What a big dog," Lucius said, "and all black."

Severus lowered his hand and looked at the black dog Lucius had mentioned.

It saw Severus looking at him and turned away.

Severus followed immediately.

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The hygienic habits of the nobles in Versailles are actually not that bad, but as you can see in many places, there are often long lines in front of the women's toilets. There are only a few toilets in the entire Versailles. If the nobles are willing to give some tips to the attendants of the nobles , they can also use their toilets, 40 louis d'or for a trip to the toilet is not a small amount of money.

What's more, the toilet was set up next to the courtyard, which was also convenient for fertilizing the flower beds, so the male nobles directly found a corner to solve it, and called it fertilization.

The problem of launching into the water was not considered when designing Versailles, not to mention that it was built on a swampy wasteland. In order to achieve the Sun King to turn Versailles into "the center of the universe", many of the construction workers involved in the construction died, and its foundation is not at all solid.

As the hunting palace of Louis XIII, Versailles is surrounded by forests. When Louis XIV lived in Versailles, many nobles had no place to live. They had to go to nearby cottages or even bring their own tents to solve the problem of living.

Even though they themselves lived in a miserable life, they couldn't stop talking about the decoration of the palace, such as scrolls, tapestries, brocades, silverware, statues, and rooms and suites decorated with oriental luxury items, which are spacious enough to hold "Magic Island" "Les plaisirs de I'lle enchantee" feasts, and invitations to these parties were eagerly awaited, including foreign aristocrats.

After falling in love with Versailles, you will feel ordinary about Fontainebleau, while the Louvre is more like a village.

Fouquet lived a chic life and had many lovers himself. Kerber, who succeeded him, was just the opposite of Fouquet. He never thought of fascinating all living beings. All the wealth left by Mazarin after his death was left to the king, including scrolls, books, houses, and the 18-year-old mansion named after Mazarin. A giant diamond, these are illusory to the cardinal, his most important wealth is Kerber. When Fouquet was convicted of corruption, his daughter was "fortunate" to become a regular visitor to Versailles. After Mazaran’s seven nieces came to France from Italy, they were quickly taken under the wing of the Empress Dowager Anna of Austria, and even allowed the younger ones to study with the king and prince, almost endowing the sisters with the status of princesses .

The difference between having a protector and not having a protector is like going to the battlefield without wearing armor. The hereditary system of inheritance from father to son is almost the foundation of the social structure of Versailles. If the younger generation does not want to inherit, he can also sell his official position. As long as the king agrees, most public positions, including military positions, can be sold.

Or you can go the other way, the king likes smart, funny people and at the same time the king loves flowers, although the designer of the garden is against it, but the king points to the windows and the maids can open the windows and look into the flower beds flowers while breathing the fresh air.

The king's fascination with flowers was also the reason for the construction of the first Trianon Palace. Louis XIV's appearance was not very outstanding, nor was he tall. After the death of Anna of Austria, the king whom she called "the child" began to act with a mature independent personality.

According to the French rules of the past dynasties, to recognize a wife will also recognize a mistress in public. This mistress is actually equivalent to the second queen. Generally speaking, the child she gave birth to is at least a duke. Louis XIV immediately announced the death of Anna of Austria. Mademoiselle Valilier was his nominal mistress and made her daughter a duchess.

La Valillier was a country girl and an excellent equestrian, but she was bewildered by the commotion at court.

She had beautiful blue eyes, which often filled with tears for no reason, and her tears almost melted the heart of Louis XIV.

Later, the king was busy with the Spanish throne war and the construction of Versailles, so he had no time to pay attention to her crying. Among the countless mistresses announced by the king, La Vallière was not his partner.

At that time, Versailles was like a huge construction site. Countless plants were transplanted, about half of which would become dead wood, and then new plants would be transplanted again. Madame de Montespin was baptized as Françoise but later found that name did not suit him and changed her name to Athenais. She first entered the palace in 1660, when the king and queen were married. That year, she served as a court maid to the king's younger siblings and was a member of the "Nursery".

The king didn't pay much attention to her at the time, he was busy flirting with his younger sibling, Henriette of England.

At that time, Saint-Germain gathered many Stuart nobles in exile. After the entertainment feast in 1668, Louis XIV began to form an alliance with Charles II to conquer the Netherlands. At that time, few people would realize that if the two When countries coexist peacefully, then the prosperity of both countries will be realized.

Compared with unmarried women, adultery with married women is a bigger scandal, and even the king has to avoid suspicion. Henriette of England at the time instructed the king to pretend to be courting one of her maids, Louise de Lavalier, which later became reality. Of course Louis XIV, surrounded by so many flowers and state affairs, would not care about a pure girl, but Atenais was determined to become the most beautiful flower in the "nursery", so that the "gardener" could not do without her, even in the Three years after the king and queen got married, she married another man, but her idea remained unchanged. Her blue eyes still stayed on the king, so she found the famous witch Lavazan at that time.

Lavazan is different from the traditional witch with a wand, big nose and ugly face, who lives in the forest or dirty alleys, and plots all day long. She looks like a loving mother, living in a At the villa in Saint-Denis, where she often held elegant violin music parties, with many friends from all walks of life.

She will give customers all kinds of subtle suggestions to meet the wishes of girls, such as more plump breasts, smaller mouth, fairer skin, etc. Some of the goals that need to be achieved by surgery in the 21st century are in Lavazan. It can be achieved by buying a bottle of "medicine" or "powder". For unrequited love, she also has a way to make the other party fall in love together.

In fact, Mrs. Montespan does not need these things. She has been married for four years and has two children. If she is a good wife and mother, she should be at ease. Let the king fall in love with me, please let the queen be abandoned, please let the king leave Lavalier and never look at her again."

God may not agree to this kind of thing, but the devil may not refuse, so at the banquet in Versailles in 1668, Mrs. Montespan, who had sprinkled some kind of "charming perfume", appeared in front of the king.

Lavalier was pregnant at the time, and the queen was addicted to gambling, which is another hobby of many unhappy married women besides shopping.

Besides the cards there was a game of roulette called hocca, which was banned in the Papal States, and the police in Paris decreed the same, but it spread at court, and even the king himself played it.

In addition to gambling, there are plays, concerts and dances. The king is obsessed with music. On summer nights, he will sail on the canals in gondolas. As a gift to the king, he even built a small village on the water, called Little Venice, and it was at this time that the king noticed Mrs. Montespan.

As the king himself said, he likes interesting people, and she was joking with Madame Scarron, the future Madame Maintenon, God knows how she was joking with a "scholar".

The king's love history is roughly like this, first pretending, then becoming true, and then the new mistress unknowingly takes the place of the previous one.

Like many men all over the world, Louis XIV also liked blonde hair and blue eyes, but Madame Montespin was not born blond.

She found Ravazan again. The witch gave her a medicinal powder, which would turn into the golden color of Venice when applied on her head. Keep the luster of the day, the figure is graceful, and the blue eyes become more dreamy and charming.

After all, paper cannot contain fire. The Marquis of Montespan, who was also addicted to the Versailles banquet and gambling table, soon knew that he was "wearing antlers".

Their marriage was not perfect. There were members of the Fronde in the family of Atenais. She originally had a fiancé, but later died in a duel with the brother of the Marquis of Montespan. As the second son, the Marquis of Montespan had no Inheritance, he inherited the title as soon as his brother died.

The Marquis of Montespan's family was inferior to the Atenais's in all aspects, but that kind of scandal forced them to come together, and they were relatively happy at first.

If it were any other man, he would be happy to know that his wife became the king's mistress, but the Marquis of Montespan put on mourning clothes to see the king.

The theme of the night was "Dionysian Love", and instead of perfume, wine was sprayed in the garden.

The king asked the minister who had an audience with him to change his perfume to see him, but the Marquis of Montespan smelled of wine, which was very impolite, and he came by himself, but the king still received him.

Looking at the Marquis of Montespan, who reeked of alcohol and wore mourning clothes, the king asked him, "Are you in mourning?"

"Yes, for my lady," replied the Marquis de Montespan.

Faced with such a person, Louis had no choice but to expel him from Paris and exile him to a small castle in the south. Later, he made a huge effort to organize a funeral, which was held for Mrs. Montespin.

The king expelled him from the country, and when he went abroad, he still spoke ill of them everywhere.

But there was a line in his will after his death: I still love my wife deeply.

Year after year, as Louis XIV's fame rose, so did Versailles, and with the return of Charles II, he brought French fashion back to England. At that time, Britain experienced a very oppressive Cromwell rule, and the new atmosphere brought by Charles II gave him the nickname of the Happy King.

Many European palace tycoons are also imitating France to create their own Versailles, while Kerber cleverly uses this fashion trend to promote export trade, and luxury factories have sprung up like mushrooms after rain. The Palace of Versailles is both the palace of the king and the showcase of merchandise.

As the queen of the palace, Mrs. Montespan was happy for some time. She had more suites than the queen. One of the rooms was located next to the king's suite. The house faced south and faced the courtyard. Later occupants in the 18th century Completely renovated, it became the study of Louis XVI, where the table where he left his statement when he fled was placed.

In order to decorate the room as she likes, Mrs. Montespan put two bears in to wreak havoc, and her room was changed beyond recognition, leaving only the windows as they were.

As the king said to the designer of the garden, the garden is full of flowers, and the maid can open the window and breathe the fresh air while looking at the flowers in the flower bed.

Napoleon also played cards, but he didn't like to gamble. His favorite game was reversi, a game in which the fewer points he scored, it was also very popular in the court of Louis XIV.

But compared to playing cards, he prefers to play billiards. In the Diana Hall of the Tuileries Palace, hunting-related weapons, prey specimens, etc. were placed in the Diana Hall, but now there is a billiard table, and only a deer head is still hanging on the the wall.

Most people chat and drink while playing billiards, but there are not many people playing together. Those who are eligible to enter the Diana Hall billiard room are similar to being able to watch the king's wake-up ceremony or watch him eat up close.

New dynasty, new rules, not everything is the same as before.


From far away, Haji could hear the sound of billiard balls coming from "Windsor Castle", even if a murder happened, it seemed that it couldn't distract the people inside.

Haji took a sip of the honey water.

Not everything is the same, but some things seem to be the same.

How should I put it? Life is like a play, fate is impermanent?

It's so cliche to say so, and it certainly won't make people feel novel.

But at Haji's level, that's the only way, after all, he's just a rough guy.

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