Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1895 father's watch (3)

Just like DuPont purchased equipment for making gunpowder from France, the Americans wanted to buy the land of Louisiana, and bankers from all over the world flocked here, the bankers who want to pay in Belgium cannot rely on coercion, they must There must be a detailed business plan, after all, France after the Great Revolution is no longer a monarchy.

Generally speaking, Bonaparte's plan is to build Belgium into a light industrial base, including not limited to sugar and wine making industries, equipment imported from France, sugar beets grown locally, and wheat and other crops exported under the condition that France's food security can be ensured Go to the brewery in Belgium to generate income for farmers, and farmers change production methods to increase yield per mu.

The general blueprint is like this, and some details need to be added, such as means of transportation, etc. Austria has also built a "railway" between the health resort and Vienna. This is not only for the nobles, but also because the nobles can spend money.

Napoleon relied on the Campo Formio contract to allow Austria to compensate Belgium for its national debt. Without issuing banknotes, they had to increase revenue and reduce expenditure to restore national power, so the size of the army would be limited.

Similarly, the banks of various countries put pressure on the executive government, and the repayment of the loans used to buy food for disaster relief is also restricted. The low credit limit of a big country will greatly affect the enthusiasm of investors. This money will not disappear with the death of Louis XVI. If the smoke disappears, if the people of all France do not repay the money, France will not be upgraded to a credit rating, so that France will be very passive in the international market.

The "Paris Peace Treaty" stipulates that the United States repays the debts that the United Kingdom lent to the United States before the war. It is not the nonsense just now, it was borrowed during the war. The meanings of before and after are very different, but just like Madison thinks the bank As if the family was a "paper man" who bankrupted a plantation in Virginia by manipulating numbers, many people in that era, including businessmen, did not have a good impression of bankers.

If you want to transport materials by land, you need to build roads. This is another time-consuming and labor-intensive project. Since Queen Anne, the United Kingdom has asked the United States to establish a convenient postal system. This also requires road construction, but just like Madison According to the book I wrote, the states refuse to cooperate on internal facilities such as roads and canals, and even set trade tariffs among each other. The establishment of a legal system that has become impossible prevents concerted action in foreign policy.

This road from Chicago to Philadelphia is not a road. It is completely a dagger in the heart. The person who proposed this plan is a member of the House of Commons, but behind him there are many creditors of the United States. It seems that there are few.

But Napoleon's term is 10 years, maybe he can be re-elected, if not, who knows if the next French leader will still like Georgiana so much?

As long as Britain and France maintain peace, the grain merchant ships from Rouen can reach Antwerp in Belgium safely. This interest-driven is more binding than the contract.

Lucius Malfoy also has shares in BP, but this company belongs to American Petroleum Corporation. For people like Lucius Malfoy, he prefers to play this kind of game, and it is precisely because of this that he joined the BP Dead Apostles. If Severus was still the one who could betray Slytherin for love, then Lucius would not have invested in Severus. However, Voldemort was indeed crazy at the time. He was leading Slytherin and the pure blood to hell. Severus prevented him from gaining fame, and because of his love for Lily, he gained popularity. Fortunately, He was dead, and even then the League of Dark Arts hadn't given him the Order of Merlin he deserved.

In the past, goblins and werewolves were afraid of wizards because they were afraid of "magic is power" dark wizards. They were not afraid of these soft-hearted, tender-faced young wizards. They rebelled. What about the wizards?

A country needs deterrence. Egypt became rich and stable because of the strength of the Scorpion King. The same is true for the magic world. Prussia is in two states. People who have contacts with Europe, such as diplomats and dignitaries, know that the newly-emerging France is no longer the former France, and their diplomatic attitude is relatively compliant, while many people in Prussia are still immersed in the culture brought by Frederick the Great. of splendor.

A war can wake them up or wake them up. Whether to fight or not depends entirely on Napoleon's will. He can go wherever his baton points. People call him the magician of the battlefield, which probably means this.

Even if you want to form an anti-French alliance, you need military expenses. The previous military expenses were all paid by the United Kingdom. The British paid the money to Austria, and Austria gave Belgium to repay the national debt.

Many British prime ministers have served as finance ministers. Other European countries adopt indirect taxes, while French taxes are direct and rough, and ordinary people can see clearly at a glance.

Waiting for the new government to come to power, it will desperately cut taxes and evenly distribute the wealth of the nobles and the church to win people's hearts. However, this method is not a long-term solution. The income tax designed by the British reduced taxes for the poor and increased taxes for the rich. This is why Britain almost paid for the anti-French alliance military expenses by itself, but its own finances did not collapse.

The French taxpayers took all their wealth from the poor and peasants, and rich businessmen also had to pay taxes, but the nobles were exempted from taxes because of their immunity, and all those without immunity belonged to the third class. When the new political system takes the stage, some people will force those nobles to pay back the taxes they owed. That scene is very ugly.

The French Revolution was an almost perfect chaos. Municipal officials would sign their resignation letters under the threat of bayonets. To avoid full-scale civil war, the barricades in the city must be completely dismantled. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

This also primarily concerns urban dwellers, who constitute a minority of the population, with a larger number of rural populations. The wheat riots and peasant uprisings during the feudal system were the result of using "starvation" to promote the "hard work and progress" of the common people. The situation of the army is special. They have to face many extreme environments. Can the gentleman trained in the Louis XV Military Academy conquer deserts and mountains?

The Napoleon of this world hates Snape not only because of relationship issues, but also because he destroyed the granary and germinated a lot of wheat, so he sent Gabriel Ufral to Spain to buy grain. The minister of the interior, Shaputar, did it, but this minister is a chemist, and he cannot engage in speculation.

Later, this Ufral went to Spain and became the "Minister of Finance" and urged the King of Spain to issue a blank charter. The charter in the 19th century was very much like a contract. Franchise rights for trade such as mining, tobacco, and slavery would be granted to private individuals or companies. Spain had a large amount of silver coins left in Mexico, and Britain, which was short of hard currency, agreed. A warship was also sent to escort them, but things got out of hand.

By tearing up the peace treaty and being hostile to France, you can directly deal with this French ally, but you can also use tactful lures to draw Spain to your side. Either way no one would be happy, and Godoy's good looks couldn't stop people from wanting to kick his ass.

With the suspension of the charter, those companies such as the East India Company will face competition from private companies. The cake used to be exclusive to them, but now everyone can share it.

If the license is restored, what if the Spaniards bill indiscriminately? Yes, the British Parliament took bribes when it issued the charter, but...

Although Spain is not the former Armada, their navy is still powerful, not to mention that they are married everywhere like the Habsburg family. Maria Theresa of Naples and Sicily is the niece of Marie Antoinette of Austria , her father is Carlos III of Spain, and her husband is her double cousin, Emperor Franz II of the Holy Roman Empire.

Switzerland independently occupies a large amount of territory of the Grand Duchy of Austria in the Alps, which is a traffic hub. The French at sea have been restricted, and the land is also restricted?

Swiss independence was not bound by the Campo Formio Agreement, even if the territory of the Holy Roman Empire changed again.

The Corsican dwarf who is often slapped in the face by Georgiana seems to be easy to deal with. What can a dwarf who is beaten by a woman do.

Madison is also about 5ft 4in tall, also a short man, also had a specter in the constitutional convention of the United States - slavery, if the Declaration of Independence was promulgated as the original version, Georgia and South Carolina would no longer exist, The "Fathers of the Founding" not only deleted the Declaration of Independence, they also used ambiguous language in the Constitution, made it easier for representatives to compromise by turning slavery from a moral issue into a political issue, and omitted the word "slavery" It is a cover-up that is ashamed by the "Father of the Nation" in the history of the founding of the United States.

Later, when Jefferson wrote his epitaph, he asked not to change a single word. Hamilton, the founder of the New York Emancipation Association, did not stand up and speak out at the meeting. He knew very well what consequences would be caused if he opposed it at this time.

Sometimes Americans are as good at compromise as the British. For those who have nothing, they dare to do anything, but Louis XVI did not choose to compromise at this time. All the documents he signed at the Constitutional Assembly before All because the statement he left on the table before his departure was cancelled.

Separation of powers, as a constitutional principle, was implemented in the British Charter Movement, but the British representative system will produce new aristocrats, and a country needs a super-strong leader. For the freedom of the people, the king needs to hold veto power. If the king has ulterior motives and abuses the veto, the parliament can choose the last weapon and refuse to pay taxes.

American designers try to maintain and improve this legacy. The president also has the veto power. From the founding of the United States to 1998, the president used the veto power 2,500 times, and Roosevelt used it the most when he was in power, with 635 times, followed by It was Truman, used 250 times.

Some laws are like women's pants. The law does not allow women to wear them without permission, but some people still wear them without permission. If you study carefully, you will be punished if you don't get the note.

What does such a "trivial" matter do?

The first thing Napoleon did when he returned to France was to order public toilets to be built in Paris.

There is an urban legend that an early-rising student, as usual, opened the window and poured the chamber pot down, just right on the head of Louis XIV.

He was not punished, and was even rewarded for his hard work.

For centuries, kings have been working hard to solve this problem. When Bonaparte proposed this proposal, someone asked again, what style should it be built? Is it like Rome?

It was inevitable to go to the toilet after drinking, and there was not a toilet in such a large garden, and even if there were guesses, Severus and Lucius didn't have the courage to use it.

The Queen of England does not have a veto, but she has a privilege, that is, she cannot accept slights and insults, whether in words or actions.

The French do not have this restriction, and both the queen and the first lady will be reviled.

So rather than being loved by the people, it is good not to be scolded to death.

With the signing of the Paris Peace Treaty, Washington disbanded his army and gave a formal farewell speech with the army. Later, he was invited back when the Confederation Conference was held. There were too many contradictions in it, including veterans not getting pensions. King, when Washington showed up, veterans lamented to him that state-based institutions had forgotten their sacrifices.

The newly formed nation is like a premature baby that needs an incubator to keep it alive.

Then Washington risked his own reputation by participating in the uncertain but most important constitutional convention in American history.

Mipolla, Lafayette, Siyes and other Feyan factions advocate emptying the king and becoming a complete puppet, but they are still better than those who are dedicated to killing the king.

On August 10th, citizens from Marseilles and some Parisians demanded that Roland, who was sent by the Girondins, be reinstated. The king withdrew his veto, that is, he vetoed the statement of the Marseilles parliament demanding the king's abdication. They yelled for two hours , but did not get any response, Dandong yelled "Toll the death knell, let the king die, this is the time for the people's revenge, this is the time for the people's freedom, take up arms, take action!"

In the case that shooting was not allowed, the Swiss mercenaries and the people fought several rounds before losing the palace because they were outnumbered. Louis XVI was forced to wear a Liberty Cap and stood on the balcony of the Tuileries Palace.

Monroe gave Georgiana a beautiful fur, and then Bonaparte set her on fire with kerosene and threw it out the window of the Tuileries Palace. What did he mean? If there is a break, how can they use American food to support the expeditionary force stationed on Martinique.

The republic is not a federal system, power is indivisible, and the country is also indivisible. It is impossible for Santo Domingo to be independent like the United States. However, Dusan Louverture issued a constitution, declaring that he would be in power for life, and recognized the rule of France.

The atrocities committed by the French army in Santo Domingo were brought back to Europe by a group of Swedish businessmen, and public opinion was in an uproar. A Lesson for Kings".

It was quickly torn down, according to the rules of the "French game", where silence is a veto when public order or the protection of liberty are opposed.

The calm on the surface often represents the turbulent tide. Georgiana's harmless "little pendant" was almost assassinated, let alone Bonaparte. Fouché was dismissed because of his fall from favor and the bombing on Christmas Day in 1801. The Paris police force was in a state of full strength, and the "jackpot" was Severus' head.

The pope wanted to apologize to the constitutionally sworn clergy, which the Bishop of Orléans had duped so vaguely that he was only a bishop.

There is a sentence in the "Apocalypse" appointed by King James of England, "I saw a woman riding on a scarlet beast". Shakespeare also used scarlet to represent hypocrisy and rage. The Puritans argued that cardinals are all devils.

Among the many "hunters", there is a priest in red. He has been waiting for the "witch hunt" for a long time, and the purger seems to have become an ally with him.

The first 10 years after 1802 happened to be 1812, when a huge comet passed across the sky.

Even without sending troops to Russia, the earthquake caused by the change of term would be severe enough. Four years later, there will be a doomsday-level volcanic eruption, and of course it may not erupt. The Yellowstone volcano has said that it will erupt for so many years, but it has not yet erupted.

When the weather turns cold, Elba Island, a small island close to the tropics, may still be comfortable to live in.

who is the next?

Shakespeare said that a rose is not called a rose, but it is still fragrant.

Amaranth, which looks like a weed, used to live next to roses. Amaranth envied the beauty and sweetness of roses, and roses envied the flowers of amaranth that would never wither.

That's why people made amaranth into a garland and gave it to Achilles. His mother was very afraid of his death, so she dipped the hero upside down into the river Styx. He was invulnerable except for the place where his mother held it. It is his key point.

If love could solve all the problems, the world would be peaceful long ago. Love can not only heal people but also kill people, just like the thorns of roses make people bleed.

Malfoy's family motto: It's always painful when fantasy meets reality, either you are knocked down by the pain, or you step on the pain under your feet.

Maybe Voldemort has a lot wrong, he still taught Severus something, remember to be graceful at all times, and to maintain a winning posture, if Severus agreed to Lucius' request just now, drink Like a drunk, Lucius would take the armband that was given to him and disappear without a trace.

But Severus took control of the speech again.

Lucius is the kind of person who hides behind the "throne". He is also betting his life and wealth, and he can't be wrong again.

The "people" in this world are not really alive, nor will they really die. Their blood has been dripped, leaving only the strongest instinct in life.

They are so hungry, like a living person, how can a person who can feel pain and hunger not be a living person?

If someone told them you were dead, they wouldn't believe it, but would laugh at that person as a madman who should go to a madhouse, like the poet who laughed at Bonaparte as a chameleon, who would believe a madman?

This could be considered a horror ride, only without the zombie trails and vampire castles.

Lucius likes this place very much, because these roses and peacocks remind him of his own manor, and he will also decorate it at home when he goes out. A shape, as if it can cover up what happened in the manor.

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