Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1896 father's watch (4)

Haji came to the vineyard and vegetable garden near "Windsor Castle". It is not the real Windsor Castle. The area next to the castle and the castle is divided into the office area of ​​the farmers' association. Some farmers are currently digging a trench on the edge of the vegetable field. Or a cesspit. In the future, this place will be opened to the public as a public toilet in the garden, and at the same time, these human excrement will be used as fertilizer for the vegetable garden.

The workers were rough men, and they talked in a rough language about what the English women did in the "castle." She would put butterfly pea flower in hot water, mix it with oolong tea, and finally pour some iced milk and rose syrup to "conjure" a drink like blue rose milk tea. The women who were doing rough work thought it was her curse that made Xiao Wu be possessed, and the men were talking about the magical effect of that "potion". Haji shook his head when he heard it, it was blue The milk tea is not a small pill of the same color.

Just like Mrs. Maintenon had a suite at the girls' school, Georgiana had a three-story house right next to the vineyard, now fenced in, with an iron gate, now closed, so outside work people can't get in.

Blue roses don’t exist unless white roses are put in blue ink. One Valentine’s Day, Haji gave Fiona a flower. The profiteer deliberately called it very expensive, as if he expected that Haji would not bargain with him. .

If red roses symbolize love, blue roses symbolize mystery and eternal dreams. The monk said that Bonaparte wanted to ruin the place and had to spend money to restore it...

This place is Bonaparte's dream garden, flower trap. No matter what, Josephine was still a mortal. There were monsters in the French court, but she couldn't deal with them. She didn't think of a way, and Bonaparte's soul was probably taken away by "Georgiana".

"Come on!" Someone suddenly shouted.

"What happened?"

"Go and have a look!"

The workers ran over to watch, and Haji also joined in the fun. Someone dug up a box, which didn't look like an antique.

Everyone looked at each other in dismay. Someone dug some more with a hoe and found a gorgeous wooden box. Someone broke the lock with a shovel. After opening the box, they found that it was full of gold and jewels.


Now everyone exclaimed.

Haji looked around at the people with bright eyes, and decided to withdraw first.

These people obviously knew each other. If they wanted to share the money equally, but they didn't want others to know, they might kill him to silence them.

"Here's another one!" said a hooded woman.

The strong laborers rushed forward and dug out the wooden box with a corner exposed.

It was bigger than the box just now, but the workmanship was rough, and the wood was rotten.

Someone pried it open with a wooden stick. There was no gold, silver or jewelry inside. Instead, there was a highly decomposed female corpse. The flesh was almost rotten. Everyone looked back a few steps.

"Call the police." Haji reminded these farmers.

Someone really listened to him and did it. Haji looked at the two wooden boxes not far away, and didn't know what to say for a while.

"These are the clothes worn by the maids of the palace," said a woman. "I've seen them."

"Why is the maid buried here?" a man asked.

The imagination of the masses was fully mobilized, and they chatted with each other, and soon a Gongdou drama was made up by them.

The Bois de Boulogne is not far from Versailles and St. Luke's Palace, and it is an old forest, which is really suitable for throwing corpses.

Haji thought of the two little girls who bought the love potion he saw just now, and Mrs. Montespan they mentioned.

Was this court lady murdered because of her participation in that incident?

Just when he was in a daze, the farmer who went to call the police came back, but what he brought was not a policeman, but a young man dressed as a literati. He was shocked to see the scene before him.

"Perhaps those valuables were hidden by former nobles when they fled," said a peasant woman.

"How do you know it's not someone in the palace who guards the house?" Another woman said.

Then people started chattering and chattering to express their opinions, so that no one's voice could be heard.

"Shut up!" the young man yelled, "All of you go over there, no one is allowed to touch anything here!"

The farmers were happy to be lazy and climbed out of the mud pit.

"You go there too." The young man said to Haji.

"Me?" Haji pointed to his nose.

"Do you have any questions?"

"I'm just passing by!" Haji yelled.

The young man ignored him at all, put his hand to his mouth, whistled, and the guards at the gate came.

"Let's go, let's go." The farmers surrounded Haji and walked away.

Everyone came to the low table under the shade of the tree, where people rested and drank water. The women mixed honey into the water and put lemon slices. Everyone queued up to get a spoonful with their own small bowls. Everyone watched the excitement while drinking lemonade.

"Drink it, it's grown in my own yard." The middle-aged woman in charge of distributing lemonade said to Haji.

Haji took the ceramic bowl and took a sip. It really tasted like normal honey lemonade.

"That English woman allowed you to touch the honey from the garden?" Haji asked.

"No one thought of raising bees before." The woman said, "Bees can sting people. Usually, the people who haunt this garden are noble people. Who is responsible for the sting?"

Haji was shocked.

"No one dares to shoot a bee to death." A farmer said, "The family emblem of the little corporal is a bee."

"A person gets stung at most. It hurts once. A bee stings a person and kills them. If you don't want to be stung, don't go near here." A peasant woman said, "Our place is similar to Luxembourg."

When she finished, the women laughed.

"The people in Luxembourg are all well-dressed parliamentarians. How can we compare with them?" A farmer muttered, his French still had a strong accent, and Haji, who was not very good in French, almost didn't understand.

"Those things just now..."

"That's not ours." Before Haji finished speaking, someone said, "Dirty conscience with those things."

Haji thought about the ruins he saw before, which had been completely looted.

Then he looked at these people who had also experienced the Great Revolution, but their fate was completely different from Bonaparte's, and he was filled with emotion for a moment.

==================================================== ===========

Severus and Lucius came to the lake, where two swans were paddling.

"I remember you said that water is needed for the entrance and exit." Lucius said, "How about asking Kreacher to open the entrance and exit here?"

Severus stared at the two swans.

It's like seeing two girls feeding them bread, but they don't appreciate it.

"I don't understand, if you can open a temporary entrance, why..."

"Our bodies age with time," Severus told Lucius. "For my body, I've literally been in it for a month."

"But my watch..." Lucius took out his pocket watch.

"Metal is the corpse of a star, not the same as our flesh and blood," Severus said. "Only through that official entrance will our time flow be the same as the outside."

Lucius put the pocket watch away.

"In other words, immortality?"

"I don't know." Severus said, "The last person who opened it may have something to do with Grindelwald. Victor Hugo saw a luxurious carriage with the letter H passing in front of him, and Grindelwald had nothing to do with it." It was exactly the same, and his entrance was at the National Seal Park."

"What about you?" Lucius asked.

"Luxembourg," Severus said, "there's a fountain where a Cyclops, jealous of a couple, stoned a young man and became a river god."

"Giant?" Lucius raised an eyebrow.

"You know what? Since he was so jealous that he wanted to kill me, it proves that Pomona hasn't forgotten me." Severus smiled confidently. "Emotion potions won't help that dwarf."

"How do we call Kreacher?" Lucius asked.

"Don't worry, we'll talk about it when we find someone," Severus said, completely oblivious to the look in Lucius' eyes.

"Maybe we should bring back that law that forbids Muggles and wizards from marrying," Lucius said. "Think about your mother, is she happy?"

Severus didn't answer him.

Lucius didn't care either. After all, there were many Muggles who died without realizing that their partner was a wizard.

5 grams of oolong tea, 10 butterfly pea flowers, boiling water and ice cubes. Violet can also be washed out blue, but the color will change due to temperature, and it will appear green. You can also freeze the butterfly pea flower water into ice cubes and watch it melt a little bit

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