Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1894 father's watch (2)

Haji looked up at his watch, and then at the sky.

"Strange, is it broken?" Haji muttered, and then put his hand down.

The place where he was was still in ruins, at least someone had cleaned up the weeds in the previous place, but here was full of vines, as if no one had been here for many years.

Haji was about to walk back when he suddenly heard a child's laughter from behind, the kind of child's laughter in a horror movie, and his hairs stood on end.

"Could there be ghosts in the haunted house?" He said frightenedly, not daring to find out what happened. He quickened his pace and walked back. Before he had taken two steps, he heard the voices of two people talking.

"That's it?" a girl asked.

"That's right, this is it." An unidentified voice said, "Put it in the food and drink of the person you love, and he will fall in love with you."

"I'll pay you half of the money first..."

"I don't accept negotiating conditions. This medicine is not for life, and it will expire after a while, so you still have to buy it from me." The indistinguishable voice said, "Give me the money."

Haji heard a heavy metal collision, and soon heard footsteps, he quickly dodged to a corner, and then saw a person wearing a black hooded robe coming out of a corner.

"Are you sure you want to use it?" Another girl asked tremblingly, "Don't forget what happened to Mrs. Montespan."

"I'm not going to be queen," said the girl who spoke before, "and I don't like small men."

Haji thought for a long time, but couldn't remember who that Mrs. Montespan was, and who was the little man she was talking about?

"Everyone in the palace said that she and Athenais attended the witch meeting and the black mass... that person just now..."

"Just a wizard, and what he gave me was not poison, but a love potion."

Only when Haji heard this did he get a clue. It was a ghost story he had heard before. The mother of Prince Eugen and the niece of Cardinal Mazarin originally made Louis XIV fascinated, but then suddenly fell out of favor. It is said that it was because She participated in the poisoning.

At that time, many people were involved in this case. Maybe Louis XIV saw that Prince Eugen didn't like him because Prince Eugen was short and ugly, and he didn't look like a leader in war. Not high, but Prince Eugen reminded Louis XIV of the poisoning case back then.

Then Haji thought of the Inquisition and witch hunts, and suddenly he realized something.

The professor is so guarded against him, could it be that he thinks...

"Do you think that foreign woman used witchcraft on the First Consul?" said the timid girl before. "I heard that she once claimed to be a witch."

"I don't care." The bold girl said bluntly, "I just want Bossie to like me, and I don't care who that Corsican likes."

The two girls came out from that corner very quickly, carrying a small bag in their hands, perhaps the so-called "love potion" was placed in the small bag.

"The little girl now." Ha Ji sighed a little, but when he changed his mind, he realized that his wife might really be in danger.

Inquisition, burning, witch's hammer, these words all flooded Haji's mind.

Napoleon Bonaparte was an Academician of France, and an Academician of France was a scientist, and scientists don't believe in superstitions, and others don't necessarily, not to mention witchcraft accusations are not all accused witches.

We long for the reproduction of stunning creations, so that the beautiful rose will never wither.

From fairest creatures we desire increase, that thereby beauty's rose might never die.

Some fragments appeared in Haji's mind, as if someone asked him some questions, but he couldn't remember clearly.

Is it what this world asked or what happened in that world?

Haji stood up and left the corner.

How can I get out of this maze?

==================================================== ========

Severus caught sight of a suspicious-looking man.

The man was wearing a black robe with the hood pulled down very low, as if he didn't want to be seen, so he followed.

The man walked through the rose garden, all the way to the gate.

"Are we leaving?" Lucius asked.

"Wait a minute," Severus said, following the man into the forest.

If it was walking back to Paris, it would have to wait until after dark, but this mysterious figure seemed to live in the forest, with a wooden house and a nursery nearby.

"Looks like a wizard," Lucius said, "or a wizarding Muggle."

The man entered the house and quickly closed the door.

"Let's go," Severus said.

"What?" Lucius asked.

"He's a potion seller," Severus said. "I saw the love potion on his cabinet."

Lucius didn't say much, and walked back with Severus.

"I also found the Love Potion at the Petit Trianon," Severus said after a moment. "Remember Leta Lestrange?"

"Who will forget her?"

"Cawus Lestrange cast the Unforgivable Curse on her mother, and I keep thinking that if Merope hadn't given old Tom Riddle the love potion, nothing would have happened. "Severus said," the love potion is banned in Hogwarts, but someone still got it from outside the school. Ron Weasley got the love potion that was supposed to be given to Harry Potter. Later, He drank the mead that was intended to assassinate Dumbledore, and almost died. It is said that fortunately, Potter reacted quickly and stuffed the gonostone into Ron's mouth, while Slughorn stood stupidly beside him. "

Lucius didn't answer.

"The Weasley's Trick Shop still sells the Potion of Love," Severus said.

"They're not what they used to be," Lucius said. "This family is heroes."

Severus didn't speak.

"Slughorn is too old, and so is Fox," Lucius said. "Maybe that's why their minds are so rigid."

Severus didn't answer.

"Madison once wrote a book called "The Evil of the United States System". In fact, Americans not only don't want to pay back the money owed to the French, but also don't want to pay back the money owed to the British. This is a violation of the Treaty of Paris. That It was more of a bluff threat to build roads and pay off debts," Lucius said.

"I'm not interested." He said indifferently.

"The people who attended the Constitutional Convention were very young, with an average age of 44. Napoleon was even younger, only 30. Perhaps that is why the world feels so..."

"Little William Pitt is young too, why did you leave him out?" Severus said.

"He's dying, you know that," Lucius said.

"What if I heal him?" Severus said.

"You'd better not do that." Lucius shook his head. "Lord North asked the Minister of Magic to treat the king, but the Minister declined."

Severus said nothing.

"And Evangeline Orpington, don't get involved in Muggle affairs too much, you can only discuss interests with them, don't put too much emotion into it."

"I want to kill him," Severus said slowly.

"He's dead, it's just a dream, her body is still yours." Lucius patted Severus on the shoulder, "Just treat her as a daydream, just in time to see her What do you think about all day long, Sissy told me that she has never seen anyone speak up for her rival in love, you just told me that he is a smart man, you really surprised me."

"You think I'm infected by her?" Severus asked.

"if not?"

Severus ignored Lucius, walked ahead with a scowling face, and left the forest.

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