Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1863 giant slayer (seven)

Florence was closed due to the Black Death, and a group of noble young men and women left the city and came to villas in the countryside.

These happy young people decided to choose a leader every day during the lockdown period. Regardless of men or women, everyone should respect and obey him, while he concentrated on planning how to make everyone's life happier. They took a laurel branch and weaved it into a wreath of beauty and glory, and whoever carried it would rule over the others.

On the first day they elect the person who made this opinion as queen, and on the second day it is another woman's turn. When the sun rose and the birds sang beautiful songs on the green branches, they all came to the garden by coincidence, and sat on the grass dotted with dewdrops for a walk, just as happy as the day before.

Then they sat on the cool lawn by the Queen's orders and continued their storytelling.

There is a Mr. Ricardo de Ginzica, a judge in Pisa, who wants to find a young and beautiful woman as his wife. If he used other people's words to judge himself, he definitely wouldn't do it. It so happened that a Mr. Lotoguarandi betrothed to him a daughter named Bartolomea, who was one of the most beautiful women in the town of Pisa.

The judge welcomed her home as if she had found a treasure, and held a grand wedding. On the night of marriage marriage, that dry, skinny judge who lacked confidence also tried his best to be humane and tried with her once, but only that one time the whole army was wiped out. The next morning the judge had to drink some strong white wine, eat some candied fruit, and try to find some other way to recover.

Now that Mr. Judge knew better than before what he could do, he began to teach his young wife an almanac more detailed than the children of Ravenna had for their reading-books, for it marked which day was commemorated each day. the festival of one or more saints.

To show respect for those days, couples should not have sex, the judge said. In addition to those taboos of the Ordinary Days, of the First Days of the Season, of the Fasts of the Twelve Apostles and of the Sacred Saints, of Fridays, Saturdays, Sunday services, the whole of Lent, and the waxing and waning of the moon, he added Plus many days, it seems that the matter of sex with a woman is like a civil lawsuit, which can be pushed as long as it can be pushed, and delayed as long as it can be delayed. This hurt his wife.

For a long time, he went to her place at most once a month, but he kept a close eye on her all the time, lest he taught her to keep the precepts and others would teach her to break the precepts. Once, the weather was very hot, and Mr. Ricardo had a villa in Montenero, and he wanted to visit there for a few days. He brought his beautiful wife along to let her relax. He ordered two small boats to be prepared to go fishing at sea. He himself and some fishermen took one boat, and let his wife and other female relatives take the other.

They had a good time and drifted away from the shore before they knew it. They concentrated on watching the sea, and suddenly came across the twin boats of Paganino de Mare, a famous pirate at that time. Paganino found that the boat was coming over the bow. The boat catches up. As soon as Paganino saw the beautiful lady, he carried her to the big ship, ignored Mr. Ricardo who had fled to the shore, and took the captives away.

Fagong was already jealous, so one can imagine the degree of annoyance. He accused pirates of robbing his wife everywhere in Pisa, but his whereabouts were unknown.

Besides, Paganino didn't have a wife yet. Seeing that she was pretty, he decided to take her as his wife, so he comforted her with sweet words and told her not to cry. At night, Paganino didn't have the burden of the almanac, and he didn't care about fasting or not, thinking that empty words were useless, and began to comfort the young woman with practical actions. Because of Ganino's skillful means, she has not yet returned to Monaco. She has obeyed, left the Palace of Law and his set of rules and regulations behind, and lived happily with Paganino.

When Paganino arrived in Monaco, in addition to comforting her day and night, he also treated her seriously as his wife. Not long after, Mr. Ricardo found out about his wife's whereabouts. He couldn't wait to find her and redeem her no matter how much he spent.

He sailed to Monaco, and sure enough, he saw his wife. The woman saw him too, and that night she informed Paganino of her intentions. The next morning, Mr. Ricardo found Paganino and approached him to chat with him, and the conversation was very speculative. Paganino knew the other party's intention, so let's not break it down for the time being, let's see how he moves. When the time he thought was right, Mr. Ricardo stated his purpose of coming here with confidence, and asked Paganino to return the woman to him, no matter how many threads he wanted.

Paganino said pleasantly: "Welcome, sir, I can answer what you said directly: I do have a young woman in my family, but I don't know if it is yours or someone else's wife, because I was originally Don't know you or her, just spent some time with her. I think you are a decent person, if you are really her husband as you say, I might as well take you to meet her, she certainly I should know you. If there is no difference between what she said and yours, and if she is willing to go with you, I will fulfill you, and I will do whatever you want. It would be unjust, because I'm young and strong, and I can satisfy a woman, especially the loveliest woman I've ever seen in my life."

Mr Ricardo said:

"Of course she is my wife. As long as you take me to see her, you will understand immediately, because she will definitely jump over and put her arms around my neck. I hope to do as you say."

"Okay, let's go," Paganino said.

The two went to Paganino's house, entered the living room, and Paganino asked the young woman to come out. She came from the back room to the room where Ricardo and Paganino were, dressed splendidly and radiantly, and only said a few polite words to Ricardo as she would any stranger Paganino brought. The judge had hoped that the woman would be overjoyed to see him, but now seeing her so indifferent, he couldn't help wondering, thinking:

"I must be too sad and worried, and my appearance has changed too much for her to recognize." He said to the woman.

"Ma'am, it was too expensive for me to take you fishing that time. I was devastated and miserable after losing you, especially now that you are so cold, as if you don't know me. Don't you see that I am your Ricardo , I made a special trip to this gentleman’s house to ransom you back, and I’m willing to pay any amount of ransom. This gentleman is very righteous and agrees to pay as much as I want.”

The woman looked at him and said with a faint smile: "Are you talking to me, sir? You must have misunderstood someone, I don't remember seeing you."

Mr. Ricardo panicked: "What are you talking about, look at me carefully, and you will remember that I am your husband Ricardo de Kinzika."

The woman said, "I'm sorry, sir. It may not be right for me to keep staring at you, but I've seen it clearly, and I don't remember ever seeing you before."

Mr. Ricardo thought that she was afraid of Paganino and did not dare to admit that he knew him in front of him, so he asked Paganino to allow her to talk to him alone. Paganino responded briskly, saying that he would agree as long as Ricardo didn't try to force the kiss against her will. After speaking, he asked the woman and Mr. Ricardo to enter another room, listen to what he had to say, and then answer according to his own ideas. The wife and Mr. Ricardo entered a bedroom, and after sitting down, Ricardo said, "My heart, my soul and hope, your Ricardo loves you more than he loves himself." How can this happen? Have I become so powerful that you can't recognize me? Oh, the treasure in my eyes, look at me again!"

She laughed, and not letting him finish, said: "Don't worry, you can trust me not to be so forgetful that you, the judge, Richard de Chinchika, my husband, don't even remember." But when I'm with you, you don't seem to know me at all. If you are as eager and sensible as you say, then you should see that I am just like a flower that has just bloomed She is a vigorous young woman who has other pressing needs besides food and clothing—although girls are too shy to express their thoughts. But think about it, you have done so badly in this respect. How much work did you do?

"If you think it's more in your interest to study the law than to understand women's psychology, you shouldn't marry a wife. But in my opinion. You're not really a judge, you're just a saint's festival, fast day, all night Prayer-day street preachers, thank you for being so good at it. I tell you, if you let the farmers who plow your fields do the same as you plow my poor little field, Waiting for so many holidays, then don't expect to have a grain of corn. At last God had mercy on my youth, and I met the man who slept with me in this room. Here is the I don’t know what holidays are; from that door, I have never broken in so many Saturdays, Fridays, all-night prayer days, four-season fasting days, we just work day and night Well, our rugs are getting worn out so fast. I had a job with him just this morning, after the bells had rung. So I like him very much, and I'm going to live with him, and while I'm young, try to Fuck him for a while; those saints' feasts, pardons, fasts, I'll observe when I'm old. So don't waste your time, go back to your business. May you be as you please, keep it as you like As many festivals as there are festivals, just let me go."

Rica was very distressed to hear her say this; and when she had finished, she said: "Oh, my dear soul, what are you talking about? Don't you think about your family's reputation, your Your own honor? Would you not be afraid of your sins, would rather stay here and be this man's concubine than mine in Pisa? When he gets tired of you, he'll throw you out of the house If you are here, you will always be my baby, even if I don't want to, you will always be my head of the family. How can you lose your reputation because of this shameless carnal desire? No, leave me alone? I love you more than my own life! Oh, hope in my heart, for God's sake, don't say that, come back with me. Now I understand you I’m in so much pain, I’ll try my best to make up for it in the future. Then, my lovely baby, you have changed your mind, follow me home, pity me, since I lost you, I have never had a day to relax! "

She replied: "My reputation, I don't want anyone to cherish it except myself--besides, it's too late to cherish it now--if my parents betrothed me to you in the first place, it would be for you. Imagine my reputation, how good it would be! Why should I worry about their reputation now, if they had no intention of it for me? If I have committed an 'unpardonable' sin here, then I and A useless 'pestle' is not much better if kept together. Please don't pity my reputation. I also want to tell you that I feel that I am Paganino's wife here; Just be your concubine. I still remember that at that time I had to observe the moon's waxing and waning, and all kinds of horoscopes in the celestial palace, so that your star and mine could be combined, but I don't care about these here, Pagani The slave held me in his arms all night, biting and rubbing me. If you ask him how to send me away, then let God answer you. You said that you will try your best to repay me in the future. How can I repay me? Let’s go, Try your best to be like a human being. Seeing how haggard and out of breath you are, it seems that you are suffering instead of living in the world. Let me tell you again, even if that person throws me away (I don’t think he will, as long as I am willing to live with him), and I will not come back to you, because no matter how hard you squeeze, you can’t squeeze a drop of 'nectar'. I used to suffer with you, and now I should not be reborn Road? I've finished talking. There are neither saints' festivals nor all-night prayers here, so I'm happy to live here. Now, for God's sake, decide. Don't blame me if you don't decide. Woke up."

Seeing that the situation was not good, Rika had no choice but to endure his grief and go out of the room. He understands now. How stupid it is to marry a young girl as a wife when you are already old. He went to negotiate with Paganino for a while, but it was all in vain, and at last he had to go back to Pisa empty-handed.

After being stimulated by this, his nerves gradually became deranged, and finally he was walking on the street. He couldn't even answer people's greetings and questions, except muttering to himself: "There is no guard in the robber's den." What about the Sabbath!" Soon he died, and Paganino heard the news and knew that the young woman loved him, so he officially married her. As long as they could move, they only knew to work, and never paid any attention to any saint's feasts, all-night prayers, or Lent. So, my dear ladies, when Bernab argues with Ambrogio, it seems to me that he is harnessing the cart to the horse - quite wrong.

The "passerby" told the story while walking with Hadji in the Bois de Boulogne, and he laughed to himself.

"Do you find this story interesting?" a passer-by asked Haji.

Haji was thoughtful at first, but now he also laughed, "Women can't be dismissed just by fooling around."

"I want to ask you, do you think that pirate and young woman will live a long life?" the passer-by asked again.

Haji didn't answer.

"Pisa has a powerful navy. They can go to Morocco to wipe out the pirates. If Paganino dies in the battle, that woman will really suffer." A passer-by said.

"Where are we going?" Haji asked.

"Ahead." A passer-by pointed to the front and said, "We'll be there soon."

Haji was skeptical, as passers-by had said so more than once.

But this time the passerby didn't seem to lie to him, because Haji heard the ringing of the bell.

"What's this place?" Haji asked.

"The Shakespeare Theatre, it's only open four months a year." A passer-by said, "Someone will ring the bell 20 minutes before the show starts to notify everyone to enter the park."

"I'm not here for the theatre," Haji said.

"I know." The passer-by smiled mysteriously and said, "Now is not the time to open up."

Haji was a little puzzled.

"Go and have a look, didn't you say you were looking for a 'sign'?" the passer-by persuaded.

Haji looked at the iron gate that opened between the vine-covered stone walls. It looked like a trap anyway.

"How about we go and see together?" Haji said to passers-by with a smile.

Passers-by didn't care, and walked into the theater with Ha Ji politely.

This amphitheater is not big. In front of the entrance is a naturally sloping lawn, surrounded by a circle of fences. There are many big trees around it. There is a higher earthen platform facing the entrance. There is no curtain and lighting background, but it is open. Many huge flowers look very elegant and simple, and there is a small cave-like entrance on it.

"I think this is suitable for performing A Midsummer Night's Dream." Passers-by looked at the stage and said, "What do you think?"

Haji is fully prepared to look at the small cave on the stage.

"Fate cannot be changed." The passer-by whispered, "But the opportunity is right in front of us, and we still want to give it a try."

Ha Ji and passers-by looked at each other, and he pulled out the general with a dagger.

At the same time, four men filed in from the entrance behind him, blocking his retreat.

Wearing costume-like ornate gold-embroidered coats, tight trousers and boots, and swords at their waists, they looked like nobles in the 18th century.

"You said you are from Transylvania, have you ever heard of vampires?" the passer-by said.

Haji ignored him, and the four men as pale as vampires slowly pulled out the swords on their waists, and the sound of metal rubbing echoed in the quiet and deserted theater.

"Science is not evil, on the contrary, it is the only means we have to eliminate evil." Passers-by said, "When social instincts are declining and old beliefs are constantly being shattered, wisdom is our only guide. Please don't regard us as enemies. "

"You're going to kill me?" Haji asked.

"Don't worry, you will become like them." The passer-by smiled and said, "Together they are our enemies."

A person behind Haji raised the sword in his hand, made a sound of piercing the air, and attacked Haji's waist.

Haji lowered his center of gravity, he blocked the sword amidst the sound of metal and iron clashing, and at the same time dodged to the left, and the person in that position shot at the same time.

He moved forward, shifted his focus to the forward leg, close to the opponent's waist, then reversed his wrist, and raised the dagger. There was a sound of breaking through the air, and Haji knelt down on one knee, rolled on the spot, and jumped out of the encirclement.

"I heard that if you become a vampire, you won't be able to do anything." Haji said roughly, "I don't want to be a useless pestle."

The passer-by smiled wryly, and the four men with rapiers suddenly became furious and attacked him.

Haji ran away.

The group of people divided into two groups to pursue, and seemed to be planning to surround him again, while Haji kept breaking through to avoid being besieged, and kept one-on-one as much as possible. One of them seemed to ignore him, showing off his sword tip Swipe across and attack Haji's throat.

At this time Haji pulled out the spare dagger, pinched the tip of the knife and threw it like a flying knife, hitting the opponent's throat.

Black blood flowed out, which looked like oil.

The undead vampire touched the dagger around his neck in shock, then fell to the ground.

"You are not vampires." Haji looked at the remaining three and said, "I don't know what you are, but I don't want to be a monster like you."

"It's up to you." One of them said, and then the three surrounded Haji again.

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