Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1862 giant slayer (6)

"Look at this." Gaitano, the "teacher," raised his right hand, his palm straight, pointing obliquely at the sky.

Alejandro frowned.

"Put your hands down," he said disgustedly.

"It's a French military salute, or a soldier's salute to Bonaparte." Gaitano put his hand down. "It's like ancient Roman soldiers saluting Caesar, and some people call him head of state."

Alejandro sneered, "One more Mussolini."

"Who was Mussolini?" Gaitano asked.

Alejandro didn't say anything, he looked at the foggy sea in front of him.

"Have you heard what Bonaparte did in Egypt?" Gaitano asked.

"You mean about the burning of the French fleet?" asked Alejandro.

"I heard a rumor that Mahmoud once appeared before Bonaparte and said, 'You can manage the Mamluks according to your own ideas, I have given them to you, and you have delegated power to Sheikh and Ulema, so everything will go well for you'."

"I do not understand……"

"The prophet gave him authority, just like God gave the king the power to govern the world. A revolutionist who has received enlightenment thought actually engaged in the divine right of kings in Egypt." Gaitano said with a sneer, "According to the commandments of the Koran, Protestants are not allowed to drink alcohol, but Mufti made a proposal that if Protestants can atone for their sins with good deeds, then they can drink alcohol as Christians, and everyone must at least take their own money. One-tenth of the income is used for charity or good deeds, and those who have become religious should use one-fifth of their income for charity.”

"They're selling rum to the Turks?" Alejandro said in disbelief.

"Not everyone strictly abides by the precepts. When you see a merchant ship selling sugar, someone will definitely ask if there is any alcohol. Do you think Protestants or Bonapartes will feel their sins?"

Alejandro stared into Gaitano's eyes when there was a "squeak" on the sea.

In the dense fog, a small boat was slowly approaching, with an oil lamp on the bow.

"Come on." Gaitano patted Alejandro on the shoulder, and bent down to pick up the oil lamp that was placed on the wooden board of the pier.

==================================================== ==============

Holding a flashlight, Alejandro looked for the "sign" in the deserted Vincennes Castle after nightfall.

As a military fortress, it doesn't have the grandeur of Versailles, and it looks a bit like a prison.

It was also in the ditch of this castle that the Duke of Angkian was shot, and the famous female spy Mata Hari was also shot in the ditch of the castle.

Mata Hari is actually Dutch, but she claims to be a Javanese princess from Indonesia. She has oriental mysterious charm and a proud figure, which is very suitable for performing Brahmin art with oriental flavor.

Westerners in that era were full of interest in the East, especially India, which was the next target Bonaparte was eager to conquer.

He is a bit like a ruthless man who lost interest after lying on the pillow of an Egyptian beauty. After all, when he really arrived in Egypt, those legendary ancient cities were far from the imagination of the French. They missed the educated and reasonable civilized people in Venice. , longing for Italian food, and desperately looking forward to leaving this desolate land full of yellow sand.

The once splendid Egyptian civilization seemed to have left nothing behind. Even the French could predict the flooding time of the Nile River more accurately than the Egyptians. On that day, Cairo was decorated with lights everywhere.

Conquerors are always interested in conquest. When the Muftis of Egypt discovered that the French expeditionary forces did not go to churches or mosques, they felt that the French could be naturalized. The two sides engaged in a long tug-of-war .

The more I can't get it, the more I am obsessed with it, trying my best to conquer this "fortress".

But if he can't conquer it all the time, he will choose another target. It is almost impossible to control Bonaparte. Neither God nor Muhammad can do it. Instead, he took advantage of the loopholes in the system and made religion serve his rule.

If the Prophet really appeared and gave him the power to make everything go well for him, then what happened to him when he didn't go well?

In order to decorate the dining room in the Tuileries Palace, France bought handmade glass lamps from Venice. They also plan to build a place to entertain the Sudanese envoys. This place also uses a lot of Venetian glass, just like Aladdin's magic lamp. in the castle.

If Bonaparte made polygamy in France, then Linda would become a member of his harem. Is she such a spineless woman? Will he escape like Grassini?

Grassini and her lover ran to Russia, but Bonaparte did not pursue them. If Linda ran away, she would definitely go to Venice, the only way to get back here.

Would Bonaparte send someone after her?

A man who is willing to change for a woman represents many things. If he plays with a lion, he will be eaten by a lion sooner or later. The career risk of an animal trainer is very high, and she cannot afford it...

Alejandro turned his head to look behind him.

A dark figure appeared in the shadows.

He pointed the flashlight at that side, because the distance was too far, the light did not penetrate the darkness, but the things in the shadow could be seen clearly.

It was a black horse with a rider on its back, which looked like a sculpture.

Alejandro recalled carefully, he didn't remember that when he passed by just now, he found such a sculpture there, and at this moment, the knight on the horse lightly kicked the horse's abdomen, and then the horse started to move.

The crisp sound of the horse's hooves on the stone slabs sounded pleasant, but Alejandro felt very ominous.

As the knight walked to the window, Alejandro finally saw clearly that the knight in black was headless, covered in a layer of deathly chill, holding a meteor hammer used by people in the Middle Ages.

The feeling of cold weapons is different from that of hot weapons. Seeing the metallic luster on the meteor hammer, it seems that the soul has been hurt.

"Grandma, is everything written in this book true?"

Monica, who was about 7 years old, asked the gray-haired woman.

"Of course it is, dear," replied the grandmother.

Alejandro looked at the colored drawings on the book in Monica's hand. It was a magical animal that looked like a seahorse. Its name was Kelpie, and it lived in the rivers and lakes of Britain.

The book is actually called Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.

"Can I see them?" Monica said.

"You can get some," said Granny. "If you're 11 and lucky enough, you'll see more."

"Why? Is it because they are in zoos abroad?"

"No." Grandma hesitated to speak, and then said with a smile, "Come on, I made strawberry cake."

"Really?" Monica said excitedly, dropped the book and jumped up.

Only now did Alejandro have the chance to read the book alone. He turned to the next page. There were no bright colors on that page, only black and white. It looked like a knight in black.

"Dullahan." Alejandro said in a low voice, and as soon as he finished speaking, the headless horseman rushed towards him at a high speed, the meteor hammer in his hand was still waving.

Alejandro turned his head and ran wildly in the castle.

'This is not an illusion. ’ He thought to himself, ‘This is a nightmare. '

As if to despise him for not being unlucky enough, another headless horseman joins the hunt, and luckily Alejandro is a good footballer and can slip through the gap between his horse's legs.

The two Durrahans bumped into each other and galloped towards him together.

Alejandro's breathing became deeper, and he fled to an adjoining room with some furniture in it, which prevented Durrahan's charge, and one of the monsters smashed the goad on the wooden table, and the table shattered. Alejandro picked up a table leg and hit the horse's leg.

The horse howled and neighed and fell to the ground. Even if the knight on the horse was fully armed, the heavy armor, the weight of the man, and the weight of the horse had to be borne by the four legs of the horse. As long as the center of gravity was unstable, it would fall down.

After the first blow, Alejandro didn't want to fight, because another Durrahan came in behind, so he escaped from another exit of the room.

He took out his mobile phone while running, trying to contact Monica.

There was an accident on his side, so be careful on her side.

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