Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1861 giant slayer (5)

There is a phenomenon in attitude psychology called the sleeper effect, which means that even though time has passed and things have changed, there are still some vague memories and attitudes that remain, just like waking up, even though everything in the dream has disappeared. Forgot, but still remembered "oh, I can't stand this guy".

The difference between sleep and death is only whether you are still awake. If you have endless dreams and are addicted to them, then even if you fall asleep, you will feel like you are dead.

Under the rule of theocracy, the purpose of people’s life is to go to heaven after death and avoid going to hell. Therefore, when the church says that there is a good library of merit and virtue, the merits of the saints in the past will still be surplus after meeting the conditions for going to heaven. "Sinners" spend a lot of money to buy indulgences, forgetting what they should do when they are alive.

Once a man accepts that he lives for happiness, not for the enjoyment of going to heaven after death, then he will focus on whether he is happy in the present.

He will not feel that being poor is a kind of happiness, and he has no longing for pilgrimage. Of course, if he has money, he must buy things that can make him happy, such as wine, food, spices, and silk. Compared with the desert, of course it is a castle decorated with Venetian glass. Live more comfortably.

Asceticism is contradictory to commercial society. However, rich people need the authority of the church to convince people that wealth inequality is reasonable. Greed can make people forget the danger of the noose, and doing things that are harmful to themselves in the long run will not help them in the short term. See what is good and harmless. This short-lived bliss is like a rum drunk who is happy when he drinks and is in a state of intoxication, but then he wakes up with a hangover and his life situation does not improve in any way.

Maybe the people will still obey the king because of inertia, but if he indulges in pleasure and idleness, then the people will also be disappointed with him.

Compared with George III, George IV's overall performance is a mediocre king. After all, his father has been in power for a long time, and there are several famous prime ministers and generals who have surpassed him in reputation.

People's image of him is that he has a big belly, loves to drink, hangs out with some cronies all day long, has a flamboyant style, and has no "kingly demeanor" at all, so his popularity is extremely low.

But he had brought about a Catholic-Protestant marriage, though the priest who officiated the wedding had to do it because of a deep debt.

A drunken Englishman is willing to borrow alcohol for a Catholic woman, and he's also the Crown Prince. Men who have a little money and feel that they have social status will not listen to women. Even if she is an opera star that everyone admires before marriage, she still has to live according to his family rules after marriage.

The constitutional king is not free, and he does not even have the right to choose his own marriage partner, unless George IV renounces the right to inherit the throne like the Duke of Windsor.

The Duke of Windsor wasn't so bad either, Edward was just the youngest to serve in WWI and expressed an interest in fighting, he was allowed to enlist.

Although Edward was willing to go to the front line, the government did not allow it. Even so, Edward saw the horror of the trenches. He often visited the front line, which made him loved by the front line soldiers.

Bullets have no eyes, not to mention that if the commander dies, the morale of the army will be lost. Bonaparte's riding gear is very conspicuous. Whether it is an artilleryman or a sniper, as long as the enemy sees him, they will fight in his direction. Yes, killing him was the first achievement.

To brave the hail of bullets and calmly command, there are really few people in this world who can do it. Even if you are so bold, it depends on whether you have that luck. When the Arabs crossed the Pyrenees to attack France, during the Battle of Poitiers, the commander was hit in the neck by a stray arrow and died on the spot. The Arabs retreated overnight, leaving behind a large number of luggage, and the palace minister Charlie Matt became famous in the first battle.

Wizards are not allowed to intervene in Muggle wars, and neither are priests. Doing so will be counterproductive.

When you know that you have that power, but you can’t use it because of dogma and superstition, this feeling will be very uncomfortable. Harry’s grandfather Henry Potter called on wizards to join the First World War, and then the Potter family was almost extinct. The gold coins in that vault were almost cheap for the goblin.

The precepts are far away from the secular world, and even farther away from wizards, but Albus Dumbledore managed a wizarding school like a monastery, and there are no real monks like him.

In a way, the Crusades were a war to solve the employment problem of the second son of the aristocrat. The inheritance law gave everything from the father to the eldest son, and the second son had nothing. He was used to the aristocratic life since he was a child. Be a commoner, or else be a robber or a mercenary. Later, the "Napoleonic Code" changed this rule. As long as the children recognized by the father can all share a part of the wealth, this is of course supported by many illegitimate children.

If the father prefers the mother of the child, sometimes he will get confused and give the eldest son what should be given to the eldest son. If it is carried out according to the will, maybe the children born in wedlock will not get as much as the children born out of wedlock. Is this fair?

Tariffs, a major national event, are too far away from their own inheritance. The Decameron has recorded many nasty things done by the church, such as the priest in Siena, who became the godfather of other people's children, but took advantage of it. When the child's biological father was away, she had a tryst with the child's mother. The woman pretended nothing had happened, and even tricked Zhongtu's returning husband into saying that the child had worms in his body, which were cured by the priest.

The husband was not only grateful to the priest, gave him wine to drink, but also made offerings as he said. Who would want to be a "good person" like him?

If there are too many "worms", a baptism of blood and fire is required.

Cantat, near Marseilles, is undoubtedly the biggest den of thieves in France, where the worst and most brutal peasant uprisings in France began. As a religious territory, it was nominally under the jurisdiction of the Pope, and was later incorporated into France. It was merged with neighboring regions into the Vaucruz province, and the provincial capital was Avignon. No one pursued the matter. "As long as there is one or two pieces of land, there will be wine, meat and bread."

However, due to the corruption and incompetence of the Roman envoys who governed here, the city has become "a refuge for French, Italian, and Genoese scoundrels; they only need to pay small gifts to the envoys. extrajudicial".

In addition, the city harbored a large number of smugglers and their hosts, looking for opportunities to break through the French gates from time to time. "Thieves and killers in the city are numerous and powerful; the councils of Aix and Grenoble have never been able to eradicate them. Among them, there are both idlers who make trouble for a while, and those who make a living by it for a long time. Professional villain". And in the marketplace, mistresses, conspiratorials, loafers, and opportunists rubbed shoulders with fugitives from "the torture ships of Toulon and Marseilles." Undercurrents surge under the calm surface of the city, like a vase containing poisonous snakes; once the time is right, it will immediately become a tiger's den and a wolf's den.

The genealogy of the French Revolution was first completed at the mouth of the Rhone River. Marseille, the largest city in the province, is like a trash can, containing all kinds of dregs from various countries, breeding evil waves.

The most effective defenders in the area are Swiss mercenaries. When the news of the capture of the Bastille came from Paris, several riots occurred in Marseille. In the end, the National Guard was controlled by the free nobles sent by Lafayette. However, with the arrest of the former commander, the citizens also gave up power and handed over the city to the Marseille Club with a congregation of 4,000. The members of the club are basically some Speculators with nothing.

In order to consolidate power, the newly formed government gave all citizens with permanent jobs the right to vote. As a result, those barefoot thugs ignored the Constitution and ran to the various district meetings. Landlords and big businessmen voluntarily withdrew from voting in protest, and for those honest citizens who insisted on listening, the Jacobin practice threatened them to bury them alive in church cemeteries, accounting for the majority of the population. The honest citizens of the city were frightened, and no one dared to go to the meeting place without any security, so the government of Marseilles fell into the hands of people who flouted the law.

They only paid lip service to the authority of Paris, obeyed only those decrees which favored them, and never surrendered a single crown to the treasury. Under their rule, people began to miss the former National Guard commander after they charged him with treason and faced at least two dozen death threats in court and prison.

When they received an order from the Legislative Assembly to release them, the Massai Jacobins were perfunctory, and when they finally failed to do so, the gangsters regrouped and attacked the ex-commander who was released from prison.

The public's hatred for these suspects was so strong that Swiss mercenaries had to be dispatched to protect them and take them to their barracks. At this time, the city government put pressure on the Swiss mercenaries to hand over the criminals and stop escorting and protecting them.

The Swiss mercenaries were not under the French government or the Marseilles government, and no one but the king could disband them, yet the Jacobins tried their best to drive them out of the city.

Arles is the city most hated by the Marseille club. Originally, with the support of Antonel, Arles echoed Marseille. Antonel carried out the "terrorist order system", and his party members had more than 300 people, all of whom were strong sailors and craftsmen. They privately drove the priests who had taken refuge in the city out of the city. However, the "landowners and honest citizens" who accounted for the majority of the city's population decided to resist after a long period of forbearance. A crowd of 1,200 gathered at St. Honora's church, "sworn to uphold the constitution and restore order" and applied to join local clubs. Using club procedures, a large number of them were inducted as National Guardsmen or voters. At the same time, after obtaining the consent of the city hall, they began to reorganize the National Guard, disbanded the ranks of the Monais and reduced their military strength. Thus, through legal and non-violent means, the constitutional monarchists again became a majority in the clubs and the National Guard.

In the election of 1791, the Advocates of Order won almost all the executive positions. The upright Doctor Loys succeeded Antonelle as the new mayor; in response to the riots in the city, he reiterated the mandatory laws while attacking the rioters mercilessly. For Marseille, this change was unacceptable, and they decided to "revenge their shame" and sent troops to make Arles submit.

In this land of ancient cities, political animosity would soon mingle with historical feuds between cities, as intense as those between Thebes and Plataea, Rome and Vier, or Florence and Pisa. Therefore, the Jacobins in Marseille regarded the royalist party in Arles as their mortal enemy, and wished to destroy them.

The melee between the cities gave the thieves an opportunity, and sometimes these robbers were not outsiders at all, but the main force of the Maasai army. They ate and drank the looted food and drink, smashed the coats of arms of the nobles, carried away all goods and valuables, destroyed furniture and books, and burned all kinds of credentials.

The chaos outside was like this. When the people of Avignon heard that there were "government troops" coming, they opened the city gate to welcome them. The people in the city didn't know what these people did on the way here, and they were warmly welcomed and entertained.

Avignon recruited them mainly to guard against the "Mandelin heroes", a group of robbers composed of tax-exempt farmers, dock porters, and idlers who drove away the papal envoy, forced the resignation of the consul, and hanged the officers and men of the National Guard. Conservative leaders, relying on looting of the countryside to maintain military expenditures.

The mob chose Jourdain, nicknamed "The Beheader" after beheading two royal guards at Versailles, as their leader. But soon the people of Avignon discovered that the troops from Marseilles were similar to the bandits outside, and that the Marseille Jacobins, like what they had done in Marseilles before, began to steal the rule of Avignon.

In order to better control the election, the chairman of the electoral college withdrew from Avignon and held a meeting in Salk, a proposal that was immediately rejected by the electoral college members. So the chairman of the Electoral College played soft and hard, promised rewards to those who would follow him, and moved cannons, so the cowards of the Electoral College went out of town under threat, while the rest were prosecuted by him in a so-called high court of the country.

At the same time, the "Mandelin Heroes" also advanced towards Avignon under the instruction of the chairman of the Avignon Electoral College. Fortunately, the coordinator in Paris arrived and stopped their actions in time.

The Paris commissioners tried their best to disband the team, and they seemed to be successful. However, at the last moment, Jourdain led the bandits and captured the Papal Palace in Avignon. The city officials were expelled and the mayor escaped by chance. The municipal secretary was stabbed to death, four municipal officials and more than forty others were arrested and imprisoned, the houses of the refugees and priests were burned, and the contents of the houses became the loot of the mob.

The rebels supplemented their own pockets through forced taxation, and their party selected five poor people to form a temporary city hall, and Le Cuyer served as the city secretary. Then they expropriated 300,000 livres through this puppet government, liberated the monastery and destroyed the church for sale. So the big bells in the bell tower were all taken down, and the whole city was filled with the sound of hammering iron and bells.

As the chaos continued to expand, even the property mortgaged by the poor was taken away by the municipality. Because the church was looted, many devout women were furious, and the workers lost their jobs and bread. So this incident angered all the small people in the city and made them unite to resist. Finally they caught Le Cuyer, took him to a Franciscan church for a public trial, and then executed him.

In the city, the citizens, rich and poor, stand with the enemy and fight against them, while in the countryside, the peasants also turn their guns on each other because they have been blackmailed by them. The terror atmosphere created by the mob made up for the disadvantage in numbers. Although there were only 350 extreme Jacobins left in the city, the 30,000 residents of the city finally succumbed. The leader of the Mundelin hero led the squad to pull two cannons and fired on a destroyed church, killing two people.

The revolutionary army from Marseille and Avignon also came to support the Battle of Toulon. Bonaparte asked the future cavalry marshal Mew to bring cannons from Avignon and Nicela. Neither of them thought that they would become big men in the future. .

The advantage of having a younger sister is that you can turn the person you want to win over into your relatives. In the face of politics and interests, women's ideas become no longer important.

Bonaparte, nicknamed "Little Corporal," followed the austere line, resulting in his sisters being richly dressed and Josephine embroiled in embezzlement scandals. It is impossible for them to restrain themselves and dress more plainly. They put up their marriages to support Bonaparte's cause, so what's wrong with asking for something in return?

The church grew because of the moral depravity of Rome, they fell, not just the divine right of kings. The Bois de Boulogne during the day and night are two different things. During the day, this beautiful and pleasant place is a fitness place for Parisians to relax and entertain. There are also children playing in it. At night, it becomes a place that is not suitable for children.

Only Haji comes to this kind of place, but how does he know what "sign" is there?

There are four sculptures of beauties on the fountain of San Michele. He and Alejandro only pay attention to which of them has the best figure, regardless of whether they represent prudence, temperance, strength and justice respectively.

"Good evening." Just as Haji's eyes were darkened and he turned blindly, a man suddenly shouted.

He looked over and saw that it was a man in evening gown.

"We meet again," the man said. "You and your friend found something lost?"

Haji looked at him cautiously.

In such a big Paris, how many people know the meaning of those four sculptures, and they happen to appear when they need answers.

"Why are you here?" Haji asked.

"Passing by." The man smiled and said, "It's the same as when we met last time."

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