Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1864 giant slayer (eight)



After the bell rang twice, Monica replied.

"Where are you?" Alejandro asked in a low voice.

"On the way to Dongfang Hotel." Monica also lowered her voice.

"Have you found the 'sign'?" Alejandro asked.

"That's right."

"What is it?"

"A pyramid."

Alejandro was speechless for a long time.

"I asked Gianluca to find it for me." Monica added fuel to the fire, "What's the situation with you?"

Alejandro looked around.

At this moment, he had already slipped out of the main building of Chateau de Vincennes and came to the castle wall. Opposite was a French army barracks, and soldiers in uniform stood guard at the gate.

"Go back, lock the door, and don't wander around," Alejandro said, before hanging up.

There is also a pyramid-like building in the barracks, but it is not like the Pyramid of Khufu, but full of modern style. It looks like it is made of reinforced concrete. It is located at the end of the extension line from the east side gate of Vincennes Castle to the entrance of the barracks. It's easy to spot.

If you are lucky enough to trespass on a barracks, you may be sentenced to imprisonment, and if you are unlucky, you may be shot on the spot by sentries. This is not a game, and you can do it all over again if you die.

He looked to the south of the castle again. There was a civilian park over there, and besides that, there was a boundless forest.

Alejandro had heard from members of the Carbonari that when Linda lived in the Château de Vincennes, there were soldiers stationed in the forest, who both protected her and kept watch over her.

"You said you knew Mrs. Smith?"

After returning to the basement of the tavern, the connector who came by boat said.

Alejandro easily recognized the German accent in the Italian spoken by this bald middle-aged man, which can be regarded as a little skill practiced in tourist cities.

"Not only her, but also her husband," Alejandro said calmly.

"What does she look like?" the bald middle-aged man asked.

"Small." Alejandro gestured at her height. "Hair is silver."

The middle-aged man whispered to his companion, and then asked, "How do you know her?"

"She and Mr. Smith went to Venice for their honeymoon, and I sailed for them," Alejandro said. "I also cooked them a seafood barbecue."

"Do you know where Mr. Smith is?" asked the middle-aged man.

"I don't know now, but I know how to contact him," Alejandro said.

"Sell it to me." The middle-aged man put a heavy money bag on the table.

"I can't sell it to you," said Alejandro.

The middle-aged man smiled "Why?"

"I am the only one who can do it in this world," Alejandro replied.

The middle-aged man seemed to be laughing at him, and then he sat in the chair behind the table.

"You are very greedy." The middle-aged man said confidently, "Too greedy is not a good thing, just like those guides who led the French over the Alps, do you know what happened to them?"

It would not be good to be a spy for the Germans. It was the French who knew this that Mata Hari turned to and became a double agent.

Alejandro looked at the barracks not far away. A French barracks in peacetime could not break in, let alone a French barracks in the Napoleonic War era.

Peace and ease do weaken an Iron Division, and that's where Linda's value comes in. She makes Bonaparte, who lives like an alarm clock, late one morning.

He was late only once, and then he returned to normal, but it still shocked many people, because Alejandro also knew the famous line "From now on the king will not be a king" because of the influence of "Oriental fever" and Asian tourists. Morning".

Bonaparte did not have the same priest fasting as Marchillon. He called on Louis XV to correct his bad living habits. He had to rely on self-discipline. Later, Linda was sent to the castle of Burgundy. Surround Linda as you have surrounded the king's mistress before, and ask her to help with the good words.

There are many people who appreciate the wonderful move of the British. Because of Josephine's scandal, it is very puzzling that Bonaparte did not divorce her. Many people around him are introducing women to him.

Today's Josephine is Linda's tomorrow, but Alejandro estimates that if Mr. Smith really learns from Napoleon, then Linda will definitely divorce him. British women in the 21st century are very independent, and they will go out to work by themselves. Will not need Bonaparte to pay her astronomical bills like Josephine.

Many people are like this. If they have a better choice, they will throw away the half that has experienced the suffering together, including Monica's father. Then he abandoned his wife and son and disappeared, not to mention Josephine gave Bonaparte an impeccable excuse.

Since you want to forgive, you have to forgive completely. What is it to maintain an open marriage in the name of the victim?

Alejandro recalled Linda again, she liked to drink fruit lala's strawberry vodka, how did Mr. Smith marry such a woman.

Linda made Bonaparte's chaotic private life a little bit better, but she participated too much in state affairs. Her influence even made some people think that Napoleon was nepotism.

After the Tribune was cleaned, it was replaced by officers and scientists. One of them was the factory director of Sevres, who gave Napoleon a sculpture of Napoleon on horseback made of porcelain, although the last sculpture was broken by Bonaparte first. Leg, and was kicked over by Georgiana.

Caesar had done this kind of thing before. He placed the officers who followed him in the Senate. The officers didn't need to discuss any issues at all. Anyway, as long as Caesar proposed to raise their hands, it would be fine.

The same is true for those scientists. They are academics and have no interest in politics. They only have an unprecedented common hatred in the matter of academic affairs.

Mass was held in Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris on Easter. Even Bonaparte’s cronies were reluctant to come. Georgiana had conflicts with Josephine’s cronies, the former maid of Marie Antoinette, over the dress issue, so she decided to wear silk stockings or The issue of boots was a public "showdown".

In the end Georgiana won, all in boots, the spurs scratched the ground, and they ate biscuits at Communion.

When the prestige of the church is still there, even if there is a plague that cannot be cured with holy water, people will not suspect that the priests are talking nonsense, but believe that the wizard cast the curse.

It was precisely because of the signing of the special educational agreement that the senior officials at the mouth of the Rhône and the Strait of Calais were replaced. At the same time, the western part of France withdrew its troops, and the radical royalists also stopped their activities there.

Maybe some people live in an atheistic world, but they don’t know that religion is not only belief, but also needs for group activities. Many people are willing to volunteer to help others, not because the doctrine requires them to do so, but because they want to do so.

Competition will cause division. For example, in the football team where Alejandro belongs to, many small groups will be separated for the starting plastic surgery. Alejandro is not good at this kind of gang formation, so he often acts as a substitute. The coach always says They lack the cohesion that is the strength of the church. It allows families who don't know each other to get together for something. These people are natural "giver". The church organizes these charitable activities, just like wearing a traditional costume parade. It is different from the classroom. Parents through these groups Services want their children to have more correct values. Veronica had been a novice at such a young age, and she loved these activities.

While many say the American Revolutionary War influenced the French Revolution, Gaitano thinks otherwise. What the United States wants to maintain is the "old order". The United States actually implements a congregational system. Each place is independent and does not control each other. There is no structure of mother churches and son churches. The French Revolution replaced it with a new order. old order. Senior officials are appointed by the central government, with an obvious organizational structure and centralization. This system has also been used in Italy, and the new governor of Venice is a pro-French faction.

Gaitano was nice, but he got too close to the Austrians, and Alejandro didn't forget what the Austrians did in Venice.

Similarly, although Linda is not a pious and serious woman, she is still a good person. She was actually involved in the Louisiana Acquisition, and Bonaparte even expelled the Dupont who lobbied Josephine from Paris.

There is a feeling called habit. After a person has been used to doing one thing for a long time, it will be very smooth for him to do it again, unlike newcomers who need to adapt.

Changing habits is like a left-handed person becoming a right-handed person, which requires training and adaptation. Americans who are used to the congregational system will quickly adapt to the congregational system.

Generally speaking, Bonaparte is better than the later Austrians, but his behavior of robbing other people's wives is really unforgivable.

There is a story in the Bible. The prophet Nathan said to King David: A rich man is much richer than a poor man. The rich man has many sheep, but the poor man has only one little lamb. The poor man loves this lamb as much as himself. When there is no food in the house, he will share his bread and milk with the lamb he loves, and he will wrap the lamb in his coat when it is cold.

One day a rich man entertained a friend. He could kill a sheep of his own, but he didn't do that. He insisted on stealing the neighbor's lamb and having it killed and put on the table to win the favor of the guests.

David was furious when he heard this, and he told Nathan that this was the most despicable act he had ever heard, and that he would punish it severely.

The poor man whose lamb was stolen should be paid sevenfold, and the villain who committed such a crime should be put to death immediately.

The prophet Nathan told David: "O king, that man is you. You killed Uriah because you wanted to usurp his wife. Therefore, the Lord will make you and your family suffer misfortune. You and Bathsheba His son will die violently to atone for his parents' sins."

In fact, when Gaitano asked him if he knew what Napoleon did in Egypt, Alejandro wanted to answer that he robbed the wives of his officers, even though he did it to revenge Josephine, but his How can revenge hurt the innocent?

The words were changed on the verge of the mouth, so that some of the prefaces were inconsistent, and the burning of the French Eastern Fleet had nothing to do with Bonaparte.

If he develops the habit of using the power of a dictator to snatch other people's wives, it is better to eliminate this kind of person as soon as possible.

Maybe Alejandro didn't think as deeply as Gaitano, but he couldn't understand it, it was as simple as that.

After going back, Linda should stay at home, be a woman who keeps her own life, and don't come out to cause trouble again.

People can't stand such torment. Although they were trapped in that world for several months, the actual time was only a few hours. When Alejandro came out, he found that Smith was much haggard.

There is a Spanish proverb that when words are not as powerful as silence, then keep silence.

"Love the fucking love, do you want ethics?"

Alejandro cursed, glanced at the barracks, and left the city walls.

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