Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1850 Journey to the Ruins

Severus came to the square in front of Notre Dame Cathedral.

In the Middle Ages, if a church bell rang at an abnormal time, it often represented a warning, or important news that needed to be assembled. But in the 21st century, it's just weird to hear bells ringing in the middle of the night.

People are superstitious about authority. As long as he has authority, he can easily convince others. In the wizarding world, there are many people who call themselves "professors". For example, Rohart, when he was the teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts, the children called him He is a professor.

Generally speaking, what the authority says is very reasonable. When we lack knowledge and information to make judgments, we will rely on the judgment of the authority to avoid being too overwhelmed and making unwise choices.

But sometimes authority is not so credible.

This magnificent church cost the believers a lot of money, and St. Louis almost emptied the French treasury to buy the crown of thorns.

That may be true, or it may be something like Mary's milk, the Shroud of Turin, and the shrouds of all Europe may be able to put up a tent.

The new authority is similar to nutrition analysts and doctors. After charging consulting fees, they tell the world the difference in calories between whole milk and skim milk. Foods with cheese and cheese are added. Cheese and cheese contain more protein, while butter and cream have high calories.

The crime of gluttony is often confused with greed, and the obesity of the people happens to reflect the greed of authority. It is difficult to distinguish between these authorities. It is normal to say that it takes years of hard work to obtain a real title, but some people can easily obtain titles and make others automatically obey. Just like in the South China Sea incident, businessmen may lie, but the king will never lie, right?

Everyone knows that there are huge gold and silver deposits hidden underground in Peru. As long as the processors in England are sent to the coast, the gold bricks and silver bricks will be continuously shipped back to the UK, and the UK is using these gold and silver to continuously increase its naval strength. , Gradually kept pace with Spain and the Netherlands in the arms race. It was because of its naval strength that Spain allowed British merchant ships to trade in South America.

Because of the Methuen Peace Treaty, British merchants were not allowed to go directly to South America unless Britain gave up the Portuguese textile dumping market.

Originally, the British Army had given up its protection, but it came to the table again because of the wine trade tax issue.

Portugal also had a history of expansion, including the Rose Map Project, which planned to unify from Angola to Mozambique in North Africa, and then Britain issued an ultimatum, demanding that the Portuguese withdraw from the Shire River Basin. Dissatisfaction with the republican movement continued to rise, and finally the Porto uprising broke out.

There are no saints in Europa with criss-crossed teeth. Louis XVI helped the United States without getting any benefits. Napoleon took away a large amount of artwork and compensation from other countries. It's better.

The anti-French alliance was organized several times without success. Instead, there was a triumphal arch because of the Battle of Austerlitz. If Napoleon started to manage Bruges, that place would not be far from Waterloo. Will the Battle of Waterloo happen again?

Women can change men. Draco is no longer a pure-blood under the influence of Astonia, and James Potter is also no longer as arrogant as when he was studying under the influence of Lily.

But in Notre Dame, apart from Victor Hugo, there is also the Bonaparte couple who held the coronation ceremony and wedding here. The scene of him wearing the crown to Josephine has been painted on the famous painting. Blessed.

This French building collapsed twice, the first time in 1789 due to the imminent bankruptcy of the country and the hatred of the ancien régime, and the second time in 1799 due to the imminent bankruptcy of the country and the hatred of the shattered system of inequality without The wrath of revolutionaries who set up permanent new institutions.

People are still willing to live an orderly life. The new order rebuilt from the ruins is not reliable at all, and it will collapse every two days. The exhausted people long for rest. In those ten years, not only the French, but Europe was also tired. The kings invaded France under the pretext of purging the regicides. They might want to carve up France like Burgundy. The French resisted desperately at this time.

When German planes arrived to bomb London, Churchill once made a speech on the radio: We must win for the majority, this is our task.

For the greater good, Albus chose to stand against Grindelwald and sent him to prison with his own hands.

Pomona may not have the ambition to be a queen or rule the world, but the king she chooses may have. The New Era is a big temptation. She wants to assist the emperor to create a world that is completely different from the present. Architects like Napoleon are very important Financial, social and moral vigilance remains high.

Instead of letting them fend for themselves on the streets, the impoverished have devised facilities to prevent the homeless from lying on benches and occupying public resources, leaving passers-by with nowhere to sit.

Ou Ren will also take care of veterans who are not doing well. The veteran who took the expedition to the ruins they had been to before, if he hadn't failed to invest in antiques after getting his salary, he would not have gone to find Ou Ren.

Both Hortans and Eugene have paid a lot for the marriage of Napoleon and Josephine, and he will not divorce for the sake of the children.

People always unknowingly live the way they hate the most. Pomona hates people who get involved in other people's marriages, and also hates polygamy, but she is trapped in it now, no wonder she is crying.

The French are very romantic, but...

"Please forgive me." An old voice said, "I don't have your contact information, so I have to use this method to find you."

Severus looked over and saw it was a priest in robes.

"You've got the wrong person," Severus said.

"No." The priest said stubbornly, "I know who you are."

Severus smiled "You know who I am?"

"Are you going to destroy the city?" asked the priest.

Severus stopped smiling.

"I...I think..."

"What are you trying to say? Prophet," Severus asked.

"How do you want to leave?"

"I've heard people say that people who come to Paris will lose their most precious things. When I find my lost treasure, I will leave." Severus said calmly.

"What? Maybe I can help," the priest asked.

Severus didn't answer.

"Tell me, what vision did your god give you?" Severus asked.

"The flames, and the angry crowd," said the priest.

"You think I did it?" Severus asked.

"I don't know." The priest stared at Severus. "You're not the same devil as last time."

Severus froze for a moment.

"I have no strength to stop him." The priest said in pain, "Thanks to that old friend..."

"He's not the devil." Severus interrupted the priest. "Neither am I."

"He's going to turn Paris into hell." The priest held the Bible tightly.

"Then you should know that it's not me who raised this hell this time." Severus said with a smile, "You've got the wrong person."

"Wait." Just as Severus was about to leave, the priest handed him a card "Please take it."

Severus looked back at the card, which had a golden image on it that looked like a masculine symbol.

"Safe house, left by an old friend, you may need it."

"I don't need it," Severus said.

"We will need you, if you are his successor."

"Go away," Severus said angrily, and flew away in a cloud of black smoke.

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