Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1849: Witch and Demon Association (25)

Let's go back in time.

Henry VI was the last king of the Lancaster family. He came to the throne nine months after his birth. When his maternal grandfather Charles VI of France died, according to the Treaty of Troyes signed between Henry V and Charles VI, The British declared him almost unilaterally the King of France. Two of his uncles were regents in England and France, Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, in England, and John, Duke of Bedford, in France.

Henry VI was not as capricious as Caligula, but people still thought he was too weak, and the important ministers around the king often had unseemly quarrels, and the content of their quarrels was related to the deterioration of French rule.

His father, Henry V, was nicknamed the Hammer of the Gauls. The Hundred Years War between England and France was not always going on. There were three "intermissions" and the third "intermission" was during the period of Henry IV. Shakespeare once His books condemn him because his reign was fruitless, beset by rebellious nobles and ailing bodies, lacking the chivalrous adjectives of brilliance and vigor.

After Henry V succeeded to the throne, the flames of war were rekindled. At this time, it was France's turn to have internal strife. During the Battle of Agincourt, under the command of Henry V, the British army mainly composed of infantry and archers defeated a large number of elite French nobles. troops, laying the groundwork for the subsequent capture of all of Normandy in 1419.

Although many people regard this battle as the most glorious victory of the British longbowmen, and it also left a profound impact on the tactic of relying on the range of firepower to kill the opponent's dense formation in later wars, but the battle of Agincourt took place for a long time. The rain is heavy, and the farmland is turned over by farmers near the battlefield. This kind of soft soil is not suitable for heavy cavalry to charge. In addition to the heavy armored knights on the horse and the weight of the horse, the horse's hoof will not be pulled out if it sinks in.

Henry V chose a terrain that was conducive to longbowmen fighting, and he also made a bet with the French prisoners that the British could kill them now, but if they were willing to bet, they could get full control when the French won. Freedom, the captives cannot resist until the winner is decided.

The already small number of British people will be even more insufficient if some people are assigned to guard the prisoners at this time. Although this situation is sometimes seen, a soldier guards a battalion of prisoners of war, but the risk is still too great.

These prisoners of war chose to be the witnesses of the Battle of Agincourt. They saw the French noble knights fell into the mud like cans and were harvested by the British longbowmen. Blood is no different.

Absolute monarchy will make some people cultivate perfect slavishness, and can do anything to please the monarch. Lestrange did not give Bella to the half-blood of the Gaunt family, it was Bella who abandoned him and chose the Dark Lord. In the eyes of outsiders, it would be ridiculous, but some people think it is normal, because these pure-blood nobles who are willing to kill Muggles are in an obedient and dominated position. The later Napoleon Bonaparte also liked this kind of person who was easy to control and more obedient. He regarded the position of cardinal as a gift to his favorite ministers around him and the old nobles who were frequent visitors of Versailles in the past. In his words "Only they know how to provide the best service".

There will be beef, mutton, and cakes at the witch and devil meeting, but all these seemingly rich foods are without salt.

Not only because salt is considered to have the effect of exorcising evil spirits, animals also need salt. Goats will climb up the hillside to lick the salt on the rocks. The salt has penetrated into their blood and muscles. Taste it.

This is a devil worship ceremony. If you want to eat delicious food, you can go to a restaurant. What is the purpose of people participating in this ceremony? Immortals, vampires, aren't they? If you want to taste salty and sweet, concentrate on imagining that you are eating raw meat with blood on it. Of course some people will find that disgusting. If you are disgusted, you can go to church and have communion and wine, which is full of blood. A sweet fruity aroma.

"First Blood" can try his own, maybe because of a fight, or a kiss full of violence that caused the lip to be bitten, what does blood taste like?

If Lisette de Lapin was an advisor to Henry VI, as wizard historians have attested, she may have met Joan of Arc during her service at the French court.

It was precisely because of this girl that Britain lost all the achievements of the Hundred Years' War and almost lost all of its territory in France. Henry VI made Richard, the Duke of York, regent during his illness, and the Lancaster family could not help this. Tolerated, because the Duke of York claimed the right to the throne, and then the Lancastrians relied on the support of the Northwest Feudal Lords to abolish the Regency, and the War of the Roses began.

Muggle wizards may have superhuman strength, but most of them are Muggle civilians. They have been in contact with ordinary people since childhood, and they don't know that someone is spying on things that shouldn't belong to them.

Muggles are extremely fascinated by supernatural phenomena, and the church also relied on "miracles" for a period of time to gain believers. Pepin adopted the divine right of kings to obtain the crown legally. Later, when he was preparing for the enthronement ceremony, a priest's coffin could not be lifted. Then someone took the opportunity to gain dominion over a large piece of land.

They like supernatural phenomena, and they hope they can master them too. Weather weapons are also developed for this purpose, which will make people feel that what the other party has sent down is God's punishment.

But the real "God's punishment" is not pleasant when it falls on me. Whether it is immortality or weather, Muggles are using existing technologies to pursue it. Some methods are even unimaginable and inhumane, but for those who have already deified themselves There is no burden at all for humans. When they found that vampires could not "transform" themselves through "First Embrace", they gave up on vampires, just as they knew that gods could not make themselves invulnerable to all poisons, and they would be killed by the Black Death regardless of their piety of.

Compared with serving, they are better at squeezing. God takes everything on earth at will. They scare children into crying and extract the "nutrients" in their blood. Conscience doesn't matter to them, the only thing they need to worry about is The best thing is not to get caught.

It works, women's skin is smoother, men's energy is full again, those little wizards in "heaven" will not believe it, this must be a muggle slur for purists, say the Carroll siblings None of the stories are so absurd and terrifying.

Georgiana dared to slap Bonaparte in the face. It sounded like a dream, but many people saw it. After he was slapped, he didn't get serious and angry. Instead, he had a relaxed smirk on his face. People didn't think he was funny. , he feels more dangerous.

Crowds tend to chase illusions, the gold rush brought prosperity to the west, but in Peru, to make it known that a person intends to go into silver mining, people will stay away from him, mining in Peru is like buying a lottery, nine times out of ten Few people will win the lottery, and many people will not win the lottery, and those few big winners will lure more adventurers to make fruitless attempts and lose all their property.

People will choose what they want to believe. Many people know gold, but isn't there fool's gold in this world?

Financiers are also magicians, and there must be people who don’t believe Gabriel Ufral’s financial magic, just as some people believe that the South Sea Company on the King’s Platform must not have lied.

This plan is too bold and beyond people's imagination, but there is a premise that the Spanish royal family will not fall and the environment will be kept peaceful.

It is not once or twice in history that the peace treaty was unilaterally torn up. In fact, the "Amiens Treaty" was also the first to be torn up by the British side.

If you think about it in another direction, this is also an invasion launched by Napoleon, but it is different from previous military invasions. Compared with the losses caused by the bloody suppression caused by the riots caused by the famine, the losses he spent on buying food may be smaller, but the money did not fall out of thin air. A budget-conscious bastard.

In 1802, recruits were stopped, and some veterans were allowed to serve again. Although building canals was a job, this part of the tramp would not think dredging was a bad job. They were destined to "sleep soundly on the battlefield".

Everyone has their own social role, which not only makes people feel at ease but also a sense of belonging. When a person has a strong sense of honor in his profession, he is reluctant to take off his clothes.

Retirement is tantamount to depriving a person of his social role, he is no longer a soldier.

If the Thracian sees fully armed sea fish fighters, or the longbowman sees a noble knight who is covered in armor, as if no arrows can pierce it, and he thinks that the opponent is invincible, then he loses. deal.

Light armor represents danger, and is also more flexible, and you can kill the opponent in any mediocre way at any time.

With such an exciting life, who would want to return to mediocrity and discuss with a woman for a long time about the color of the curtains?

Bonaparte promised the Egyptian Expeditionary Force a piece of land, which he intended to be Italian, and then he sent them to Bruges, where the port was unusable because of the silt, but cleared out to be a good commercial port.

Its location is a bit special, it is almost in the same dimension as London, only separated by the Strait of Dover.

If a rabbit travels across the ocean in a crucible, it will choose Calais, which is the closest to the opposite side, but the purpose of humans inventing ships is to avoid this situation.

Some people say that sticking Napoleon's gray army coat and three-cornered hat on the shore can make the whole of Europe ready for war. After World War I, Britain is filled with an atmosphere of pacifism, and everyone from political party leaders to ordinary people thinks that there will be no more wars in the future. There was a brutal war, so he advocated disarmament. Churchill was one of the very few people in parliament who opposed disarmament and warned that Germany threatened that a dictator would bring disaster to Europe. He urged Britain to rearmament instead of "cutting your arms , increasing your obligations".

After the signing of the Peace Treaty of Amiens, the British commoners cheered and the public opinion hoped for peace. As the ruler, the king should also rule according to the direction of public opinion.

George III wrote a letter to the King of Spain saying that England was not sleeping soundly.

What's the point of a madman's words?

Secrecy is the greatest difficulty of all. How to mobilize troops without the knowledge of a large number of British and Austrian spies? The method devised by the First Consul was to reveal the secret himself, to make himself an object of ridicule, and to make his enemies take his willfully exaggerated claims as a ruse.

It's embarrassing to be hit by a woman, isn't it? Try laughing at him, the last poet who laughed at him as a chameleon has already been locked up in a madhouse.

The death and rebirth of a social spirit is like the spiritual death and rebirth of a person. It is not just a radical transformation of concepts and behaviors, nor is it just a major transformation of ideology and politics. It transcends the belief system, as well as the system of order and justice. —Law and Religion.

It transcends the past, revealing a new heaven and a new world, similar to the "epiphany" experienced by the Buddha in the process of abandoning the past and becoming a monk to seek the Tao. The Christian Revelation makes it possible for the entire group and the entire society to experience This process of despair and epiphany.

Both Eastern personal mysticism and Western social practice are the keys to a new era, but the former is too close to fanaticism, while the latter is too close to extreme legalism.

There is a saying that what cannot be broken cannot be established. Lilith’s sea of ​​blood destroys the creation of the old gods and regains a new form after human beings endure the pain of death. It is like the abolition of the feudal system to a new social order. Nobles feel that they are in pain. Victims, but farmers do not feel that they are liberated.

If the French navy before the Great Revolution still had combat power, then the navy after the restoration would be gone. The nobles abandoned civilian soldiers and let them fend for themselves on the raft of Medusa. The army has also become a foreign mercenary army. Think again It is impossible to restore the old system.

The dance is religious, and there will be many people watching. The dances performed by witches can actually be seen in the countryside, and the round dance is also a basic feature of the Witch Association.

The high priest will show complex and strange dance movements, similar to belly dancers, with extraordinary dexterity, seemingly full of temptation, but actually full of control over his own muscles and strength.

The sacred dance is a means of turning the vulgar into the noble and the sinful into the pious. When the priests dance, others sing in a circle with candles that emit blue light. The candles emit this light because sulfur is added to it. There will be a pungent smell, like from hell.

Sometimes there would be a sudden gust of wind that would extinguish all the candles. Instead of feeling terrified, these people shouted "Choose me" happily.

This kind of ceremony is often carried out at night, and it must end when the day dawns, or when the rooster crows. It is a very old tradition to stop the cock crowing. At this time, the clergy and devout believers have already begun to pray and sing hymns.

It is precisely because of this that the rooster will be erected on the steeple of the church, similar to the rooster weathervane on the top of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.

The weather vane on the roof is a symbol of the nobility. During the Great Revolution, the weather vanes of many noble homes were demolished, but it is strange that no one moved the weather vane of Notre Dame de Paris, and the holy objects hidden in the weather vane of the monks were also preserved. , including the bones of Genevieve and the Crown of Thorns.

Roses not only have delicate flowers, but also sharp thorns, like thorns, which hurt when entangled by its vines, but some people just like roses with thorns.

René Violet, this is another name for Georgiana, it is taken from a kind of purple rose, which means queen of violets.

Elagabalus was a Roman emperor with a very short reign. He grew up in the eastern court and brought extravagance into the court.

One day he held a banquet in the palace, and after the guests were seated, he ordered his servants to loosen the baffle on the ceiling, so that the violet petals above poured down, and the guests below were buried alive by the petals.

This is a different way of killing from Caligula's. It is less bloody, but the essence is the same.

Not long after the birth of the child in Hortense on October 10, Bonaparte went on a business trip to Brittany, and also went to Belgium by the way, and came back a month later. At that time, the Queen of Violet accompanied him He also adopted Delmid, the son of Pauline Bonaparte. Napoleon is the godfather of Hortans' son and Delmid's godfather, so people are worried, is there too many purple roses in Paris?

Lucius whistled flirtatiously. "I'm starting to understand why the White Wizard locked her up."

Severus said nothing.

Bonaparte made a lot of money. He gave Georgiana a manor, which used to belong to Mrs. Maintenon. Because it was too big, she donated it as a hospital. He also gave a warship named after her, which is Gerero. The ship that was in service, and he also gave a ring, which was a booty he brought back from Egypt. Bey's wife exchanged it for half of her husband's wealth. It is said to be a very precious magic ring.

The Muggle king in the story was deceived by charlatans. John, Duke of Bedfordshire, died in 1435. Nick Flamel theoretically died in 1427. Later generations did not find his body after digging his tomb, and then people Said he could live forever with the Philosopher's Stone.

Searching for the Philosopher's Stone will bring bad luck, but the alchemy in Paris still flourishes because of him, and the chemistry in France is also very developed. Even though the British blocked the export of saltpeter, they still found the raw materials for making gunpowder from animal excrement .


At this moment, a bell rang outside the window, it was the bell of the church.

"How do you ring the bell at night?" Lucius asked.

"I don't know," Severus said, "I'll go and find out."

With that, he disapparated.

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