Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1848: Witch and Demon Association (24)

Porto wine is the same fortified wine as the Madeira wine drunk by the witches at the witch meeting. The difference is that the port wine is added with brandy, while the Madeira wine is added with high-purity alcohol.

Is there a difference between alcohol and brandy?

The army is a purely male world. For those who may die at any time, there is no difference between alcohol and brandy, and tasting wine is a matter for senior officers.

Alcohol is made from starchy materials such as corn, wheat, and potatoes, while ethanol in brandy is fermented from sugar in fruits. When brandy is added to Porto wine, which is also made from grapes, it increases the flavor of wine and becomes A Port wine with natural sweetness and fruity aromas.

Madeira wine is also known as "immortal wine". This wine is "inanimate". It can be stored in a normal environment for hundreds of years like a corpse soaked in formalin, without the need for constant temperature and humidity. Cellar preservation. Yeast will be killed in high-purity alcohol. Port wine is added before the end of grape juice fermentation. Yeast means "sin" in the Bible. The bread in the Holy Communion is usually unleavened, but the Orthodox Church Practical fermented bread, because they believe that fermented bread represents the Holy Spirit, and the Western Church refuses to read "sentence words" during mass.

Although with the fall of Constantinople, Orthodox Christians took root in Russia, and some emigrated to the United States.

The Salem Witch incident happened when the new Governor of Massachusetts and Incres Mather had just obtained a charter from England, when the people of Massachusetts drove out the previous Governor Andros, order was not restored, and they needed a new the governor.

The new governor, Mr. Phipps, is not a believer. He was not baptized at all. Later, the priest baptized him as an adult, which is not allowed by the Orthodox Church.

When there is no such thing as a new charter, the election of Massachusetts is to elect its own officials without specific religious requirements. This is also included in the first amendment to the US Constitution: Congress is prohibited from enacting any laws to establish state religion, hinder freedom of belief.

The Boston Tea Party was also related to the franchise of the East India Company. The East India Company not only facilitated the rule of India by the British Parliament, but also accounted for 10% of all British taxes. The expansion of the British Navy also benefited from this Financial resources, in order to let it continue to operate, it has given it many conveniences, including monopoly rights.

The charter is such a thing. In the past, Spain signed a trade contract license when its national power was strong, but it was not blank. Only after Portugal obtained a Spanish slave trade license could it transport slaves to South America to mine gold and silver mines. The South Sea Company Without this certificate, you cannot go to South America for trade.

Spain is not as good as before, and their navy is not an "Invincible Fleet", but England, the ocean overlord, still wants to join them in an alliance. Napoleon's famous battle, the Battle of Toulon, began when the British and Spanish coalition forces entered the port of Toulon to help the Royalist Party together. In 1801, Spain and Napoleon attacked Portugal together.

There are pro-British factions and pro-French factions in the Spanish court, both sides are fighting, and there are also in the Portuguese court. Godoy actually allowed Gabriel Ufral to issue a blank charter so casually, and I don’t know how much he received. benefit.

Sometimes this kind of spectacle will happen on the earth. Before the signing of the "Treaty of Amiens", the warships of Napoleon's expedition to Santo Domingo had already set sail. At that time, they were going to be blocked by British warships.

A warship that cannot fire is just a decoration. Who would dare to intercept a Spanish transport ship except pirates?

The "Methuen Treaty" stipulated that British merchants were not allowed to enter Brazil directly, and William Pitt Jr. felt that Trinidad was more economically valuable than Malta. He acquiesced to Ufral's rules of the game because he wanted to transport Mexico's silver to Europe. The military expenses for the anti-French war were almost all paid by England. Other countries sent people, and England needed to "recover blood."

But the charter is something that Britain controls the trade of other neutral countries. Without this license, the navy can become a pirate, plunder the merchant ship, and deny Spain's trade contract license?

Unless England takes off its mask and directly uses warships to attack Spain's gold ship, all European countries will be tortured by Spain's blank charter, and Napoleon will be blamed if they want to be held accountable. How did you let this scourge go?

In another period, such as during a war, this thing would not be so powerful. There must be hostility in war. When the British were hostile to the Americans, they robbed American cargo ships.

Portugal's wheat production was very low, and American grain ships were needed, and the idea of ​​freedom in North America was introduced.

World peace is not the same as it was during wartime. The East India Company of William Pittcha Jr. is also avoiding the most important. Could it be that he wants to investigate the corruption of the Royal Navy?

He and Nelson are allies, and the corruption of the timber factory supplying the navy has been reported in the newspapers. Fortunately, he is not the prime minister on duty.

During the French Revolution, the British fleet was unable to sail near Amsterdam because of the freezing sea. At the same time, the French cavalry rode across the ice to accept the surrender of this navy.

The occurrence of this scene was a coincidence, but Bonaparte planned to reproduce it artificially, mobilized all the saltpeter, and planned to dump it into the icy sea water to immobilize the British warship, so as to capture Nelson alive.

This can be regarded as a climate weapon. Sea water does not freeze because there is salt. There are freshwater rivers flowing into the sea near Amsterdam, which leads to the freezing of the sea.

If you can try it, you will know that the French navy has been timid since the Battle of Aboukir in Egypt. If Nelson is also afraid that Bonaparte will not dare to fight, then the British navy will become like that in the future.

The Prince of Wales also considered that if Nelson was really captured alive, then the British people would lose confidence in the navy. Under such circumstances, the Prince of Wales had a secret meeting with Napoleon. At that time, Bonaparte was going to inspect the Western Corps.

It's not that Bonaparte didn't take over any "inheritance" from the Directorate, and the efficient new administrative system gave France a new life.

Americans know full well that full democracy is not only impotent, but also unwise and ineffective. Cromwell, Lord Protector, set it up before, allowing the two parties in the parliament to quarrel with each other. When they are busy arguing, Cromwell can achieve dictatorship.

The way to limit democracy is federalism, which makes no complete democracy anywhere and no centralized power, but it solves difficult problems and creates new ones at the same time.

No one will listen to it, it is right for the minority to obey the majority, they will not admit that there is a tyranny of the majority, which is also authoritarian and oppressive.

The story of Socrates is very famous, and there are also Columbus, Galileo and others. These are all minorities, and sometimes it is the minority who grasp the truth.

The king is lonely sometimes, and they have to deal with many people who don't understand him.

There was a Catholic widow beside the Prince of Wales. In order to marry her, he also bribed a priest to hold a religious ceremony. Protestants and Catholics were married.

This may be the beginning. The religious agreement also allows Protestants and Catholics to marry. Bonaparte also met an English woman. Although she claimed to be a witch, more people regarded her as a Protestant.

The constitutional monarchy puts the king in shackles, and the Prince of Wales does not even have the right to marry the woman he likes, which is a power that ordinary people can enjoy.

Bonaparte is also not free. He cannot exile whoever he wants like a king like Louis XV. He needs to use his own assassination as an excuse to exile the Jacobins.

Everyone needs to wear a persona in front of others to please people. As the master, the Prince of Wales must follow the direction of public opinion to rule, and Bonaparte must show the appearance of a commander.

What he really wanted was a peaceful life, and of course no one believed him, and if he had been a man of peace, he would not have sent Queen Catherine away at the Campo-Formio negotiations. The cup for Count Cobenz fell.

In fact, Napoleon's brother, Lucien, who claimed to be Brutus, also dropped a glass. It was at an informal meeting, when Georgiana was craving beef, and she also wanted fish.

Although there is a famine, she can eat whatever she wants, as long as she uses a little privilege, like other mistresses of the king.

Out of respect for the ladies and those who sacrificed for a peaceful and beautiful life, this experiment was cancelled, and everyone returned to the daily life of masked people.

Everyone will give a definition of bliss and paradise. Bonaparte built an iron-framed greenhouse in the Petit Trianon Palace, which is full of plants, but they are not all expensive flowers for appreciation.

These plants have practical value, and Georgiana sometimes explains them to the servants like a teacher. It is said that that is her former occupation, as if she really wants to teach them something.

It was like a Garden of Eden, and the building next to her was her favorite Church of Our Lady of the Ancon in Venice. It was repaired by engineers and soldiers in a short period of time, and sculptures and furniture were constantly being added to beautify it. It seemed that nature and God lived in harmony here.

Hogwarts must be a fascinating place, but as a Muggle he couldn't go.

Long, long ago, in a far, far away place, there lived a foolish king who thought that he alone should have the power of magic.

The king therefore ordered the chief of his army to form a witch-hunting squad, and assigned them a regiment of fierce black hounds. At the same time, he also issued an announcement in towns and villages across the country: "The king is looking for a magic teacher."

None of the real wizards dared to take the initiative to apply for the job, and they all avoided the witch-hunting squad. However, a cunning charlatan who knew no magic at all saw an opportunity to make a fortune, and he came to the palace claiming to be a skilled wizard. The charlatan performed a few simple tricks, and the foolish king, convinced that he could do magic, at once appointed him chief wizard and the king's personal master magician.

The charlatan asked the king to give him a large bag of gold, which he used to buy wands and other magical necessities. He also asked for several large rubies, which he said would be used to complete the healing spell, and a silver goblet or two, which he said would be used to preserve and brew potions. All these things the foolish king offered him.

But what the King didn't know was that there was a real witch in his courtyard, Babbitty, a washerwoman who washed the sheets and covers in the palace until they were soft, white and fragrant.

Some magical historians have suggested that Beedle based Babbitti on the image of the famous French sorceress Lisette de Lapin. Lisette was sentenced for witchcraft in Paris in 1422. To the surprise of the Muggle guards, Lisette disappeared from her cell the night before she was to be executed, and the Muggle guards were all tried for helping the witch escape from prison. Although there is no evidence that Lisette was an Animagus who squeezed through the bars of the cell window, a white rabbit was then seen crossing the English Channel on a cauldron with its sails raised. The rabbit later became a confidant at the court of King Henry VI.

If that's true, England didn't just take a half-breed veela from France, it took a legendary witch.

The feeling of gaining and losing is very different. A zero-sum game means that under strict competition, one party’s gain must mean the other party’s loss, and the sum of the gains and losses of all parties in the game will always be "zero". There is no possibility of cooperation between the two parties. It can also be said that one's own happiness is based on the suffering of others.

Happy endings are possible through effective cooperation. But from a zero-sum game to a win-win situation, all parties are required to have the spirit and courage of sincere cooperation, not to be clever in cooperation, not to always try to take advantage of others, and to abide by the rules of the game, otherwise a win-win situation will not be possible. In the end, it is the collaborators themselves who suffer the most.

There is a man who often has a dream full of myths and epics, but when he wakes up, he is alone.

As a clean person, he shaves every day, and he always does it himself. No one is worth putting his hand on his cheek. Only when he can't move, will he make up his mind to let others He shaves.

How could a man like him allow a woman to slap him?

What an absurd dream, so ridiculous that the dreamer must be a madman.

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