Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1847 Witches and Demons Association (23)

As long as the problem of farmers' land is resolved, the deprived flock of sheep will have their own property and will not be as desperate as the urbanites. When the knife is on the neck, not every nobleman is as unwilling to give up the dignity and wealth of the past as the marquise, and some agree not to collect land rent, so the countryside has become a refuge for many nobles. Including the former king's close minister, the Duke of Lyoncourt.

Many privately called His Majesty Napoleon, and the force surrounding the "Lucky Cook" called him the head of state, which was Octavian's title before he became emperor.

The liberal aristocrat was deeply inspired by the American farm system and hoped to launch an "agricultural revolution" in France. After inspecting France, he gave up this plan and was sent to Rennes to mainly solve the problem. Rebellion in Brittany.

The lords only come back once when the lords are repaying their debts and rents, and stay in Paris for the rest of the time. Of course, they don't care about the security of the countryside. Officers with high salaries have become a leave group, usually eating, drinking and having fun in Paris, ignoring their subordinates, and when they return to the battlefield one day, no one will follow them.

The low-level soldiers of the army that Napoleon stayed in before he became famous also mutinied, demanding that senior officers take out their gray income. For people who are not their own world, there are many people who are penny-pinching. The law and order in the countryside is very chaotic. There are not only real robbers, but also tramps who occasionally act as robbers. This makes the tramp the most terrible scourge in the countryside.

The old system was captured by light cavalry, and beggars were released only after they swore that they would never beg in the future. To confirm that they would never beg again, they had to find a credible and solvent guarantor to ensure that he would work or provide for him.

As the ordinary prisons and workhouses were out of capacity, new prisons had to be built, and the operation continued until the end of the old regime. By 1778 a law was promulgated that the cavalry in the mounted police should not only arrest beggars and tramps they encountered, but also arrest suspects who were sent to them by others, so they were the most impeccable and least likely to be Citizens of homeless people can't guarantee whether they will be locked up in a shelter.

The passage of this miraculous law is really extraordinary, but the story of "Blessing of All People" may have the answer. A man who claimed to his wife and concubines that he was treated every day actually went to the graveyard to eat tribute. This law What was being traced was begging, and in the asylum in Rennes several husbands were arrested for denouncing by their wives, and some wives were also detained for denouncing by their husbands.

The same is true of witch hunts. The countryside is more rampant than the city. Sons expose mothers, brothers expose sisters. When someone has a headache or a plague breaks out, the first thing they think of is to arrest the witch. While religion brings order, it also brings other problems. The signing of the political-religious agreement and the special criminal court have gradually restored order in the countryside. Villagers pay more attention to security issues than urban residents. This is a common problem in cities. Local law and order is not good, and there is nothing more beneficial to the whole country than restoring law and order. As a result, Napoleon's reputation has been greatly improved, and he can stand shoulder to shoulder with Henry IV and Louis XIV.

But his ambition is definitely not to be a French king. Charlemagne was the one who unified Western Europe after Attila, and ruling Italy was close to that goal. After the "chariot" was running, it crushed all obstacles on the way. , Even the Alps have to dig a road.

"Lucky Cook" introduced the British railway, which greatly improved the transportation capacity. This time, Napoleon sent Ney to send troops to Switzerland, so he used this wooden track to transport the cannon.

Tolls are used to build roads, but local governments hardly spend tolls on roads. Those roads are full of potholes all the year round. Bonaparte used "buying fertilizer" as an excuse to grab these taxes and sold the dung hills on the outskirts of Paris. To several richer provinces.

In the end, the money to buy fertilizers is also paid by the farmers, but farmers still have to buy fertilizers even if they don't promote it. If the seeds are cast, if the harvest is 5 times the harvest, it will be a small loss. The weather and soil fertility will affect the harvest, and they have also introduced Dutch draft horses. A little richer farmers have tried to lease this kind of livestock to cultivate land, and the effect is mediocre. The reform of traditional farming methods is also an attempt. In addition, the introduction of agricultural machinery has also released agricultural labor, and industrialization also requires labor.

Under the feudal system, the French industry lagged behind the British by "a lot". It can be seen from the output of iron and steel, but the salt tax was restored for imported steel without tariffs, which made many people dissatisfied.

Originally, the "cook" was in charge of the canteen of the Tuileries Palace, but she was replaced after the French high-level collectively "strike food".

The British didn't like this policy either. The "Amiens Peace Treaty" was called the Judgment of Subjugation by the main war faction. Now that the steel group has taken a fancy to France's huge market potential, they almost put a sculpture of Napoleon in their home for offering.

The carrying capacity of horse-drawn carts and steam engines is different. The inter-provincial railways have not yet been built due to technical limitations, but horse-drawn passenger cars have already begun to be laid in Paris.

Horse carriages in British cities have a limited speed, unlike French carriages, which were originally only available to the nobles, and it is basically fine for them to run over a beggar to death. If this happened in England, someone would have beaten the nobleman long ago.

Potatoes are easy to spread in the UK. In France, 99 out of 100 farmers don’t want to eat them. German horses only eat oats, and farmers also eat oats. They don’t realize that their living conditions are similar to animals.

Potato stew was regarded as a "forced recommendation", but fortunately it tasted good, and it was very pleasant to take a hot bath after eating.

The refugees were arrested to solve their jobs. The construction of the canal did absorb a lot of labor, but the number of people fleeing to Paris was still increasing, and there were no fewer homeless people on the street. Among them are some temporary agricultural workers who feel that the machines have taken their jobs. They hate the "cook" very much and even attacked her.

In addition, there is a false rumor that she was poisoned and assassinated in St. Luke's Palace. Not everyone is happy to see her alive so that Britain and France can become "close allies".

No one pursued the matter, but Bonaparte canceled St. Luke's coffee, and people began to miss the old Tuileries pavement café-like restaurant.

Making sugar from beets is another industry promoted by Bonaparte, but farmers are still unwilling to plant them. France also has tropical colonies like Santo Domingo. Unlike the Holy Roman Empire, they were forced to invent beet making without tropical colonies. sugary.

Santo Domingo is difficult to fight, free people are unwilling to become slaves, and there is another problem, New Orleans is the mouth of the Mississippi River, if the products of Louisiana want to be shipped out, the ports on the east coast are controlled by the Americans . Before the signing of the church-state agreement, the Pope's special envoy Caprara was kidnapped. The old fool said that he forgot who kidnapped him, and then Bonaparte issued a pardon to sanction American products.

Jefferson also raised tariffs on tobacco to counter sanctions, and the British benefited a lot from this.

The French love to smoke, both men and women, and it is as difficult for them to quit smoking as it is for the British to quit alcohol. Bonaparte gave private tobacco to the monopoly state to collect tobacco taxes, and the price of British cigarettes is much cheaper in comparison.

William Pitt, Jr. grapples with the corruption of the East India Company. How did the charter of saltpeter from India to the United States carried by a Danish cargo ship appear on the table of the French Ministry of Intelligence?

Where the United States wants to buy gunpowder manufacturing equipment from France, it will no longer be restricted by the United Kingdom in the future.

France wanted British engineers, and a Scottish engineer who had supplied threshers to George Washington was hired. Farmers who can’t afford the equipment can rent it out. The Paris Peasant Association has proposed farming loans. Generally speaking, the new monarch will have some pleasing policies. Even Caligula restored the civil society banned by Tiberius, but Bonaparte was more unlucky, having encountered natural disasters for two consecutive years.

In the second year, even in the case of large-scale planting, there was still no increase in production, and it was still a loss overall.

You can’t do without borrowing money. If the interest on borrowing money is too high, it will be the same as the people in Alsace who took advantage of natural disasters to lend usury to take away the land of French farmers. The French are very conservative about borrowing money, unlike the British Bankers are well aware of the benefits of "credit".

He sent Gabriel Ufral, who bought two million quintals of wheat, to buy grain, but he also got the king of Spain to issue a number of blank charters to bring back Spanish silver coins in Mexico.

Is he just for this purpose? Of course not, he opened a shipping company, which is similar in nature to the South Sea Company, but his ships can really trade in South America. The fleets of Britain, France, and Spain cannot intercept him according to the peace treaty. American warships are catching pirates in Morocco. None of the sails were seen.

Because no one thought of how to deal with him suddenly, the British solution was to suspend the charter, and the French Minister of the Interior also meant the same thing. The charter will breed inequality, and companies with the charter will get trade priority.

Speculators specialize in places that others can't think of. Napoleon crossed the Alps twice and caught the Austrians by surprise. Especially the second time, he actually asked a group of beggars to dress up as soldiers for inspection, deceiving spies all over the world.

The Orange War was not only on land but also at sea. Saint-Cyr, who was going to attack Lisbon, was blocked by the British navy. The Portuguese bourgeoisie also wanted to follow the example of France in a revolution. Later, British warships took the Portuguese royal family away in advance.

There are rumors that they were transported to South America, and even moved their capital to Rio de Janeiro, but later they came back from the island when everything was peaceful. The British side did not say who provided this information. Someone asked, and these lobster soldiers also had ambiguous faces. laugh.

Regarding the issue of Santo Domingo, the "cook lady" gave a document to Sir Merry, the British embassy in France, at the Veteran's Square where the industrial fair was held. At that time, people almost arrested her for espionage.

This woman once said that Caesar was indifferent to Cicero, Antony was courteous to Cicero, but finally killed him, and Octavian paid tribute to Cicero, but severely suppressed his allies.

Bonaparte made Siès the speaker of the Senate, but cleared the other republicans out of the parliament. When people were planning to attack him, the "cook" found these people in her salon and sent them Introduced to other departments.

It was promised to provide pensions to the relatives of the soldiers who died in battle, but this money was not given. Later, a member who was kicked out was responsible for distributing the money to the widows, so that they could at least have money to pay the rent.

Women are different from men in that they want someone to listen to them. Josephine and the ladies heard their difficulties when distributing the bread, and shed tears of sadness. After their donations were made, the money was distributed in the form of pensions.

After suffering for a long time, the widows dare not waste money, and still save to pay the rent or for emergencies. The consumption and economic stimulus plan envisioned by the congressman has not been realized. Even if they have daily necessities, they go to the pawn shop to buy them.

In the old regime, some aristocratic women knew that the life of the common people was very difficult, and they were willing to remove the gold and silver threads from their clothes to express their thrift. There are also some "wives of marshals", who used to be civilians, but after marrying generals, they lived the life of noble ladies. They hugged each other wherever they went, as if they wished to restore the Versailles ball.

Versailles was robbed during the Great Revolution, and it was a fluke that it was not burned down. Later, it was simply turned into a military camp.

There are rumors in the palace that Louis XIV never left. Originally Josephine was the hostess of the Tuileries Palace, but she said that the ghost of Marie Antoinette was inside, and she refused to live in it, so she moved back to Malmaison, and all the mirrors in Malmaison were covered with black. yarn.

Hortense lived in the Tuileries for a while, but as scandals grew, she and Louis moved to other residences after their marriage. One of the rumors was that the child in her womb was not Louis's but Napoleon's. Josephine couldn't stand it and went to a spa to recuperate. As a result, the First Consul became "unowned".

The "cook lady" was transferred to the mansion of the former Grand Duke of Burgundy. She may be busy with some experiments, and by the time the scandal broke out, it was out of control.

Bonaparte had a romantic affair in Milan. The Italian female opera star named Grassini and her lover who had been Beethoven's violinist got together after Napoleon left.

The scoundrels questioned his side, and wondered who had sent him six English thoroughbred "stall" horses, all white and hairless, and the treaty almost fell through.

The world is at peace, should the British income tax, the American whiskey tax, and the French tobacco tax all be stopped?

When the tribunes were being cleaned, Siers had also changed, and it was the "cook" who had saved him.

People began to call Siès Cicero, and Napoleon said in the Administrative Court: "My political system is to let the majority of people be ruled as they wish. At the same time as Catholics, I ended the war in the Vendée ;While being a patriarch, I gained my foothold in Egypt;While being the Pope's absolute authoritarian,I defeated the Italian priests.If I rule the Jewish people,I will restore Solomon's Temple.So in St. In the free zone of Domingo, I will speak of liberty; in the Ile-de-France, and even in the slave quarter of Saint-Domingue, I will affirm slavery, but where it remains, it needs to be cropped and restricted; in Where order is restored and discipline is maintained, liberty needs to be preserved. I think that is the way to recognize the sovereignty of the people."

That's the point, who wants to be governed in a democracy?

The last thing men in a salon care about is their wives, and vice versa. In an era when people only socialize and only live socially, there is no need to be polite to French ladies, but they must be courteous.

They have all kinds of demanding requirements like an absolute monarch, and they cannot be reserved. Men want to get their attention by wearing powder, wearing fancy, lace, rose, leaf-colored clothes, learning compliments, saying witty pretty things, and looking like giant dolls.

Girls can learn swordsmanship, but it is more like a kind of dance. The servants serving the princess drink 12 cups of coffee a day. The fee is also paid by the princess, and she really paid for it.

The "cook" gave up the work of receiving the Italians to the "Madame of the Thermidor" Talian, who occupied the former princess mansion, and Madame Talian happened to be the wife of Gabriel Ufral.

Two words, extravagance, ostentation, they knew the prima ballerinas of the Paris Opera, and these artists often came to them to perform.

Napoleon's adjutant had persuaded Grassini to accept this "system", but the artist could do nothing, regard money and power as dung, and the lovers fled to Russia. What happened to Grassini not only shamed Bonaparte, but also shamed the Italians. In order to cover up the influence of the scandal, Bonaparte took the "cook" for a ride on the Champs Elysees in an open carriage. That was a real big scene.

There were shouts of good cheer along the road, and some shouted shameless. Polygamy is envied by men and women are hated by men. Compared with the "cook lady", Grassini's choice to escape seems admirable.

Soldiers in ancient Rome were all stationed in the city. They would not go to the wilderness outside the city to station. Napoleon’s army was also the same. A soldier named Cobain was cheated on his feelings and later committed suicide. That is not the first time Once, Bonaparte, who was furious, sent a military doctor to forcefully vaccinate the woman.

Smallpox is terrible, but what is even more terrible is that after smallpox, the face is covered with acne marks, and the girl's beautiful face is ruined for the rest of her life.

Soldiers who had been cheated of their feelings teamed up with military doctors to vaccinate the girls.

Some people think that there is nothing terrible about vaccination? This is the same as those who don't know what is terrible about taking off their uniforms and being buried in black uniforms.

Josephine's real name was Rose Beauharnay, "The Cook" was not known, but Georgiana was her name.

She manages the Sevres Ceramics Factory, but she has nothing to manage. She mainly uses the proceeds to buy patents and subsidize the poor students of the Institute of Technology, so she has contacts with the French academicians.

I don't know what Josephine thought, even the people and the ministers felt that the British woman was a threat. They lived together in the Petit Trianon Palace for a while before they were forcibly separated, so they refuted the rumors and said that Bonaparte Sneaked out to see her, not Grassini.

"Tut." Lucius interrupted Alejandro.

"What?" Alejandro didn't know why.

At this moment, the lights in the house began to flicker, as if the voltage was unstable.

"I have no eyesight," Lucius said, "I don't even know what to say and what not to say."

"Go on," Severus said quietly.

"Because he is changeable, a poet said, 'What a hero, what a chameleon', and this man was caught and locked up in a madhouse."

"Do you think you have a chance of going to a madhouse?" Lucius asked Severus.

"You think he didn't use the liquor tax to build the canal, what did that money do?" Severus asked Lucius.

"I know, Seni Hill Road," said Alejandro. "Another ten million is owed."

"Arrears for what?" Lucius asked.

"The previous dynasty borrowed money from London for disaster relief. This money is not a loan from the king." Alejandro said.

"She wants to be queen?" Lucius asked Severus?

"She prefers to daydream about being King Arthur's Merlin," Severus said sullenly.

Lucius shook his head, "It's disgusting."

Then he looked at Severus. "I think I understand why that church uses a Portuguese patron saint, you figured it out?"

"What else do you know about Portugal?" Severus asked.

"I heard it was about wine," said Alejandro. "France asked Britain to impose the same tariffs on their wine as Portugal did."

"It's impossible." Lucius said firmly.

"Why?" Alejandro asked.

Lucius opened his mouth, but finally remained silent.

Twelve cups of coffee a day are not afraid of myocardial infarction

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