Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1851 The Place of Belonging

After the evening rush hour, the streets in the city center are less crowded, and the traffic police on duty are gone, replaced by mounted police patrolling.

The French traffic rule is to walk on the right, while in the UK it is on the left. This rule had nothing to do with cars at first, but was stipulated for knights with swords. Most people are used to using their right hands, and it is more convenient to ride on the left. Attack.

This was also the case in France before the Great Revolution, but the oppressed people felt that "left" represented privilege and aristocracy, so they changed this rule. After Napoleon came to power, he asked his troops to advance to the right, which was completely contrary to the habits of all knights for many years. Later, when he occupied there, he brought the rule of moving to the right, and England also extended its rule of moving to the left to itself. colonies.

Severus looked at the card in his hand, this one was exactly the same as the one given to him by the priest just now.

When a person has nothing in a city, he can destroy without any scruples. Grindelwald is like this. Once he has a property and a home in this city, his mentality will change, and he will Fight to the death to protect the homeland.

I don't belong here, and it doesn't matter if it breaks.

This is mine and I must protect it.

Two voices whispered in the ears of these uniformed people. The uniforms on them were also a kind of authority, one representing the army and the other representing the law.

Victor Krum wears a red gown at Hogwarts' Yule Ball that looks a lot like a military uniform. In the past, no soldier would go to a ball in uniform, they would change into evening dresses, wigs and silk socks.

Later, both kings and princes in Europe appeared at the ball in uniforms, and the ladies looked at the men in uniforms with admiring eyes. In the past, they all represented poverty and savagery, and they were not qualified to enter the ball at all.

The soldiers guarding the Tower of London are called "beef eaters". Eating meat in an era of material scarcity also represents a privilege. These guards test the poison for the king every meal. Although they are risking their lives, they are much better than those French soldiers who eat bran.

A wolf wants to eat meat, and if he wants to eat meat but has nothing to eat, he will feel pain. In contrast, the nobles have every meal extremely luxurious. It is common sense that when a riot breaks out, the military is needed to suppress it, but what if the military disobeys orders or simply joins the rioters?

Louis XVI asked: "Is this a riot?"

The Duke of Leoncourt replied: "No, your majesty, this is a revolution."

The pro-Muggle faction has won the stage of "revolution". If they also revoke the International Statute of Secrecy, then there is no need for the Ministry of Magic to exist. In this way, the revolution will be complete, and a new order will be established next. — fully integrated with the Muggle world.

Are there any laws protecting the rights of wizards in Muggle law? If so, why did the three Muggle kids who attacked Arianna have nothing to do with it, requiring Percival Dumbledore to avenge himself?

If you want the troops to move, you have to give money. Paper money can't fool them. It has to be gold coins. It was delivered to Wellington, who was in short supply of military funds, through the Pyrenees.

When the civil uprising occurred in 1789, the army chose to stand by and let those impulsive people smash everything of the old system. The mobilization of troops following the king's order will make the citizens even more nervous. At this time, the irregular militia of the National Guard played the role of maintaining order.

In the painting "Liberty Leading the People", the civilians holding weapons are all dressed in civilian clothes. The National Guard is marked with a red, white and blue cap badge to distinguish it from the king army wearing a white cap badge. In addition, there is the most noisy The "sans culottes" of the "stockings" used to ridicule them for "sans culottes", so "sans culottes" has become a "uniform".

Uniforms make a person stand out from the crowd. When tourists get lost, when they see passers-by and policemen in uniforms, they are more likely to ask the policemen in uniforms. Even if he is an undercover agent, when his identity is exposed one day, he also hopes to be buried as a policeman. The uniform represents glory, pride and responsibility. There are many people watching when the soldiers on duty outside Buckingham Palace change. That is also London. a tourism project.

Only those who regard "soldiers" as life understand how serious the punishment is. The bearskin hats of the Buckingham Palace guards used to belong to the French. After Waterloo, this hat was worn on the heads of the British. The hats were hot, but any passerby could see how high their jaws were.

Napoleon is not Moreau. When he hears the order from the Directorate and feels that it cannot be realized, he will choose to refuse to implement it. In the almost simultaneous war, Napoleon made rapid progress in Italy, while Moreau did not lose completely. It is just compared to Sombre - Others in the Maas Front, such as Jourdan, should be decent.

Churchill became prime minister on May 10, 1940. The first thing he did when he took office was not to engage in the domestic economy, but to prepare for the Dunkirk retreat because the French surrendered. When these soldiers evacuated from Dunkirk returned to the UK, they also brought anxiety and panic to the British civilians. Churchill then made a radio speech, but he was not just to appease the emotions of the people, but to fight to the end.

In this world, there are many women who can take care of people like mothers, and there are also some beautiful women, but Diodora is an inspiration...

There are many women who will berate their husbands when they come home, or often bring up his experience when he was a "loser". This kind of "motivation" is mediocre and uncreative. An out-and-out vicious circle.

Severus and Pomona didn't have that problem getting along, they just had a "real" problem, the lack of affection in their home.

Marriage is the tomb of love, but a newborn baby named kinship will crawl out of the tomb. On the issue of adults and children, Severus chose adults. Avoid the girl being like Longbottom, so their first child was taken and she was almost in shape.

If a beautiful girl does not have the ability to protect herself, she will easily become a dish in the eyes of others. Even if she does not become as abused as Bellatrix, as a witch, she must have power.

The woman's compassion allowed Pomona to save Wormtail who fell in the snow. He was not at home when the accident happened. Pregnancy would make the witch vulnerable, not to mention that she subconsciously wanted to protect the child.

Babies can't apparate, because Hagrid took Harry to Petunia's house on a flying motorcycle, but Augusta apparated with Neville in his arms, which was actually a big risk.

If wizards and Muggles live together, and one day the Muggles attack the witches and children at home while the master is away, then she will also face this kind of situation. She can escape by Apparating herself, what about the children?

If she kills with a wand, she will also face trial, just like Grindelwald asked in the Magic Congress of America, who is protected by that law?

Even if the legislation is enacted, there is no need to abide by it. It is not because of smuggling that the Prohibition Law has been promulgated.

This is where many wizards find being pro-Muggle unrealistic.

There were many soldiers who participated in the First World War, including those like Jacob and Hitler. We should not only look at people like Jacob and ignore others.

But those people would be so stubborn that it was pure blood spreading bad ideas, and they would be so stubborn to use magic in public, in front of Muggles, that she would prove that idea wrong.

This is the situation left after Albus Dumbledore's death, Harry Potter does not have this ability, although he is brave and righteous.

A man's clothes establish authority, but Dumbledore's dreaded star robes are not a uniform, he has many titles, Master Wizengamot, Headmaster of Hogwarts, Order of Merlin 1st Class.

When Albus handed over the secret recipe for improving Wolfsbane, he took away Severus' influence.

He didn't want to rely on clothes either, Rohart had quite a few, but he looked like a clown.

These two common methods of ordinary people can't be used, what else can Severus use to establish his authority?

Voldemort used power, pure power made people submit, but Severus was still far behind him.

He has nothing, so why should he be a leader?

Self-knowledge is the most important thing in a person. To avoid being misled by authority, rejection is also a defensive strategy.

Everyone has times when they encounter difficulties. Some people, such as Sirius Black, will constantly complain about their fate.

It's tiring being a double agent alone, and if Blake uses his brains to think about it, he has absolutely every reason to hate the Ministry of Magic and Albus Dumbledore for getting him wrongfully imprisoned so that he can join the Death Eater gang camp.

Bella's going to cause some trouble, but he can lie and act, and that's better than staying at HQ and having a family scene with Harry that sucks.

"Siles Black!" Severus said in disgust, his teeth sore and disgusted.

After he finished pronouncing the name, he compared it with Napoleon Bonaparte, who he thought would never be an enemy in his life.

In history, Bonaparte closed all ports in Portugal for his continental blockade, and did not leave Lisbon Freeport.

In addition to external intervention, another way to split a country is to create internal conflicts. Lisbon and Porto have their own demands. The bourgeoisie hopes to establish a republic like France, because wine merchants and feudal lords who benefit from the wine system hope to retain the existing system, the king hopes that Lisbon will become more and more prosperous.

Napoleon's signature is very expensive, one thousand francs, and the charter will force Porto to transport the goods to Lisbon and then transfer them away, which will increase the cost of Porto merchants, just like Liverpool factory owners who are building railways are suffering from canal freight Too high.

The Campo-Formio peace treaty incorporated Belgium into France, and linked Belgium and France by rail, so that roads needed to be built like Rome.

The Romans were like this, they grabbed whatever they wanted, moved their capital to Lyon, they cared about the south but not the north. If a country is too big, it also has problems. Sometimes it will be disintegrated by fools inside, such as those who want the land to seal the border General.

Napoleon's success seemed easy, but it was just luck.

In "Memoirs of St. Hena Island" Bonaparte once wrote that if he lost the Battle of Marengo, France would have a complete 1814 and 1815.

The house can be demolished after it is built. The house just built by Bonaparte at that time was not as strong as the cement. Bankrupt France may have to sell part of its sovereignty.

The French royalist party had already given all of France’s overseas colonies to Britain at that time. Because of Prince Eugen, France lost Italy’s land to Austria. Which place will be ceded next to repay the debt?

Even if the territory is not ceded, the operation rights such as canals and iron mines must be sold, and the lifelines have been seized. Even if Louis XVIII returns, it will be different from before.

No matter how badly the wine has declined, it has been an indispensable commodity as long as religion survives.

To disbelieve in witchcraft is the greatest heresy.

An impulsive person often lacks consideration or even thinks about it when he makes a choice, especially a young man who is full of blood.

Occlumency requires controlling one's emotions, and a not calm enough mind will make inappropriate mistakes, which is how Voldemort lost.


Scissorhands originated from Churchill, look at those photos.

Just as Severus adjusted his mood and was about to go back, a voice came from behind him.

Only then did he realize that he had arrived at St. Jacob's Tower, which was actually not far from Notre Dame Cathedral.

But the church that was once associated with Nicolemay has been demolished.

Severus grabbed the hem of his cloak and followed the sound through the bushes.

This way of scolding is also gaslighting

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