The last item in the Triwizard Tournament is the maze.

Pomona is the designer of the maze, and the construction diagram of the maze is on the desk in her office.

"Don't look."

She spun in front of him as if dancing, and blocked the drawings on the table with herself.

Severus focused on her.

"What else do you have that I haven't seen?" He said a little frivolously, his hands naturally wrapped around her waist.

The little woman with the blue eyes and silver hair looked up at him.

"Do you remember the last time we went to XZ?" She said softly.

"Of course." He answered absently, grabbing her hand and kissing her wrist.

This is the method she learned from magazines, to apply more perfume behind the ears and on the wrists.

He smelled the scent of evening primrose on her wrist, and felt a strong appetite. In fact, most of what she said at that time he didn't remember so much, but he remembered one word——Qimen Dunjia.

Pomona does not intend to use this ancient oriental thaumaturgy to deal with a group of underage children, so the maze she designed is the opposite of the real Qimen Dunjia. It is also a road leading to the gate of life, but this road is It is full of various obstacles, and the rest of the wrong paths are not dangerous at all, while Qimen Dunjia's Shengmen has no obstacles, and the rest of the gates have various traps.

If you go the wrong way and walk into the door of death or injury, you will either die or be injured, and the Hogwarts maze has no "top cover". If you encounter danger, you can send a signal for help.

In short, if a person who has entered the formation by mistake stays still in one place, he can wait for the person who set up the formation to release that person, otherwise he will be trapped to death in the formation.

The catacombs of Paris once trapped people to death, and it is precisely because of this that the names of the streets on the ground are engraved on the walls to prevent people from getting lost in it and not finding the exit.

Zhuge Liang's Eight Arrays can be regarded as a kind of Qimen Dunjia, divided into two types: water and drought. It must follow certain laws of heaven, earth and nature. For example, water flows, but dry land does not flow. Flowing water can change, but dry land is not. It can be changed, and the formation in the water needs to find an immovable cornerstone.

There is a poem by Du Fu, which is called Eight Arrays. The river flows and the stone does not turn, and the regret is lost and swallowed Wu.

Among them, the stone does not turn refers to the fact that the stone in the eight formations in the river does not move.

In dry land, it is necessary to create "flowing water", such as military formations. People can move. At that time, you thought I was in front of you, but in fact I had already circled behind you. The walls and bushes were all deceptions, and the ancient arrow clusters were also shot from top to bottom. It saves effort to shoot downwards and upwards. When I encounter the main force of the enemy, I will run away if I am weak. This is probably what it means.

There is a concept in Buddhism - don't live with the appearance of giving. If monks and nuns see through the cause and effect when accepting donations from donors, they will not be obsessed.

The Tao Te Ching says that the way of heaven is to make up for what is lacking when there is more damage, but this is not the case with the way of man.

In modern terms, it is a renewable resource. On the contrary, it is said in the Matthew Effect that if there is something, make it redundant, and if there is nothing, even take away what he only has.

Civilians and workers can only recycle after they have money and time. The spice trade in the Middle Ages, the automobile industry in the 20th century, and Roosevelt’s New Deal. Although the reasons are different, the essence is the same.

The gold is actually a bit of wreckage left by the stars when they died, and it is one of the natural phenomena, just like the sun is just one of the stars, so it is not worthy of worship.

If there is a time converter at this time, it can be forwarded to 2000 years ago, that is, around the first century AD, when Paris should still be a virgin forest. The Gauls and Celts who live here are mainly Gauls and Celts. Before Augustus led the army to enter, Caesar had killed all the Gauls who resisted.

The place where they were buried is now the Champ de Mars, which is near the Eiffel Tower, which is a mass grave.

After seeing the tragic death of so many people, the Gauls have been tamed and no longer resist the rule of the Romans, but this time Augustus sent troops not to suppress the civilians, but to enter the forest to eliminate the Druids.

Druids are priests of the Celts, and at the same time shoulder multiple identities such as poets, astronomers and astrologers, but the Celts do not only live in the British Isles.

The Celts once spread all over the European continent, and they were still a military force that cannot be underestimated until the rise of the Roman Empire.

Until 385 BC, the Celts sacked the city of Rome. This tragic history has been remembered by the Romans. It was not until 49 BC that Caesar defeated the "Gaul" Celts. It is said that the cultural center of the Celts at that time was the former "Rome of Gaul". In Paris now, the Gauls once believed in Druids like the Celts. The original father, the god Diss, was passed down by the Druids. of.

There is a link in the druid transfer ceremony, that is, those who participate in the full-time ceremony must drift alone in the sea or be buried alive in the ground, no matter which is enough to kill, after experiencing infinitely close to death, the transferee becomes a druid according to.

I am used to transforming and conquering nature, and the feeling of conforming to nature is to grab what I need to survive in nature. If all the fish in the river are caught in a year, then there will be nothing to eat in the future.

They have given birth to too many children, but they need so much food to feed them. Generally speaking, Druids are the guardians of the balance of nature. They lead their respective people with rich knowledge, emphasizing the unity of man and nature.

If the ground is too hot, you can go underground. The temperature underground is very cool, provided that you are not afraid of the neatly stacked bones of dead people.

These bones used to belong to various cemeteries. Later, the cities of living people continued to expand. These cemeteries not only occupied their living space, but also caused potential disease outbreaks.

So, after everyone died, they all came here.

Regardless of whether he was a rich man or a poor ghost, there are 6 million people buried in it, and maybe more will be added in the future. Now the new cemetery is also facing the same problem as before. The cemetery cannot bury so many dead.

It may be that after some years someone announces that these bones will be moved to the catacombs to make room for the living, and sooner or later everyone will become femurs and skeletons on the wall, and only a very small number of people can be buried in a complete way.

There are many tombs in this labyrinth-like catacombs. They have tombstones and sculptures, mostly in the style of Catholicism, and some have angels lying on the tombstones.

The word Angel comes from the Greek word angelo. Legend has it that there was a great war in heaven, and the fallen angels headed by Lucifer were expelled from the kingdom of heaven after the defeat and were driven underground. Therefore, people regard Lucifer as the devil of hell.

Can those beautiful boys defeat the devil in hell?

Many people have imagined what the arm of Venus with a broken arm looks like. In fact, when she was unearthed, she was intact, holding an apple like a victor, and people recognized this beautiful sculpture at a glance. It's just that an Englishman and a Frenchman competed for her ownership at that time, ripped off her two arms, and then had the current Venus.

Illusion combined with maze, the road that might have been smooth may show that the road is blocked, and only the touch can feel that it is an illusion.

The sense of touch requires the body, and no matter how real the lover in a dream looks, the sense of touch is the only way to confirm the real existence of the other party.

There once was a young man on the streets of Paris, with ill-fitting boots and a badly puffed face, looking like a stray cat at the ladies in theatres, parks and libraries.

He was always lamenting that the most beautiful women were in the scholars' study rooms, while he himself had chosen a career as a soldier.

Obviously jealous to death, but pretending to be dismissive, and mocking other men to live through them, crazy for them, and live for women.

No wonder he understands the feeling that he is starving to death, sees others vomit, and is not really envious, and a full man doesn't know a hungry man's hunger.


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