
As a blast of horns sounded in the dark tunnel, a thick fog began to fill the hole.

It didn't take long for the fog to become thicker and thicker, and it was almost impossible to see the road ahead. Severus used the wind to blow the fog away, but it soon filled up again.

"Lucius," Severus called into the communication crystal.

"What?" Lucius Malfoy asked.

"Is there anything unusual on your side?" Severus asked.

"No... wait, it's foggy," Lucius said.

"Don't touch that fog, leave immediately," Severus said.

"And you?"

As soon as Lucius finished speaking, there was an ominous swishing sound above his head.

Severus looked up and saw a black shadow rushing towards him, and soon with his sharp eyes, he saw that bows and spears were raining down.

Immediately he directed the buckler to block the arrows, but they pierced through it, and a group of people rushed out from behind him. Their long hair was dyed fiery red, and it kept flying as they ran, looking especially like burning flames.

Gaul is the name of the region of ancient Western Europe, referring to the region including France, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Switzerland, northern Italy and the Rhine River basin. When the Romans conquered central Italy at the end of the 4th century BC, the inner heights south of the Alps The Lu people did not agree with the rule of the Romans. They later allied with Hannibal from Carthage and protected Hannibal's rear when he crossed the Alps.

The Romans called the Celts and the Germans "barbarians". When Caesar led the Roman Legion to avenge the looting 300 years ago, the Rhine Valley had already become the territory of the Germans, while the territory of the Celts was in France.

It is hard to tell whether the Celts in Gaul participated in the looting 300 years ago, but one thing is certain, the Romans were watching the fertile land so that they could grow their favorite wheat.

As the Gaul Celts ran, the fog gradually dispersed, and the red Roman legion appeared, and the two sides were handing over, like a flood rushing towards the rocks, splashing blood-red "sprays".

Li Wei believed that the first round of the Gauls' charge was like a tsunami, and after this wave was overcome, they would be powerless to continue.

But these Gallic warriors with bull-horn helmets on their heads, rooster blood on their faces, and double-bladed battle axes in their hands will never quit fighting as long as they have breath.

There were flame patterns on the French battle flags in the Middle Ages. They didn't seem to have this technology in BC, but those flame-like hairs played the same role.

The landscape here is completely different from Paris in the 21st century. The plains are full of criss-cross corpses, including those of Gauls and Romans.

The funeral custom of the ancient Celts was cremation, and burial was a Christian custom. People at that time expected to be resurrected after death.

This is hard to imagine for modern people, yet Christians look forward to death and feel that death is more worthy of celebration than birthday. Death is just a small turning point to enter the afterlife. Greed for life, fear of death, and lighthearted love of death run counter to the thought of death in the New Testament.

As the epitaph on James Potter and Lily's tombstone says, the last thing to be defeated is death.

There are many soldiers who secretly believe in Mithraism in the Roman Legion. Unlike those Christians who don't take death seriously at all, being alive is the best thing for them.

They desire to live, and they have a need to live. Their wives, children and parents are waiting for them. Compared with eternal life in the future, living in this life is more attractive.

The "flame" and the "sun" collided together, and a short and frightening scene broke out.

Just as Severus was shocked, he felt a numbness in his back, as if an electric current went straight down his spine to his forehead.

He Apparated directly without even thinking about it. Although apparating in this kind of tunnel is likely to get stuck in the stone, he escaped the naga's sneak attack just now.

The dense fog cleared away, and there was still the strong smell of blood. It was just that he received bad news at the same time as the good news. It was a little Naga, not as strong as its father or mother, and it was very suitable for the tunnel. activities.

As soon as it opened its mouth to spray the venom, Severus cast a Fierce Curse on it. Unfortunately, the Fiercefire that would have burned everything and destroyed the House of Requirement had no effect on the water dragon. Extinguished like a normal flame.

"What happened?" Lucius asked.

"An old snake gave birth to a young snake," Severus said. "Watch your back, they will sneak up."

Severus slapped the sand and rock again, this time hurting the naga a bit more, and he flinched in pain.

Anyone who has seen a cobra strike knows that it will quickly catapult like a crossbow.

Severus cast a Transfiguration Charm on the wall, forming a stone wall in front of him, and the little Naga slammed into it hard, opening a big hole.

Naga is not a basilisk, and you don't have to worry about dying if you look at it, but it can perform illusions, and it seems to turn into a beautiful girl at a glance.

According to legend, a thousand years ago, an oriental prophet walked into the plum garden and saw two sparrows arguing on the branches by chance. Later, the two sparrows fell to the ground together. The prophet calculated that tomorrow there will be A woman accidentally fell from a plum tree and hurt her thigh because the gardener chased it away.

Before going down the mountain, the wizards in the east will tell their young apprentices that they should not rescue a beautiful girl who is in trouble in the mountains.

Because... yes, monster, monster, ah!

You have to be cruel to a beautiful woman. Fortunately, Dean Slytherin has no problem in this regard, and a sharp edge cut off her head invisible.

The snake returned to its original form, and the snake head was still trying to reconnect with the snake body. Severus immediately used stalagmites to immobilize the thumping head and body.

There is no Naga in "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" written by Newt Scamander, but is there anyone in the Snake House who doesn't know snakes? Except for Lucius Malfoy, who's good at fiddling with money and politics, but not as good as a wizard should know.

Naga is not a very rare sea monster. The main reason is that its natural enemy, Garuda, eats too much. Later, as Naga decreased, Garuda also became extinct.

The garuda is very similar to the phoenix. When it dies, it will ignite a raging fire just like the phoenix, but the garuda will not be nirvana, it will be directly reduced to ashes, and it will also cause a big fire.

After the fire burns, the Garuda will turn into a jewel, like a relic, and when it falls into the sea, it will be taken by the Naga and worn on the top of the head.

The illusion created by this magical animal is not like Voldemort. It still uses natural principles. Not only in the desert, but also in the sea there will be mirages, which are also the refraction of light. It's just that with the garuda becoming extinct, the number of Naga can only be controlled artificially, otherwise the underground of Paris will be full of Kabbah like Mongolia.

Severus took the golden bead from Naga's forehead, and Naga, who was about to spray venom on him just now, immediately stopped moving, just like Kabbah whose brain was poured out, losing his strength, The snake's body no longer fluttered.

"I've found its weakness." Severus said to the communication crystal. "It's the bead on its head."

No one answered.

Severus cursed under his breath, and turned back to find Lucius.

There are many men in this world who live for women, but they live in different ways.

There is a kind of man who dominates young women by relying on his connections and wealth, and they need to show their "heroic spirit" through women. The nobles in the Middle Ages also created the right of the first night. Although the folklore and the real right of the first night are not the same, one thing is clear. Uneducated civilians really can't find appropriate and gorgeous words, only one sentence, "Bah! Shameless.", plus a mouthful of saliva to express their feelings.

In the oriental yin and yang theory, men belong to yang and women belong to yin. Yang gives people the feeling of being bright, but extreme yang and rigidity will bring destruction and drought. Things give people a very bad feeling, and people often use evil to describe them.

Insufficient yang qi will lead to endogenous yin evil.

Lucius Malfoy is handsome, has a lot of money, and is indeed liked by many women, but he lacks that kind of spirit, and he looks strong on the outside but on the inside.

But one thing is good, he doesn't need to live through women, he lives for his family and Naxisha.

Yin and Yang are not the negative and positive emotions that Americans understand, and it has nothing to do with his family's stamp collection.

At least he is still willing to understand, and the executive who spent 10 million US dollars on his daughter's coming-of-age ceremony is not even willing to understand the common people in his own country, let alone Eastern things.

Fortunately, he doesn't like being a good teacher and friend to others, preaching and resolving doubts for others. He is a stupid father, but he is not a hopeless father. He is still willing to love his daughter.

Those dollars should be spent on more meaningful things. As for where to use them... As the real rich people say, spending money is really not easy, and life is not easy, this is The reason why we make friends is to be considerate and caring for each other when we need help, and to support us through difficulties.

And that's where Draco got jealous of Harry and his friends. Hermione and Ron are Harry's true friends, unlike Crabbe and Goyle. Fortunately, Hogwarts didn't ask Lucius to compensate for the loss of the Room of Requirement, otherwise God knows how much the Malfoy family would have to pay the school.

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