
Suddenly there was a dog barking in the darkness.

Severus looked up from his contemplation, as if seeing the silhouette of a dog.

"Severus!" Lucius yelled.

Severus turned to find Lucius in a private room on the second floor.

"I found something," Lucius said.

Severus opened his cloak, flew over like a bat, and landed lightly on the ground.

There were two humans lying on the floor of the private room, seemingly fainted.

"They're trying to hit me." Lucius held a pistol.

"You killed them?" Severus asked.

"How dare I?" Lucius smirked.

Severus ignored him and awakened one of them with a spell. The man was in a trance for a while, and immediately wanted to get up after seeing the two of them.

Severus cast a petrifying spell on him, which petrified the man's legs.

"Don't move," Severus said slowly, "or I won't let you move."

The man was terrified.

"Who are you?" Severus asked.

"We protect this place," the man said in accented English.

"What is this place?" Severus asked.

"I don't know... Ah!" The guardian let out a scream.

"Is this the real tomb of Napoleon Bonaparte?" Severus asked, poking the man's face with his wand.

"I swear, I really don't know!" the guardian yelled in horror. "My job is to keep everyone from trespassing on this place!"

"Who pays you?" Lucius asked.

"I don't know, I'm just doing things for money!" the guard yelled.

Severus took out the veritaserum from his shapeshifter skin pocket and sprinkled a little in the guard's mouth, and soon the guard's eyes were staring straight ahead, looking lifeless.

"Who are you?" Severus asked.

"Private, Julian Carlos."

"Which unit did you serve in?"

"Unicorn Squad," Julian replied.

"Why are you here? What are you protecting?" Severus asked.

After a while of silence, Carlos said, "Father dis."

"Dis? You mean Hades?" Severus said.

"Yes." Carlos said.

Severus was surprised, and continued to ask, "What's behind the door?"

"When you die, you all come to me," Carlos said.

The god Dis is the god of the underworld in Druidi, which is equivalent to Pluton in Rome, and at the same time, in Gaul mythology, death is the beginning of life.

This place is not like a paradise-like fairyland, nor is it a hell for punishing sinners, it is more like a place of remaking.

All the atoms in a person come from a star. After the person dies, these atoms are decomposed again and become a part of many people's bodies and taken away, but some things have to stay with Diss.

Caesar mentioned in the Gaul Wars that all Gauls believed that they were the descendants of the god Diss, so the god Diss was also the original father.

At this moment, there was a sound of chains in the darkness, Severus stopped asking, and turned to look at the "stage".

Nothing happened at first, and gradually, as if some kind of stage effect, smoke began to rise from the pool, and the thick water vapor filled the air like fog.

"Are you still there?" Lucius asked Carlos.

"We're in groups of three," Carlos replied.

"what else……"

Before Lucius finished speaking, he heard a crackling sound.

He cast the sleeping spell on Carlos again, and looked at the "stage" together.

A black figure slowly raised its head in the thick water vapor.

"What's that?" Lucius asked.

"Naga," Severus said, "with blood from other species."


"Electric eel!" Severus said angrily, "Be careful, it can perform illusions!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the silver-blue "eel" suddenly had several heads, as if it suddenly became a sea monster with many heads.

Lucius and Severus immediately parted ways.

The half-breed naga hesitated between the two, and finally chose Lucius, seemingly because he seemed weaker.

Severus took this opportunity to use a sharp blow on the huge eel.

The eel also had scales, but not as strong as the basilisk, and he easily left a deep gash on Naga.

Naga wailed in pain, gave up on Lucius, turned to face Severus, and spit out a clear-looking stream of water from its mouth.

Naga is highly poisonous, and its way of spraying poison is somewhat similar to that of a king cobra. Severus quickly dodged it, and Lucius cast white arrows behind Naga, and they landed on Naga's body. On the head, it looks like it is wearing a feather crown.

Naga in the pool turned her bucket-thick body, chasing after Severus reluctantly. The cut he made on Naga just now was healing quickly, as if white moss had been sprinkled on it.

Severus took out the buckler as he ran, and it seemed to revolve around him as soon as it appeared.

The smooth round shield has a mirror effect, just when Naga opened his mouth again, intending to release the venom, Severus turned around and cast a magic blade invisible, this time directly hit its mouth, immediately Naga Blood flow profusely.

It was so enraged that it conjured five more heads, which looked like a basilisk, but in fact it had only one real head.

When Ron Weasley and Harry Potter were preparing to destroy Slytherin's locket together, Voldemort's soul fragment in the locket knew what Ron was thinking through Legilimency.

He's jealous of Harry Potter, suspicious of Harry's relationship with Hermione, and his worst fear, spiders.

After learning the news, Voldemort used illusion to create illusions, disturbing Ron's mind, trying to arouse Ron's jealousy and let him kill his friend Harry.

Naga doesn't seem to have this ability, but it can also create illusions.

Pink petals began to fall from the sky, and there was a charming fragrance everywhere. The Potions professor could easily tell that it was mandala and choking gas. If people smelled too much of this fragrance, they would eventually die of suffocation. of.

He hurriedly greeted Lucius and asked him to use the head-soaking spell, and then went to check on the two comatose Muggles.

He had just arrived at the previous place when he found a man in a helmet trying to carry them, and when he sensed someone coming, he immediately pulled out his gun and shot in Severus' direction, and he quickly hid behind a pillar.

Jixiangtian is the goddess of wealth and happiness in Indian mythology, which can often be seen in murals. Usually they are beauties holding lotus flowers, sitting on the backs of owls, dancing in the air.

When they are angry, they will turn into yakshas, ​​not only ugly, but also pick people's skin.

The illusion created by Naga looks a lot like Paradise, luring people to approach.

But if you really get close, you will be electrocuted to death by it, and it will really send him to the west.

There are three poisons in Buddhism, greed, anger, and ignorance.

Greed is easily attached to the five desires of sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch.

These feelings can arouse the desire for profit in all beings.

Why do you have to be obsessed because of some foreign things, the hell is so hot, wouldn't it be good to find a bodhi plant, lie under the tree and calm down naturally?

Maybe you also need a fan.

As if awakened, Severus used a tornado on Naga, and the fragrant mist was blown away by the wind, and Naga finally revealed its true face.

In the blink of an eye, it really looks like a very beautiful water dragon. Its teeth are not as ferocious as those of a basilisk. There are transparent fins at the junction of the head and body, which glow soft silver in the moonlight.

Seeing that the hiding fog disappeared, Naga immediately hid in the water and disappeared like a loach.

"Should we continue the investigation?" Lucius asked.

"Grab the one that got away!" Severus yelled. "He knows how to get it out, more than anyone else."

As he spoke, he chased after the man in the helmet just now.

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