Harry Potter Morning Light

第1813章 Lascia black pianga

The middle class really loves to watch the social circles and lives of the wealthy, and although they have almost nothing to do with each other except for work, they do love to watch.

It is precisely because people like to watch that people will follow and take pictures, and then a series of new industries have emerged around the party, such as flowers, cakes, and photographers, whether they are useful for birthdays or weddings.

Maybe a father throws a lavish coming-of-age ceremony for his daughter in order to express his love, and he will be satisfied with getting a sweet "thank you Daddy" from her daughter, but he is not doing her daughter any good by doing so.

Even if a family teacher persuades them, they must be willing to listen. Usually, a clear-headed mother will correct them. At this time, women will find out how difficult it is to change people.

The father and daughter were in a gang, and Mom turned out to be the bad guy.

Marie Antoinette used to be so luxurious when she held a ball in Versailles, and she also enjoyed it, but until now, many people think that the financial collapse of France was caused by Marie Antoinette's extravagance, and they gave her an Earned the title of "Deficit Queen".

When Louis XV misbehaved, the monk Marcillon led ten monks to fast and persuade him. Later, Louis XV exiled all the judges of the High Court. Marcillon never became a cardinal in his life. He had seen such a "tragedy" "The nobles and priests chose to keep their mouths shut, looking for nice words. This kind of words sounded very pleasing to the ear, the money belongs to others, and it is their freedom to use it how they want to use it. I just don’t know if Marie Antoinette regretted it when she stood on the guillotine.

Friends who eat and drink together are not real friends, $300 "little gift" is not a small amount, that is almost the total amount of tickets for a misdemeanor court mother, without which she will go to jail, and her daughter Facing being sent to a foster family.

The little girl will only feel excited and happy when she sees such a grand party prepared for herself. She doesn't even notice what her classmates, the so-called "good friends" are saying behind their backs.

Girls all want to be the center of attention. Of course, the protagonist of an executive's daughter's coming-of-age ceremony is the executive's daughter, and the other girls are her foils.

A beggar does not envy a millionaire, but envies a beggar who earns more than him.

Negative comments from classmates can be worse than what the newspaper says.

Yes, those little girls received presents, but they could play tricks behind their backs. A father might stop his daughter from reading the newspaper, but he couldn't stop her from hearing bad things at school.

Cedric invited Qiu Zhang to be his dance partner. The dress that Qiu Zhang was going to attend the ball disappeared. Although Qiu Zhang has a good personality and is not as weird as Luna Lovegood, it is not a prank to hide things at that time up.

Qiu Zhang hurried to the owl house and asked her mother to give her a new dress.

This kind of thing is easier for female teachers to notice than male teachers, or Pomona noticed it, and they talked about it after they started dating, and she felt quite guilty because Cedric followed her Qiu Zhang, who was ordered to invite, without the permission of the dean, how dare Cedric invite Ravenclaw's Quidditch Chaser, this combination is the same as seeing the combination of Slytherin and Gryffindor" Great rebellion."

Sometimes the joys and sorrows of human beings are not interlinked.

People who live in heaven don't understand what it's like for someone to go to jail because they can't get out 300 dollars. Harry Potter doesn't know that Merope traded Slytherin's locket for 10 Galleons. It costs 25 Galleons to buy a telescope to watch the Quidditch World Cup.

Now it is hard to say whether Marie Antoinette knew the prices at that time, anyway, she is dead and untested, and her story of "civilians can't afford bread, why don't they eat cake" is circulating everywhere in the market. The imagination of the group is rich, and they will complete a story that is not perfect, and it is impossible to reverse the case when everyone is talking about it.

Rose Beauharnet was not a bad woman, but no one could tell if she had committed any misdeeds when Napoleon Bonaparte went to Egypt to earn political capital.

The circle and environment she used to live in were like this. When the king was dining, more than 300 nobles were onlookers. Once Louis XV's handkerchief accidentally dropped on the ground, a group of marquises and earls scrambled to get under the table to pick up the handkerchief for him.

The old nobles asked the king, hoping that he would reward them with official positions and titles. In order to achieve this goal, they gave their wives and daughters to the king as mistresses.

This kind of royal power has no restrictions, and the king can do whatever he wants. A constitutional monarchy is equivalent to what Mr. President of the United States said, putting the rulers in a cage. They cannot act willfully and will be restricted everywhere. When George IV was crown prince, he fell in love with a Catholic widow. The two married in secret, but Parliament forced him to marry a woman he didn't like.

They gave birth to a daughter. Fortunately, women in Britain also have the right to inherit, so they don't have to have sex until they give birth to a son. Of course it feels terrible to be the "master" like this. Charles X wants to abolish the constitution and return to the era of royal power. This is impossible. The French have accepted the new social system, and the royal power must be kept in a cage. Killed Louis XVI, the king who refused to sign the constitution and fled Paris.

Rousseau once said that the difference between man and animals is self-esteem.

The old aristocrats knew how to cater to and please the king, and accepted the rules of "nepotism" maintenance. Some people disagreed. Napoleon Bonaparte was also one of them. They hoped to use their own strength to get what they deserved. Social status.

The consensus reached at the Antwerp meeting was that the countries with monarchs unite to crusade against the country formed by the kingslayers.

What is there to be afraid of after becoming a kingslayer? It is the people who defend the country, and the taxpayers are also the people, so the people are of course the masters of the country.

The bloody battle is like a big wave washing the sand. Without restrictions, the officers can be promoted faster than the fireworks. In a few years, Napoleon became a general, which is impossible in peacetime.

It is not impossible for France to disappear. The Holy Roman Empire is gone now, and the Duchy of Burgundy is gone now. The feeling of the country being destroyed in an instant makes people feel very unreal. This is the power of the group.

Crowds give people the feeling that it is easy to control them. At the same time, the feeling of groups is simple and extreme. In the face of the siege of the alliance, the National Convention also issued a statement that even if France was buried under the ruins, it would never allow foreign interference in this country. domestic affairs.

The Great Patriotic War must be won. Even if scorched-earth warfare is used, only those in the group will sacrifice their lives to prop up the building that is about to collapse.

Napoleon was tempered in the flames of war, but Josephine lived in a rococo-style living room. She was quite brave and dared to go to the front in Italy, but she was unwilling to go to Egypt.

The battlefield is full of the smell of corpses and blood. Even the incense of myrrh can't drive away the disgusting smell. That kind of working environment is really not like an office, so it is suitable for visiting.

Because the man is busy with work and usually has no time to spend with his family, he will use this material to compensate his daughter and express his love for her.

The lonely wife will look for a man who is free to accompany her, just like Hugo's wife. A young man has endless time before he succeeds in his career. Napoleon was like this when he was young, and it was the same after he became a prisoner. When he was in power, he didn't have time to sleep, and he relied on baths to recover his strength.

Corsican "monsters" are always different from ordinary people. Similar to him is Zastiny.

Time is fair, everyone only has 24 hours, how it is divided makes different people and families.

Some people spend their time in their copybooks, while others spend their time in exercising and strengthening their strength. Originally, Severus had lived a very demanding life, strictly demanding himself, like an ascetic monk.

The mixed-race Veela from France made him wake up, and he didn't have to live the same life as Dumbledore.

He began to look at "Senior Sister" with the eyes of a normal male.

Maybe some people are gifted with deodorant, but because Pomona often takes care of the plants in the greenhouse and deals with dragon dung, she needs to use perfume to cover up that smell when she goes on a date.

The scent emanating from the wax figure was not her usual perfume.

However, this perception is still very unpleasant.

In the opera house, many people use perfume, so they can't smell it. When they met the borrowers for the first time in the Tuileries Palace, Severus smelled Napoleon's perfume, and the smell was similar to this fragrance. almost.

She is indeed not as plump as an adult woman, like a child who has not grown up.

If only Bonaparte insisted on his penchant for women with blond hair, red lips, and busty breasts like Venus of the Medici, soldiers, no, don’t the gods of war like this type?

Severus had taught for more than ten years, and there were many beautiful female students. When they became adults, the first thing Severus thought of when he saw them was what they looked like when they were studying.

He's not interested in underage girls, he finds it fun to "torture" Pomona, and the students of the White Wizard are like him, insisting on doing the "right" thing like they're saints who never made a mistake.

Who would have thought that the lover of the hypocrite is actually the Dark Lord Grindelwald.

If he told this secret, everyone in the office would lose money to him, because they made a bet based on the premise that Dumbledore liked women, and all the rumored objects were women.

There are rebellious children in every family, and there are noble young masters like Sirius Black who don't care about his parents' coming-of-age ceremony.

Holding a grand ball, looking forward to his daughter wearing a pink princess dress, "Daddy" who said thank you with a sweet smile, found that his daughter was wearing a leather jacket, and ran away from home on a motorcycle with a hippie who didn't know where he came from. blood pressure...

Maybe some people will pretend to wish others happiness because of their feelings, but the happiness that comes when they see others are unlucky is most likely sincere.

When the British female prime minister gained power, she said that she had nowhere to go home, and she said she regretted not taking care of her family when she had no power. The policies she made were just like her. , when help is needed.

Offending people so casually, the congregation eventually deserted. Napoleon Bonaparte ended up in the same way, and everyone left him.

Voldemort ended up confronting Harry Potter alone, a child who had just grown up.

If Napoleon hadn't been a Muggle, a congenital weakness in the wizard's eyes, and he had been betrayed by his wife, Pomona would not have sympathized with him.

That's right, sympathy!

Severus had noticed that day at the opera house, she still didn't like being in the spotlight, hiding behind the radiant God of War and Edward Jenner who discovered cowpox.

She wasn't happy, Draco said she was crying all the time, and it was obvious the Corsicans weren't giving her a good time.

Narcissa said the problem was with Severus.

Once he was done with his problems and Bonaparte continued to be his great man, Severus thought she was having a daydream and used the Oblivion Charm to clean her up again.

Dreams are a kind of compensation for reality, and she hopes to appear in public.

That was what dead Severus Snape couldn't give her, and what dead Napoleon couldn't give her.

It's time to wake up from the dream.

The pastoral love story, only the little nobles love to indulge in it.

The country only has the stake for witches, and Queen Elizabeth is suspected of being a witch and has to burn a cat. A woman like Pomona who has nothing is like Salem, or Joan of Arc.

Indulging in illusory dreams is of no benefit. One cannot forget life because of relying on dreams. She should really listen to what her teacher said.

The title is an excerpt from the opera Handel's Rinald

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