Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1809 Leek Chicken u0026 Milk Thief (Part 2)

Rats are everywhere in the subway.

Compared with human's lower and lower newborns, their reproduction rate is very fast.

There is a population called the subway population, which means low- and middle-income people who live in the metropolitan area and need the subway as a means of transportation and travel.

The Malfoy family has only one child, Draco, and the Weasley family has 7, and Ginny is very fertile. In the future, the Potter family will be as large as the Black family before.

In addition to the birth rate and live birth rate, there is another data that is actually very important, that is the total fertility rate. The data calculated by the Muggles is 2.1, which means that a woman needs to have 2 children to complete the generation change.

Malfoy's family is obviously not up to standard, but Lucius and Naxisha have no choice but to live longer, and the confrontation between Malfoy and Weasley is largely related to this. If Draco and the Weasley twins died, Narcissa would not be as sad as Molly, she would cry so much that she wanted to die, she would rather die herself.

Similarly, Barty Crouch Jr.’s mother also accepted the dementor’s kiss on behalf of her son out of this mood. Buddy Crouch’s family died without a trace, and their family property will be confiscated according to British law. This is also magic. One of the department's sources of income.

Cedric Diggory, who died in the Triwizard Tournament, was the only child in his family. In order to avenge him, his elderly father transferred from the comfortable animal management department to the Auror office. He vowed to find Wormtail.

France is a country with a large population in Europe. Their total fertility rate has been hovering around 1.8 and 2.0. This is a relatively healthy figure. However, half of the population in this figure is contributed by non-national immigrants. The persistently low employment rate makes local young people in France Like Furong, they chose to go abroad, and the number of people who moved to the UK has more than doubled, but it is actually difficult for them to find a job in the UK.

There are a lot of jobs for temporary workers and interns. These jobs are low-paying, or even unpaid like in "When Happiness Comes Knocking on the Door". They just provide an opportunity. This is the reason why there are so few real jobs. Jobs signed with labor contracts are protected by the labor law, and the boss must pay the minimum hourly wage.

The French population, especially the highly educated population, was harvested by the English for a round of leeks. Their young people filled the population gap in England, which actually accelerated the aging of France, which was not aging seriously.

French young people go to Anglo-Saxon countries to pursue higher salaries, job opportunities, and improve their English proficiency like Fleur.

As for British women, whoever has the means to ask them to marry and have children is considered a powerful person. Napoleon thought that it was impossible for a woman to kneel down, but it was possible for a man to kneel down on one knee to propose marriage.

The Anglo-Saxon model started a self-destructive model. Economic development first requires social stability, and social stability is directly linked to population structure.

The British female prime minister and the American male president did not care about their families when they were strong and everything was going well. The female prime minister did not say that she regretted not spending time on her family when she was in power, but said that family is when there is nowhere to go I just came back.

Later, her husband died, and a pair of children who gave birth to her did not visit her at all. In this case, she regretted not spending time with her family.

As for the president of the United States, just like most men, he had endless energy when he was young. When he was an actress in Hollywood, he was surrounded by many women. The biggest ambition of the current president's wife is to have a successful and happy marriage. Perhaps it is Because of this, she persisted even after Mr. President got Alzheimer's disease.

There are many employment opportunities in Britain and the United States, and you can find a new job soon after resigning, which has reduced the unemployment rate. However, the implantation rate of fertilized eggs is related to psychological factors. If both men and women feel unsafe, stable, and in a state of stress, Then it is difficult to get pregnant.

Females in animals also know that pregnancy means they are more likely to be hunted, and that pensions, some say the human cost, increase when young are sterile and the population of older pensioners increases.

These people are also weak, but they are different from the homeless, they have contributed to the country, they cannot be cleaned up like rats.

The obligations of young people to support the elderly are getting heavier, and their financial pressure is even greater. As for some people, it is even more impossible to restore polygamy. First, this is going back to the feudal era. The person who launched the Iraq War Mr. President once delivered a speech at a banquet: The most precious thing in the history of mankind for thousands of years is not the dazzling technology, not the vast classics of masters, not the hype speeches of politicians, but the realization of the ruler’s vision. Taming, fulfilling the dream of keeping them in cages. Because only by taming them and locking them up, will they not harm others. I am speaking to you now in a cage.

Restoration of polygamy will inevitably lead to vicious competition like rat utopia. Male rats fight for limited mates. Whoever occupies more resources can have more mates, and the economic pressure faced by men will be higher than it is now. Even bigger, both the costs borne by men with multiple wives and children, and the costs of having a single wife climb.

Second, now is the 21st century, and women will no longer go back to being second-class citizens without the right to vote. Women can be queens, female prime ministers, and have high salaries. Why can’t they enjoy the same power of polygamy as men?

The problem just kept getting bigger and bigger like a snowball.

The French say that the Anglo-Saxons are committing political suicide. When this Leviathan structure collapses, it will bring about unimaginable changes. In order not to collapse, Goldman Sachs buried the Greek crisis in the euro zone. Once the Americans burst because of the real estate bubble, there will be The situation with Japan in the 1980s detonated Greece. As long as they watched other countries’ sovereignty crises on TV, Americans would feel that they were doing well. The government would not ignore them, and they would come out of the crisis as before.

In a democracy, the people are slaves to public opinion.

Not only the people, but even the king as the "master" must act in accordance with the trend of public opinion.

In the past, animals were kept in cages. After the privatization of American prisons, people were kept in cages to find a warm home for cats and dogs.

These caged people are prisoners, they are sinners, aren't they?

Or it could be a single mom who ends up in a misdemeanor jail for not having enough money to pay a traffic ticket, leaves a stain on her and can't find a job, and of course can't continue with the college she nearly finished.

She also has a daughter, and isn't she afraid that seeing her mother lead such a life, she might live the same herself?

Dr. Nakamura completed her "task" and continued her career, while Nakamura Yuki looked at her mother, at herself, does she still need to get married?

It feels terrible to be alone. She advocates unmarriage everywhere. In order to prove what she said is true, she used what "Linda Smith" told her. Every married woman thinks about divorce all the time. This sentence was heard by Draco Malfoy, who later told his godfather, and there was a "divorce declaration".

Draco liked his godfather, he didn't want him to be fooled like a fool, and he didn't mean to tear them apart.

That's what Draco Malfoy's father told Snape.

Snape walked in front of Lucius with his wand raised, his back turned to him, so Lucius couldn't see his expression at the moment.

This subway line leads to the Les Invalides, which used to be a place for disabled soldiers to recuperate, but there were no nurses at that time, and they still had to stand up on their own, and it was only then that the barrier-free design became available.

Compared with female doctors, there are more female nurses in the hospital. Many people think that soldiers and nurses are a perfect match. After World War II, many such families emerged, and they contributed to the baby boom.

When disasters and wars happen, they will charge forward together, and the "Goddess of the Lamp" Landinger will appear on the battlefield in Crimea.

Severus and Pomona were never married, after all he was admittedly dead.

His "social spouse" was Lily Potter, but Lily's husband, James Potter, became the foil of this great relationship.

Perhaps no one has noticed that this is also an act of incest. Although it is not a close relative marriage like Sirius Black's parents, the noun interpretation of the word "incest" refers to intermarriage prohibited by law or custom.

Married women should not have emotional entanglements with other men, whether he is married or not, but Severus and Pomona eloped, and the relationship ended after Severus announced their divorce. Their relation to legitimacy is religious ceremony.

If the church did not announce their divorce, they would not be divorced. Just as Napoleon and Josephine completed the secular procedures, the church did not announce his divorce from Josephine, so his marriage to Princess Marie Louise of Germany was illegal.

How much effort did Henry VIII make to get a divorce?

His fourth wife, Catherine Howard, had committed infidelity before marriage, and Henry VIII forgave her. After all, he was much older than Catherine, not to mention that as a famous blue beard, few women dared to marry him Poor, and Catherine had to be beheaded as expected.

Napoleon and Mary Louise could hold a religious wedding after Josephine's death, but Napoleon was no longer the emperor at that time.

He crowned himself at the coronation, but it was the Pope who officiated at his wedding.

It was only a bishop who held the wedding ceremony for him and Mary Louise, and the bishop's blessing could not make the "Eagle" King of Rome get rid of the situation of having children out of wedlock.

Not many bishops were present at Napoleon's second wedding, and they still obeyed the authority of the Pope.

Maybe many girls now regard holding a wedding in a church as a good-looking ceremony, but girl, when the priest announces that the groom can kiss the bride, the sacred contract will come into effect.

Severus was married by Minerva McGonagall, the daughter of a clergyman who was also a witch.

The church can declare her wedding ceremony invalid, but the church is only the "wire operator" between God and the believers. If God recognizes the marriage as valid, it will have the same "discipline" effect as an unbreakable vow.

When Severus was a child, he said the word "Mudblood" to Lily, and they parted ways.

Now that he has grown up, he should understand how much weight his words have.

Peter Pan has always lived on a carefree island, he never grew up, then one day he met Wendy, John and Michael, and said he would teach them to fly.

But after arriving on the island, Peter Pan hopes that Wendy can be everyone's mother.

It's so unfair, why boys can choose to never grow up, but girls are forced to grow up to be mothers.

Perhaps only by destroying that Neverland, Peter Pan had to learn to grow up.

That's only fair.

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