Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1808 Leek Chicken u0026 Milk Thief (Part 1)

Oh, no subway...

Just entering the subway station, Severus and Lucius heard the singing of the tramps.

Just like the old London subway, there are many ghost subway stations in Paris. The Saint-Martin subway station is even directly occupied by homeless people and has become their shelter.

Line 13 not only passes through the Invalides, but also passes through the Champs-Elysees Avenue. Although customers who go to the Champs-Elysees to buy luxury goods rarely take the subway, there are still a lot of advertisements posted in the subway station, one of which is The billboard reads in gold letters: life is Gucci.

This is an American slang term, someone smeared gucci with black graffiti, and said suck underneath, and a homeless man was lying under the billboard, with a milk carton in front of him, and a mouse was lying next to the milk carton , seems to intend to drink secretly.

Mrs. Loris saw that the mouse did not go crazy like a cat like a normal cat, but continued to walk towards the place where the lights in the subway station couldn't reach, and Severus and Lucius walked in behind her. into a dark tunnel.

The so-called Anglo-Saxon model is to maximize market functions, minimize government intervention, and use economics to solve all problems including ethics.

Times have changed. The woman named Yuki Nakamura I met in Venice before was a test-tube baby. Her mother, Dr. Nakamura, found a donor and got a baby she was satisfied with. Coupled with her high-paying job, this led to Her daughter follows her surname and does not need to change to her husband's surname after marriage according to Japanese law. Of course, there is no need for men to intervene in the lives of their mother and daughter.

The social roles once given to men have been lost. They don’t need to be fathers and role models for their children. Even if they don’t start a family, women can continue to reproduce.

Of course, men can also look for surrogacy, and surrogacy is legal in the UK, which means that all human ethics and laws in the past thousands of years have to be overthrown and restarted. Blood test is included in probate. Maybe a rich man made a donor when he was young because he lacked starting funds. His donation gave him more than a dozen blood ties in DNA. In fact, he never The children I have seen, can these children have the same inheritance rights as legitimate children?

A trust that was originally considered generous would not be divided among so many people, so many rich people have to make a will at a young age, otherwise, when something happens to them, they will be given to the "surviving children" according to the order of succession in the "Inheritance Law". "Part of the property, though they never knew each other.

Even though the Marshall Plan decimated British industry in the name of helping rebuild, Britain's financial and pharmaceutical industries remained a global center of gravity.

Drug salespeople will inevitably have to deal with doctors, and the number of female doctors is significantly less than that of male doctors, which has led to drug companies choosing to hire beautiful girls with blonde hair and blue eyes.

There are only three requirements for female sales, good looks, good looks, good looks, education is not important, maybe a top student who graduated from a famous school will compete for a position with an actress who failed the list, and the actress is working hard while waiting for the interview Carry her resume.

Without outstanding facial features, who would care about your soul.

There are not even many requirements for height, because some doctors are not tall, and women who are too tall will put pressure on them. Idol stars will hide their marriage and love history, so that female star fans will regard him as a spiritual lover.

Similarly, the female salesperson must insist that she is single, so that the doctor will not flirt with the "mother".

Not all sales positions need women, and there are also male drug sales, and doctors are not all the kind who like to "socialize" with beautiful women. There is an even bigger rule behind the pharmaceutical industry. Both Britain and the United States need to buy insurance to see a doctor. If you go to the hospital without insurance, you will be shot in the back of the head by a robber, and the bullet will stay in the brain. The case of the homeless man who needs to take OxyContin every day. He sold the house to pay off the debts owed to the hospital, but he lost his labor force and lived on the streets himself.

The insurance company has set up a special person to contact the hospital. If the medicine produced by the pharmaceutical company has not been negotiated with the insurance company, the doctor will prescribe other medicines instead according to the patient's opinion.

Fleur stayed in Gringotts in London as a temporary worker in the summer after the Triwizard Tournament. If she switched to the Muggle financial industry, she found a job as an intern. Fortunately, it was the goblin who controlled Gringotts. Get Bill Weasley to tutor her in English.

In comparison, France's social welfare is relatively good. As long as you have a citizenship, you can receive a monthly subsidy, and those homeless people lying in the subway don't need to beg.

And this also led to France imposing high tax rates on the rich, a large number of rich people fled and changed their nationality, and left-wing newspapers scolded them with front-page headlines.

There was a French actor who changed his nationality to avoid taxation, and later wanted to return to China to continue his acting career, but was blocked by the French collectively.

No matter what he said in the media that "changing nationality has the right to be respected", no one paid any attention to it. France allows dual nationality. Under the dual nationality policy, he will be treated as a French in France. Of course, he should pay 75% He also has to pay his taxes. If he doesn't pay the money, no one will watch his movies, and he won't get a high salary if he is not well-known.

British people have mixed evaluations of the right-wing female prime minister who believes in the free market, and the bad reviews are mainly because the female prime minister has too bad evaluation of the princess. The British like the princess, and the female prime minister says she is an idle lady who doesn't care about world affairs. Such remarks should not be made by a prime minister, no matter what gender the prime minister is.

Then there is her poor family life. As for her political achievements, some people think that she created some systems and destroyed some things. She made some people feel very embarrassed. The Anglo-Saxon model is also known as the "New American Model".

Since when did the UK learn from the US?

To make matters worse, she said after retirement that if I could turn back the clock, I would never have entered politics, because my family has paid too high a price for my career in politics.

That being the case, why didn't she just stay at home in the first place?

The legalization of surrogacy was also passed during her term of office. At that time, many people believed that the potential risks of surrogacy far outweighed the possible benefits, and believed that it was completely unacceptable ethically. However, once the British law was passed, it would be difficult to abolish it.

Fortunately, the surrogacy law in the UK prohibits commercial surrogacy, while surrogacy is legalized in some states in the United States, which means that a high-income American woman can use her own egg cells to obtain fertilized eggs like Dr. Nakamura, and then let other women replace her Pregnant, so that she can work while pregnant.

Just like the refrigerator used to make jelly, developers can't imagine how their product will change in the practical process in the future. It was originally a luxury product for a small audience, but it suddenly became a global household product. All must have appliances.

Test-tube babies were originally used to bring hope to parents who longed for children, but now they have become a chain of sin. France also prohibits surrogacy, but it can take the black market route. The French Supreme Court also made a judgment that foreign surrogate children Not entitled to French nationality.

In ancient Egypt, business was used as a means of diplomacy to form alliances, but the Anglo-Saxon model encouraged competition. This case of "Coke" buying "milk" was just a trial. The French authorities voted against it during the Iraq war. , What is the attitude of the common people?

There is a saying in manufacturing that the French never imitate, and no one imitates the French.

Fleur went to the UK for an internship, and later married a British, and other French youths will do the same, and get married after their careers are stable. In this way, the young French labor force is taken away by the UK.

Without the fertility created by this young population, the live birth rate for the native UK population would be even lower.

The president of the United States who sent troops proposed a policy of tax cuts. At that time, the host of a comedy talk show said that most people who can’t afford health insurance can’t pay taxes at all, and give them taxes they don’t owe. Tax cuts, and they can use the money they can't get back to buy health insurance that they couldn't afford.

In other words, the president's reform is to cut taxes for the rich, and has no effect on those who really need help.

Quidditch pays attention to teamwork, Gryffindor has always been lacking in this aspect, always losing to Slytherin, and then Harry Potter appeared, replaced by a good broomstick, Gryffindor's results suddenly soaring.

But their style of lack of teamwork remained unchanged, and Harry Potter's grades in Gryffindor dropped as soon as he graduated.

Slytherin didn't want to compete with them at all, and Hufflepuff liked food more than sports, so Ravenclaw would compete with them.

Ravenclaw, who focuses on learning, and Gryffindor, who does not like to read, are opposites in a sense. Rowena Ravenclaw and Helga Hufflepuff are both women. These two female-dominated colleges There are different ideas.

Hufflepuff thinks that marriage and family are important, and Ravenclaw thinks that he must have his own career. Slytherin and Hufflepuff, who also have strong family values, can easily get together.

If the man is reliable and doesn't do too much, let them hold the scepter if they like it, just like the Magic Brothers Fountain, isn't the witch following the wizard?

Hufflepuff's rule, if you're not the leader follow orders.

There is nothing to contend for, as long as some people don't go too far.

But this world is so cruel, like an urban forest, no one will sympathize with the weak.

And according to the characteristics of Western civilization, if you want power, you must fight. If you don’t speak up, others will think that you have acquiesced to the rules of the game. Even if you don’t want to protest, you must protest.

In fact, the location of St. Francis Xavier Station is very close to the Catacombs. The Paris Metro passes through the bones of six million people.

The word Catacombs comes from the Latin Cumbere, rest in peace. Unfortunately, the undead living here cannot enjoy peace, because there is always a rumbling, subway full of living people passing by them.

These dead bones don't make a sound, so no one cares about their opinions, and the subway workers will strike, make up songs, and their demands will be heard, and it's quite annoying, even if they walk into the tunnel, the platform The "bard" on the Internet is still singing that song, why doesn't he go somewhere to cool off?

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