Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1810 Leek Chicken u0026 Milk Thief (Part 2)

The British poet Novalis once said: When I give a sublime meaning to the humble, a mysterious appearance to the ordinary, an unknown solemnity to the known, and an infinite appearance to the finite, I will romanticized them.

The English incest "incest" comes from the Latin "incestum", which means infidelity and impurity.

The abstinence view of medieval Christians originated from ancient Rome. People in ancient Rome lived too much, so people in the middle ages went from one extreme to the other.

It is perfectly normal for a widow to remarry. She not only wants to survive, but also has children to support. Later, incest became a marriage between close relatives, but the nobles were almost all close relatives, otherwise Queen Victoria's blood disease would not have spread among the European royal families, and the concept of incest became more and more blurred.

Incest is absolutely forbidden, Victor Hugo did not agree to divorce Adele no matter what the outside world said, Severus said it out. Now, unlike in the Middle Ages, the two parties can start a family after divorce, and they don't have children anyway.

After the divorce, the ex-husband can no longer accuse the ex-wife of infidelity. If he is not convinced, why not follow Hugo and agree to divorce instead?

Family ethics is bound to be related to social ethics. In ancient times, population was a resource, and Rome would acquire many slaves as labor force to build the city of Rome in foreign wars.

This is still the case now, but the current "slaves" are not captured by the army, but are taken by themselves, such as the Italian coffin shop owner in the Godfather movie. People taught by Catholic countries are relatively obedient. The Marshall Plan has a more profound impact on civilians than elites. The Immigration Service even has to pick out young people with high IQ and high obedience from many applications.

Those "assistants" in the fashion circle call themselves "slaves", but they are absolutely unwilling to get rid of their status as slaves and go to freedom. Their jobs are so glamorous, many people want them, and their opportunities are better than ordinary people Much more, they won't be foolish to give up the chance to get it.

There are many children in a big family, and all of them will not be mediocre. Bill of the Weasley family is very handsome. If parents distribute high-quality resources equally for "equality", then children who have the opportunity to achieve greater achievements will The opportunity for promotion is lost due to lack of resources. The advantage of the Anglo-Saxon model is that it can give high-quality resources to outstanding talents. This is very important for those who feel that they are excellent but cannot develop due to system and network problems. .

There is a joke about a man who went to see a psychiatrist. He told the doctor in pain that his brother thought he was a chicken. The doctor asked him, why didn't you tell your brother that he was not? The man replied "No, I need his eggs."

Those who go to the United States to seek development are all for their own future. They want to get rid of their backward homeland and live a life worthy of their abilities, and this requires an Anglo-Saxon system. The strong will always be strong, taking away their resources from the weak, and concentrating most of their advantages to win. The rise of New York also monopolized the surrounding flour milling rights and provided flour to the British Navy. Other farmers would definitely suffer losses, but how could they compete with other east coast cities if they didn’t do that?

These people clearly see that the Anglo-Saxon model is wrong and will not correct it, just like the younger brother who sees that his elder brother thinks he is a chicken, and he needs to "borrow the chicken to lay eggs". It’s just that the early immigrants were not fools. The current model has been successful through generations of hard work. Now it’s finally time to harvest the world. Why should those new immigrants who have just arrived and made no contribution get a share of the pie?

Of course, smart people will not go to the army to get a green card like a low-end labor force. There is a huge difference between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party on the issue of immigration. The Democratic Party hopes to relax the immigration conditions. There are many practical problems. The Republican Party is unwilling to immigrate, allowing foreigners to take away jobs in this country, especially southerners.

The dominance of the U.S. dollar in the world is related to the purchasing power of Americans. Many Americans have the habit of spending on loans, and commodities from all over the world are sold to them. With a population base, without money and desire to buy, you can't form purchasing power. Who in the United States of America wants to let go of your hands and feet, spend money casually, and enjoy yourself?

Beauty is a scarce resource. If the British marry a hibiscus, then it is not too much for the French to marry a British mixed-race veela.

Britain refused, its talents and beauties were sucked away, and it also imposed its own views on others. This kind of neo-free marketism is basically a Trojan horse. The real intention of the Americans is to fundamentally change the economic systems of many countries, driven by American interests and values.

The "Anti-Foreign Monopoly Act" is like a paladin in white, looking extremely righteous and majestic. Behind that glorious image are all predatory strategic goals, and the military operations to realize this set of non-military operations require information provided by intelligence agencies .

There is an underground palace under Napoleon's tomb, where the former French president had people monitor other people's scandals.

The United States monitors information on bribery. From this point, it seems that the difference between the two countries that also advocate freedom and democracy can be seen.

Britain still has a queen, and the catacombs used to serve as the command post of the Free France during World War II, and there should be a ticking telegraph sound in it at any time.

The main source of alpha gains comes from the fallacies of others. When a strategy becomes public knowledge and is known by many people, it is no longer effective. After the Battle of Waterloo, Nathan Rothschild received the intelligence, first sold the British bonds in his hand, and others followed suit, and later bought them back when they depreciated to nothing, thus making a fortune.

The new generation of American veterans do not need to be allocated houses after World War II. Although Americans are not as prone to losing arms and legs and losing labor force as they were in World War II, it is difficult for them to reintegrate into society.

There are many veterans among the homeless people on the streets of the United States. Promotion issues will definitely be involved in the army. These senior military officers have housing, pensions, and social status. There is no chance of promotion. What is the use of the American Dream? Is it possible to fight after retiring from the army?

Napoleon said that a soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier. Every soldier has a marshal's stick in his pocket. The "revolving door" style of play like the Pentagon and military contractors has obviously been blocked. Change by joining the army Destiny is this way.

Leaving aside the fact that the French helped win the War of Independence, the Americans credit Washington, the father of the nation, with the French Revolution.

At that time, there were also "nobility in robes" and "nobility with swords" in France, and there was no opposition between these two noble classes. The nobles marry each other, and it is the same if you wear a robe another day and I have a sword. What they guard against is the officer who gradually rose from the common people.

During the War of the Roses in England, some new nobles also appeared, and these new nobles also needed to be rewarded. Lancaster lost to York, so the industry that belonged to Lancaster in the past would be distributed to the heroes of York.

Prince Eugen caused France to lose the land south of the Alps. The War of Independence did not get any benefits except for a victory slogan, Louis XVI. Where did the king get benefits to reward these military officers with military merit?

The reason why Caesar is supported by the soldiers is that besides his clear rewards and punishments, he also took those officers who were loyal to him to the Senate to occupy seats. Although these officers were not opponents of the noble orators when they quarreled, the nobles were not their opponents. .

The heart is protected by the sternum, but the kidneys are not. A poke from the back to the waist can be fatal. The first stab at Caesar was actually to the arm.

These murders are not good, how can nobles with no military literacy command the Roman legion?

Caesar brought glory and status to these civilian officers, but the nobles desperately suppressed and protected their seats.

But they were the last resistance. Those officers loyal to Caesar assassinated the veterans who participated in the assassination. When Octavian became emperor, no one dared to repeat the same mistakes.

The power gained through invitations made those who thought they had real talents feel dissatisfied. In addition to using force, the revolution had to replace them. However, after the king was beheaded, France fell into chaos and siege.

At the Antwerp International Conference in 1793, the countries agreed to destroy the country formed by the regicide. At this time, the "Archangel" St. Rust sent by Jacobin led an army to guard the border to resist the invasion of the enemy.

You don't have to be good-looking to be unbeatable, and there are people with both talent and appearance.

The Jacobins discovered a lot of strong generals, and they also used the courage of extraordinary people at extraordinary times. Otherwise, Bonaparte would not have led the French army across the Alps to invade Italy.

Imagination can rule the world, but it is not based on imagination. People in the Middle Ages were superstitious in witchcraft and priests. When the plague raged in Rome in 1680, the Roman citizens thought it was the devil, that is, the anger of the ancient gods. The Kolosim Arena killed a bull to sacrifice to Jupiter. Of course, this sacrifice was invalid. Later, they held a parade to pray for forgiveness from Mary and the saints.

The return of theocracy will certainly bring order, but it will also bring other troubles. The monks who were hunted down by the people during the Great Revolution put on a huge guard of honor when Charles X returned, and walked several times on the streets of Paris. For a few hours, it seemed that he wanted to use this method to make the common people accept the divine right of kings again.

The feudal system implemented by the French king made France lag behind its neighbor Britain for decades in industry. When Napoleon was in power, in order to protect the fragile domestic industry, he set up many unequal trade conditions, including tariff barriers and continental blockades. The Qing Dynasty did not break the feudal forces. Even if they bought the most advanced gunboats from Britain and France, they still did not have the ability to manufacture them themselves. Japan began to learn from Europe and the United States after the Meiji Restoration. Although the feudal system can make some people who enjoy privileges happy physically and mentally, it is not conducive to progress.

After the Restoration, Japan wants to replace China and become a representative of the East in the circle of Western civilization, an advanced country. However, Japan’s advanced technology still mainly relies on the support of Europe and the United States. Before the 1980s, Japan’s manufacturing industry recovered because of the support of the United States. In order to protect its own manufacturing industry, Japan took advantage of the low exchange rate, which was conducive to exports. Later, the Americans felt that they had lost money. , then withdrew everything, and the over-protected manufacturing industry could not withstand the capacity upgrade under the joint pressure of Europe and the United States, and then entered a depression.

There has been no progress in manufacturing in the past few decades, but medicine has continued to improve, and doctors have become the most respected profession.

Everyone has their own considerations when studying. Some girls study to gild themselves, and they have an advantage when they are on a blind date. Nakamura Yuki is an aggressive female warrior educated in American style. She actually intends to make a certain state in the United States legislate to limit the content of added sugar in food.

The price of rough sugar in the United States is 22 cents a pound, while the price in the international market is 10 cents a pound. Simply put, the United States has imposed a 100% tariff on imported sugar.

Even if the consumption of cola is not mentioned, ice cream, biscuits, cakes and other foods all contain sugar, and these food processors will take this tariff into account when calculating the cost, which is hundreds of millions of dollars at least. The money is hidden from the Congress to let the people pay more.

It's not an excise tax, it's a tariff, the same tariff that the people of North America refused to pay to Britain before the Revolutionary War. This is not to protect the local sugar industry. The sugar industry will also vote for congressmen. Compared with using climate weapons to deal with Indonesia, which refuses US aid, Lucius thinks this motive is more likely.

Ordinary civilians don't care about the price of bulk commodities. Who can't afford 12 cents in their pockets?

What are the Americans trying to do? Could it be that he wants to take the opportunity to practice the routine of "******" again?

In the last incident in Nigeria, the officials who took bribes were members of the so-called "Ministry of Culture".

The root of the herd mentality is the desire to be correct. The behavior of others will provide useful information. For example, when everyone is writing hard for an exam, even if they can’t see other people’s papers, they can still know what they are doing.

Cultural conformity is related to mass media.

People of an era often like the same thing. Young people who grew up listening to MTV on TV don't know the madness caused by the Beatles.

It is easy to be influenced by a knowledgeable and trustworthy person, and Voldemort was once such a person.

It's hard to imagine the consequences of Dumbledore making him the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

Clausewitz of Germany said in his theory of war that the best defense is offense.

The current way of warfare is no longer defenseable by the Great Wall and the Maginot Line, let alone a brick wall in Diagon Alley. Wizarding world, do they know that not all Muggles are good people?

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