Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1802 up your alley (eleven)

Kremlin means inner city in Russian and fortress in Mongolian. When the fire was burning in Moscow, Napoleon was resting in the Kremlin.

Originally, the Kremlin was not within the scope of the fire, but suddenly there was a strong wind, and the fire became more and more intense due to the wind, and even burned to the vicinity of the arsenal.

Ministers and generals were urging him to withdraw, but Napoleon was hesitant at this point, perhaps because taking Moscow cost too much.

Only when the outer walls of the palace finally collapsed did he evacuate to Petrovsky, where the Tsar often vacationed.

There was another "Angel's Kiss" in this palace, which was the second version bought by the Russian nobles from Canova, and the first version was bought by Murat, which is currently stored in the Louvre inside.

After Napoleon abdicated, all countries came to take away the treasures belonging to their own countries. The four bronze horses in Venice were taken away by the Austrian emperor. This sculpture was later stored in the Louvre. In theory, Napoleon should have never seen it.

It's a pity because it's a different masterpiece than Pieta.

Cupid had told Psyche not to open his eyes when they met, but Psyche couldn't help being curious to see what her husband really looked like.

She broke her oath, opened her eyes, and saw the angel's beautiful face, but she also lost her husband.

If Cupid was not so handsome, but had the appearance of a monster, would Psyche still be so heartbroken, hoping to restore the lost love?

In order to save her husband, Psyche even has to curry favor with Cupid himself who framed her.

And Venus gave Psyche almost impossible tasks, including fetching "sleep" from hell.

Once again, Psyche opened the box out of curiosity, and then she fell into a deep sleep under the spell.

Cupid found her again, kissed Sleep from Psyche's face, and took her into his arms.

The awakened Psyche stretched out his arms to him, accepting this happy meeting.

Their two arms form a "∞" symbol.

As usual, Eugene followed Napoleon to Russia, and he was one of the people who persuaded Napoleon to leave Moscow on the day of the fire.

When the French entered Moscow, the fire did not ignite, but everyone in the city evacuated, so that the whole of Moscow was as silent as a dead city, except for the rumble of artillery vehicles moving slowly on the street.

It was a very grand city, it looked like a jewel box, and it was impossible for the Russians to abandon it no matter how they looked at it.

It doesn't matter who set the fire. Anyway, the Russians who migrated to St. Petersburg heard that Moscow was burned. They worried that St. Petersburg would suffer the same fate and decided to resist desperately.

People who are driven to a dead end often show amazing fighting power. Facing such an army, even the God of War has no choice but to retreat.

On the issue of the retreat route, the generals had different suggestions. Davout suggested to go south. Winter in Russia is coming, and the south may be warmer.

However, Napoleon decided to retreat westward to Smolensk along the way he came, stop and rest in the winter camp in Lithuania, and fight again in the spring of the following year.

He is a firm-willed person who refuses to give up easily, and this character has contributed to his success.

But the winter of that year was too cold. Even though the weather was fine at the beginning of the evacuation, the temperature dropped sharply on November 6, and heavy snow fell unexpectedly.

People's physical strength is different. Senior officers hope to reach Smolensk as soon as possible. They have horses and food is also guaranteed. The bottom soldiers rely on their own legs.

Later, even the cavalry killed their horses to feed their hunger and walked on their own legs. The line inevitably stretched out, and then some fell behind, and even the artillery began to collapse.

After all, people are not artificial machines, there is a limit.

Eel looks like a snake. According to the records in the Bible, it is not edible, but it is really delicious and very nutritious. This delicacy can be seen on the tables of many nobles, including "The Last Supper" " on the dining table.

The "heresy" of the Renaissance was probably like this. Da Vinci satirized it in this way, and Michelangelo painted Noah drunk on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

The father wants to be naked, but the son covers him with clothes, and the father who wakes up curses the son.

All in all, the eel is very suitable for forming a circle like a ouroboros, but the "column" at the top of Sirius' tattoo is not bendable. If the column of someone's house is tilted and twisted, the house is obviously uninhabitable, let alone Anglo-Saxon Man or the Germanic people never heard that they had the study of alchemy.

There are exceptions to everything. Lucius Malfoy, who was born as a Norman, knew that the Viking pirates robbed a lot of things in the Mediterranean Sea before, and there were rune annotations on many Greek and Egyptian murals.

In Hermetic alchemy, the representative symbol of mercury is a female symbol ♀ with a pair of horns, which looks like a demon with horns, and even the symbol of mercury is referred to as a snake.

Mercury was once used by Orientals to embalm corpses and to refine elixir, but this heavy metal is actually highly toxic.

Regarding the death of Napoleon Bonaparte, more people focused on whether he was murdered and who the murderer might be, but ignored the issue of his body being incorruptible.

After his death his body was dissected in the billiard room on St. Hena Island, which is similar to the mummification of ancient Egyptian pharaohs.

However, only dissection, without natron or other embalming treatments, the corpses stored in the tropics will not still be identifiable after 19 years.

If the British handed over an unrecognizable skeleton to the French, the French would not admit it. After all, the French at that time were no longer those who could pay for a drop of Jesus' blood, Maria's milk, and the saint's cloak. Those who have been bought at a high price to redeem themselves.

In the end, it happened to be an Englishman who dissected Napoleon's body.

At that time, Britain was as obsessed with Egyptian culture as the French, and British doctors also had the technology to make mummies.

Why are British doctors mummified? What's more, Napoleon was the emperor who established Catholicism as the belief of the majority. This pagan funeral method is extremely impolite.

Going back to the previous question, if the British handed over an unrecognizable skeleton to the French, the French would not admit it, unless the British doctor knew that the British-French alliance would need Napoleon's body as a bargaining chip in the future. It has been treated with anticorrosion.

Otherwise, it is the "murder theory". Napoleon Bonaparte was poisoned during his lifetime, and the heavy metals left in his body after his death played an antiseptic role. However, it is impossible for modern people to open the coffin for an autopsy, and DNA testing is not allowed. Whether the huge coffin placed in the church of Invalides is really Napoleon himself.

Although the Corsicans do not have the lily-like beauty like the angel Cupid, they have the classical beauty of the Greeks, and they can be very charming with a little dressing up. People with similar looks can still be found if you look hard. Tomb robbers can commit murder in order to obtain corpses dissected for medical schools. Who knows if they will impersonate and make a fake one? After all, there are no tattoos on his body for identification.

The pillar tattoo on Sirius' chest is much smaller than the other tattoos. Although the tattoo will be deformed by the stretching of the skin when the child grows up, the skin under the neck does not change much. The other tattoos on his body are bigger. A lot, that's what he got when he grew up.

As for the tattoo that looks like a long horn, it may be similar to mercury, adding horns to the female symbol, but it represents something completely different.

Hathor will turn into a cow. In the "delivery room" of the Oval Hall, Severus and Conseil saw a blood-red woman with the same tattoo on her chest. No matter how she looked, she didn't look like a goddess. , On the contrary, it looks like a demon.

The French used to be very barbaric, and they would pick the residue between their teeth with a knife. Cardinal Richelieu couldn't bear it, so he ordered the sharp knife to be rounded, and the French nobles began to have etiquette.

The Sun King Louis XIV deliberately used a luxurious lifestyle, which not only regulated the lifestyle of the princes and nobles, but also caused them to owe huge debts and had to obey the king's control.

Compared with the civilian kitchens that advocate minimalism, the ostentation of the Versailles court can be described as luxurious. Generally speaking, the king’s breakfast and lunch are relatively ordinary, and the dinner at 10 o’clock in the evening is the highlight. At least 300 people have to watch Louis XIV’s meal .

Not only that, the nobles also pay tribute to the king's tableware, the prince can have chairs to sit on, and princes and dukes can sit on stools, which is indeed much better than servants sitting on the ground in the Middle Ages.

The meal usually starts with jelly, followed by liqueur, various sweets, fruits, and then meat, pies, and vegetable soup. There are 40 dishes in a round, and there are 200 dishes in total. Of course, the king cannot finish it all by himself. , even if there is only a small bite of each dish.

Waste is shameful, not just wasting food, the princes and nobles of the Bourbon royal family spent their time and ingenuity on this aspect instead of improving the lives of ordinary people, and in the end the magnificent Bourbon dynasty also Buried in the wind of extravagance.

Immediately after Napoleon abdicated, he encountered a natural disaster and needed to use the grain reserves, which happened to expose the corruption of the First Empire. It would not have been a huge deficit in these granaries within a year after Louis XVIII took over.

Those bureaucrats could actually put the blame on the Corsican and his army, but he ran back from Elba once, who knows if he will come back a second time.

Although the emperor did not kill others like the impaler, he would not forgive the "tricksters". All the merchants who drove up the price of food would not end well in the hands of Napoleon. This kind of fear is not felt by women, because they are Women, the emperor longed for their love.

Just imagine, is there such a kind of woman in this world, she does not love handsome appearance, nor is she greedy for glory and wealth, just because she loves that man's excellent character?

If this former poor boy lost his character, would she still need to stay by his side for the sake of her not greedy glory and wealth?

Women, sometimes sympathy and the desire to save are unavoidable, and I feel that I can change a person.

In fact, when Napoleon abdicated for the second time, he was still unwilling. He gave his position to his own son Napoleon II. If that boy can grow up smoothly and find the treasure that was robbed in Moscow, maybe the world will be different Variety.

But with his death, Napoleon's "legitimate" direct descendants ended there, and his illegitimate son was deemed ineligible to inherit the throne. Logically speaking, his empire dream could end here.

But his nephew still wanted to dream. Napoleon III not only resumed a luxurious lifestyle, but also continued his uncle's dream of transforming Paris. As a relative, Napoleon III would certainly commemorate Napoleon I as a saint, but he didn't dare to do it so blatantly. The Church of St. Francis Xavier was built by Ottoman during the urban reconstruction. That church is on the extension line of the Invalides Mausoleum.

On the stained windows of this church, there are two portraits of a man and a woman on the side corridor of the church. They are facing each other. The patron saint and Benadette are both dressed in tombs and look very equal.

As a family cemetery, women's tombs should indeed be reserved. The male soldiers who lived in the Invalides before were all buried with men, including the "young eagle" little Roman king.

The women's graves are still outside, and are also for Bonaparte's female relatives, such as Napoleon's mother, sisters and for Josephine or Marie Louise.

The Duke of Sade who wrote the novel once abducted a sister-in-law who was a nun, causing his wife to break up with him, and his mother-in-law got a king's wanted warrant.

There are books about nuns' love affairs in the forbidden books. Think about it, no matter how beautiful a nun is, she is still a nun. She needs to be respected and cannot be coveted.

Originally, the Marquis de Sade should be executed immediately after arrest, but his death sentence was canceled because of his privilege.

In 1784, he was going to escape from prison, but he was captured and sent to the Bastille, which had better conditions.

In addition to his lack of freedom, his furniture and food are of noble class, but in 1789 he was yelling and screaming. After the Bastille was breached, he was imprisoned in an insane asylum.

Inscribed on the rose wire in the church of St. Hypiers: You can only go so far.

It is actually inappropriate for the young and beautiful Benadette’s tomb to be placed in the St. Francis Xavier Church. It should be replaced by an old nun like Mother Teresa, so that some people will not be as cranky as mental patients.

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