Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1803 up your alley (twelve)

If Grindelwald's fire at the Pere Lachaise cemetery had not been stopped by Nicolas, Paris would have suffered the same thing as Moscow, or even worse. At least the people of Moscow had already evacuated beforehand, and there were still many people in Paris, all of whom would become victims of the magic flame.

Although Moscow was lost, the Russians still won the Great Patriotic War, and this alone is better than Napoleon III.

Not only that, the so-called "Versailles elements" also aimed their guns at their own civilians. In the end, the Paris Commune directly ignited the Tuileries Palace. The fire even almost ignited the Louvre Museum, burning the treasures inside.

Things that are gone can still be rebuilt, houses that are gone can still be rebuilt. When everyone loses everything in wars and natural disasters, no one feels unbalanced.

It was like this when London was bombed by German planes in the past. People who came out of the air-raid shelter saw ruins.

That scene is not something you can usually see, and it is enough to brag to future generations who have never seen war for a lifetime.

Sirius once bragged about his experience to Harry, and as the only prisoner who has successfully escaped from Azkaban so far, he really has the right to show off.

But for a long time people thought it was because he was an Animagus, fooling the dementors with his dog look, and no one thought about his tattoos.

Perhaps it was because of the blessing of the gods that Sirius successfully swam through the icy waters of the North Sea, instead of freezing to death like Jack on the Titanic due to hypothermia.

In addition to the scenes full of visual impact, watching how people in disasters use their wisdom to avoid disasters and rescue those affected can also give audiences a sense of satisfaction.

Mother Teresa said that we think of poverty as hunger, nakedness, and lack of housing, but the greatest poverty is being unneeded, unloved, and uncared for.

Helpers feel a sense of being needed the moment they reach out to help others.

People in the world desire love and recognition more than desire for food. As long as this aspect is satisfied, even if you can't eat delicious food, or even go hungry occasionally, it is not unbearable.

Mental power can be a powerful drive, but it is not unlimited.

After the fire, there were still a few opera houses left in Moscow. Napoleon let actors perform operas in them to make up for the lack of supplies. However, this kind of spiritual food cannot be eaten as real food, and retreat is the only solution.

Where should we go? West or South?

Going south seems to be safe, but the Russians may set up ambushes along the way. The road going west seems safer, at least once, but when Napoleon was predicting the Russians' movements, the Russians were also predicting their movements. Judging Napoleon's movements, neither of the warring parties is the kind of muddleheaded, weak and incompetent leader.

No matter how smart, gifted, and far-sighted a person is, they cannot see through everything like a god. Bonaparte chose an old path that he seemed to be safe, instead of the new path that was full of unknowns and uncertainties, and somewhat radical and adventurous.

Also now Severus has also encountered a difficult choice. Compared with the headache of Sirius Black, Severus now has 5 items in his hand, the mass bell, the onyx wine glass, the red wine knife, the golden stove and the incense boat, plus the gold cubit that Suzanne wore on her wrist.

The places they are going to include the Bois de Boulogne, the Bit-Chaumont Park, the Vincennes Park, the Montsouris Park, the Great Seal Park and the Fountain of Innocence in Luxembourg.

These things should have a placement order, and there should be some tricks. In the beginning, they found those buildings on the map with the idea of ​​cracking Nick Flamel's plan to save Paris.

There is one Fountain of Michael, two in the Place de la Concorde, one in the Fountain of Hybiers, and two in the Library of Richelieu.

There is only one Four Rivers fountain in front of the Richelieu Library, but there is more than one fountain in the National Seal Park.

The Great Seal Park was built by the new Chancellor of the Exchequer of the Sun King Louis XIV, and is much smaller than his predecessor.

The Minister of the Great Seal was a very important position in the feudal dynasty. When Louis XVI held the third-level meeting, the Minister of the Great Seal was in charge of it.

This should be enough, and there is no need to go to the Church of St. Francis Xavier to continue exploring. However, there is a huge and complex underground space under the Church of St. Xu Biersi, and even the underground of the beach square has something hidden.

At that time, I found the Xavier Church through the mirror that was good at finding things. I didn’t find any real things in that church, but I found some intangible information. It is precisely because there is nothing there, that is, no bones of saints, and no holy things like the crown of thorns, not even the rose thread, that the church is not very popular.

To attract people, it must be unique. Even Guoxi Park has a lot of cherry blossoms in full bloom every spring.

Unneeded, uncared for, as if forgotten by the world, only careful people will notice it.

It is gold that will always shine, but the premise is that the gold will meet the person who dug it out of the ground.

As an Italian, Bonaparte has this vision, but he didn't focus on this aspect. Instead, he looked like a Roman conqueror, leading the French to fight all over the world.

The aristocracy is responsible for creating fashion, the common people are responsible for following the trend, and the fashion of the aristocrats is led by the king and the royal family.

After the Napoleonic era, European princes no longer wore gorgeous dresses to formal occasions, but straight uniforms.

Earlier, the male aristocrats of the Bourbon dynasty actually tied bows and put powder on their faces. Did they look reliable?

So men in satins and wigs, not to mention whether they can cross the Alps, cross the arid North African desert, and whether they can move outside the garden are all questions.

If he meets a robber while walking on the street, can he protect the lady next to him?

The Franks in the Middle Ages can guarantee this, and they can draw their swords to resist robbers in the forest.

It became the way Louis XIV ruled it later, and he packed those brutal and rude nobles into the pocket of etiquette so that they would not rebel against him with the Fronde.

To do this, you need the help of others, and Cardinal Richelieu and Mazarin have contributed a lot.

A long time ago, wizards, like priests, could act as advisors to the king, but wizards and priests are different.

Richelieu and Mazarin often said a word: raison d'etat, for the country's standpoint.

The two cardinals were on the side of France, not the Church.

While the Inquisitions in other countries persecuted witches, Louis XIV retracted the charges of witchcraft.

They weakened the feudal power of the nobles, demolished the outer walls of the castle and the stud farm, so that the nobles could not rely on the strong defense of the castle as in the past, and organized cavalry to rebel against the king.

The cardinals are French first, then cardinals.

The disintegration of the French feudal system originated from its own reforms, not passive disintegration under the influence of external forces.

It's just disintegration, not destruction. Absolute monarchy and feudalism are not the same thing.

An autocratic monarchy necessarily implements centralization, but centralization does not necessarily require an autocratic monarchy. Napoleon loved power very much. After the constitutional monarchy, the legislative power should be in the Congress, not in the hands of the monarch. The second article of the U.S. Constitution is the product of the compromise between the royalists and the Whigs. After becoming emperor, Bonaparte couldn't wait to take back the legislative power, which is quite excessive.

As Montesquieu said, the three powers must be separated, and the administration and the judiciary cannot be mixed together.

He is the one who appoints the judge, and he is also the one who makes the law. The judge is equivalent to a "robot". The judgment is not based on justice and morality, but according to the emperor's will. Political prisoners who are dissatisfied with his dictatorship will be sent to the madhouse.

Being self-willed is a bad habit. Wizards are not like priests. Although priests and wizards do not pay taxes, wizards will not stand on the side of the country. If something happens, Animagus can escape from prison at any time and sit on the cauldron like a croaking rabbit Across the ocean to neighboring countries.

The roots of priests are here, and their families and property are all in the Muggle world. The wizards before the French Revolution were like them. Later, they also followed the system of the British Ministry of Magic and isolated themselves from Muggles.

Even if the guillotine is more efficient than the axe, it is a tool for death.

It is even more difficult for wizards to give birth than Muggles, and a family with one child can't afford "spend".

Religion has a kind of alternating rise and fall in people's hearts, just like the length of a girl's skirt, the stricter the control, the more she wants to shorten the skirt, and when the streets are full of hooligans whistling at girls, they lengthen their skirts by themselves up.

The longer it is suppressed, the more people will revel when the confinement is lifted.

It's just that the dictator Bonaparte encountered natural disasters immediately after he abdicated, and people didn't have time to cheer because of a series of problems.

Ignorance is the mother of piety, how much do the pious believers who attend every Mass delve into theological questions?

They follow the good thoughts in their hearts and don't need so many messy theories. They are doers, not theorists.

It is said in Exodus: They are neither completely without merit, nor are they completely clean.

Just like the sheep on the mountain, the wool is not white and clean, and there is no need to wash them all.

As for "purifying" with fire like Grindelwald, it is even less advisable. Rita Lestrange, who would have met his pure-blood criteria, was "destroyed" for defying him. I can't believe that Albus Dumbledore was once lovers with him.

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