Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1801 up your alley (ten)

Tattoos, scars from the wizarding world have meaning, such as the Death Eater tattoo, and the lightning scar on Harry Potter's forehead, which are all associated with Voldemort.

Sirius Black is the eldest son of the Black family. With the family property and status of the Black family at that time, it is natural to cast a spell to protect him as the heir. However, not all pure-blood families have this rule. Draco Malfoy No, and compared with Bella, Naxisha pays more attention to lady education than magic education. She doesn't know the details. Probably the main meaning of this rune is defense and protection. It is similar to the amulet used to exorcise evil spirits, and it does not have offensive Sexual black magic.

In addition to being used to record text, runes are also used in magic circles. The symbol "Feng" representing the pillar at the top of Sirius' tattoo is Phoenician, and it was also added by Walburga first. ,, are runes from three different periods and regions. Represents the gods, shields, and eels.

And located in the very center of his chest, it looks like a horn-shaped symbol. In the Anglo-Saxon runes, the dream knot runes can be divided into and. The horn-shaped symbol may be a combined symbol. As for what symbols are composed of Even Naxisha, Walburga did not tell her.

If in the way of Horus alchemy, the operation of energy is bottom-up, what kind of combination are eels, shields, and gods?

Not to mention that the alchemy of Horus runs along the spine, while the tattoo of Sirius is located on the chest.

The meaning and purpose of these alchemical texts are unclear, at least they did not protect Sirius from the Avada Kedavra Curse.

However, Sirius Black is the only prisoner who has escaped the Dementor and successfully escaped from Azkaban so far.

It is forbidden to refine the human body. Flesh and flesh are not stones, and cannot be deleted according to human aesthetics, especially the facial features. In the East, there is physiognomy, and physiognomists can use faces to predict the future of fortune-tellers.

The ancient emperors all emphasized that they were "ordered by heaven" by having an unusual face. This is similar to the Western kings and emperors who deliberately touched the sick, but the king was fine with the severe infectious disease that everyone else would be infected. This is not What is the proof that he is different from the crowd?

Louis XIV died of gangrene, Louis XV died of smallpox, and what Napoleon touched was the lump of the Black Death. The fatality rate of the Black Death was much higher than that of smallpox. At this time, it is useless to be handsome, tall, and strong. Anyway, as long as it falls down, the soft and fresh skin will soon turn green of death. The same bones in the Catacombs of Paris.

If comets and volcanic eruptions were coincidences, what about the "miracle" that the body didn't rot?

Even if the global temperature dropped due to the Little Ice Age and volcanic eruptions, Bonaparte's body should have rotted if he was buried on a "tropical" island. Bonaparte is definitely not a pure nun like Bernadette, nor is he a patron saint like Saint Francis Xavier.

With these two people for comparison, James Potter is suddenly a normal human being.

The Mongols were a different form of "natural disaster" that afflicted both the East and the West. Genghis Khan led his sons to establish a vast Mongolian Empire. After his death, this empire was inherited by his four sons, namely the Golden Horde, Chagatai Khanate, and Wokuotai Khan. The country is united with the Ilkhanate.

The rulers of these four Khanates all came from Genghis Khan's "golden family" in blood, and they are connected by blood. Therefore, the Yuan Dynasty, which was enshrined in the Central Plains, was the suzerain state, but in fact they were four independent countries, connected with the post roads of the Yuan Dynasty , but border conflicts often broke out.

The Mongols are very smart and have military literacy, but they don't know how to govern the country. The Yuan Dynasty only lasted for less than a hundred years and ended.

The Golden Horde lasted for more than two hundred years. Russian historians have conducted research on its collapse, and they generally believe that it was caused by the establishment of the Kazan Khanate.

Rousseau once asked, why are we citizens who think we are civilized countries conquered by those barbarians?

He divided human beings into the natural state and the social state. People in the natural state have lived in harsh climate conditions for a long time since the beginning of the year, have to endure fatigue, and have to fight fierce beasts in order to protect themselves and food. Human children are born with excellent physiques inherited from their parents, and they are constantly honed in the environment that endows them with such physiques, thus acquiring the unique ability of human beings to survive.

The only tool primitives understood and could master was their bodies, and they could not make sophisticated machines. Hobbes believed that human beings are naturally brave and competitive, while Montesquieu's scholars believed that there is nothing more docile and timid than primitive people. They would be frightened by any novelty and run away because Man in his natural state acquires so little knowledge that he cannot tell whether the affairs before him are beneficial or harmful to him. Their first thought was how to preserve their own life, so he must have been extremely cowardly.

When the Greeks attacked Troy, they made huge wooden horses. The Trojans had never seen a wooden horse before. They still ignored Laocoon's warning and brought the wooden horse into the city, and even demolished the city gate.

The Trojans had their own civilization and cities, they belonged to social humans, and social humans were so bold that their negligence led to the destruction of the country. If, in order to avoid the repetition of this question, civilized people become cautious, isn't it as cowardly as Montesquieu said that primitive people first thought of saving their own lives?

A sealing point of a circle, everything coincides with the beginning again.

As several tribes in the Golden Horde communicated with other civilizations, they became rich. Among them, Crimea and Burial, who were the richest and more civilized than other regions, left the Golden Horde. The establishment of the Rimu Khanate and the Kazan Khanate represented the complete transformation of the Golden Horde into a nomadic country.

Although the grassland looks green, the grass actually grows on the barren loess. There are many theories about the formation of loess. Some people think that it is caused by ice water erosion, while others think that it is caused by atmospheric dust fall.

All in all, Asia is getting drier, grasslands are becoming deserted due to drought, and sandstorms are becoming more frequent than ever.

It was winter when Napoleon retreated. Although there were no sandstorms, there were blizzards, which could also hinder people's sight.

In that case, it is unwise to separate troops to collect food. The Cossack cavalry are hunters on the grassland. They are more familiar with the terrain than the French who came from afar.

The biggest problem for the expeditionary force was supplies. Napoleon wanted to make a quick decision, so he mobilized so many troops and attacked in an overwhelming manner, trying to make the Tsar succumb out of fear.

In the second year of the establishment of the Kazan Khanate, the Khan who established the Kazan Khanate burned Moscow, which caused considerable damage to the Principality of Moscow.

Ivan I Danilovich obtained the title of Vladimir Grand Duke from the Golden Horde Khan through bribery, and moved the Orthodox Rus Diocese Archbishop from Vladimir to Moscow.

The Principality of Moscow also ended the state of feudal separatism as soon as possible, and achieved prosperity and strength. And gradually formed the Russian Empire with the Principality of Moscow as the core, replacing the original Golden Horde.

In ancient Carthage there were two famous generals, Scipio and Hannibal, who had similar backgrounds but different personalities.

When the Carthaginians felt that Hannibal was no longer needed to threaten Rome, the Senate became dissatisfied with Hannibal's dictatorship. The attitude towards Hannibal caused a split in the Senate. Was it Rome or Hannibal that troubled the Carthaginian nobles?

The fate of Carthage, as well as that of Hannibal, was determined by his countrymen.

Voltaire said that when we believe the absurd, we commit atrocities.

Humans have become less violent than people at the end of the 18th century, at least the guillotine thing has been removed.

Madame Roland, the core figure of the Girondins, left a last word when she went to the guillotine: Liberty, how many crimes have been committed in your name!

Napoleon, who lost his freedom and became a prisoner, could only ask the 15-year-old British girl very angrily, who burned Moscow down?

When a man like him got angry, even Shehei trembled with fear, and that was when he was young.

After more than ten years, the smell of blood on his body has become stronger. Who would treat such a terrible person as an ordinary loser?

It is cruel to underestimate the opponent's fate.

This is a lesson learned by many people, otherwise the reversal that occurs at any time will catch you off guard.

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