Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1793 up your alley (2)

Severus first found Felix at the bar.

A 13-year-old kid, dressed for a dinner party, was sitting in a high chair about his height drinking Coke through a straw.

The "big sisters" around might think that his appearance is very funny, so they took out their cameras to take a photo with him, but this kid showed a greasy smile that didn't match his age.

Head Slytherin saw it too, and patted Felix on the back of the head easily.

"Who are you?" Felix asked angrily.

"You should call me 'sir'." Severus said grimly. "Where's your father?"

"Over there." Felix pointed to the dance floor, and in the dim and constantly changing colored lights, the three found Felix's father Haji, but instead of dancing, he grabbed a young man by the collar, very He was so "skilled" that he took him to the edge of the arena and handed over the "chicken" in his hand to the security guard.

He was followed by Bruni and Monica, so Severus lifted Felix from the high chair and walked over together.

They were still arguing when they arrived, but the aggressive "chicken" subsided as soon as he saw Susanna, and judging from his body movements, he seemed to want to run away like the young people just now.

"What trouble has he gotten into again?" Susannah asked, staring at the young man.

"He wants to change his partner." Haji pointed to Bruni and said, "This kid doesn't want to."

"Is your old partner not good enough?" Suzanne looked around. "Where is she?"

"He didn't follow," Haji said.

Susannah looked at the young man with surprise.

"He's not my dance partner." The young man immediately explained "We just come together..."

"Where's the supermodel from last time, you broke up?" Suzanne interrupted the young man.

"This is privacy!" The young man replied after hesitating for a long time.

"I heard from your grandfather that you don't even want to stand up and pass the bread basket at home." Suzanne said with a sneer. "Now your feet are moving very fast."

"I'm here for a bachelor party," pleaded the young man. "We can't bring girls."

"Then why do you harass other girls?" Suzanne asked aggressively.

The young man began to falter again.

"Are you finished?" Monica asked Alessandro, "Then let's go."

"Are you going to come with us, or continue to teach him?" Severus asked.

"Don't drink and drive!" Susannah warned.

"Go this way." The security guard took the lead and led them to the back door. A group of people were smoking outside the door, filling the whole alley with a choking smoke.

"Give me a cigarette." Susannah held out her hand to Severus.

Severus produced the silver cigarette case and offered Susannah a cigarette.

"I'm very angry." Suzanne said after calming down for a while, "but there is no other way but to tell his parents, no one except us inside, no one takes the empty prince title seriously anymore, everyone You know, money is everything, it's just that nobody says it."

"I've heard of it," Severus said, "but I think there are other things that are more precious than four-hundred-foot apartments, limousines and beach houses."

"Like what?"

"Sometimes, poverty can make your dignity trampled underfoot, and money will make you pick up the dignity that has been trampled on, which makes many people think that money is a good thing." Severus said.

Alessandro suddenly laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Monica asked strangely, staring at his face.

"But someone told me that making yourself stronger is the best response to insults. Wherever there are people, there are controversies, insults, and sometimes we hear words that hurt our dignity. You know, getting angry and insulting is the stupidest response. "

"How do you fight back?" Susannah asked.

"Do you remember who I was?" Severus asked.

"Oh..." Suzanne suddenly realized.

"For insignificant people and things, we can choose to be patient and remember to be graceful." Severus scholar Lucius said in a long tone, "There are many people who want to live a noble and happy life , but I don’t know where the nobility and happiness come from. Money doesn’t bring power to people, but it can make people domineering and arrogant. Your ability, attitude, ambition, and means are the key to determine your destiny.”

"Did I stop the Dark Lord of England's speech just now?" Susannah asked.

Severus was silent.

"I still don't understand, how do I fight back?" Bruni asked.

"Avada Kedavra." Monica said with a pale face, "That's the Unforgivable Curse."

"What?" Bruni asked confusedly, "What is the Unforgivable Curse?"

"Take us there!" Monica said angrily, pushing Bruni out of the alley.

"Do you think she found out?" Lucius Malfoy asked.

"Maybe," Severus said. "She couldn't even look you in the eye."

"Then do you think she can be trusted?"

"She's a smart girl," Severus said. "Let's go."

This bar is not far from Montsouris Park, you can walk there, and the entrance to the catacombs is not in the park, they follow Bruni, walk along the railway, and finally hide in a tree shade Stop in front of the rear stone arch.

It is very quiet here, so you can hear the music coming from the cave.

"Those people are holding parties here." Bruni turned around and said triumphantly to everyone.

"Who?" Monica asked.

"Strange people." Bruni said after thinking for a while, "They will perform a little magic trick, and the ashes left by the burning roses will turn into roses again."

"Do you find it funny?" Alejandro asked Monica.

"Boring." Monica said listlessly, "Let's go."

"Who am I following?" Hadji asked.

"You follow them," Severus said. "You did a good job just now."

Haji smiled and followed into the cave.

When everyone had gone in, only Suzanne was left standing at the door.

"If you don't want to go in..."

"My father is a conductor." Suzanne looked forward and said, "He once gave me this analogy. After joining the symphony orchestra, I can play the violin. In this team, there are others who play the violin like me. I You can’t perform like a solo, you have to follow the baton like everyone else.”

Severus didn't speak.

"Many people don't understand what the meaning of the existence of a conductor is." Suzanne said, "Although the musicians have practiced many times, we can't hear the sound of our own instruments when we perform in the orchestra. In order to let our own When the sound is heard, we will blow the trumpets loudly, hammer the drums heavily, and pull the qin loudly, so that the composition is not a harmonious symphony. The conductor will tell us who should play the soft voice and who should play the soft voice. It should be louder, in the collective we must be united and loyal, and such men will form and maintain a nation."

"I'm listening," Severus said.

"When I play the violin solo, I can perform as I want, and I am free at that time." Suzanne said, "One evening, I don't know which day, the emperor was walking alone, and he listened to the music in nature." When it comes to the bell, I think that's his job."

"Sounds like he's doing a great job," Severus said dryly.

"Can you forget it?" Susannah said "I can..."

"Some people say that intelligence is what distinguishes people from animals." Severus interrupted Susannah again, "but Rousseau said that self-esteem is what distinguishes people from animals, and I agree with him."

After speaking, he entered the cave.

I actually prefer the smaller one

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