Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1792 up your alley (1)

According to Rockefeller's letter to his son: to find a good reason for competition, it is best to compete in the name of God.

In his view, Standard Oil Company is based on faith. If someone criticizes Rockefeller's practice for destroying the oil market, he will be very angry and say, "This is not destruction or destruction, but it is completely out of good intentions. It's God's will, it's holy."

In fact, the Crusades were also to solve the problem of the second sons of the nobles, because the eldest son inherited everything from the father, and the continued stay of the second sons of the nobles in Western Europe would intensify social conflicts.

Everyone is well aware of this point. Protection of pilgrims and salvation are just a "good excuse". Sanctification can make converts believe that they are far from evil, and can face pagans with a calm and fearless heart.

During the Reformation, Protestants could belittle the dark age caused by Catholicism, but it is fair to say that the Renaissance did not just pop out.

The tolerance of the church has given artists more freedom to create, just like a merciful father who opened his arms and accepted the prodigal son who returned from a long journey.

Commercialized Europe and Christianized Europe are not one world, although they are both situated on one land.

While many ordinary people are proud of not believing in God, those families from the ancient territories still live around the church and their moral standards established in the middle ages.

It is true that chivalry requires bravery, humility, perseverance, loyalty, honor, and honesty, but those who are cultivated according to this standard will die early, and this idealized chivalrous moral standard cannot take root in various families at all.

It takes at least three generations to cultivate an aristocrat. The first generation is an upstart, whether it is the Wall Street bear Jesse who made his fortune by speculating in stocks, or Napoleon Bonaparte who climbed up by political means, or the Those who make a fortune by digging for gold often still have some vulgar habits in them, which need to be imitated to become decent people.

In the second generation, in addition to the extravagance of future generations, they also have to face Berlin's law. The biggest obstacle to success is not failure, but continuous success. If something is successfully completed, people will program it: experience-rule-continue. Once you get used to a certain path of success, it is difficult to go Try another path.

For enterprises, the behavior of the market and consumers is constantly changing. If the enterprise still insists on going its own way, even some well-known enterprises that are very flexible and customer-oriented at the beginning will find it difficult to criticize or challenge their past successful experience, so they Gradually lost sensitivity and adaptability, and became a victim of the times. The tricks that the first generation of upstarts can use no longer work in the new era. At this time, business becomes difficult. If there is no transformation, it will be difficult to get rid of the fate of bankruptcy.

For example, Danone Group, their first generation started as a glass bottle, and later transformed into a food giant, and even became the world's number one drinking water producer.

There is no doubt that tap water is also drinkable, why do people spend money on mineral water?

Near the beautiful Alps, there is a circular, sapphire-like Lake Leman. There is a small town named Evian by the lake. Voltaire, Byron and other celebrities have lingered by the lake.

As long as people have spare money in their hands, they will find ways to improve their quality of life without stimulation. Drinking this kind of mineral water with physical therapy will make you feel younger, and it is especially suitable for mothers and babies. Cooking food with it is also Tastes better than regular tap water.

Pepsi is also targeting young people. Drinks with a lot of sugar are not healthy, and drinking too much is not good. But in the hot summer, the feeling of sweating profusely when you drink it for the first time is not to mention how comfortable it is.

Coke can be said to be the representative of the American dream and one of the symbols of American culture. A bucket of popcorn, a bottle of iced Coke, and a Hollywood blockbuster make up the summer vacation of young people.

Hey, can't I go to the Alps? Go to drink local clean mineral water, and visit the water source and production workshop of the mineral water factory by the way.

Underneath the superficial commercial competition is cultural competition, which represents two completely different life concepts and styles. High interests can never be sustainable, or can high interests promote continuous progress? To be healthy or to be successful?

Even if some people want to take the route of sustainable development, they may face the fate of being suppressed and acquired when encountering companies that seek short-term benefits and occupy an absolute advantage. What "long-term" is there after being acquired?

The advantage of the first-generation nouveau riche is that they saw business opportunities that no one else saw, and occupied an almost blank market. When he does it himself and makes a fortune, other people will also take part in the competition if they see this business opportunity. If the first generation still uses empiricism and their own subjective understanding of the world, they even hope to use their own successful experience and influence to make the world a reality. It would be nothing more than a daydream for the changed world to return to what it was in their time.

At this time, the competition is the resilience of the second generation and the contacts he has accumulated. Usually, the parents of the first-generation nouveau riche will send their children to noble schools to receive noble education, imitating and learning noble etiquette.

Aristocratic etiquette is not beneficial to company management. It is better to let the heirs start from the grassroots. The nobles also know this. Marrying "money bags" allows those nobles who despise money to start working in finance, emerging technologies, film and television industries, bankers, In industries such as art dealers, they even deliberately send their children to ordinary schools so that they can establish prestige among ordinary children.

The biggest prejudice of the common people against the nobles is their origin. If noble children work harder than them and have a greater sense of social responsibility, then they have nothing to say. This is also the way of American elite education. Those commoner children lose until they cry.

No matter what method is used, the "threshold" of not being rich for three generations has just passed until the third generation has survived, but this kind of new aristocracy is still far behind the old aristocrats.

Are there any celebrities like Montesquieu in your family? Or which king's minister? Those who do not have these "family histories" will be marginalized. At this time, there will be a kind of people who compile the genealogy and can link your family's surname with a famous family. Appearing in social situations, you can make up an "earth-shattering" story about what your family was like in the past, and then your family fell into disarray for some reason, and it's only now that things turn around. Although your grandparents are no longer active in the upper class, you still have family traditions. At this time, the results of the etiquette teacher's teaching will come in handy, so you have transformed into a nobleman who was born noble.

This is just the beginning. It is not uncommon for the big nobles to bully the small nobles. It is like the patriarch of the Lestrange family who robbed Yousef Karma's mother. But nobles of the same level can fight duels, and husbands who have lost their wives can also conspire with the revolutionary party to overthrow the king. It is rare for Yusef Kama’s father to entrust the task of revenge to his son, which is why Rita Lestrange would be a scandal in Anglo-French society.

After the French Revolution, the privileges of the nobles were legally destroyed, and their titles, family emblems, orders of knights, and medals were cancelled. This aroused a wave of anger among the nobles. The privilege expresses enthusiasm.

Maybe they didn't realize that without this legal "foundation", anyone can pretend to be an aristocrat, and no one will pursue his legal responsibility anyway.

The old aristocrats had weak legal awareness. They were used to asking the king to get amnesty. It is not groundless that people who offend the nobles can be locked up by handing a small note to the Bastille. But it was the feudal era, and Napoleon restored The noble titles, family emblems, and knightly order medals were removed, but the immunity of nobles was not restored. Nobles would be punished for breaking the law. In a sense, "everyone is equal before the law" in the "Declaration of Human Rights".

Napoleon amended the constitution but did not regard the constitution as nothing. He still had to abide by it. Charles X abolished the constitution and restored aristocratic politics and privileges. At this time, the French people quit. In the end, Charles X was kicked out of France and died abroad. After his death, he was not welcomed back to Paris like Napoleon.

Without a "foundation", in order to stabilize their precarious status, the nobles spend a lot of money every year to hold various activities, such as charity and cultural activities.

Imagine that the bride's well-prepared wedding is for her own limelight, but the bridesmaid dresses up more brilliantly than the bride, attracting everyone's attention, including the groom. Will the bride like that bridesmaid?

Or, this lady, are you here to mess things up?

It is understandable that celebrities rely on exposure to make a living, but how can an "old aunt" steal the limelight at other people's coming-of-age ceremonies with young boys and girls who have just grown up?

A little girl wants to wear a dress from a top designer on the day she becomes an adult, but the designer lent it to the "old aunt". How confident should she be?

It's impolite to refuse such guests, and if you don't refuse guests and don't know what you should do, it will be a troublesome thing if they cry in newspapers and media.

The aristocracy is gone, no doubt, but they are protected by their genealogy, while the "new rich" rely on money to protect their social status, and although their long-standing contempt for the upstart has faded, the aristocracy and the "new rich" have Differences will always exist, even if they are "dancing" together on a nightclub dance floor at the moment.

Singing on the stage was a rock band, they sang an "old song" under colorful lights, and the lead singer would hold a microphone from time to time to interact with the young people in the audience.

Midnight getting uptight where are you?

You said you'd meet me

now it's quarter to two

I know i'm hangin' but i'm still wantin' you

Hey jack it's a fact they're talkin' in town

I turn my back and you're messin' around

I'm not really jealous don't like lookin' like a clown

I think of you ev'ry night and day

You took my heart then you took my pride away

I hate myself for loving you

Can't break free from the things that you do

I wanna walk but i run back to you

that's why i hate myself for loving you

Daylight spent the night without you

But i've been dreamin' 'bout the lovin' you do

I won't be as angry 'bout the hell you put me through

Hey man bet you can treat me right

You just don't know what you was missin' last night

I wanna see your face and say forget it just from spite

It was not easy to find Monica and Bruni among so many people. Severus, Susannah, and Lucius, who was disguised as Alessandro, shuttled among these young people. The young man recognized Suzanne, and they left quietly while Suzanne was not paying attention.

They probably thought that the people from the Noble Association had come to arrest them again.

Family rejuvenation and inheritance of the family business do not require heirs who "fall into the bad camp" and associate with "unknown origins". These young people are "good boys" until they get their share of the family business.

The table next to them was a group of young women who were chatting about the private matters of the female head of a cosmetics group. She became a "couple" with a photographer who was 25 years younger than her.

The old woman was deaf and mentally handicapped, and her daughter, housekeeper, and servants all suspected that the young photographer was manipulating her.

No matter how old a woman is, she hopes to be praised and be the focus of everyone.

He helped her choose lipstick and clothes so that she looked at least twenty years younger and more fashionable than her daughter. She liked that young man, and even made the only daughter doubt the extent to which her mother wanted to change her will.

Because the mother's health prevented her from socializing, her "little boyfriend" couldn't be seen in public, and the daughter was free to spread rumors that the man was planning to have him adopted by the matriarch.

People at the other table were celebrating. The rich people now love cultural sponsorship, building museums, repairing places of interest and so on. Francois, the head of Gucci, lost in the competition with Louis Vuitton's artwork.

He wanted to use the formerly abandoned Renault factory as an art museum, but the authorities couldn't approve it. He went to Venice in a fit of anger and opened his own contemporary art museum in Palazzo Gracia.

Before he left, he complained in the newspaper about the slowness of the authorities, which made him lose his patience. After he left, Paris will be the territory of Louis Vuitton in the future. Not only will there be a contemporary art museum funded by Louis Vuitton, but there will also be a children's playground .

The "upstarts" had no training in classical painting, nor did they have any interest in it.

Contemporary art is only controlled by market rules and marketing, and the best way to become famous is to find a large group like Louis Vuitton to fund a solo exhibition for an artist.

As the artist becomes more and more famous, the group with a large number of works by the artist will also have more and more assets. All in all, it is a matter of win-win cooperation, and the artistic value and aesthetic value of those works are not important.

These works have a characteristic, that is, the culture is popularized, and those accepted by the public are of course good works.

This method can achieve short-term profits, which is in line with the mentality of speculators. He wants to earn back the cost he invested as soon as possible.

For these groups that rely on speculating on women's psychology, they certainly know what women like. Anyway, people who see the exhibition will definitely say "good-looking".

The French have always been inferior to the Americans in terms of pop culture, you can tell by listening to their "pop songs", but they are good at marketing elite culture, and speaking French is a necessary skill for nobles, anyway Lucius Malfoy can speak it.

"I told you a long time ago, don't learn German! It's more useful to learn French!" Amidst the loud music, Lucius shouted.

Severus ignored Lucius.

His gloomy face seemed to say that he couldn't wait to leave this smoky place as soon as possible.

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