Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1794 up your alley (3)

In Jane Austen's novel "Pride and Prejudice", the heroines are always urged to find husbands all over the world.

This is because according to property rights at the end of the 18th century, after the death of a father, his estate will be transferred to other male cousins ​​of the same generation, and women have no inheritance and usufruct rights.

This means that they will be evicted from their homes. This shows how trans-epochal the "Married Women's Property Protection Act" in 1882, which equated women with furniture, gave them at least the right not to be evicted from their homes. progress.

If Suzanne had no trust, then even if she was a descendant of Napoleon, she would still have to find a husband for herself, but she would definitely not find a squire like Mr. Bennet as a groom.

In Paris there is an agricultural club composed of squires. The children of the great nobles have nicknamed them the "Sweet Potato Club". The standard of the invisible rich.

It's just that the French have always looked down on farmers a little bit, as if there are all rural areas except Paris.

To say that the conditions in Africa are worse than those in the countryside, but the "princess" went hunting, and suddenly changed her mood and attitude, and the harsh environment became more tolerable.

Secret trusts were originally designed for women, because they would always listen to the bait of priests and donate money to the church. But when the "sweet potatoes" fell into the hands of this lioness, it was hard to say who controlled whom.

She said that she was interested in Count Leroy, but she didn't know how much she was interested.

Well, a rich woman, and a rich woman who still has charm, how many men don't love her?

If a "little boyfriend" wants to buy a boat, the process can refer to how the "little girlfriend" acts like a baby to buy jewelry. Things that ordinary people can't afford in their lifetime can easily be obtained.

But if she just said it casually, Severus and Lucius said that he leaked the word to him, causing unnecessary misunderstandings, and it would be embarrassing in the future.

Conseil actually wanted to challenge the impossible—a half-blood veela, this kind of female goblin is unbearable for most people. The founder of the school, Salazar Slytherin, said that Muggle-born and half-blood veela were forbidden. The veela went to the school of magic, but Albus Dumbledore not only put the veela hybrid in, but also let the werewolf into the school. The former school manager was very angry when he mentioned this matter. If it is unruly, Gryffindor is the most unruly.

It’s just that the Dark Lord used too many Unforgivable Curses, and touched too many taboos. Later, he didn’t keep in mind “always be graceful”. When he was in a bad mood, he used the Avada Kedavra Curse to face such emotions. Even the transformed master, the "servants" are also frightened to serve.

Although many years ago, the remains of the Cemetery of the Holy Child were transferred to the mines near Montsouris, but now they are gone. There is no catacombs in the city center full of bones, and you can see the bare stone walls.

There is no lighting equipment in the tunnel, and it depends entirely on "flashlight". This mine has been mined since ancient Rome, so occasionally you can see some buildings full of the style of that era, which are a bit like seats and a bit like theaters. There are several iron gates along the way, and they are all locked. Behind the gates is a dark passage, leading to nowhere.

The place where the music comes from is just behind an iron gate, which has been opened. After entering, the first thing you see is a well. There is also a fence at the mouth of the well, and the sound of running water can be heard under the fence.

"Is this stream leading to the reservoir?" Monica asked with a flashlight pointing at the fence.

"I don't know, no one knows what the underground in Paris looks like." Bruni put on a pullover sweater, "There are a lot of weird people living in it."

"Are you one?" Alejandro said with a smile.

"Probably." Bruni shrugged, "Come with me."

As he spoke, he bypassed the well and the pillars behind it, and continued to walk deep into the mine.

"Don't mess with him." Monica warned "Alessandro" "What if he dumps us?"

After speaking, she left with Bruni.

"I bet she didn't see it," Lucius whispered in Severus' ear.

"You're still so confident in your acting skills." Severus smirked. "Tell me how Sissy saw through your disguise?"

Lucius smiled at Severus, then followed with a blank expression.

"I learned a new French, la grève." Felix came over to Severus at this moment and said, "It means strike."

"You want to strike?" Severus looked down at Felix.

"No, I asked about the River Beach Square, and the bartender just happened to know about it." Felix quickly explained, "In the past, the French would go to the place de grève in front of the city hall when they were unemployed and looking for a job. Later, grève meant that there was no job. Sounds like the English grave (grave) doesn't it?"

"Are you asking me?" Severus asked.

"No, 'sir', I just want to say that the pronunciation is very similar." Felix immediately said obediently, "Some people say that the river beach square was the place where prisoners were executed during the Reign of Terror, so it was occupied by the city hall, But others said it was because there were a lot of people protesting there."

"You're doing well." Severus said softly. "You're far better than Harry Potter."

Felix had a strange expression on his face.

Severus was about to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, and continued walking, tugging at the hem of his robe.

The underground cave was wet and cold, as if it was still in autumn, and it didn't feel like summer at all. It was just right to wear this at this time.

There are people in this world who "like" death, or have an inexplicable excitement about death, who once threw parties in the catacombs, the tunnels full of bones.

Even if all the skeletons in this mine were removed, it would still give people a gloomy feeling, but the music played was full of enthusiasm.

J'ai grandi dans le bloc j'ai connu la crise

M'appelle pas le sang non ne me fais pas la bise

Marseille quartiers nord c'est devenu cali

Pas un dans les poches madame est devant la vitre

J'veux la mari-marier mais faut les billets

Cagoulé ganté j'vais tous les faire chanter

La la la oui je vis

Féfé en double file j'fais bugguer le taxi

Awin awin

Va bene ma bella la la la

J'suis à marseille dans ma favela la la la

Va bene ma bella la la la

"It's Italian," said Felix. "Does your friend understand it?"

"How do you know?" Severus asked.

"I know an Italian boy," said Felix. "Bella is Italian beauty."

Severus stared at Felix with deathly eyes.

"I swear, I'm telling the truth," cried Felix at once.

"We'll talk later." Severus said coldly, and followed the music to find the party venue.

It was a circular cave, and luckily there were no mysterious people in robes lighting candles and holding some weird ceremony.

These young people use diesel generators to generate electricity, but I don’t know whether it is to save electricity or to create a mysterious atmosphere. There are not as many dazzling lights as in the previous bar. Except for the bar and the stereo, every table is illuminated by candles. It looks like A candlelit restaurant for couples.

There were many closets along the walls, filled with glass jars with ashes in them.

There is a mural painted at the entrance facing the room, or it is a graffiti, it looks like a pattern of clouds and roses, it just happened to be the "tool man" of Severus in the Louvre Graphic seen on short sleeve T-shirt.

"I knew it." He murmured, and joined the party crowd with a cold face.

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