Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1766 The Queen of Hell (37)

In Egyptian myths and legends, the bow sometimes also represents the sky. It was written in "Ode to Cannibals": the sky is covered with dark clouds, the stars are disturbed, the "bows" are trembling, and the bones of the gods of the earth are trembling.

The "bow" is not just a bow. After taking over the bow from Severus, Gonseil painted the red grease found in Cuvier's office, and the dull color on it disappeared instantly. Originally it looked like bronze, but now you can see its golden bow and black silver handle, black silver is a kind of black silver, it does not turn black after oxidation, its refining method is similar to that of Damascus steel The same is lost.

As the Twelve Uses of Dragon's Blood said, it can be used as a polish, men are full of praise when they see such a good weapon, but no one can draw the invisible bowstring like Severus, Then cast magic.

Severus was still talking to Gianluca while they were there experimenting with new equipment.

The important documents of the church are generally paper, especially the important secrets, which will be carried by a priest. This is a tradition that they have maintained for nearly two thousand years. Sometimes they will encrypt it in a way that is only known inside the church. As for Angela Warren is one of hundreds of cases of obsession, and is still under investigation. She died after jumping from a building and was hit by a car and broke her neck.

This was an unfortunate accident. Gianluca didn't intend to pay attention to it at first, but this email contained keywords he searched for. Later, he accidentally opened a file, which contained a video. The photographer seemed to have taken it with a mobile phone. The picture quality is not very clear, but it can be seen that it is a university lecture.

The speaker was a professor, he was too young for a professor's age, his hair was not white, and he was not bald.

He invented a small device that allows sound waves to show its three-dimensional shape, but in fact it is like an ancient Chinese fish bath. When you rub the copper basin with your hands, the water in the basin will resonate and the water will jump. It's just that his invention is much more precise than fish washing.

He showed a sound wave graphic on the projector, and no one recognized what it was, and then a paleontology student said "that's a trilobite" in the audience, and then the professor put the next slide, which said It was indeed a trilobite fossil.

Then he showed another sound wave graphic, this time everyone recognized it at a glance, it was a starfish, but it was not a living starfish, but a starfish 450 million years ago, the third graphic was a spider web, someone Ask where is the spider? It's actually a model diatom, which lived 200 million years ago.

"Inorganic substances on the primitive earth can be turned into amino acids by lightning." The professor said on the stage, "But how do these amino acids turn into DNA and life? Mainstream explanations say that these amino acids are like sand on the beach, which is a combination and a coincidence It is a very rare event to form a complex dna structure, but it may be just like what you just saw, the transformation of amino acids into life is entirely caused by some kind of sound wave signal."

Everyone at the scene laughed.

The professor went on to say, "In the introduction to the Gospel of John, it is said that in the beginning the word already existed, the word with god, and the word was god. The word here should mean the sound, when we put sand on the drum surface , Vibrating at a fixed frequency will become an orderly shape. Galileo, Da Vinci and Shen Kuo all discovered this phenomenon, but it was only in 1967 that a doctor named Hans Jerry formally studied this phenomenon. The phenomenon is named sonic imaging. This kind of image is different from the ultrasound image you see in the hospital when you see the ultrasound image. When the ultrasound passes through some solid organs, it will reflect, just like bats and sonar, and Hans The experiment done by the doctor is as I said before, sprinkle sand on the drum surface, vibrate with different frequencies, and then you can get the patterns you just took. At that time, the mandala thought was very popular, and the psychologist Jung Thinking that the mandala represents the power of the spiritual world, Dr. Hans shared the patterns he got with Jung. They are indeed very similar to the patterns of the mandala. Among the monks who believe in Hinduism and Buddhism, they often recite the six-character mantra. When I experimented with the sound of Om, I got a circle with a dot in the center. Perhaps the most important thing in the process of chanting is not piety, but to resonate with these sounds, just like Napoleon’s army resonated when they crossed the bridge in unison. , causing the collapse of the bridge. Sound waves represent infinite energy. Tesla said that all secrets are hidden in energy, frequency and vibration. Schumann confirmed Tesla's discovery that there is an ionosphere 100 miles from the earth, which just forms a resonator with the ground, and its frequency is about 8 Hz, that is to say, whether it is light waves, sound waves or Other waves will become weaker and weaker in the resonator of the earth. There is only one kind of wave that will never disappear, and even become stronger as it goes on. It can amplify a small amount of energy. This wave is called the Schumann wave. The resonance situation it sees is Schumann resonance, its frequency is exactly the frequency of the hippocampus in the mammalian brain, and it is lightning that excites the Schumann phenomenon. This part of the human brain is responsible for important memory and survival functions. Sometimes we dream about a certain period of time in the future What happened or some other wonderful thing, but you forget it when you wake up, and few people remember it, unless the hippocampus is working at that time, and your hippocampus is very active during sleep."

Severus asked people to check the astronomical records in 1870 to see if the Northern Lights appeared over Paris. The structure of the human ear determines that only the sound of 20 to 20,000 Hz can be heard, and the sound of 8 Hz is inaudible. James Luca thinks maybe the aurora over Paris is not caused by sunspots, but some kind of unknown discharge phenomenon that appeared for a short time. It appeared and disappeared quickly. But Nikola Tesla was still studying in 1870, he was not in Paris.

Many inventions of Nikola Tesla are still top secret. The principle of the Tesla coil is very simple, but it is very difficult to adjust it to resonate with the environment. If the wireless power transmission invented by Tesla can be successful, human beings will be able to There is no need to pay electricity bills anymore, and the lights of the city will complement each other with the stars in the sky, but the power company will suffer heavy losses in this way.

It is no secret that the United States wants to acquire France's Danone, but in addition to this plan a, they also have a plan b, which is to let General Electric come forward to acquire the French company Alstom.

Alstom is an important power sector in France. It not only provides civil electricity for France, but also has nuclear submarines. If Alstom is acquired by General Electric, then the French fleet will rely on this American company for supplies in the future.

Not only that, but the main electricity in France relies on nuclear power generation. Imagine what it would be like to have all the nuclear reactors in France under the control of Americans.

At the same time, Alstom is also involved in satellite tracking systems, which can provide satellite intelligence to the military. Compared with these, Pepsi's acquisition of Danone is just an outpost.

Of course, the French government will not sell this kind of strategically valuable company so easily, but the United States of America has a "Foreign Corrupt Practices Act", which is the only law in the United States in the world. This law was originally established after the Watergate incident in 1977. The behavior used to limit individual bribery of foreign government officials by American companies has now become a weapon. It can not only make the integrity of the traditionally respected upper class of American senior officials and executives of large companies questioned by the society, but also The media can be used to uncover the shady scenes, making high-ranking foreign officials as unlucky as executives of large companies.

Because Alstom has been losing money year after year, in order to rescue the company from bankruptcy, Alstom’s employees built power stations in Indonesia, with a total amount of 118 million US dollars, which was a small business for Alstom, but during that period It's one of the few deals they can get.

Alstom is known as the pearl of French industry. In the "Pearl Project", there is a "hunting list" full of potential targets. The project paid special attention to whether it suffered damage in the tsunami through satellites.

All in all, France has been sniped, who made them join the euro zone, but not join NATO, and voted against the Iraq war.

Through the pretense of anti-corruption, the United States can dismantle European multinational companies that are capable of competing with American companies one by one.

It's just that this project has not yet started, because they still have to maintain a "friendly" relationship with Europe, after all, they are devout Christians.

In Salem in 1692, there was a girl named Mary Warren. Was she related to Angela Warren?

I heard that Angela's room is full of stars. Does she look like she is possessed by the devil?

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