Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1765 The Queen of Hell (36)

In the 11th century, an Arab scholar Al-Hussein ibn Sina once said:

The air is either an organ or a medium which does not touch the stars which we see. When it is an organ, it is sentient, or communicator, but someone who changes the air to be sentient, and thus perceives the stars, and communicates what he senses to sight, this The claim is absurd.

The air becomes an organ, which a reasonable man cannot accept, or light is a form diffused in the air and celestial sphere, united with our visual functions, and becomes their organ. .

When we suffer this abominable statement, we shall not see all the shapes of the stars, and secondly, according to these people, how powerful our eyes must be, so strong as to change the air and light distributed in those celestial shapes. A faculty endowed with sentience, or whatever you like!

Furthermore air and light are not connected to one man's vision and not another's, so why would either of these things communicate what it perceives to one man but not to another? ?

So the visual condition for seeing is that the object seen falls into the pupil, and the air conveys to the vision what it perceives, and the sensation of the air is not the cause of sensible things reaching the soul, but the vision moves away in a proportion. The cause of the visible object, for air is the intermediary between the two.

According to Eugène Beauharnet, when Napoleon and a small group of troops retreated from Jaffa to Cairo, they saw a mirage in the desert, not only people but also camels. Those thirsty beasts ran towards those illusions without knowing their life and death, and they couldn't stop them at all. Later, they drank salt water and finally died of thirst.

Mirage is an optical phenomenon in which light and air combine. As Sina said, air is not an organ, but an intermediary. The Gaia theory compares the earth to a living body, the atmosphere is the cell wall, the air is the cell fluid, and the earth is the cell nucleus. Is this assuming that the air has the properties of certain organs?

The cell fluid has no feeling, it flows according to the concentration between the media, resulting in water loss and water gain, just like air flows from low pressure to high pressure. We usually hardly feel the existence of air, although we breathe all the time, we only feel it when it becomes "wind". The four elements of ancient Greece include earth, wind, water, and fire, rather than earth, air, water, and fire. They are defined based on human feelings, just as Pythagoras heard the "jingling" in the blacksmith shop. The sound of percussion and the rhythm made him feel pleasing to the ear, and he gained spiritual pleasure, and then he recorded it with mathematical formulas, thus giving rise to the golden ratio and the Fibonacci sequence.

This golden ratio is consistent with the golden section of the Vitruvian Man, which is 0.618:1. When the ratio of music and house is in accordance with this ratio, such as when the organ is played in the church, the feeling at that moment is harmony, and the structure of Mozart’s music It is written according to the golden ratio.

But the proportions of the Oval Hall of the Richelieu Library were designed according to the golden ratio?

The ratio of the short axis to the long axis of the golden ellipse is equal to the golden ratio. Compared with the location of the bronze nameplate of Washington, Athens is more exactly on the long axis of the ellipse, and the short axis is between Jerusalem and Babylon, Paris and London Between, this may be set by the designer's aestheticism.

Aesthetics comes from the experience and feelings of life, which is a kind of perceptual knowledge, which is different from human rational knowledge. Pythagoras expressed his sensibility with rational numbers, which is similar in essence to painters' paintings, both of which are art In the process of expressing "harmony", the expressive technique is not limited to tradition and form, thus achieving the state of "unity".

This is realized by Westerners. It feels very good to people and represents the divine side of human beings. Before meeting Asmeralda, Cloro, the vicar of Notre Dame de Paris, should often talk about this with people. He Should be happy.

However, one day he met the gypsy woman, and his soul began to fall from then on, as if falling from light to darkness.

He lost his rationality and wanted to get Asmeralda's love like thousands of courting men, but he was a "shepherd". He should love God more and dedicate his whole life to Him. The woman had shaken his faith, and the decency of the archdeacon would not allow him to woo a gypsy woman like a secular man.

He became very dangerous, even a little abnormal, but he was actually a good person. He adopted Quasimodo and taught Quasimodo to read, so that he would not lean towards the monster like other "monsters". Man demonstrates his physical incompleteness in order to survive.

Quasimodo's social identity is a bell ringer. He has a job. Although he is lonely away from the crowd, he doesn't have to face those slander and ridicule. He is an omega among wolves.

He has a soul and a personality, and he shouldn't have pushed Cloro off the tower, but in a way Quasimodo can be regarded as a relief for Cloro, preventing his soul from continuing to degenerate. Do something worse than using power to coerce the "witch" to love herself.

If you are unfortunate enough to be a druid who was slaughtered by the Romans, then you will know that nature is not always full of harmonious order, but also barbaric and primitive. Harmony and coordination", ignoring this point, actually thought of using the name of "law nature" and "nature's god" to give the legitimacy of human beings being born equal.

Natural morality and natural justice are not always right, although they are very touching.

As for those bullies who pretend to be equal but actually wield unequal power, they don't realize that they are bullies. "Self" denial begins to self-destruct a little bit, and this is the crux of depression-denying the value of one's own existence.

Some people may ignite the fire in their hearts and regain their enthusiasm for life, but more people choose to be pessimistic and world-weary, although he tries his best to keep himself optimistic. That's not something that can be solved with a "come on" or motivation.

The Euphoria invented by Severus Snape would be a useful antidepressant if widely available, not just to counteract the negative effects of dementors sucking happy memories away.

But after all, this is still a solution to the symptoms rather than the root cause. Patients must start with affirming their self-worth, which is impossible in a society that worships success and getting rich, and does not know how to respect the bottom working people.

Failure is the mother of success, but people are afraid of failure. They know very well that once they fall, it is difficult to get up again. In order not to let themselves fall, people will do anything from the heaven of victory to the hell of failure.

Also in the 1970s, Ford produced a new car, named Pinto (Pinto), which soon became a popular car because of its stylish appearance and reasonable price. If the Pinto car encounters a rear-end collision accident, it may cause the fuel tank to catch fire or even explode, causing serious traffic accidents.

This kind of questioning was just a rumor at the beginning. It was not until 1994 when an internal memo from Ford company came out that people discovered that Ford had already discovered the design error of this car. $137.5 million for the security device.

Calculated according to the probability of rear-end collision accidents in the United States and the probability of fuel tank burning, the design flaws of the Pinto may cause 180 deaths, 180 burns, and another 2,100 cars burned. The standard of compensation for a human being is 200,000 US dollars, and the resulting loss is far less than 137.5 million US dollars, so Ford's executives gave up the recall plan.

Such logic is not difficult to understand. It conforms to business ethics, but it does not conform to human ethics, let alone human rights.

This is the way people weigh the balance in their hearts, but there are still many force majeure events in this world, such as the 911 incident. More people paid attention to the pity of the dead, but ignored the company that worked in it. That attack affected many accounting firms , People who escaped by chance lost their jobs and became homeless on the streets. The homeless in New York are full of dragons and crouching tigers. Maybe someone who picked up the bottle used to work in a big accounting firm.

The voices of these weak people are not heard by the public. People are more willing to pay attention to the Super Bowl and the baseball league. After singing "Beautiful America", the bombers flew over the sky, and then they went to serve in the deserts of the Middle East.

The 2003 Iraq war might not have happened if Iraqi leaders hadn't suddenly thought of paying for oil in euros. British civilians raised placards in front of Whitehall to protest. Their voices were heard by the public through the media, but it was useless if the decision makers couldn’t hear them.

After the end of the Crusades, the church issued the Atonement Scrolls to solve financial problems. It costs money to build so many churches, and it also costs money to pay for military expenses.

In the eyes of people in the 20th century, the Crusaders were barbaric and ignorant, but at least some of them went on expeditions to protect pilgrims and redeem their souls.

The Crusades, which seemed to be over in the eyes of Westerners, did not seem to be over in that land, only this time not in the name of God.

Pope John Paul II of Poland, who experienced World War II, forgave the pagan young man who assassinated him. Regardless of whether he wrote the note later found in Aga’s residence, the Pope is no longer what he needs Assassinated the crusader leader.

Albus Dumbledore was a kind and good grandfather in the eyes of the children, but he was not a perfect man in the eyes of the previous generation.

Even the pastor who loves to save the world doesn't participate, and the soup on his plate doesn't blow cold, so what are the wizards doing with so many other things.

Judgment Day is far away from human beings, and it exists in mythology and religion, so many people think that it may not come. All the assumptions about the extinction of mankind as a whole exist in the imagination, but with the development of science, This day could come anytime.

With the subversion of the entire religion, the weakening of human morality, and the liberation of science and technology, the most free environment for science has bred the most perfect scientific presentation. The atomic bomb is actually what humans can master and apply science to reality. One of the strongest creations of God, people have been worried that the earth is no longer suitable for survival after the nuclear war, the world is destroyed, the apocalypse, the doomsday, etc., but it is no longer God who brings disasters, but just like you and me, holding Remote controls, the kind that are ready to press buttons.

Human beings are creators, and they want to destroy the strongest creation, the atomic bomb. Thinking of this, it is not difficult to understand that the creator of human beings wants to destroy human beings' hearts.

Whether it is El Niño or La Niña, they just make people feel uncomfortable, and they will not think of death. No one will really regard abnormal weather as a catastrophe.

But for the homeless, the weather can be deadly.

In the movie the day after tomorrow, everyone thought the vice president was an idiot, but this vice president actually represented the majority of the people. He won the election, and the American popular vote was a majority victory.

Rather than worrying about the coming of the apocalypse, people are more concerned about issues such as the economy and income, and try their best to avoid sinking into the homeless. In reality, whoever really takes the climate issue seriously, people want to Laugh at him.

It's just a movie, don't take it seriously, it's ridiculous to find the meaning of reality in fantasy.

But people also believe in the movie "When Happiness Comes Knocking". Under normal circumstances, shouldn't the hero go out to the toilet and jump off the platform? At this time, why did no one say that it is ridiculous to look for realistic meaning in illusion? Or is it because the movie mentioned adapting real people and real events? So do moviegoers have the math talent of the leading actor?

In fact, some people really play the Rubik's Cube like in the movie. They can solve the Rubik's Cube in less time than the actor, but the Wall Street bosses will give them a chance, or will the Stanford students who just graduated have the chance? How long can you keep it after you have achieved success? 9/11 reduced many middle-class people to abject poverty and became homeless on the streets. They also had decent jobs. Maybe they had a better life than those who jumped out of despair when the building collapsed. At least they died as "human beings" Yes, no well-meaning person from an animal protection organization will ignore their hoarse cries, snatch the cats in their arms, and hand them over to foster families who are qualified to take care of them.

There is a dog in the movie The Day After Tomorrow, and it shows up at the end of the movie, which is a good hope of the movie, that the dog would be eaten under "normal circumstances".

Rebellion against an established authority was serious business, especially in an era when monarchs all claimed their powers were granted by gods.

The framers of the "Declaration" knew very well that no matter how long and violent the crimes of the king were listed, it was not enough to establish a new authority and find a moral and legal basis for the rebellion. "Achieving the goal, but ignoring the disharmony and disharmony between man and nature. Before man finds a way to fully understand nature, nature has already sent down the manna and spring water from Jehovah, leading the Semites to trek in the desert. The tribal gods were devoured.

Just as Severus drank the euphoria and was about to leave the National Library and arrived at the Richelieu Library, the phone rang suddenly.

The voice echoed in the deserted library after nightfall, and he and Lucius followed the voice to the reading room, where Goncey Leroy answered the phone.

"I'm on speakerphone," Leroy said, looking at Severus, and then he put down the phone, and Gianluca's voice came from inside.

"The latest prophecy," said Gianluca, "from a girl in Los Angeles."

"What did she say?" Leroy asked.

"This world is not real." Gianluca said, "When human beings have no faith at all, they will perish like wild animals."

"Do you think this kind of prophecy is rare?" Susanna said with a disdainful smile.

"This one is a bit different, she was prophesied posthumously," Gianluca said.

"After death?" Leroy said in surprise.

"Someone measured her brain waves. Even if she stopped breathing and her heart stopped beating, her brain was still alive for a period of time after death."

"I know," Severus said. "There are special potions that keep the brain alive."

"Ouch~" Susanna had a disgusted expression on her face.

"I agree." Lucius said with a smirk. "The brains of the Ministry of Magic are really disgusting."

"Is there anything else?" Leroy asked.

"He is dangerous and prays for the guilty instead of condemning them," Gianluca said.

"How do you know?" Severus asked.

"I happened to be monitoring Vatican emails."

"Is this a 'miracle'?" Susannah asked.

"It's an 'Uncategorized' event," Gianluca said. "Do you believe that ghosts can prophesy?"

"It's in the Egyptian legend." Leroy said immediately.

"And Salem." Lucius smiled strangely. "Ghosts not only prophesy, but also attack people."

"What's her name?" Severus said listlessly.

"Angela Warren, her name is as beautiful as a person." Gianluca said with some regret.

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