Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1764 The Queen of Hell (35)

Before 1970, French legislators did not make any provisions on personality rights in the French Civil Code.

There were no rights of personality even in the days of Roman law, French Old Law, or the French Revolution.

There were 13 independent states in the first United States, and there were 5 people who formulated the Declaration of Independence. They were Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman and Robert Livingston.

After they revised the original manuscript written by Jefferson, the paper looked messy, and everyone copied a copy for themselves, and after copying, they made changes on the new version, and finally presented the final parchment version in front of the world.

At that time, the declaration was not called the "Declaration of Independence", but the "Declaration of the Thirteen States of the United States of America", which was also signed by the members of the meeting. This version of the "Declaration of Independence" was collected in the US National Archives , although it is also in Washington, it is not one of the punctuation points of the Tree of Kabbalah in Washington.

The Freemasonry and the Rosicrucian Society have no organizational and personnel ties, but more of an ideological influence.

There are many things that are well conceived at the beginning, just like a newborn baby, parents will give them a lot of expectations. The location of the Washington Masonic Temple is located at the top of the Kabbalah tree in Washington, and it can also represent the top of the divine world, which is the closest position to God. The White House is in the center of the tree of life. The chakra of love and beauty provides energy for the entire tree of life. The guardian angel is Michael, which symbolizes mercy and mediation.

In Taro, this chakra represents the Garden of Eden and the Tower, the Garden of Eden represents Paradise, and the Tower represents changes that will bring about the world. The "Declaration of Human Rights" issued by France after the "Declaration of Independence" has many similarities with it. Jefferson was in France at the time, and he and Lafayette had a good relationship, but France did not mention that all men are created equal as in the "Declaration of Independence" , but man is born free, everyone is equal before the law, and citizens who are equal in the eyes of the law can equally hold all public offices, positions, and positions according to their abilities. The problem of inequalities in ability. You're good at running and I'm good at reading. It's good for a runner to go to the Olympics, but it's torture for him to sit in an office and process paperwork.

But who could have imagined what would happen next.

When wizards attach themselves to a certain country, they will inevitably be contaminated with some local customs. For example, every British child must have a godfather, and then wizards also have a godfather.

Tradition is tradition, and belief is belief. The Malfoy family has never been to church for a day, and they will not be buried in the cemetery behind the church like the James Potters.

The Malfoy family also has the same huge tomb as the Lestrange family, and Voldemort used to "perform" and lecture there often.

But even the family cemetery of the Malfoy family is not as luxurious as that of the Lestrange family. It was built by the first Malfoy family in the middle ages, and it is full of the style of the Tower of London—all of them are heavy stones. It is understandable that the cemetery of the Tranch family was once Napoleon's cemetery for his own family.

It was a Frenchman who made the city plan for Washington, and the city plan that the French made for their own capital was "revolution", which represented both revolution and celestial movement. Copernicus' heliocentric theory was not perfect. He believed that the orbits of planets is a homocircle, while Kepler believed that the orbit is an "ellipse", and Newton also determined that the orbit is an ellipse by observing comets.

The two cemeteries represent the focal points of the two ellipses, but that should have been done for him by people after his death, without his consent. To be precise, the whole project lasted for dozens of years during the reign of his nephew Napoleon III. Year. The Corsican dwarf hopes to leave his unique trace in history. He has also been to Africa and seen the pyramids. His nephew likes "big battles" as much as he does. France also has Freemasons. And Napoleon's brother Joseph is also a great mentor.

This kind of construction is at the material level. In 1832, the Germans had already discovered personality, but the discoverer was not a psychologist, but a historical school. Before civil law scholars recognized the existence of personality rights in the 20th century, personality rights Theories and institutions of personality are as uncertain as personality itself. What is the nature of personality rights? What is the boundary of personality rights? What are the legal characteristics of personality rights?

Before these issues can be given definite, clear, and convincing explanations, the United States has not introduced the concept of personality rights. Although their psychology is already well developed, they have the right to privacy.

Personality rights include but are not limited to respecting the private lives of others. In the United States, if a person feels that his private life has been violated by others, he can file a lawsuit, and the individual's right to privacy is protected.

On the contrary, the French who legislate on the right of personality, judges are more inclined to discuss the facts in the trial, and when protecting the right of personality, they will not use the term "right of personality" mentioned in the civil law, but "inherent right of personality" and "moral interests". noun.

Some people like small towns because people are not as complicated as cities, but this also leads to another situation. After graduating from school and starting to work, they still meet those people in school,

The circle of high society is similar to that of the town. After graduating from prestigious schools, they go to work in places that are out of reach for ordinary people, but in the end they meet those people in the school.

Lucius Malfoy despised Arthur Weasley, and Draco Malfoy also hated Ron Weasley. They ran into each other in Lihen Bookstore. Lucius threatened Arthur to "see you at work", and De Laco threatened Ron "see you at school".

If all goes well, Draco enters the Ministry of Magic, and Ron also enters the Ministry of Magic. They will continue to "struggle" according to the way their fathers get along. The bullying words that Draco said to Ron are considered violations of Ron's rights. Right of personality? And what about those things he said to Hermione?

A theory is a theory, but it may not be able to match words with deeds. When the French built the Suez Canal, Egyptian workers lost their human rights, let alone personality rights. Later, when the Panama Canal was being built, it was the same. Workers were not treated as human beings. During the construction period, there were even corruption scandals.

People want to be glamorous and decent, and they like to listen to those good things, and they are not happy when others mention the dark side. But those who only look at the good and not the bad will become those people who look at the shadow on the wall in the cave. The real world is not just what they see, but the saddest thing is not that a person is always tied up. Looking at the outside world, but he went back to the cave after seeing the outside world, put on the shackles again, and even said to other people who did not break free from the shackles, "Don't listen to those people outside, what they say None of it is real."

Just like Fernon Dursley, the way he protects himself is to refuse to believe that there is magic in this world, but when Kingsley came to his house, he also felt that this wizard could make friends.

Perhaps one day the wizarding world and the Muggle world can be merged, but the process is long and elusive. Such a radical opening of the wizarding world will be unacceptable to many people, not to mention that there are still many problems in the wizarding world, such as werewolves and goblins who create riots. The wizarding government in China is too moderate and not as tough as it was under the pure blood rule, so they feel that their chance has come.

Werewolves were originally wizards, but they were bitten and turned into magical animals. They not only lost their human rights, but also lost their job opportunities. They have been living in poverty, and they can easily commit crimes.

Many of the homeless people on the streets have also embarked on the road of crime, but some are gentle and harmless, and they will keep some stray cats and dogs as companions.

They may not give as much to the kittens and puppies as the wealthy, but that's all they have, when the SPCA took the cats and dogs away from the homeless? Consider their mood?

Perhaps they felt that those poor animals (deserves) deserved a better home, and they gave those pets a "family" identity, and even a personality. Of course homeless people are so poor that they can't give them medical treatment, but homeless people can't see a doctor if they are sick.

It's easy to take a cat away from a homeless man, he'll be cared for by a veterinarian, and a homeless man, they can continue to survive social Darwinism in this forest of steel and concrete.

Law nature also includes Darwin's law. It is not as beautiful as other natural law schools, but it is easy to understand, because it is cruel enough, and the harmonious beauty without natural order makes people feel excited, thinking that the whole nature is art.

The Sierra Club is an environmental non-governmental organization founded in 1892, and in the 1970s they filed a lawsuit. At that time, Disney planned to build a ski resort and road in California's Mineral Gold Canyon and Sequoia National Park. The Sierra Club sued for adverse consequences that would affect the aesthetics and ecological changes of the area.

If the Sierra Club sues in its own name, there is nothing to mention about this case, but the original litigant and victim "person" they proposed is Mining Gold Canyon, and Disney's development project will damage "her" spiritual interests, and also To the detriment of other people who are "really" out there having fun.

Sequoia, also known as the Lord of the World, looks like giant trees in the sky and looks very mysterious. Hikers like to go there for hiking, fishing, and camping. Building a ski resort will affect the "pure natural" atmosphere. understandable.

Who can explain what it means for a canyon to be mentally damaged?

Americans will "someday" learn to respect cleaners, but they gave nature and animals personality first. In the late 1960s, British scientists put forward a theory that the living and non-living forms of the earth together form an interacting planetary consciousness, not only a canyon, a mountain, a lake, and the trees on the mountain , the fish in the lake are all conscious, and together they form the "Gaia Consciousness".

In ancient times, perhaps there was a four-legged animal running to the edge of the pool. Looking at the reflection in the water, it suddenly realized that it was the existence of "I".

The fruits of the earth provided him with what he needed, and instinct told him how to use them, but the tree was too high for him to reach its fruit, and other beasts wanted to eat him, so he had to grind Train your body, you must be more flexible, fast, and brave to fight in order to win in this survival competition.

However, "I" soon felt that I was alone. He observed that other animals were very scared and alert when they saw the reflection in the water, and they didn't think it was themselves.

Until one day, when he came to the stream again, he suddenly saw an animal arranging its hair against the reflection in the water. It looked very similar to it, but there were some differences hidden in the subconscious The memories in him tell him that this is a "female" and that courtship is required to win her favor.

But he will not sing like a lark, nor will he dance like a bird of paradise, just as he will not bite like a saber-toothed tiger, stand up and fight with his claws like a bear, so he picked a flower that he felt Beautiful flowers, gave it to her as a gift.

The flower of life (la fleur de la vie) is the core of ancient Egyptian mysticism, which appeared earlier than the Kabbalah tree of life. Don't forget that the Jews left Egypt.

At that time, Yahweh was not at all as "fraternal" as he was later, and he brought ten difficulties to the Egyptians.

The gods in many religions are personified. As a spiritual existence, it is difficult for God to be understood and accepted, and it is even more difficult to describe. For example, "nature's god", it is much more clear to describe her as "Gaia consciousness".

Of course, the appeals court said that the members of the Sierra Club had no evidence to prove that these people were affected by the Disney development project. After several repeated appeals to the Federal Supreme Court, the Sierra Club eventually lost the case.

However, the Supreme Court of the United States believes that economic damage is no longer the only content of damage, and spiritual damage of non-economic interests in the spiritual aspect is also "actual damage". Environmental aesthetics and economic life are both indispensable components of life.

The courts of the world still have to sue people. According to the concept of traditional law, the subject of the lawsuit should be the person who has been harmed. Mining Gold Canyon is within the scope of the National Forest Park. Disney’s development projects are beneficial to the local economy, and those who go hiking, fishing, Anyone who hunts can be a spokesperson for natural objects.

However, some judges believe that inanimate objects are also eligible to be parties, and members of the ecosystem cannot be denied the right to sue because they are not good at expressing themselves.

Although the final court upheld the appeals court's decision with a 4-3 vote, the Sierra Club filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Secretary of the Interior.

The 1970s was the age of hippies. In addition to Zen Buddhism, there was also the influence of French Bohemia. In addition to wearing disco, girls in that era also liked to wear Bohemian-style skirts. In the eyes of the French, Bohemians are Gypsies, that nomadic people like bright clothes, romantic, free, bohemian, good at fortune-telling, and good at leading sheep.

blue summer evenings,

I will tread the path,

Push away the sharp wheat awns,

Through the green meadows,


I feel the freshness of dreams from the soles of my feet,

There is a cool breeze on my bald head,

don't say anything

don't want anything,

Endless love embraces my soul,

I will go away

far away,

like a bohemian,

Being with nature is as happy as having a girl by your side.

As the Spanish poet said, how long has it been since you felt the dancing breeze and the tactile sensation of the wheatgrass passing across your palm?

When the wind blows, the wheat field will make a rustling sound, or you can hold a conch shell to your ear and listen to it. Maybe this is the sound that the poorly expressed nature says:

Hey humans, I know you want a mother but you treat her so badly that she gave birth to El Niño and La Niña for your company.

Human beings will suffer under the torment of these two "giant babies", and this is also the song that Kepler discovered that the earth is singing in its own orbit-mi fa mi, it sounds more like misery and famine.

It feels like it was written by Rimbaud, the homosexual who wrote Drunken Boat and participated in the Paris Commune. The point is, he has thick hair

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