Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1767 The Queen of Hell (38)

The Châtelet Opera House in Paris is currently performing an opera called "Pearl Divers". This story takes place in Ceylon in the barbaric era. At the party, Zurga met Nadir, a good friend for many years. They once fell in love with a beautiful girl, so they turned against each other. Now that they meet again after a long absence, they decide to continue their brotherhood.

When the two were chatting side by side in the depths of the temple, the beautiful woman decorated with flowers and gold and wearing a veil appeared. Her name was Laila, and she was the woman they loved deeply in the past. At this time, she had sworn She became a saint who never married, but Nadir fell in love with her again, and Zurga, who became the chief, sentenced them both to death.

Laila had to entrust the precious pearl necklace to Zuerga and asked him to give it to her mother. Zurga recognized through the necklace that she was the little girl who had saved him, and finally a fire that spread throughout the village Saved the couple.

When Europeans still had a demand for fur and considered it a status symbol, the fur trade was more profitable than the grain trade.

However, when the weather turned bad, grain production decreased and the market became more marketable, as grain prices soared, grain became a more profitable commodity than fur.

The French, who have experienced the Great Revolution, of course understand the importance of food security. Of the four major abcd companies that monopolize the world's grain and oil trade, three are American, and one belongs to Louis Dreyfus in France. Since these four groups that occupy a major share of the world's grain trade are low-key, there are not many news about them, but their role in the world's grain environment cannot be underestimated.

The development of American agriculture is obvious to all the world. Many exchange scholars will be sent to the United States to learn experience and spread the application of agricultural technology from developed countries to developing countries such as India, Mexico, and Argentina. First, it can meet the needs of the population of developing countries. The second is to avoid the outbreak of large-scale famine in peacetime.

It sounds great, but in fact the goal of this "green revolution" is not limited to this. Developed countries also have to instill infrastructure and the concept of commercial agriculture into the minds of those scholars, such as fertilizers and natural gas-driven water pumps, etc. It doesn't matter whether the concept is useful or not, you have to pay first, and these scholars have naturally become a pawn in the US food control plan.

If it is said that controlling oil controls all countries, controlling food controls all mankind. According to the experience of human beings who have grown food for thousands of years, part of the food after harvest is used as seeds to prepare for the next year's sowing. However, the seeds imported from the United States are high-yield, but the seeds have no reproductive ability, and they are harmful to the human body. Soil fertility is extremely destructive.

The yields of wheat and corn grown in Mexico increased by two to three times in the first year, and then fell sharply every year. Farmers had to buy new seeds from these companies every year to increase production. This kind of destructive innovation not only failed to make Mexico's agricultural ecology better, but made the environment worse. Mexico's food is also increasingly dependent on US imports, so that the US can control Mexico's agricultural policies. These multinational agricultural companies can Determine what seeds to sell to developing countries.

Argentina was originally self-sufficient in milk production. Since the use of a herbicide called Danon to grow American soybeans, the local ecology has been almost completely destroyed. Except for American soybeans, all plants have been killed by herbicides. Yes, this herbicide is not only in liquid form, but also in gaseous form, which can diffuse with the wind. Without pasture, cows will lose their ability to produce milk. Argentina needs to import milk from Uruguay.

Danone is the world's largest producer of fresh dairy products. It not only controls the dairy products of France, but also Italy and Spain. Although people will starve to death without milk, the French don't want to go to Argentina follow in the footsteps.

Not everyone has been brainwashed by the Americans to completely lose their judgment like those visiting scholars, but the Americans still have their backs. After the end of World War II, due to the implementation of the Marshall Plan, many Europeans began to admire the United States, which they looked down upon. Every year, the American embassy in Paris selects political stars they think have potential, or the Paris National School of Administration, the cradle of French leaders. Graduates of the school, euphemistically called "Youth Leaders", went to Washington to receive "training". In essence, they were similar to the agriculturalists who received the "Green Revolution", except that their training period was longer than that of agriculturalists. Now the French Ministry of Internal Affairs The minister was one of the "Youth Leaders" of the year.

It is not without reason that the Americans chose to acquire Danone at this time, and the "Pearl Digging Plan" may not be implemented now because the timing is not ripe. After all, the influence of a minister of the interior is not enough to put pressure on the French government to agree to General Electric's acquisition of Al Stone Company.

Luxury is often linked to corruption. Compared with businessmen, the people cannot accept official corruption, and Paris is full of luxury goods.

Luxury goods can be used as clues and evidence to report officials, and most people are corrupt in order to live a life of luxury and pleasure.

If luxury goods don't bring it out to show off in front of people, then why buy it?

In the past, when Emperor Xianfeng was in power, the eggs he ate were five taels of silver. The emperor who grew up in the deep palace didn't know how much the prices were outside, and how much the Ministry of Internal Affairs had embezzled.

The same is true for the actresses in the opera house. They don't know what the normal price is, and they can easily find someone to pay for things that are sold to her by a thousand times.

This will definitely arouse the jealousy of some people, especially the soldiers. Hannibal is not the only one who climbed the Alps. Why didn't the people who passed by applaud?

If the army becomes corrupt, it will be a bottomless pit. A mobile toilet for the US military in the Middle East will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, which is equivalent to the price of a local house.

The "Foreign Bribery Act" applies to all companies that are denominated in US dollars, signed contracts, and have servers located in the United States. This was passed by the US Congress in 2000. A law that could weaken one's own business can be turned into a tool for interfering in other countries' businesses and even internal affairs. The big law firm in Paris is also American-funded. The law firm that Lawrence works for is headquartered in Brussels, Belgium, but its founder, Channing, is an American jurist and Harvard professor. Lawyers are hard. The American business community also disliked the FCPA at first, but they soon discovered that the benefits of this law far outweighed the losses.

This is also the reason why the U.S. government monitors these senior officials and executives. If the handle falls into their hands, they must obey their words. France passed the "Convention Against Corruption" in 2000, but these European countries have not promulgated extraterritorial laws, and sooner or later they will all fall into the trap.

The solution is that Europe can also enact anti-foreign bribery laws like the Americans, and Britain actually has them, but the strength of the United Kingdom is not enough, and this law is basically a dormant law.

In the more than 30 years of implementing the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the U.S. Department of Justice has almost never found fault with the transactions of oil or defense giants. To win this project, the Americans found a London lawyer and paid 1.88 to the Nigerian officials through Deng Company, Japan's Himaru Co., Ltd., and France's Techini Company to win the project. billions of dollars in bribes, the case was made public and was sent to the table of a French examining judge who tried the London middleman in May 2004.

The U.S. Department of Justice launched an investigation, and finally the two countries reached an agreement. The French judge gave up pursuing the legal responsibility of the U.S. company and turned to the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate the case. After "going home" and being tried, Americans can do whatever they want and organize bribery in the U.S. The CEO was only sentenced to 30 months in the end, the US company was fined 579 million US dollars, and Techini was fined 338 million US dollars, and the money had to be handed over to the US government instead of the French government.

The main competitor of this alliance at the time has now built an oil field in Niger, not only the oil field but also the power station, and provided food aid during the famine in Niger.

In the Middle East, oil was exchanged for food, and money was only a means of circulation. In the past, people exchanged goods, but now "retro" is also possible.

This is like a girl who has to face many suitors. The key to the problem is not what currency to use for settlement, but who she lets take advantage of.

Men believe in not leaving their fate in the hands of others, but women always like to cry, pretending to be victims to win the sympathy of public opinion, and let others act according to their orders.

The accusing girls of Salem started out well, but when sympathy wasn't on them, they became the targets of denunciation, and their torture was supposed to be fake.

It is the great fortune of man that he has to tread, both in manhood and in childhood, a very difficult, but one of the surest, paths; the misfortune of woman is that she is surrounded by almost irresistible temptations. She is not asked to strive upwards, only encouraged to slide down to bliss. When she discovers she has been fooled by the mirage, it is too late, her powers drained from the failed adventure.

It is cheaper to have a son than to give birth to a daughter. Like the pearl divers, if Lyra hadn't shown up, they might have become friends again, and the village wouldn't have had to go through the fire.

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