Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1730 Queen of Hell (1)

Severus put out his cigarette.

There's no point in continuing to discuss Muggles with Lucius Malfoy, who expects a pure-blood to say anything nice?

But what Lucius said is very good. Americans nowadays are a bit like "those who follow me will prosper, and those who oppose me will perish". Those who follow the "great America" ​​to lead the world and help them brainwash mankind will have a better life. Very good, those who do not help them, such as the countries that are now implementing the euro, will be persecuted, suppressed and even cause domestic political turmoil by them. Greece is the ticking time bomb they planted for the euro zone, and they can detonate it by remote control at any time.

Like the witches of Salem, they can use the power of the "demon hand" to enchant people through ghosts, even if they are not there themselves.

Houses in France not only represent residence and home, but also social welfare. Homeless people without a fixed address will lose medical services. Who can guarantee that they will not get sick all their lives?

However, the rent is so high and the wages are so low. Some people are bound to be unable to buy other daily necessities after paying the rent. It is extremely difficult for employers to raise wages. Unless there is a strike, this may improve it, but it is just like the subway strike. Just like ordinary people commuting, strikes in many industries have no effect on the wealthy class, and the world they live in is different from ordinary people.

If occupations like underground sewer dredgers go on strike, not only will they cause poor sewage in the city, but they may also cause plague. There will be a strike because of the issue of working conditions, unless the government suddenly increases their working hours, reduces their staff and cuts expenses.

That would be a very dangerous signal. Generally speaking, although French civil servants do not earn much, they are very stable. Even if employees in other non-essential departments are to be laid off, they will rarely lay off dredgers and sanitation departments. If it is romantic Who would honeymoon in Paris when it was no longer clean?

Before the French Revolution, there were too many nobles entrenched in government departments. They not only inherited official positions, but also did not pay taxes. They regarded this as a privilege and glory, and passed on the huge military debts generated after the War of Independence to the people.

At that time, the fund pool was in food instead of real estate. The working class had a place to live but no money to buy food. Now it is the other way around.

Oh, why don't they find a job that is stable and pays well?

Will people who enjoy such job opportunities give up their jobs and find other stable high-paying jobs by themselves?

There are very few high-income earners, maybe only a very small part at the top of the pyramid. The inspirational stories in the movie make these people very close to ordinary people, but in fact they are far away. As Edison said, genius is 99% of hard work and hard work. 1% talent, but it is that 1% talent that is indispensable, some people have ulterior motives to omit the latter part of the sentence.

If there are rewards for what you do, Voldemort should be rewarded for doing bad things so hard. Why did he fail?

Human beings' pursuit of immortality is forbidden by God, but there are still some people who work tirelessly. It's just a change from superstitious magic to superstitious science. In the past, magic and alchemy could refine the Philosopher's Stone, but now people invest their money in prestigious scientific research institutions like Harvard University. Technology.

The Harvard graduates of Goldman Sachs are more like elites in actual combat. They operate on the client's money, and if they lose money, they will smash the Goldman Sachs brand for many years. Those in the investment committee get a pool of funds based on donations from professors' KPIs, even if there are no students' parents, they won't pursue it. It is also a hedge fund, and the investment committee of a prestigious school does not have the pressure of Goldman Sachs at all, as if they have indeed made money lying down. It is really rare for a gambler to be so weak.

If a soldier has no fighting spirit, he will affect himself at most. If a general has no fighting spirit, then he will affect the entire army. Similarly, if a student does not learn well, it is his own problem. If a teacher or professor teaches students, then It will affect a whole generation.

If Americans continue to lead the world, the suicide rate and mental illness rate in other countries will be as high as they are. It can only "escape from danger" like the French people during the Communist period.

Now France cannot join the Eurozone and not join NATO. The Germans have joined NATO. They think they are a famous American school, and they can stand up and earn fame and money? That is the prerogative of the American lords. They have to choose between leaving the euro and joining NATO. Otherwise, once the propaganda machine is turned on, riots may turn into revolutions.

This is such a simple and crude coercion, just like Governor Andros threatened the residents of New England "either to be subjects or to be traitors". If they dare to resist, they will be suppressed. If they lose, they will continue to be subjects. If they win, they will be eligible to negotiate terms.

Class solidification means that the position of the "head" Brahman no longer exists. These positions belong to the descendants of early immigrants, and later immigrants can only be in the class of Kshatriya, or even Vaishya and Sudra. In the Godfather movie, the young masters of those early immigrants beat and disfigured the daughter of the Italian coffin shop owner who admired American freedom and democracy, and they had nothing to do in court.

The high caste is a channel for the low caste to rise up. You can’t stand up and work hard, but you can kneel and work hard to "serve" those two boys. They can introduce girls into their "friend circle". The owner of the Italian coffin shop couldn't accept the news, so he asked the godfather to help him take revenge.

He would do anything for revenge, Italian style.

Not all girls are willing to do anything in order to enter the upper class. Italian girls are willing to take off their clothes for art but not casually. That is another social value. It might be a different story if these smooth, rigid young men called themselves artists rather than rich. Letting them go to the bottom to communicate with ordinary people can't do much. On the contrary, it may intensify conflicts like Governor Andros. Fortunately, guns are banned in Europe, otherwise an armed uprising will have to be triggered.

They are not useless. For example, Jerome, who also learned badly at a young age, and later served in the French Navy, seems to have grown up a bit. The descendants of Prince Napoleon's branch are all his descendants.

It is not a thriving population, there are seven or eight children, and it is not like the Black family. It used to be prosperous, but now all the male lineages are extinct. In the end, the family's ancestral home and Sirius Black were inherited by Harry Potter, an outsider , and the main power to appoint a new Black family rests with Severus Snape.

Every family has so many unworthy descendants, and Sirius Black is an inferior in his mother's eyes. She removed him from the Black family tree, but his right of primogeniture did not seem to be removed.

Otherwise, Regulus Black is really dead, and his inheritance has nowhere to go back to Sirius. Anyway, Black is the black sheep of the family, and anything related to him will become "big trouble" ".

Lucius didn't like relatives like Sirius either, but he didn't compare Sirius to Bella either.

Sirius believed in Albus Dumbledore before he was imprisoned, and firmly believed that Dumbledore would return his innocence, but he was also sober after staying in Azkaban for 12 years, but Bella has always been loyal to the Dark Lord Geng Geng regards going to jail as a kind of "suffering".

She is crazy, but Sirius is not. If Dumbledore's reputation is used, he can return to the social world and revive the Black family. Dumbledore's mixed-race Veela students who have been raised in Hogwarts for decades will be very suitable to stand with him, just like golden boys and girls. Albus can use them to control the pure-blood family behind their backs, and then control The whole wizarding world of England.

Dumbledore's plan was good, but he ran into a Fudge and a Severus Snape. Fudge used newspapers to slander Sirius as the mastermind of Azkaban's escape, and mocked Dumbledore as an old man. Fool, and Severus stole the student he had worked so hard to cultivate for many years.

It was Lucius' proud work, and he talked about it proudly. Now Black's offshoots are revolving around Naxisha, and they all hope that the title of head of the Black family will fall on their own head.

And this power was inherited from the duel between Severus and Sirius. Although it was because of the jealousy caused by a half-breed Veela, Lucius was very proud. The master is still useful to Lucius, otherwise, how could an unknown person sit at a card table with a big person to discuss the economic lifeline of closing the undersea tunnel?

Some people in this world hope for peace and order, while others like to profit from chaos, and the more chaos the better, is this the Malfoy family?

A little villain like Draco is considered a mutation, and his father's way of bullying his classmates is too naive.

He was spoiled by his mother who used an owl to send him a big bag of candy to school every day, and the villainous Lucius had no dignity and status in front of Naxisha, who made the Malfoy family follow William What about the Normans who came to England with me.

Although the Malfoys were Anglo-Saxons by any measure, their family was indeed Norman, and the cunning albino snake was as good at disguising it as Malfoy was when he pretended to be a pure blood native to England.

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